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Grammar and Vocabulary
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It is easy to make grammar and punctuation errors. The English Center provides Gallaudet students with help in understanding grammatical rules, including tips and guidelines that will remind you of some common errors and of how to correct them.
Punctuation & Grammar Parts of Speech Modals Conjunctions & Interjections Word Endings Common Errors
Prepositions are words that express the relation of a noun or pronoun to another word in the sentence. Prepositions show the relationships between things, people, and places. Prepositions Using "On" Correctly In, On, At (Expressions of Time) In, On, At (Expressions of Place) Links on...
Nouns Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Pronouns Conjunctions Prepositions Interjections Persons Places Things Qualities Concepts Actions child typist Mr. Harris Martha lobby courtroom Chicago college desk phone computer book dependability honesty loyalty sincerity beauty truth knowledge happiness walking/to walk typing/to type writing/to write thinking/to think The first...
A sentence is a group of words that forms a statement or command. Every sentence should have a subject and a verb, and the subject and verb must "agree." The links below have more information and instruction about sentences: Sentence Guidelines Basic Sentence Patterns Subject/Verb...
A verb tells what the subject of the sentence does, says, thinks, or feels. The verb also communicates when things take place. Forms of Regular Verbs Guide to Verb Tenses Simple Present and Present Continuous Irregular Verb List Basic Verb Patterns Action Verbs and Linking...
In English, "-s" is often added to the end of a noun or verb. This page will demonstrate five different situations that require an "S." You need to show plurality when talking about more than one or speaking in general terms about all of the...
Vocabulary Ideas for Improving Your Vocabulary Suffixes to Know Vocabulary Links Focusing on Words (Senior Scribe Publications) English Vocabulary Quizzes (The Internet TESL Journal) Word of the Day (Merriam-Webster) Puzzles, Games, etc. (The Puzzle Depot) Word Play (Judi Wolinsky) Vocabulary (Vocabulary University) The EFL Playhouse...
Identifying Subjects #1 Identifying Subjects #2 Identifying Subjects #3 Count and Non-Count Nouns: Much/Many Count and Non-Count Nouns: Arriving at Gallaudet Identifying Verbs 1 Identifying Verbs 2 Simple Present and Present Continuous Tenses Exercise 1 Using the Passive Voice in Scientific Writing Exercise One Word...
There are two kinds of articles: definite and indefinite. The definite article (the) can be singular or plural. The indefinite article (a or an) is singular, and cannot be used with a plural noun. A, An, The: General or Specific Use When to Use "A,"...
Count nouns refer to people, places, or things that can be counted. They can be made plural, usually by adding -s or -es at the end. Here is a chart of some count nouns, the categories into which they fit, and their singular and plural...
A conjunction connects phrases, words, or clauses and is often used as a transition. There are two kinds of conjunctions: Coordinating and Subordinating. And, but, or, for "Gallaudet teachers communicate in American Sign Language and English." either... or; neither... nor; both... and; not only... but...
Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They often-- but not always-- have 'ly' at the end of the word.
Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Check out the additional adjectives resources below.
ESL Grammar Links English Grammar for ESL Students ( HyperGrammar (University of Ottawa) Dave's ESL Cafe Resources for English as a Second Language The Internet Grammar of English (University College London) The Internet TESL Journal ESL: Games (The Internet TESL Journal) Activities for ESL Students...