
Name ______________________________


Score _______________________________

  • Accuracy: Is all of the information on the map correct? (The information can only be taken from the article.)
    Yes __________ No __________ Explain:___________________________________

  • Completeness: Does the map show the main idea, supporting ideas and the most important details?
    Yes __________ No __________ Explain:___________________________________

  • Visual Appeal and Clarity: Is the map organized clearly and easy to read?
    __________ Labels are capitalized for the largest categories
    __________ Sequence and cause/effect relationships are identified by arrows
    __________ Categories are separated clearly using space and lines
    __________ Spacing is balanced
    __________ Different ideas are represented by different geometric shapes.
    Explain: _______________________________________________________________

  • Organization: What is the organizing principle? Which type of map construction did you use? (Comparison/Contrast, Flow Chart, Cause/Effect, Categorical/Hierarchical) Is the information organized correctly?
    Yes __________ No __________ Explain: ___________________________________

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