Areas of Study

The ASL video and the English text on this page are the same message offered bilingually.

Nature of the Self-Study

Gallaudet’s current MSCHE Self-Study is taking place at a critical juncture in the university’s history. In response to higher expectations in higher education, accountability from the federal government, MSCHE standards, and changing political and economic times, Gallaudet University has become more intentional and focused in aligning our work to achieve our mission in the drive for more clarity and accountability in how we model our multicultural, bilingual mission and education. 

Along with the changes initiated during the MSCHE monitoring process (2006-2008) and with the last Self-Study conducted 2011-2012 with a successful reaffirmation of accreditation status in 2013, Gallaudet has undertaken systematic approaches to continuous improvement through analysis of evidence and the kind of transparency required of effective institutions of higher education. Much of that documentation began as part of the monitoring that led to the reaffirmation of Gallaudet’s accreditation in 2008 has continued. Gallaudet University has maintained and utilized documentation, assessment, and planning processes for continuous improvement of the institution, particularly in relation to MSCHE’s Standards and Requirements of Affiliation.

Contact Us

MSCHE Self-Study Timeline 2020-2023

College Hall 410A

(202) 559-5370


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