
The ASL video and the English text on this page are the same message offered bilingually.

Gallaudet University is a private urban institution of higher education that receives the majority of its funding from the federal government. Gallaudet attracts students from across the United States, as well as internationally. Gallaudet was established and is maintained through the Education of the Deaf Act in order to provide programs that will improve the lives of deaf people.

The Gallaudet University MSCHE visiting team should be composed of members who are familiar with institutions that are similar in one or more ways. Similarities might include:

  1. Functional similarity: 
    1. Public or private 4 year and above
    2. Liberal arts university or college
    3. Size (less than 3,000 students)
  2. Student body characteristics: 
    1. Open admissions policy
    2. Representatives from a sociocultural lens of disability 
    3. Average ACT score
    4. Multilingual study body
    5. Comparable percentage of Pell grant recipients 

A potential conflict of interest may be universities and colleges that are technical; they should not serve on the visiting team.

Contact Us

MSCHE Self-Study Timeline 2020-2023

College Hall 410A

(202) 559-5370


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