
Research Firm
SWA Consulting, Inc (SWA)
311 S. Harrington St., Suit 200
Raleigh, NC 27603

Dr. Eric A. Surface is the president of SWA Consulting, Inc. (SWA; formerly Surface, Ward, & Associates), a management consulting and applied personnel research firm based in Raleigh, NC. SWA focuses on developing evidence-based human performance solutions for clients. For over a decade, Dr. Surface has worked with military, non-profit, and private-sector organizations-such as the United States Special Operations Command, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, and IBM-on projects related to performance, training, work-related foreign language, work analysis, testing, and organizational effectiveness. Dr. Surface has been published in Personnel Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, Human Performance, Military Psychology, Journal of Management, and Foreign Language Annals. He has presented numerous papers at academic, professional, and military conferences and has served as a reviewer for several conferences and journals. His research interests include training effectiveness (broadly defined), the interaction of context and individual differences to influence criteria, foreign language proficiency testing and training, the use of technology for training delivery, test validation, and survey methodology. Dr. Surface earned his PhD in industrial/organizational psychology from NCSU, his MA from East Carolina University, and his BA from Wake Forest University. He is a former Consortium Research Fellow and Consortium Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with the Army Research Institute.

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