Areas of Study

These tips and guidelines will remind you of some common errors and show you how to correct them.

Changing a Word’s Part of Speech With Word Endings

Some words can become different parts of speech by changing their endings or their placement in the sentence. The forms of these words look almost the same but depending on which part of speech they are, their spelling may change. Some words use the same...

Grammar and Vocabulary

Resource Type: Learning Materials

Common Errors

Common Errors *ACTIVE vs PASSIVE*ARTICLES*CLAUSES*COMPARISONS*ED/ING *MISPLACED MODIFIERS*NON-COUNT NOUNS*PARALLELISM*PARTS OF SPEECH*PHRASES *POSSESSIVES*PRONOUN/NOUN ANTECEDENT*QUESTION FORMS*SENTENCES*VERBS With things rather than people or animals, don't use -'s to show possession. NO: The table's leg is broken. YES: A leg of the table is broken. YES: The table leg is...

Grammar and Vocabulary

Resource Type: Learning Materials

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Grammar and Vocabulary

JSAC 1225



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