Areas of Study

In looking back historically at ASLPI training, we first look to our predecessors for their tireless efforts and hard work in laying the foundation and stepping stones for us in the field of American Sign Language (ASL) proficiency evaluation. Through our full-time focus on ASLPI evaluation, we have built and expanded upon the initial training of the past for quality assurance. Significant changes have been made to the initial training and refresher training has been developed resulting in comprehensive and rigorous programs to ensure individuals develop and maintain skills needed for ASLPI evaluation work.

With the increasing demand for the ASLPI, The ASLPI conducts periodic ASLPI trainings. Whether participants are new to the field of ASL proficiency evaluation, or they have experience working in the field of ASL proficiency evaluation, all participants are required to proceed through the same training program. Exit tests and mock interview cycles are used to determine if the participant has the requisite skills needed for rating and interviewing.

All approved evaluators are mandated to participate in a comprehensive cyclical biannual refresher training program focusing on maintaining strong interviewing skills and rating reliability. The refresher training monitors and supports evaluators as they work to maintain this competency. Interviews are also randomly selected for review for quality assurance purposes. Given the high stakes nature of the ASLPI, the training and expectations of ASLPI evaluators is comprehensive and rigorous. Evaluators, both full-time and on contract, also participate in reliability activities by re-rating randomly selected interviews conducted in the previous year. Quality assurance is a high priority!

We receive inquires from around the country about receiving ASLPI training. Before moving forward, given the high stakes nature of this system, assurances that must be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Consistent high quality interviews are conducted
  • Inter- and intra-rating reliability is maintained for all approved evaluators
  • Impact that frequency of work has on reliability
  • Standardization of policies, procedures and protocol
  • Requirements for participation in re-rating activities, and cyclical refresher training
  • Centralized housing of all evaluation data, results and video recorded interviews
  • Overall system infrastructure, support and maintenance program

If you conduct ASLPIs or identify yourself as an ASLPI evaluator, please contact The ASLPI so we can discuss your program and status. If you are interested in scheduling an ASLPI or a group of ASLPIs (live or via videophone), please send email to: Contact.

We are committed to providing high quality and reliable ASLPIs, professionalizing the ASLPI evaluation system, aligning the ASLPI with best practices in the field, and our service to you.

Contact Us

American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)

Fowler Hall 410

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