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The Disability-inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction & Emergency Planning Program (DEP) is an 18-credit graduate certificate and undergraduate minor program that trains professionals to work in the growing fields of disaster and emergency management.
As the world’s first and only university-level program of its kind, the DEP Program combines course-based, hands-on, and site-based components that serve as an incubator for innovation in a wide range of activities, including; Deaf centered risk assessment of physical structures and human rights/DEIA, policy recommendations, effective emergency communication, community participatory Disaster Risk Reduction training, and research, among other skill sets.
The DEP program is taught by an interdisciplinary faculty from the graduate programs in International Development, Interpreting & Translation, Public Administration, and Social Work, and faculty from the School of Science, Technology, Accessibility, Mathematics, and Public Health. DEP faculty developed the DEP Program as a response to real-world conditions, and from insights generated from their areas of research and practice. Key insights include: i. extreme weather and climate change events are increasing in frequency and severity; ii. Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, Deaf-plus, and people with disabilities tend to be marginalized from disaster and emergency communication, information, training, and professional work worldwide; iii. Deaf communities possess cultural and linguistic knowledge and skills necessary to improving disaster risk reduction and emergency management at local, national, regional, and international levels.
The program consists of six courses, culminating with a Summer Institute conducted with Deaf-Led organizations, emergency management, and/or research partners in a disaster impacted site in the US or another country where disaster planning activities are taking place.
To enroll in the graduate certificate program, students must be admitted to Gallaudet University as graduate or professional students and maintain a GPA of 3.0.
To satisfy the requirements for the graduate certificate, students are expected to earn a grade of “B” or above in all courses, and to maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
All certificate program/undergraduate minor students will pay a fee of $1000 to cover travel, room, and board for the Summer Institute, coordinated by Education Abroad in a country where disaster planning activities are taking place.
Admissions Requirements
Undergraduate students interested in pursuing a minor track in Disaster and Emergency Planning within their undergraduate Public Health, Social Work or other undergraduate degree program, must demonstrate evidence of:
Undergraduate students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor in their home program and the IDMA program director as early as possible to determine eligibility for the minor track.
To declare the DEP minor, interested students should:
Technology requirements and Computer Requirements/skills: A Mac or PC computer with access to the internet capable of running a most recent and updated web browser is necessary for participation in our online courses. The minimum operating system is Windows XP or higher for PC and MacOS 10.5 or higher for Mac. See Online Computer Requirements for more detailed information. Students are responsible for obtaining their own Internet access and are expected to have basic computer and internet literacy prior to the start of the course, including use of email, word processing programs, presentation programs (such as PowerPoint), and the internet to search.
Summary of Requirements
Summer I
Students must declare their minor and be admitted to the minor track in order to participate in the course.
Spring I
This course focuses on collaborative formulation, development and evaluation of programs working with Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing people and people with disabilities in disaster and humanitarian contexts. Exploring current philosophical, theoretical, and methodological stances related to collaborative program development, course activities demonstrate the salience of international human rights frameworks for sign language-centered leadership and disability rights, and connect these to bi- and multilateral organizational and funding channels now undergoing enhancement as a result of the United Nations introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals. Using the latter as a foundation to identifying socioeconomic problems and barriers to self-determination, participation, and equity, students will design program proposals in response to an actual Request for Proposal (RFP). Work on peer teams, students will then submit an Evaluation Plan for an actual program. In addition to cultivating program development and evaluation skills, course activities provide students with opportunities to practice program management skills and grant-writing experience.
Permission of the instructor
The course introduces students to ArcGIS Online, an online Geographic Information System (GIS) application from Esri. With GIS, the student can explore, visualize, and analyze data; create 2D maps and 3D scenes with several layers of data to visualize multiple data sets at once; and share work to an online portal. GIS analytics tools are used in many disciplines and fields of practice including public health, history, sociology, political science, business, biology, international development, and information technology. In the end of the course, students will have the opportunity to take additional training on GIS applications in their specific field of interest.
MAT 101, 102, 125, or MAT 130; or permission of instructor. This section is designed for undergraduate students.
Summer II
Be admitted to the minor track, complete all other required and elective courses within the track
Fall I
IDP 775 introduces students to the design, planning, and implementation of community development projects with Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing people, signed language communities, and people with disabilities with a focus on disaster and humanitarian contexts. Theoretical frameworks address the nature of social change in societies around the world, the interrelationship between inequitable social conditions and efforts such conditions, and the value of local constituencies’ involvement in shaping change. Students will develop essential skills for designing projects, as well as training in collaborative team-building and facilitation of projects that are sensitive to local communities’ viewpoints, social interests, and leadership in local and international development networks.
Current enrollment in the International Development Masters of Arts Program; or permission of instructor
This course is a deep exploration of social equity and the field of public administration. Topics will include theories of social equity, demographic groups and contexts related to the study of social equity, organizational structures that support social equity, as well as policy and programmatic considerations. The ultimate goal of the course is to help students develop a solid understanding of the theory and practice of social equity.
This course is intended to serve as an introduction to the major issues of environmental health science with a focus on the United States, although global health issues are considered as well. We will examine what those issues are, what determines them, and how they can be altered. As a survey of the many facets of environmental health, the course provides a broad overview for students wishing introduction to the field, as well as good grounding for students who wish to pursue additional coursework in environmental health.
PHS 101
This concentration course, taken in the second year, focuses on human behavior and the social environment of deaf and hard of hearing populations. The course looks at the complex interplay of psychosocial, system, and ecological forces in the life cycle development of individuals who experience deafness. The course explores forces of oppression and political and economic influences that impact the behavior, adaptation, and functioning of deaf and hard of hearing people.
SWK 705 and SWK 706
Explore the requirements for the Disaster and Emergency Planning Certificate at Gallaudet University, focusing on Deaf-centered approaches in global leadership.
Check out the program of study for the Disaster and Emergency Planning minor below. Eligibility for DEP Minor Track DEP Minor Track Summer I [face-to-face] Fall [hybrid/online] Spring [hybrid/online] Summer II [face-to-face] To be eligible to apply for the DEP minor track, students must demonstrate...
March 23, 2023
Associate Professor
Dean, Faculty
Assistant Professor
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Minor in Disability Inclusive DRR & Emergency Planning