Areas of Study

The ASL video and the English text on this page are the same message offered bilingually.

The Executive Committee (composed of the two Co-Chairs, the current ALO, and the Associate Provost for Student Success and Academic Quality) of the Steering Committee is responsible for the communication plan aligned to the timeline above. Self-Study updates will be emailed to all campus constituents at least twice a semester. Open forums, designed to engage the campus in the Self-Study, will be held at least twice before the final editing of the Self-Study. Open forum announcements will be emailed and shared during shared governance meetings and meetings of collective bargaining units. A form will be posted on the Self-Study website to collect additional feedback for those who are unable to attend the open forums. Additional events will be planned leading up to the team visit. The 2022-2023 Self-Study website will also serve as the communication hub for the process.

Contact Us

MSCHE Self-Study Timeline 2020-2023

College Hall 410A

(202) 559-5370


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