Areas of Study

Resources and guides on writing lab reports.

Writing a Book Review

Purpose The purpose of a book review is to help other people decide whether or not they want to read a book. You do this by summarizing the book and by evaluating how well the writer wrote the book. The book review can explain the...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

Writing Critical Essays about Literature

The critical essay should have the same structural characteristics as any other kind of essay. Please see our Structure of an Essay explanation and picture to refresh your memory. However, the kind of information that a critical essay should include can be very different from...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

Sample Biology Lab Report at Gallaudet University

Lab Report >Sample Updated: 2005 Demonstration of a close genetic relationship between human and chimpanzee through the Nutall precipitation reaction Abstract Some scientists theorize that humans and chimpanzees evolved from a common ancestor millions of years ago. Because of this theory, we hypothesized that the...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

Lab Report Citations and Bibliographic Format

Developed by Gallaudet University Department of Biology Citations and the Bibliography for Biology Lab Reports If you use material from lectures, lab manuals, textbooks or outside sources including internet references, make sure to acknowledge the source with an in-text citation. You do not necessarily need...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

Checklist for a Biology Lab Report at Gallaudet University

Developed by Derek Braun and Raymond Merritt, Gallaudet University Department of Biology Title and Abstract Does your title appropriately summarize your conclusion, in one sentence? Does your abstract summarize the paper in one paragraph, beginning with a brief introduction to the paper and ending with...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

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