Areas of Study

The Office of the Chief Bilingual Officer hosted a Visual-Centric Teaching and Learning Symposium April 12-13. Over 200 people attended, some from schools and programs for deaf and hard of hearing students across the country. This symposium was the culminating event of a three-year, $800,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. 

President Cordano demonstrating the Proto Epic.
President Cordano participating in the Proto Epic demonstration.
Photo credit: Matthew Vita

The opening ceremony on Wednesday evening featured a demonstration of Proto Epic, a three-dimensional, holographic platform for delivery of instruction in American Sign Language. Thursday’s program included three concurrent sessions, addressing visually-centric syllabi; making bilingual and culturally responsive accessibility the norm; and using interactive theater to practice bilingual, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive approaches in the classroom.

Read the article by Michael Althouse about the VCTL symposium.

Top Photo Credit: Neha Balachandran

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