Areas of Study


In order to apply for the Self-Directed Major, students must complete the proposal process. In addition, students must provide evidence of meeting the minimum requirements for the Self-Directed Major by submitting a copy of their transcript. Please submit both an electronic and paper copy of the application materials. This page provides both the forms students need to complete and the deadlines which students must meet.


Students wishing to have a proposal reviewed during the academic semester should submit the completed application to the chair of the committee by COB by the following deadline:
Fall (November 12)
Spring (April 15)


Self-Directed Major Proposal
Self-Directed Major Course Plan
Self-Directed Major Checklist

Examples of Self-Directed Majors

Education of Deaf Children in an International Context International Education and Development Deaf Cultural Film & Video Productions Biology with a Concentration in Audiology Deaf Education in Developing Countries Art Education Religious Studies Physical Education Teaching & Athletic Coaching International Education Deaf Education & Linguistics...

Self-Directed Major

Resource Type: Quick Guides

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Self-Directed Major

College Hall 201

(202) 250-2071

(202) 651-5085

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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