Areas of Study

Find Where You Belong!

Are you ready to dive into a world of endless possibilities, where connections are made, passions are ignited, and memories are created? Look no further! Gallaudet University’s student organizations and clubs are your ticket to an unforgettable college experience. Get ready to explore a kaleidoscope of interests, passions, and opportunities right at your fingertips!

🫂 Connect: Discover groups that resonate with your interests and connect with like-minded peers.

🔎 Explore: From academics to arts, athletics to service, there’s something for everyone to dive into and explore.

🚀 Lead: Step up, lead, and leave your mark on campus with leadership opportunities in various groups.

🤝 Get in Touch: Contact clubs and organizations directly for more info via email, social media, or in person.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Affinity-Based Groups

African Student Union (ASU)

President: Michaela Okosi | Contact: ASU | Follow@Gallaudet_ASU

Asian Pacific Islander Association (APIA)

President: Elgin Hebrado | Contact: APIA | Follow: @APIA.Gally

Black Student Union (BSU)

President: Kiristin CLark | Contact: BSU | Follow: @GU_BSU


President: Walker Casler | Contact: CODAdet | Follow: @C0DAdet

English Language Institute Student Organization (ELISO)

President: Miracle Anadi | Contact: ELISO | Follow: @GallaudetELISO

Global Student Association (GLSA)

President: Anita Gopal | Contact: GLSA | Follow: @GLSAGallaudet

Latine Student Union (LSU)

President: Bryant Gonzalez | Contact: LSU | Follow: @GULatineStudentUnion

Muslim Student Association (MSA)

President: Abdul Samed Sani | Contact: MSA | Follow: @GallaudetMSA

Rainbow Society

President: Micah Lovell | Contact: Rainbow | Follow: @GURainbowBison

Class-Based Groups

Class of 2024

President: Dekisha Smith | Contact: c/o 2024 | Follow: @GUClassOf2024

Class of 2025

President: Reza Mosher | Contact: c/o 2025 | Follow: @GU.ClassOf25

Class of 2026

President: Trey Johnson | Contact: c/o 2026 | Follow: @GU.ClassOf26

Class of 2027

President: Pepper Beshears | Contact: c/o 2027 | Follow: @GUClassOf27

Governance-Based Groups

Graduate Students Association (GSA)

President: Dacey Curtis | Contact: GSA | Follow: @GSAGally

Student Body Government (SBG)

President: Cynthia Ortega | Contact: SBG | Follow: @SBGally

Greek-Based Groups

Alpha Sigma Pi Fraternity

President: Chandler Sexton-Ruiz | Contact: ASP | Follow: @AlphaSigmaPi1947

Delta Epsilon Sorority

President: Tiffany Cochran | Contact: DE | Follow: @DeltaEpsilon

Greek President Council

President: Nevan Graves | Contact: GPC

Kappa Gamma Fraternity

President: Nevan Graves | Contact: KG | Follow: @KappaGamma1901

Kappa Sigma Fraternity

President: Morris Patrick | Contact: KS | Follow: @KS_MuIota

Kappa Theta Phi Sorority

President: Jadzia Ingram | Contact: KTP | Follow: @KappaThetaPhi2016

Phi Kappa Zeta Sorority

President: Jenica Teregeyo | Contact: PKZ | Follow: @PhiKappaZeta

Interest-Based Groups

Bison With Attitude (BWA)

President: Midajah Davis | Contact: BWA | Follow: @BisonWithAttitude

Chess Club

President: N/A | Contact: Chess

Gallaudet University Disc Golf Club (GUDGC)

President: Donovan Holmes | Contact: GUDGC | Follow: @GallyDiscGolf

Gallaudet University Pickleball Club (GUPBC)

President: Conrad Angelo Santos |Contact: GUPBC | Follow: @GallaudetPickleball

Gallaudet University Volleyball Club (GUVBC)

President: Ben Campman | Contact: GUVBC

Motion Z (majorette troupe)

President: Chelsea Sampson | Contact: Motion Z | Follow: @GUMotionZ

Students Against Mass Incarceration (SAMI)

President: Bobbi Morris, Latoya Plummer, & Mara Land | Contact: SAMI | Follow: @Gally.SAMI

Thrift Marketplace

President: Maizy Grace Wilcox | Contact: Thrift | Follow: @Thriftmarket.Gallaudet

Contact Us

Student Engagement and Leadership

I King Jordan Student Academic Center (JSAC) 1000

(202) 250-2600

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