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American Sign Language Prof...
ASLPI Proctors
Fowler Hall 410
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For examinees who plan to take the ASLPI from another location, a site and Proctor are required. Examinees are required to find a neutral space that is suitable for testing, and for someone (preferably an employee at the location) to be present on test day to assist with the logistical oversight for the testing process. The evaluation takes approximately 20-25 minutes.
We are grateful for the assistance from sites and Proctors in making the ASLPI accessible to examinees worldwide. Given that we cannot be there to provide the direct oversight for the language proficiency testing, we rely on Proctors to work with our office to ensure the evaluations take place in accordance with system protocol, processes and procedures.
Site Requirements
The goal of the examinee is to find a neutral space that is suitable for testing, and for someone (preferably an employee at the location) to be present at that location to assist with logistical oversight. The evaluation takes approximately 20-25 minutes. Spaces are often modified temporarily so ASLPI testing can happen and then returned to the way they were prior to testing. We work with each site to assist with making space modification recommendations (as needed).
For locations that do not have videophones, we offer a free video conferencing software that we utilize for ASLPI testing. Free services such as Skype and FaceTime are not permitted because of the random issues with connection, clarity, freezing and pixilation.
See the picture below for the space needs:
Proctor Requirements
A Proctor is required for all distance/remote ASLPIs. The Proctor is typically an employee of the place of business, institution or agency. Students at educational institutions may not serve as ASLPI Proctors (unless pre-approval is obtained), nor can the Proctor be personally affiliated (i.e. friend or relative) with the examinee. It is helpful if the Proctor has some signing skills; however, we can also work with a Proctor who is a non-signer. The Proctor is not involved with the evaluation, but assures The ASLPI that the evaluation will take place in accordance with the system processes and protocol. The Proctor also ensures the evaluation is not recorded, observed or interrupted.
Set-Up Check
The set-up check must take place at least one week prior to the evaluation date. The set-up check provides us with an opportunity to meet the Proctor and check the video technology, clarity, connection, lighting, background and surrounding environment to ensure they are suitable for the evaluation. We also review the Proctor duties and what to expect on test day to ensure a smooth and seamless process. This should only take a few minutes if the Proctor prepares the area in accordance with the space requirements prior to the set-up check connection.
Proctor Compensation
For the Proctor’s time and assistance with the logistical oversight of this formal language testing process, the examinee will compensate the Proctor in the amount of $20.00. We leave it to the discretion of the Proctor to collect or waive this compensation. If your office charges more for proctoring services, please communicate that to our office and to the examinee directly.
If you are collecting the Proctor compensation, please do not be shy about asking the examinee to provide the compensation on the day of the evaluation, and before the evaluation begins. The examinee is aware that Proctor compensation is required for a distance/remote evaluation. If you would like to receive the Proctor compensation in advance of the evaluation date, please make that known in email when the scheduling process is taking place. We will ensure the examinee is aware of that.
Proctor Agreement (required form)
All new Proctors must complete the Proctor Agreement for Distance/Remote ASLPI. Standing Proctors whose contact information has changed may also fill out the form to notify The ASLPI of those changes.
Questions / Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns during this process (before, during or after the evaluation has concluded), please send email to: Contact
American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)