Areas of Study

A very important component of any successful business is having a “storage warehouse” of essential data. The development of our needs-specific database began in 1996 and expansion of the database’s capabilities continues today. Information stored in the database dates back to 1988. It has grown into a sophisticated multi-functional system that houses data, performs a wide range of functions, and generates a variety of reports from overviews to complex analysis.

All pertinent data for the ASLPI is stored in the confidential and secure the ASLPI database. ASLPI examinees can rest easy knowing that their data is confidentially maintained as well as accessible now and into the future if needed. If you need a copy of your results from an ASLPI taken in years past, just send your request to ASLPI at the email below.

A range of reports have been developed for various purposes and from an array of perspectives to meet the needs of the clients we serve. Reports include, but are not limited to:

  • An historical report that in chronological order details for an individual the “history” of language learning activities (i.e. ASL classes, grades and attendance, diagnostic assessments, 1:1: tutoring sessions, ASLPI results, etc.).
  • A report for any given time period (e.g. fall semester; the last two years). That report is flexible in that data can be manipulated to list names in alphabetical order with corresponding ASLPI results, or sorted by grouping all individuals at each proficiency level (e.g. 0, 0+, 1, 1+, 2, etc.).
  • A report is provided to the Gallaudet Board of Trustees (BoT) as part of the annual report which provides the BoT with an overview of ASLP proficiency levels on campus.

The database functions also support the ASLPI by providing the ability to analyze language learning patterns, rater reliability, rater patterns, and interviewer/rater activity. Information and reports generated by the database assist in supporting and improving services, programs, and training. If you have a need for a specific report, please let us know by sending an email to ASLPI at the email listed below and we will do our best to meet your needs.

Contact Us

American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)

Fowler Hall 410

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