Areas of Study
All first-year and second-year students are required to live in University residence halls.

Gallaudet University believes that students who stay in our residence halls will benefit from the residential living experience as an integral elements of student engagement and educational success. Studies have shown that on-campus residents are more likely to succeed in academia and benefit from the social opportunities that are offered.

At Gallaudet University, living on-campus is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in and be a part of a living and learning community.

Gallaudet alumni have told us that living on-campus gave them the opportunity to make lifelong friends. They were able to enjoy informal conversations (at meal times and late at night in the residence hall) and get involved in a variety of campus activities.

This is consistent with research at colleges and universities across the country indicating that on-campus students are significantly more likely to succeed academically, to be involved in activities on campus, to graduate, and to feel positive about their college experience than their off-campus peers. By living in University residence halls, residents will be able to access University resources such as the library or technology laboratories as well with having more safety and security.

For these reasons, like many public and private colleges and universities, Gallaudet University has implemented an on-campus residency requirement for first-year and second-year undergraduate students to live in University residence halls unless an exemption is granted. To learn more about the exemption process, please navigate to Exemptions.

The policy can be viewed here.

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about this policy can be viewed here.

For more information,

Contact Us

Residence Life and Housing

Ely Center 132

(202) 250-2002

(202) 651-5255

(202) 651-5757

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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