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Investing In and Caring For Our Community

There is no place in the world like Gallaudet University.

At the very heart of Gallaudet University is a strong, passionate, and committed community like no other:

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Gallaudet University could not be prouder of this community. University leadership, from the Board of Trustees to the President and Executive Leadership Team, are committed to providing a positive, supportive, and respectful campus environment for all. Each and every day since the university’s establishment in 1864, Gallaudet is living proof of the extraordinary talent, value, human diversity and contributions our deaf and signing communities bring to the world and workplaces far beyond our campus.
None of this is possible without our Bison Strong community.

How We Are Investing In and Caring for Our Community

At Gallaudet University, we always want to ensure that our stakeholders, including our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and donors, have accurate and reliable information about Gallaudet. This includes information about our competitive compensation and quality benefits, which are essential to providing a collaborative, supportive, and respectful work environment for all university employees.

Gallaudet University leadership recognizes the concerns regarding compensation raised by faculty, staff and teachers, and we acknowledge the difficulties and challenges that many have faced in recent years, especially with post-pandemic inflation and today’s significant cost of living increases. 

Our leadership, including our Board of Trustees, not only recognize these challenges, but we also remain fully committed to working collaboratively with our faculty, staff and teachers and doing as much as we possibly can to secure pay increases.

Competitive Compensation

One of the top priorities at Gallaudet University is ensuring competitive compensation and quality benefits. We strive to accomplish this on an ongoing basis through multiple avenues of shared governance. This includes university leadership meeting regularly throughout the year with the leadership of the university’s Faculty Senate and Gallaudet Staff Council. Additionally, the Faculty, Administration and Board (FAB) Committee of the Board of Trustees meets prior to each Board meeting. Faculty and staff also are represented on the university’s Financial Planning Committee (FPC) that makes university budget recommendations prior to each fiscal year and participates in multi-year budget planning. 

After discussions with Faculty Senate leadership, the Gallaudet Staff Council, and the Executive Team, President Roberta Cordano approached the Board of Trustees in February 2024 to solicit their support to ensure that we care for our people and talent. After some deliberation, and in direct response to the concerns raised through our shared governance system with faculty and staff, the Board approved President Cordano’s request to support a multi-year commitment to increase employee compensation, which includes faculty, by up to $12 million over the next three fiscal years (FY 2025 through FY 2027), provided that Gallaudet meets its operational and financial goals. 

Quality Benefits

In addition to competitive compensation, Gallaudet provides excellent benefits and retirement packages, including pensions, because the university participates in the federal benefits systems. Importantly, on average, Gallaudet employee benefits account for 36.5 to 48 percent of salary, depending on the employee’s choice of benefits, which is among the best in the metropolitan Washington area.

Recent Actions Taken

While Gallaudet leadership continues to prioritize faculty and employee compensation, several faculty and staff pay increases (including both salary and benefits) have been implemented in recent years:

  • In 2024, the Board of Trustees unanimously voted in support of President Cordano’s request to increase employee compensation, faculty included, by up to $12 million between FY 2025 and FY 2027, provided operational efficiencies are improved and agreed-upon operating margins, revenue growth and enrollment increases are all met.

  • Salary increases totaling $10+ million under President Cordano’s tenure. This includes merit pay increases, general pay increases, pay adjustments for some faculty, teachers, and staff, and teacher step pay increases.

  • Faculty and staff received a merit increase in 2018. Sixty-eight out of 165 faculty members were granted upward salary revisions between 2020 and 2023. These salary revisions are separate from, and in addition to, general pay increases (GPI), which were awarded to all eligible employees in 2021 and 2022.

About Faculty Compensation

Several faculty pay increases* have been implemented during the past several years, including:

Faculty merit pay increases in 2018,
totaling $530,214.

Faculty general pay increases in 2021 and 2022,
totaling $1,305,970.

Pay adjustment for some faculty from 2016 to 2023,
totaling $605,486. This does not include promotion or additional responsibilities.

* Including both salary and benefits.

Financial Stewardship, Working Together

Like many higher education institutions today, Gallaudet faces key economic challenges. This includes rising operational costs and significant expenditures to ensure vital modernization and maintenance to our campus facilities.

As financial stewards, university leadership must always consider and balance priorities in the best interests of Gallaudet’s future. While we continue to do so, we also remain both hopeful and confident that together, with continued productive dialogue with university faculty and staff, we can make our university an even better, stronger campus for all.

Addressing, Correcting AAUP Concerns and Claims

The university always wants to be sure our campus and extended community have accurate information. With this in mind, here are several key facts, clarifications, and corrections around some recent questions and claims regarding faculty compensation, including those raised by the Gallaudet chapter of American Association of University Professors (AAUP).

Gallaudet faculty received merit increases in 2018. Sixty-eight out of 165 faculty members were granted upward salary revisions between 2020 and 2023. These salary revisions are separate from, and in addition to, general pay increases, which apply to all eligible employees. GPI (General Pay Increases) were awarded to all faculty in 2021 and 2022.

Gallaudet University administrative salaries were $2,216,003 in Fiscal Year 2019, and $2,872,841 in Fiscal Year 2022, an increase of $656,838.

At the request of the faculty, Gallaudet divided one administrator position into three roles (CFO, Legal, and COO) to better serve the university and provide a balance between those three divisions.

In fact, executive salaries, including the president’s salary, as a percentage of gross general wages, has decreased from 20% in 2019 to 13% in 2022, which demonstrates that we have focused significantly on increasing salaries for faculty and staff.

The Gallaudet faculty average salary for 9 months of teaching is $94,189. This equates to $125,585 on an annual basis.

The university commissioned a study by Ernst & Young during Fiscal Year 2021, which showed that Gallaudet is positioned above the market median plus a 10 percent premium across all ranks. We also need to ensure we are comparing apples to apples when looking at other schools in the metro D.C. area. For example, Gallaudet does not have a hospital nor a law school which impacts salaries.

The funds in Gallaudet University’s endowment are restricted-use funds, with a majority being donor-restricted and a smaller second portion being Board-designated restricted.

Gallaudet University spent $7.5 million on consultants in FY22. This is roughly 3.4% of the university’s total expenditures, which is comparable to, if not lower than, many other higher ed institutions.

The mean faculty salary is lower principally due to higher-paid faculty members retiring or taking buyouts, not because of pay cuts.

While the building that housed the university library for 40 years undergoes extensive renovation, or is replaced, the university has moved the library to another location on campus with staffing and operations fully intact.

The university offers aid to all students who demonstrate financial need and is not cutting stipends.

Gallaudet University has seen a very significant increase in federal, corporate, and foundation research dollars in recent years. We have also seen a commensurate increase in research spending as a result.

Gallaudet University last offered a voluntary retirement program in 2020.

This is a significant figure that should always be included in any discussion related to the university’s operations.

Gallaudet University provides excellent benefits and retirement packages, including pensions, in great part because the university participates in the federal health and retirement systems. Importantly, on average, Gallaudet employee benefits account for 36.5 to 48 percent of salary, depending on the employee’s choice of benefits, which is among the best in the metropolitan Washington area.