
Download Generic Templates

Presentation templates (PowerPoint)

Blue powerpoint template

Click to download the PPT template

Powerpoint template with image of Chapel hall in the corner

Click to download the PPT template

Powerpoint template with image of students in the corner, with graduation cap and gown

Click to download the PPT template

Letterhead and Envelope

You can use these downloads in two ways.

  • Print the letterhead page/envelope on a color printer and then use as regular letter head by running the page through your printer again when printing your document.
  • Type into the text field directly and then print your document on a color printer.

The letterhead and envelopes should be printed on white paper and white envelopes. The official stock is Strathmore Writing Bright White.

image of Gallaudet letterhead

Click to download letterhead

image of Gallaudet envelope

Click to download envelope

*Note: The letterhead/envelope templates are Microsoft Word documents. The header and footer are locked so that you cannot manipulate the logo placement and size.

If you see yellow highlight or brackets when you download the template go to the Review tab in Word, click on Restrict Editing in the Protect section, and unclick the box in the right-hand column for Highlight the regions I can edit.

If you just want to print a blank page with just the letterhead you will need to delete the highlighted information text.

Contact Us

University Communications

Chapel Hall 102


9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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