

Gallaudet University operates with the principles of shared governance, and the Board of Trustees has the fundamental responsibility and ultimate authority for institutional legal, fiscal, academic, and operational well-being. The faculty, administration, and the Board of Trustees each have primary responsibilities which overlap in some instances.

The University Faculty Handbook: A statement of policies and procedures, including conditions of employment. In the spirit of shared governance, the University Faculty shall work with the administration to develop proposals for amendments to the University Faculty Handbook that can be recommended to the Board of Trustees for approval.

The University Faculty Bylaws: A statement of how the University Faculty shall operate. The faculty has responsibility for initiating changes to the document and for acting on such proposals. The University Faculty will keep the administration and the Board of Trustees informed of all changes it makes to the bylaws.


The principal decision-making body of the faculty:

The UF shares with the institution the highest level of responsibility for developing and maintaining an intellectual climate and relevant professional and disciplinary standards the UF through its governance structures

  1. shall establish courses of study requirements for admission or transfer, requirements for graduation for the associate, baccalaureate and graduate degrees;
  2. shall determine academic discipline;
  3. shall recommend to the president and Board of Trustees candidates for degrees;
  4. shall regulate faculty status and conduct.


Council on Undergraduate Education

The Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) is an elected, representative body of the undergraduate faculty at Gallaudet. We review policies, procedures, and curriculum changes that affect undergraduate students and faculty. Below is a list of current CUE members. Feel free to contact any of them...

Council on Graduate Education

The Council of Graduate Education is an elected representative body of Gallaudet faculty members who are charged with supporting excellence in graduate education. Primarily, this body exists to review new program adoptions and modifications to GU’s current curricula. All curriculum actions must be proposed via...


Contact Us

Faculty Governance

8:00 am-4:30 pm
8:00 am-4:30 pm
8:00 am-4:30 pm
8:00 am-4:30 pm
8:00 am-4:30 pm

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