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American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)
Fowler Hall
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The American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI) is a holistic language evaluation used to determine global ASL proficiency. The basic precept in this type of evaluation is to find out through a face-to-face interview what an individual can do with the target language at a given point in time. The ASLPI is a 20-25 minute video recorded interactive dialogue between the examinee and the interviewer. The interview is rated by a team of evaluators and examinees are awarded an overall proficiency level on a 0-5 rating scale. Language proficiency evaluation was originally developed by the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) of the US Department of State and has been used by the government for decades. Adaptations to the language proficiency evaluation were made with respect to ASL and the ASLPI was born. The ASLPI is utilized by agencies, schools, universities, programs and employers.
Register for ASLPI
March 6, 2022
We recognize that individuals apply their American Sign Language (ASL) and English skills in a variety of ways, depending upon the communication needs of specific situations. The purpose of the ASLPI is to measure the American Sign Language (ASL) skills that an individual has at...
The information contained in this section is for examinees who have recently taken the ASLPI and are waiting for a result report, or have taken the ASLPI and received a result report. If you are curious as to how long it may take to receive...
The information contained in this section is to prepare you for your upcoming ASLPI evaluation. In addition to what to expect on test day and required dress for the evaluation, we also provide the criteria evaluated, how best to approach the ASLPI, functional descriptions for...
In looking back historically at ASLPI training, we first look to our predecessors for their tireless efforts and hard work in laying the foundation and stepping stones for us in the field of American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency evaluation. Through our full-time focus on ASLPI...
Study Sample: 1568 assessment interviews rated by ASLPI evaluators 1286 test candidates between 2008 and 2011 82 re-rated interviews Inter and intra-rater Reliability - measure of consistency between ratings of the same test taker from different evaluators. This is an "intra-class correlation" (ICC) for a...
Measurement Structure of the American Sign Language (ASL) Proficiency Construct as Assessed by the ASLPIThe findings provided evidence that a majority of the variability in the five dimensions was attributable to a single higher-order construct. That is, a majority of the variability in dimension ratings...
A very important component of any successful business is having a "storage warehouse" of essential data. The development of our needs-specific database began in 1996 and expansion of the database's capabilities continues today. Information stored in the database dates back to 1988. It has grown...
This information does not reflect the total number of examinees, but only those who chose to respond to our survey. This data is from the Spring 2019 testing session.
Click HERE to open and complete the Proctor Agreement in Google Forms.
Summary of Preliminary Results for Depiction and Proficiency Research Project Date of research: March 2014 - August 2019 Study description: The aim of this research is to determine how depiction usage compares among signers of different ASLPI levels, gain a better understanding of types of...
The majority of results fall within the 2-3 proficiency level range. This national distribution includes examinees who are deaf, hard of hearing, late deafened and hearing who range in background, experience, education, age and acquisition of ASL.
Date of dissertation defense: March 30, 2018 Study description: The study investigated how select language features in signers, with varying American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency levels, may impact novice ASL-English interpreters' interpreted work. Study results: Findings showed that ASLPI Level 4 signers produced the most...
Spring: January 24 - May 13 Summer: May 30 - August 12 Fall: August 29 - December 9 No Service March 14 - 18 Spring Break May 30 Memorial Day June 20 Juneteenth May 16 - 27 Wrap up prior to Summer service July 4...
Welcome! For examinees who plan to take the ASLPI from another location, a site and Proctor are required. Examinees are required to find a neutral space that is suitable for testing, and for someone (preferably an employee at the location) to be present on test...
Research Recommendations and Implementation In 2010-2012, the ASLPI evaluation system underwent validity and reliability studies by an external research and consulting firm. The lead researcher traveled to Gallaudet University to present about the findings to the Gallaudet faculty and administration (outcomes posted above). Upon conclusion...
Gallaudet commissioned research studies on the ASLPI to: investigate and document validity and reliability of the ASLPI (current state); identify best-practices and standards for language assessments that can be applied to the ASLPI; identify the gap between current and desired states and make recommendations to...
American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, & National Council on Measurement in Education (1999). Standards for educational and psychological testing. Washington, DC: Author. The Standards provides guidelines/responsibilities but is not prescriptive in how to achieve them ASTM Language Proficiency Testing Standards. (ASTM International, known...
Research FirmSWA Consulting, Inc (SWA)311 S. Harrington St., Suit 200Raleigh, NC 27603 Dr. Eric A. Surface is the president of SWA Consulting, Inc. (SWA; formerly Surface, Ward, & Associates), a management consulting and applied personnel research firm based in Raleigh, NC. SWA focuses on developing...
Those who develop and utilize tests are responsible for demonstrating and documenting the effectiveness of their assessments. Effectiveness is typically demonstrated by providing evidence of the reliability and validity of the assessment's use for specific purposes and for specific populations of test-takers. Given that the...
The ASLPI is a standardized holistic language proficiency evaluation that provides testing nationally and internationally. The ASLPI provides comprehensive training, consultation and evaluation of American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency and communicative competence to promote each individual to higher education, intellectual and professional advancement for direct...
In September 2008, Mr. Mel Carter transferred the intellectual property rights for the ASLPI to Gallaudet University. It is a tremendous honor bestowed upon Gallaudet University, one that comes with great responsibility. The number one goal is to provide quality services that are reliable and...
ALPI service demand through the years.
On March 3, 2019, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) sent a letter to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) in response to the open call for comments on the proposed position statement prepared by the ASHA Ad Hoc Committee to Develop a Position Statement...
ASLPI Evaluation: $165.00 ASLPI Evaluations with Proctor: $165.00 plus $20.00 compensation provided directly to Proctor. Gallaudet Students, Faculty, and Staff: Please send email to: Contactregarding fees. Late Cancellation / No Show / Late Arrival Policy: (applies to all examinees) If any of the following occurs,...
ASLPI evaluations are offered in a live format as well as from a distance via videophone / videoconferencing. For the distance format, a proctor is required to provide the logistical oversight for the process. Over the years, we have developed wonderful collaborative relationships with proctors...
Chief Bilingual Officer
Associate ASL Diagnostician
Senior ASL Diagnostician
Senior ASLPI Coordinator