
International Affairs (IA) cares about the quality of our work, including the quality of the information we provide. We make every effort to share information that is complete, accurate, and useful. We hope that you find the World Deaf Information Resource Project helpful. However, please remember the following disclaimers and other information:

Inclusion is Not Endorsement

  • Inclusion in this website is not an endorsement of the organization’s vision, mission, or activities. The World Deaf Information Resource Center is provided for informational purposes only.
  • IA does not have the time or resources to examine each organization, school, or business to determine if it is financially stable, ethical in its behavior, effective in its work, or otherwise legitimate or worthy of trust. Please use your own personal judgment in deciding which organization or school you wish to be involved with.
  • If you purchase merchandise, make a donation, or commit yourself to volunteer activities as a result of information you find in our website, then please understand that this is entirely at your own risk. We do not take responsibility (or credit) for any disappointment (or satisfaction) you may experience with any entity listed in our website.
  • You may wish to consult with other people or organizations you trust to obtain information about organizations, schools, or businesses that are new to you before you make any commitments.

We Cannot Guarantee Accurate Information

  • Contact information can change quickly. Mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and even web site addresses may all go out of date. Organizations may even change names or collapse.
  • We do our best to provide useful and reliable information. However, due to time constraints and other challenges, IA is not always able to confirm that the information we have is accurate.
  • Are you able to help us correct any mistakes or outdated information on our website? Please email us atContact.

The Files May be Older than the Website

  • In addition to this website, IA also provides most of the same information in Word format, PDF format, and RTF format. You can download them from the front page for the World Deaf Information Resource Center.
  • IA will try, but cannot guarantee, to produce an updated version of these files on a periodic basis.
  • The website is updated and expanded more frequently than the files. This means that information on the website will usually be more complete and up-to-date than the files.
  • If you know people who have access to the web, then please encourage them to consult our website directly at
  • The files are mostly meant to be distributed to people who do not have easy access to the web. If you know people who cannot access the website, then please do give them the Word or PDF file in any format you wish (electronic, print, large print, Braille, etc.).

Please Disseminate Our Information! But Not For Profit!

  • Do you want to share information from this website with your friends or colleagues? Please do!
    1. You may disseminate information from this website to your friends through email in any electronic format you wish.
    2. You also may print any information from this website, including the Word or PDF files. You may make as many hard copies as you want and disseminate them anywhere you want, to as many people as you want.
    3. You may convert the Word file into large print or Braille or any other format that would be helpful for readers with vision impairments.
    4. However, please do not sell any of the information from this website for profit. Any money you request for disseminating hard copies should be limited to reimbursement for the cost of producing and mailing copies.
    5. Please always credit the World Deaf Information Resource Project as the source of your information.
  • Do you have a website of your own? Please do link to this website! The URL for this site is
    1. The information at this website may change frequently: the most recent information will usually be here. The most recent version of the file will also be posted at this website.
    2. Linking to our website will ensure that your visitors will be able to obtain the most recent information available.
    3. Please do not post the Word or PDF file at your website. Instead, please link to

Please Help Us Find More Information!

We need your help in finding more deaf-related informational resources from around the world! Please consult the page ” Submit More World Deaf Information Resources! “for more information on the kind of information we want to gather and how to contact us.

Do You Have Questions or Concerns?

Do you have any questions or concerns? Please contact us atContact.

Contact Us

International Relations

Building 103 #203

(202) 651-5251

(202) 651-5150

(202) 651-5746

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9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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