Areas of Study

These international-level organizations work on behalf of deaf, deaf-blind, late-deafened, and hard of hearing people globally. Some international organizations strive to serve all nations when resources permit. Other international organizations specialize in a specified list of countries or regions. Consult the website for the organization that interests you, or communicate with them directly, to learn whether your country is included in its mission.

Deaf Child Worldwide
15 Dufferin Street
London EC1Y 8UR
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7549 0454
Minicom: +44 (0)20 7490 8656
Fax: +44 (0)20 7251 5020

Description: Deaf Child Worldwide works to defend the rights of deaf children, strengthen local organizations, and improve government services globally. Consult its web site for case studies of projects working with deaf children; its resource library of articles on deaf children; and a listing of future deaf-related events.

Deafblind International (DbI)
PO Box 143
Burswood, WA 6100
Tel: +61 8 9473 5400
TTY: +64 8 9473 5488
+61 8 9473 5499

Description: DbI brings together professionals, researchers, families, deafblind people and administrators to raise awareness of deafblindness. Central to our work is to support the development of services to enable a good quality of life for deafblind children and adults of all ages.

GPOD: Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Via F.lli Matteini 36
Istia (GR) 58100
Phone: (39) 338-1640244

Description: GPOD is an international collaboration of parent groups dedicated to promoting improved systemic protocols and practices which encourage informed choice and the empowerment of families with children who are deaf or have hearing loss.

International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD)
Comite International des Sports des Sourds (CISS)

528 Trail Avenue,
Frederick, Maryland 21701
United States of America
Fax: (301) 620-2990

Description: CISS is devoted to cherishing the spirit of Deaflympics in which Deaf athletes strive to reach the pinnacle of competition by embracing the motto of per ludos aequalitas (Equality through sports) and adhering to the ideals of the Olympics.

International Federation of the Hard of Hearing (IFHOH)
Box 6605
S – 113 84 Stockholm

Description: The IFHOH facilitates the exchange of information among organizations representing hard of hearing and late-deafened people. Consult its web site for a list of IFHOH member organizations and for papers on hard of hearing people and related topics. Visit their site to access the IFHOH biannual journal.

International Federation for hard of hearing Young People
Karina Chupina, President
Meidoornhof 42, 7621 CM Borne
The Netherlands

Description: IFHOHYP is an international non-governmental federation for national and regional youth organizations dedicated to hard of hearing young people throughout the world. It is committed to promoting equal rights for hard of hearing young people at all levels of the community. People may subscribe to IFHOHYP Mailing by emailing the secretary at

Quota International
1420 21st Street NW
Washington DC 20036
United States of America
Tel: (202) 331-9694
Fax: (202) 331-4395

Description: This international service organization links members of all ages, occupations, and nationalities in a worldwide network of service and friendship. Serves deaf, hard of hearing, and speech impaired people and disadvantaged women and children. Consult its website for a list of Quota International clubs around the world.

Sense International
101 Pentonville Road
London N1 9LG
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0)20 7520 0980
Fax: +44 (0)20 7520 0985

Description: Sense International works with deafblind people in developing countries so they can communicate, connect, interact, and flourish. Consult its web site for its list of regional offices in India, East Africa, Latin America, and Romania.

World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
PO Box 56216
London N4 2UD
United Kingdom

Description: WASLI offers information relevant to deaf and hearing sign language interpreters globally. Consult their newsletter and country reports for information about access to sign language interpreters for deaf people around the world.

World Federation of the Deaf
WFD General Secretariat
P.O. Box 65
Helsinki, Finland
Fax: +358 9 580 3572 (WFD President) (General info and enquiries) (Join as a member) (Ordering WFD merchandise)

Description: With more than 130 national deaf-run organizations in its membership, WFD acts as a spokes-organization for deaf people around the world. Consult its web site for policy papers and fact sheets on deaf people; a list of organizations that support developing countries; a list of industrialized country governments that support developing countries; and a web page targeted at deaf people in developing countries.

World Federation of the Deafblind
Lex Grandia, President
Snehvidevej 13
DK-9400 Noerresundby
Phone: +45 98 19 20 99
Fax: +45 98 19 20 57 (President) (Vice President) (Secretary General) (Treasurer) (Africa) (Asia) (Europe) (Latin America) (North America) (The Pacific)

Description: The WFDB represents national organizations of deafblind people internationally. It disseminates information about deafblindness and the services that deafblind people need to lead independent lives. Consult its web site for links to other deafblind organizations globally.

WRAD, Inc.
PO Box 3211
Quartz Hills, CA 93586
United States of America
Video Phone: (661) 943-8879
Phone: (661) 943-8879
TTY: (716) 586-4208
Fax: (716) 475-7101

Description: Provides programs, services, and activities to people who are hearing, deaf, or hard of hearing.

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Regional Deaf Organizations

These organizations serve deaf people in a specific region whether Africa, Asia, Europe, or elsewhere.

Association of Late Deafened Adults – Asia Pacific (ALDA-AP)
1233/B, LAC II, St. 37/B, Mehmoodabad # 6, (Behind United Bakery),
Karachi – 75640
Pakistan (Reaches Muhammad Akram)

Description: Open for membership to any late-deafened adult in the Asia Pacific region. Enables members to exchange coping strategies and participate in recreational programs, conferences, and workshops.

European Federation of Associations of Teachers of the Deaf

Description: FEAPDA is a group of Teachers of the Deaf that addresses issues concerning the education of deaf children and young people. Its website links to more associations of teachers of the deaf and other organizations working with deaf people throughout Europe.

European Federation of Hard of Hearing People (EFHOH)
c/o Hörselskadades Riksförbund
Box 6605
SE-113 84 Stockholm
Gävlegatan 16 (Office)
Phone: +46 8 457 5500
Fax: +46 8 457 5503

Description: EFHOH contains the European members of the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH). Their website has links to some national-level organizations of hard of hearing people in Europe.

European Federation of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children FEPEDA
Sari Paloposki, President
KLVL, Ilkantie 4
00400 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: + 358 40 7589539

Description: FEPEDA is a non-governmental umbrella organization set up to represent associations of parents and friends of deaf and hard of hearing children at a European level. Its membership includes national and regional associations as well as smaller groups and individuals from all of the European Union, Central and Oriental Europe and the Community of Independent States. FEPEDA is supported by KLVL.

European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters (EFSLI)
Maya de Wit, President
Vinkenhof 31
3741 WK Baarn
The Netherlands
Fax: +31 35 5339873 (Reaches EFSLI president)

Description: EFSLI is an organization of Sign Language Interpreters consisting of national and regional associations, individual, and associate members throughout Europe. Its website links to more interpreter organizations in Europe.

European Union of the Deaf
rue de la Loi – Wetstraat 26/15
B-1040 Brussels
Fax: +32-2-280-34-39

Description: The EUD comprises National Associations of Deaf people in Europe. It is the only organization representing the interests of Deaf Europeans at the European Union level. Consult its website to learn more detail about its member organizations and partners. Can be emailed via its web-based email form.

WFD Regional Secretariat for South America (RSSA)
Regional General Coordinator: Mr. Alexeis Vergara Estibill
C/O Asociación de Sordos de Chile (ASOCH)
Avenida José Pedro Alessandri N° 1251
Ñuñoa, Santiago

WFD Regional Secretariat for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean (RSMCAC)
Regional Director: Mr. Gerardo E. Carrillo Naranjo
c/o National Association of the Deaf of Costa Rica
Apartado 6552 – 1000
Fax: +506 257 8074

WFD Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific (WFDRSA/P)
Regional Director: Mr. Ichiro Miyamoto
S.K. Bldg. 8F
130 Yamabuki-cho, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo, 162-0801
Tel: +81 3 3268 8847
Fax: +81 3 3267 3445

WFD Regional Secretariat for Eastern and Southern Africa (RSESA)
Interim Regional Secretariat – Mr. Bruno Druchen
Deaf Federation of South Africa (DEAFSA)
Private Bag X04
Westhoven 2142

Eastern Europe and Middle Asia Regional Secretariat of WFD (EEMARS)
Regional Director: Mr. Valery Rukhledev
c/o All-Russian Society of the Deaf
1905 Goda Str. 10-A
123022 Moscow
Tel: +7 (499) 255 6704
Fax: +7 (499) 255 0436

Interim Regional Secretariat for the Arab Region
Regional Director: Dr. Ghassan Shahrour
Arab Federation for the Organs of the Deaf
P.O. Box 4230
Damascus, SYRIA
Fax: +963 11 542 1893

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International Disability Organizations

These international-level organizations work on behalf of people with disabilities globally. Most work in both industrialized and developing countries. Some of these are cross-disability organizations that include deaf and hard of hearing people in their mission, programs, and activities. This list also includes a few major organizations that specialize in a specific disability group, such as blind people or people with psychosocial disabilities.

Australia Pacific Islands Disability Support
49 Rubiton Crt, Gisborne
Victoria 3437
Phone: +61 410085160

Description: APIDS acts as a broker between organizations and individuals in Australia who wish to support people with disabilities and disabled peoples’ organizations in the Pacific. Is inclusive of deaf organizations.

D-63, Block 8, Gulshane-e-Iqbal, Karachi
Phone: +92 333

Description: Works to empower people with disabilities and deafness so they can better and more independent lives. Focuses on education, information, technology, networking, collaboration, and inclusion. This cross-disability organization was established by a deaf person and has many deaf members.

Disabled People International
874 Topsail Road
Mount Pearl, Newfoundland
A1N 3J9
Phone: 709-747-7600
Fax: 709-747-7603

Description: DPI is an umbrella organization for national organizations or assemblies that promote the human rights of people with disabilities. Its website is available in English, French, and Spanish. Consult its web site for on-line publications, articles, and reports on people with disabilities globally and for a full listing of more than 100 DPI member organizations.

Disability Rights Promotion International
York University, 5021 T.E.L. Building
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario M3J 1P3
Phone: 1-416-736-2100 ext. 20718
Fax: 1-416-736-5986

Description: DPRI is a collaborative project to establish a monitoring system to address discrimination against people with disabilities around the world. Consult its web site for materials on how the UN Human Rights System works or for resources and publications on disability rights initiatives globally.

Handicap International
Handicap International UK
CAN Mezzanine, 32-36 Loman Street
London, SE1 0EH
Phone: + 44 (0)870 774 3737 (UK office)
Phone: +33 (0)4 78 69 67 00 (French headquarters) (UK office)

Description: With programs in about 60 countries, HI supports the efforts of people with disabilities to become more self-reliant and intervenes in emergency situations. HI has national offices in eight countries. Its main page leads to the home page for each national office.

Inclusion International
c/o The Rix Centre University of East London Docklands Campus
London E16 2RD
Great Britain
Phone: +44 (0) 208 223 7709
+44 (0) 208 223 7411

Description: II promotes the human rights of people with intellectual disabilities and their families globally. Its website provides toolkits on various topics such as poverty reduction; inclusive education; and human rights. Its website is available in English, Spanish, or French

International Disability Alliance (IDA)
IDA Secretariat Headquarters
25 East 21st Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10009
United States of America
Phone: +1 212 420 1500
Fax: +1 212 505 0871

Description: IDA speaks for the international disability movement in global policy matters. It is formed from a network representing Disabled Peoples’ International, Inclusion International, International Federation of Hard of Hearing People, Rehabilitation International, World Blind Union, World Federation of the Deaf, World Federation of the Deafblind, and World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry.

Disability Rights International (Formerly Mental Disabilities Rights International)
1156 15th Street NW
Suite 1001
Washington, DC 20005 USA
Phone: 202.296.0800
Fax: 202.728.3053

Description: DRI promotes the human rights of people with mental disabilities (intellectual and psychosocial disabilities) globally. Consult its web site for reports documenting human rights abuses against people with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities, particularly in institutions.

Rehabilitation International
25 East 21 Street, 4th floor
New York, NY 10010
United States of America
Phone: +1 212-420-1500
Fax: +1 212-505-0871

Description: RI is a global network of people with disabilities, service providers, researchers, government agencies, and advocates who promote the human rights, inclusion, and rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Consult the RI membership directory for a listing of more than 700 member organizations in nearly 100 countries.

World Blind Union
1929 Bayview Avenue
Toronto Ontario, Canada M4G 3E8
Phone: 1-416-486-9698
Fax: 1-416-486-8107

Description: WBU represents the concerns of blind and partially sighted people in 600 organizations in 178 member countries. Their web site is available in English, French, or Spanish.

World Institute on Disability
510 16th Street, Suite 100
Oakland, California 94612
United States of America
Voice: 510-763-4100
TTY: 510-208-9493
Fax: 510-763-4109

Description: WID uses research, training, advocacy, and public education to strengthen the disability movement. Consult its site for various publications and web content on international development, poverty, and human rights in developing countries.

World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
WNUSP Secretariat
Store Glasvej 49
5000 Odense C
Phone: +45 66 19 45 11

Description: The WNUSP promotes the human rights and interests of people with psychosocial disabilities. It is run by and for users and survivors of psychiatry around the world. Consult their web site for an extensive collection of materials on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

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International Organizations Working in Developing Countries

These organizations support efforts to fight poverty and promote human rights among Deaf people and people with disabilities in developing countries. For more organizations working in developing countries, consult the list of international deaf organizations; international disability organizations; and, of course, the individual countries that interest you in the list of national- and local-level organizations.

Action on Disability and Development
Vallis House, 57 Vallis Road
Frome, Somerset, BA11 3EG
United Kingdom
Phone: 01373 473064
Text: 454422
Fax: 01373 452075

Description: Action on Disability and Development supports Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in Africa and Asia so they can promote the rights of all people with disabilities. It also influences mainstream policy makers and international development workers to include the needs of people with disabilities in all their work.

Asian-Pacific Development Center on Disability
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Building
Rajvithi Rd., Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400
Phone: 66-(0)-2354-7505
Fax: 66-(0)-2354-7507

Description: The APCD promotes the empowerment of people with disabilities in the Asia and Pacific Region. It provides training to grass-roots leaders with disabilities and encourages organizations to exchange disability-related information throughout Asia.

Auroa Deaf Aid Africa
Chris Kubwimana, ADAA Director
23c Fayland Avenue
London SW16 1TG
UK England

Description: Promotes and facilitates education and human rights for deaf children and young adults in Burundi, Rwanda, and elsewhere in Africa. Raises HIV/AIDS awareness and the awareness of the need of deaf people to communicate through sign language.

Australian Disability and Development Consortium (ADDC)
Phone: 1 800 678 069
+61 3 8843 4587

Description: The ADDC promotes the integration of disability issues into all Australian development programs and policies in developing countries. Consult its site for an extensive collection of links to international organizations, as well as for links to reports, fact sheets, and guidelines on topics such as poverty and disability; advocacy; emergency and conflict situations; and more.

Nibelungenstrasse 124
64625 Germany
Phone: 00496251 1310
Fax: 00496251 131165

Description: Global disability NGO with partner organizations in low income countries supporting healthcare, education, community based rehabilitation, income generation and inclusion of persons with disabilities, deafness, hearing impairment or deaf-blindness. Together with the World Health Organization, a founder member of WWHearing, a global partnership to promote affordable hearing aids and services in the developing world. CBM website has links to many disability-related information resources.

Disability Awareness in Action
46 The Parklands
Wiltshire SN14 6DL
United Kingdom

Description: DAA is an international human rights network run by and for people with disabilities. Its primary emphasis is human rights in developing countries. Consult their web site for a list of useful links and for DAA’s resource kits on organization building, fund raising, women with disabilities, and civil rights law.

Disabled Peoples’ Organizations – Denmark (DPOD)

Kløverprisvej 10B
2650 Hvidovre
Phone: +45 3675 1777
Fax: +45 3675 1403

Description: DPOD contributes to the development of strong organizations of people with disabilities in developing countries. Also works to persuade country governments to respect the human rights of people with disabilities. Has programs in 12 countries.

Discovering Deaf Worlds
PO Box 10063, Rochester NY 14610
United States of America (USA)
Voice: 1-585-234-8144

Description: Works to empower deaf and hard of hearing communities in developing countries. Strives to advance the capacity of local deaf communities around the globe to meet their social, educational, and employment needs via partnerships with educators, employers, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Enabling Education Network
c/o Educational Support and Inclusion
School of Education
University of Manchester
Oxford Road
Manchester M13 9PL
Phone: +44 (0)161 275 3711
Mobile/SMS: +44 (0)7929 326 564
Fax: +44 (0)161 275 3548

Description: EENET promotes regional networking and information sharing on inclusive education in developing countries. Consult its web site for documents, training tools, and other materials related to educating students with disabilities. Its materials are available in a wide range of languages including Arabic, Bahasa, French, Kishwali, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Thai, and Urdu.

Global Deaf Connection
2901 38th Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55406
United States of America
Phone: (612) 724-8565
TTY: (612) 724-8565
Fax: (612) 729-3839

Description: Works to improve the quality of Deaf education in developing countries through the use of their native sign language. Works in Kenya, Jamaica, and DR Congo.

Global Partnership for Disability and Development (GPDD)
Kelly Hamel, GPDD Secretariat
Voice: (202) 296-5392

Description: GPDD promotes collaboration among development agencies and organizations to fight poverty and exclusion among people with disabilities in developing countries. You do not have to be a GPDD member to join its email discussion list.

Global Reach Out Initiative, Inc. (GRO)
Alim Chandani, Director
4518 Raleigh Ave., #401
Alexandria, VA 22304

Description: Creates opportunities for Deaf Americans and their peers in developing countries to learn from each other through cross-cultural dialogue and workshops. Strives to inspire Deaf youth in developing countries to advocate awareness of Deaf rights in their home communities.

Inter-American Institute on Disability and Inclusive Development
Rosangela Berman Bieler, Executive Director
27-37 27th Street, #1B,
New York, NY 11102
Phone: 1(347) 738-6472

Description: IIDI promotes the inclusion and autonomy of people with disabilities and their families in the Inter-American region. IIDI generates and disseminates knowledge, provides training and capacity building to disabled people’s organizations (DPOs), and offers technical assistance to governments and development organizations. Their web site is in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

International Disability and Development Consortium (IDDC)
c/o LFTW
rue Washington 40
B-1050 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 644.43.23

Description: IDDC promotes the rights of people with disabilities. Consult its web site for publications on a range of topics related to people with disabilities in developing countries. Click on “disability and development topics.”

Mobility International USA (MIUSA)
International Development and Disability
132 E. Broadway, Suite 343
Eugene, Oregon 97401
United States of America

Description: The International Development and Disability office within MIUSA works as a bridge between the disability community and the mainstream international development community. It promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in mainstream international development programs and activities./

The Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities
PO Box 587
Cape Town 8000
South Africa
Phone: +27 (0)21 426 5858/5864
Fax: +27 (0)21 422 0861

Description: This organization promotes the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities. Consult its web site for materials, resources, and toolkits for disability advocates throughout Africa.

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International Relations cares about the quality of our work, including the quality of the information we provide. We are trying our best to share information that is complete, accurate, and helpful to deaf individuals and deaf organizations around the world. However, please understand that we cannot endorse any organization or school. We also cannot fully guarantee the accuracy of the information in this website. Please read our full Disclaimer for more detail.

Deaf Organizations in the United States

Association of Late-Deafened Adults (ALDA) ALDA, Inc 8038 MacIntosh Lane Rockford, IL 61107 USA Voice/TTY: 815-332-1515 Toll Free: 866-402-2532 (Reaches President) (Reaches Board of Directors) Region 1: (Europe; Middle East; Parts of US & Canada) Region 2: (Parts of US &...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in West Midlands, UK

Birmingham Institute For The Deaf Ladywood Road, Birmingham West Midlands B16 8SZ Tel: 0121 246 6100 Fax: 0121 246 6125 Central Rainbow John E Stonier (contact person) Post Box 4036, Birmingham. B30 1AT Minicom/Tel/Fax: 0121 478 0562 Description: Birmingham's social group for gay and...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in Wales, UK

Clwyd Deaf Centre Centre for the Deaf, Barraclough House Daniel Owen Precinct, Mold Flintshire. CH7 1AP Text/Tel: 01352 759479 Llandudno Deaf Centre c/o Conservative Club, First Floor Upper Mostyn Street, Llandudno Gwynedd. LL30 2SW Tel: 01492 876026 Deaf Clubs in Wales, UK Abercolwyn Hard of...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in Northern Ireland, UK

Northern Ireland Deaf Youth Association Wilton house 5-6 College Square North Belfast, BT1 6AR Minicom: 028 9023 6453 Tel/Fax: 028 9043 8566 Description: Provides housing support services, a youth club, a children's club, and mentoring services for deaf and hard of hearing children in...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in North West, UK

Blackpool, Fylde & Wyre Society for the Deaf 64 Cornwall Avenue FY2 9QW Blackpool, Lancashire Tel: 01253 351369 Fax: 01253 355894 Bolton Deaf Children's Society Turton Heights, Bolton Lancashire BL2 3DU Bolton Deaf Society‎ Bark Street, Bolton Lancashire BL1 2AX Tel: 01204 525 858‎ Bury...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in North East, UK

Aberdeen & North East Deaf Society 13 Smithfield Road Aberdeen AB24 4NR Text: 07890 845880 Minicom: 01224 495675 Voice: 01224 494566 Fax: 01224 483894 Cleveland Deaf Centre 3 Park Road South, Middlesbrough Cleveland. TS5 6LD Text: 01642 820059 Tel: 01642 819782 Fax: 01642...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in National Organizations in the UK

British Deaf Association (BDA) Floor 10, Coventry Point Markey Way Coventry, CV1 1EA TTY: +44 024 76 550 393 Voice: +44 024 76 550 936 Fax: +44 024 76 221 541 Description: Promotes a society in which Sign Language users have the same...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in London, UK

Asian Deaf Women's Association (ADWA) Ms Rubbena Aurangzeb-Tariq (contact person) c/o RAD West Ham Deaf Community Centre East Road, Stratford London, E15 3QR Text: 020 8552 8734 Tel: 020 8552 1397 Fax: 020 8586 7555 Description: Charity providing support for Asian deaf and hearing...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in Ukraine

Evpatorian Society for the Deaf Petr Bulavin Ukrainian Society of the Deaf (USD) 74 Velyka Vasylkivska Street Kiev - 150 03150 Phone: +380 44 246 7633 +380 44 246 7177 (044) 246 71 77 (Reaches Yuri Maksimenko, President) (044) 246 67 81 (Reaches...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

Deaf Organizations in Taiwan

中華民國啟聰協會 (The Chinese Deaf Association, R.O.C.) 台北市104中山區錦西街4-4號2樓 2/ F., No. 4-4, Jǐn Xi Street Jhongshan District Taipei 104, Taiwan 電話 (Tel): +886-2-2521-9876 傳真 (Fax): +886-2-2521-9726 簡介: 中華民國啟聰協會成立於民國八十四年三月二十六日,由一群熱心的聽障人士發起,共同致力發展聽障者無障礙環境。設立聽障留學輔導中心後,又成立聽障就業圖書中心及就業輔導中心,保障聽障者的權益與福祉。 Description: The Chinese Deaf Association, R.O.C., was established on March 26, 1995, organized by a group of enthusiastic...

International Relations

Resource Type: Deaf Organization

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