Areas of Study

Clerc Hall is an eight-story residence hall consisting mostly of six quads per floor. A quad is a suite of rooms that houses four people and contains two double rooms, a combined living and study room, and a bathroom. Each floor accommodates approximately 24 students. There are study and TV lounges on some floors. Each bedroom is equipped with a heating and air-conditioning unit, PVC flooring, Venetian blinds, beds, desks, chairs, wardrobe closets, and dressers. Each living and study room has a sofa and a coffee table. Clerc accommodates 173 residents.

  • Erected: 1971
  • Number of Floors: 8 plus Basement
  • Capacity: 47 Suites and 4 Apartments
  • Building History: The first co-ed residence hall on campus.
  • Building Height: It is 113 feet and six inches tall.
  • Square Footage: 58,495
  • Date of Dedication: April 6, 1974

The room diagram of a typical room in Clerc Hall can be viewed here.

Contact Us

Residence Life and Housing

Ely Center 132

(202) 250-2002

(202) 651-5255

(202) 651-5757

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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