Areas of Study

An anonymous donor recently made a gift of $5 million to Gallaudet, of which $4.9 million is earmarked for student scholarships and $100,000 to the Athletics Department to support the Bison Athletics Enhancement Fund.

Says President Cordano, “A gift of this size comes along only once in a great while. It is a wonderful reminder of how generosity and kindness plays an important role in our success as a community and as an institution of higher learning. I have personally thanked the donor for partnering with us to change the world through her generosity and support of our students.

“This gift could not have come at a better time for Gallaudet’s students. In 2019, 60% of our students were eligible for federal Pell Grants. This year, COVID-19 has exacerbated the financial hardship our students and their families face. In response to this, and to our students’ loss of the on-campus experience, we have reduced our fall semester tuition by 15 percent. This donor’s gift, along with our tuition reduction, makes it possible for us to reduce our students’ burden even more. Thanks to this anonymous donor, we will be able to ensure that all students in need will be able to continue their studies and thrive.”

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