Areas of Study

The Finance and Planning Committee (FPC) is comprised of individuals from various campus constituencies: faculty, staff, students and operating divisions. The FPC is responsible for recommending and evaluating the steps taken to ensure that the University is making progress on strategic initiatives and academic achievements. The FPC is also responsible for facilitating the University’s annual budget development process, including proposing the annual operating and capital budgets, and making recommendations for federal appropriation, salary treatment, and tuition. The FPC is responsible for multiyear budget planning.

The University Budget Director is responsible for coordinating the University’s annual request to the U.S. Department of Education. Gallaudet receives the bulk of its income in the form of an annual appropriation from Congress, and the Department of Education oversees the University’s appropriation for the Federal government.

The University’s Board-approved budget, as well as previous years’ budgets are available on this page.


Committee Charge

The Gallaudet University Finance and Planning Committee (FPC) serves an advisory role with  respect to planning, resource allocation, and assessment; and monitors and facilitates  the University’s planning, resource allocation, and assessment activities. A transparent and inclusive budget formulation process is critical to the success of an academic institution. The membership of the Committee serves to represent the faculty, staff and Clerc Center teachers/staff.
The Committee’s responsibilities include—

  1. Facilitating  evaluation of progress toward achievement of the institution’s strategic initiatives and the institution’s academic achievements;
  2. Facilitating  the University’s annual budget development process, including proposing the annual operating and capital budgets, and making recommendations for federal appropriation, salary treatment, and tuition;
  3. Facilitating  revisions to the Gallaudet Strategic Plan and facilitating discussions on relationship between the Gallaudet Strategic Plan and the Clerc Center Strategic Plan;
    1. Assuring that the University’s budget is aligned with the Gallaudet Strategic Plan and the Clerc Center Strategic Plan;
    2. Developing guidelines for preparing  and prioritizing action plans for the implementation of strategic plans at all levels (e.g., institutional and unit level); reviewing action plans within the context of strategic resource allocation; providing advice to the President’s Executive Team and the President; and establishing reporting mechanisms;
  4. Reviewing results of university-level learning assessment updates and program reviews that are conducted on a regularly scheduled basis, and making recommendations on strategies and mechanisms to continually improve the quality of the institution.
  5. Assuring that GU meets all MSCHE and U.S. Department of Education (ED) expectations for planning, resource allocation, and assessment.


The Committee provides recommendations for the Chief Financial Officer and President on the implementation and evaluation of its budget, Strategic Plans and all aspects of institutional assessment.

If you have any questions regarding the planning and budget process or the planning and budget documents, please feel free to contact Tysha Battle.


Name Title / Role
Brad Hermes Chief Financial Officer
Heather Harker Chief of Staff
Jeremy L. Brunson Interim Chief Diversity Officer
Kristin Mulrooney Strategic Planning and Integration Officer
Khadijat Rashid Provost
Dominic Lacy Chief Operating Officer
Travis Imel Dean of Student Affairs
Nicole Sutliffe Clerc Chief Administrative Officer
John Skjeveland Clerc Executive Director, Operations
Vacant Dean of the Faculty
Roberto Sanchez Interim Dean, Academic and Career Success
Makur Aciek Associate Professor
Tysha Battle Director of Financial Planning & Analysis

Updated September 2023

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College Hall 208

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(202) 651-5005

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