Areas of Study

In the business world, there are standards for written English just as there are in the classroom. If you are applying for a job, your resume and application should have certain qualities. If you are writing a memo to the staff, it should be formatted properly. To understand the use of written English in the business world, refer to some of our files below.

Work-Related Letters

Most business letters must include a return address (letterhead or your name and address), date, an inside address (receiver’s name and address), a salutation, body paragraphs, and a closing. However, there are several ways to format this information. For example, return addresses can be centered or begin at the left margin or begin at the horizontal center of the page.

Business Letter Formats

Before the Interview

After the Interview


In the business world, there are standards for written English just as there are in the classroom. If you are writing a memo to the staff, it should be formatted properly. To understand the use of written English in the business world, refer to some of our files below.

Memo Formats


  • Memos (The Writing Center at Rensselaer)


If you are applying for a job, your resume and application should have certain qualities. The following information will help you create a simple and efficient resume.

Resume Formats

Resume Samples

Resume Check List

Evaluation Check List for Resume Heading: Your name Your address (use current address for full time job; list home and school address for internship) Your telephone number (provide appropriate relay number in addition) Your internet or email address Objective: Some people omit this, if they...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

How to Write Memos

"I love being a writer," quipped novelist Peter Devries, "What I can't stand is the paperwork." When it comes to writing memos, most business people would agree. Mounting evidence shows that memos may be small, but they give big headaches to everyone from secretaries to...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

How to Write Resumes

Is there a job you are interested in and need to send in a resume? Want to create a resume and keep it on file? The following information will help you create a simple and efficient resume. Guidelines for writing resumes: Include your name, address,...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

Guide to Revising Your Resume

Read the job descriptions and think about where your education, skills, and abilities match what the employer wants. The strongest resumes match your skills with what the employer also wants. So... Where to begin? First, determine your focus. Know what the employer wants. Read job...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

[Sample] Resume format II

Jane Doe (123) 456-7890 Current 1234 USA Avenue Washington, DC 00000 Permanent 1234 USA Avenue Washington, DC 00000 Objective: A research or activist position in the field of human rights advocacy. Work Experience: Office Clerk Bison Shop Department, Gallaudet University September 2003 - February...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

[Sample] How to write a memo

To: U. Know Who From: Mem O. Writer Date: August 7, 2007 Subject: Memo writing I'd like for you to learn how to write memos correctly. You should get right to the point in any memo. Be personal by using "I," "you," and "we." Write...


Resource Type: Learning Materials

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