Areas of Study

Developing a Four-Year Plan is an excellent way to plan ahead, to keep on track, to know the courses you need to complete for your General Studies Requirements (GSR) and your intended major, and to know when you will graduate.

Steps in Developing a Four-Year Plan

  • Decide on what major(s) you are going to plan for. Write it on your BISON – My Planner.
  • On the side of the planning form, write down any previous college credit that you may have. List your current courses in the appropriate term block.
  • Look at the major requirements:
    • Are there any that you must do this year?
    • Will any of them count for both the General Studies Requirement Curriculum and the major?
  • Fill in the major requirements. Make sure you check for necessary prerequisites. These are listed under the course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog.
  • Will you have a minor with this major? If so, find the information in the Undergraduate Catalog that tells about minor requirements, and then fill in courses for your minor.
  • Is an internship required? What about student teaching? Be sure you plan these accordingly.
  • Fill in your GSR Curriculum courses. Remember that you do not need to have these completed prior to working on your major, so spread them out.
  • Total the hours you have planned for each semester. You will need a minimum of 120 to graduate. If you do not have enough hours on your plan, you will need to fill in with electives.
  • Look at all the courses you have listed. Meet with your advisor to review.

Contact Us

Academic & Career Advising

College Hall 201

(202) 250-2071

(202) 651-5085

Monday - Friday
9 - 5

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