Areas of Study

The Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) is an elected representative body of the undergraduate faculty at Gallaudet. The Council has the responsibility for promoting and supporting excellence in undergraduate education. More specifically, according to the faculty bylaws at Gallaudet, CUE has the following responsibilities:

  1. Establish, approve, and report to the University Faculty Senate:
    • Policies concerning the nature and scope of undergraduate-level programs, including courses of study offered by the academic departments;
    • Criteria for admission to the undergraduate programs;
    • Requirements for completing undergraduate programs;
    • Candidates for undergraduate degrees to the University Faculty Senate;
    • Criteria for initial appointment of faculty members involved in undergraduate education; and
    • Other policies and procedures as necessary to ensure the quality of education within undergraduate programs.
  2. Work directly with the Offices of Undergraduate and Graduate Admissions to assure that the admissions criteria are being followed;
  3. Monitor whether the policies, procedures and criteria established by the legislative councils and standing committees of the UF concerning academic standards are adhered to by the administration;
  4. Monitor whether the similarly established policies on grading procedures, grade point average formulae, scholastic standing indices and examination protocols are adhered to by the faculty and the administration; and
  5. Submit to the University Faculty Senate a roster of members of the University Faculty who have primary responsibility at the undergraduate level.

Contact Us

Council on Undergraduate Education

College Hall 201

(202) 250-2071

(202) 651-5085

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