Areas of Study

Descriptive Summary


Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.:

MSS 219


Andersson, Yerker Johan Olof, 1929-2016


The Yerker Andersson Papers, 1926-2014


63 boxes (33 linear feet)


Papers of deaf sociologist, educator, and international disability activist Dr. Yerker Andersson. Includes correspondence, publications, manuscripts, meeting minutes and agendas, photographs, stamp collection, and more.


This document last updated January 2018.


Administrative Information

Acquisition Information:

Assembled from numerous donations given to the Archives by Dr. Andersson between 1989 and 2016.

Processed By:

Christopher Shea, January 2018.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access:

This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Two files, in series 5 and 13, are closed until 2050 at Dr. Andersson’s request.

Related Material in the Archives


  • The artifact storage area in the Deaf Copy One room includes several linear feet of artifacts donated by Dr. Andersson, including flags, shirts, tote bags, and more.


  • Clips of Gallaudet College [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Film 284-4


  • Collection of the 1975 World Winter Games for the Deaf, 1949-1983. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: MSS 130
  • Collection of the Deaf President Now Protest, 1986-1988. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: MSS 148
  • Papers of Yerker Johan Olof Andersson, 1873-2005. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: MSS 159
  • Collection, National Association of the Deaf, 1915-1993. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: MSS 178


  • Andersson, Yerker: assorted portrait photos. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Portraits
  • Andersson, Yerker, donated photographs. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: PH0075
  • Andersson, Yerker, donated photographs. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: PH0165
  • Andersson, Yerker, donated photographs. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: PH0219


  • Afzelius, Jan: Buff and Blue Drawings. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: SMSS

Vertical Files

  • Andersson, Yerker. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

Born Jerker Johan Olof Andersson in Vallentuna, Sweden, in 1929, Andersson was likely born deaf, although his parents did not discover his deafness until age three. He attended an oral preschool and then the Manilla School for the Deaf in Stockholm, graduating in 1945. He worked as a dental technician while taking correspondence courses, and was an active member and leader in the Swedish deaf clubs and community.

Andersson left Sweden to attend Gallaudet College in 1955, and graduated in 1960 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He also became a naturalized US citizen in the same year, formally changing his first name to Yerker. He went on to take a master’s degree in rehabilitation at Columbia University in 1962 and worked as a guidance counselor at the New York School for the Deaf in White Plains. In 1964, he was recruited to Gallaudet’s sociology department, and taught at Gallaudet for over 30 years, until his retirement in 1996. He served as the chair of the sociology department from 1974 to 1980, and in 1981 earned his Ph.D. degree in sociology at the University of Maryland in College Park.

In 1991, Dr. Harvey Corson, then provost of Gallaudet, founded a task force to examine the possibility of creating a department of deaf studies and American Sign Language. Dr. Andersson was co-chair of the task force. When the Department of Deaf Studies was created, Dr. Andersson worked as its coordinator and then as its first chair from 1993 through 1996.

Dr. Andersson was also an active member of the World Federation of the Deaf from 1975 onward, including serving two terms as vice president (1975-1983) and three terms as president (1983-1992). He also consulted extensively for the United Nations on deafness and disability issues. While some biographies of Dr. Andersson state that he was the first deaf person to address the United Nations General Assembly, this is a persistent misconception. While Dr. Andersson did deliver a lecture at the UN in 1992, it was at an unofficial meeting. The first deaf person to formally address the General Assembly was Dr. Robert Davila at the close of the UN Decade of Disabled Persons in 1992

Dr. Andersson remained active after retirement. President Bill Clinton selected him to serve on the National Council of Disability from 1996 through 1998, and he continued to work with the United Nations on disability issues through the 1990s and 2000s. He received an honorary doctorate from Gallaudet in 1998, and was named honorary president of the WFD in 2011. He passed away in 2016.

Scope and Content

These papers offer a general overview of Dr. Andersson’s life and career, both as an educator and a deaf activist. There is relatively little personal material, and material related to Gallaudet and his educational work is fragmentary. The papers are much more complete in relation to his work with organizations such as the UN, WFD, NAD, MDAD, and others.

These papers will be of special interest to those interested in the international deaf community, as Dr. Andersson’s collection of international materials (series 7-8) and material from the WFD (series 9) offer an interesting look at deaf groups and deaf life around the world.

Dr. Andersson’s stamp collection (series 16) also offers a unique resource, particularly for stamps and First Day Covers on deafness and prominent deaf people.

The papers also include extensive material on disability issues not necessarily related to deafness, particularly in series 7-8, 14, and 15, including material on the rights of the disabled, international laws classifying and governing disability, and records from groups active in aiding and advocating for the disabled.

Series Descriptions

Series 1. Biographical items, 1949-1992

Box 1

A small collection of letters, drawings, and memorabilia from Dr. Andersson’s life, including his resume and brief biographies, birthday cards from his 25th and 80th birthdays, a collection of sketches and caricatures including some ink landscape sketches by his fellow deaf Swede Jan Afzelius, and letters commemorating his naturalization as a US citizen and the awarding of his doctorate. See series 3 for diplomas and other academic honors.

Series 2. Correspondence, 1956-2011

Boxes 1-6

The bulk of this series consists of printouts of Dr. Andersson’s personal e-mail from May through December 2006. This includes some correspondence related to his work with the NAD and the WFD (see series 9 and 10 for more), as well as discussion of the 2006 Gallaudet student protests (see series 3). It also includes a small amount of correspondence from other years, as well as a collection of greeting cards and postcards from Dr. Andersson’s family, friends, and colleagues. See series 16 for more postcards and correspondence.

Series 3. Gallaudet papers, 1956-2011

Boxes 6-7

Correspondence, forms, diplomas, and other papers from Dr. Andersson’s time as a Gallaudet student and a member of the Gallaudet faculty. Includes Dr. Andersson’s diplomas from Gallaudet and Columbia University, announcements of academic honors he earned while a student, correspondence and other materials from the Deaf President Now and 2006 protests, and material from class reunions.

Series 4. Deaf Studies papers, 1979-2010

Boxes 7-10

Material from Gallaudet’s Deaf Studies department, as well as academic papers and other work done by Dr. Andersson and others in the field of deaf studies. Includes some minutes from Gallaudet’s original Task Force for Deaf Studies, as well as a collection of course and department descriptions from deaf education and deaf studies programs at colleges other than Gallaudet.

Series 5. Goedele de Clerck papers, 2007-2009

Boxes 10-11

Dr. Goedele de Clerck, a native of Belgium, is a sociologist and researcher in deaf communities and sign language who has spent time at Gallaudet as a visiting scholar. Dr. Andersson collected some of her academic writings here, including her doctoral dissertation. Note that one paper in this series is closed to the public until 2050.

Series 6. Lectures, 1984-2007

Box 11

Speech and paper texts, advertising materials, transparencies, and other items associated with lectures given by Dr. Andersson.

Series 7. International materials, 1968-2011

Boxes 11-19

A collection of brochures, publications, correspondence, and other material from deaf people and organizations around the world, acquired by Dr. Andersson during his travel and interaction with the international deaf community. Arranged by country name; note that materials from Sweden are separate in series 8. There are particularly large collections from Finland, Denmark, Australia, Japan, and Britain. Includes material from national deaf associations, laws relating to the deaf and disabled, announcements of deaf-related events, and correspondence with natives of those countries. Unusual items include a booklet of disability-related laws from North Korea and a children’s sign language book and calendar from Tibet.

Series 8. Swedish materials, 1940-2009

Boxes 19-21

Items from Dr. Andersson’s native country, including publications and correspondence from the national Swedish deaf society, the Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund, and other deaf societies. Also includes papers and articles on the Swedish deaf community and clippings from Swedish deaf media. Of particular interest are some items from Dr. Andersson’s early life, including World War II-era rationing coupon booklets, Swedish novels he received as gifts from his friend Jan Afzelius, and booklets of regulations for dental technicians.

Series 9. World Federation of the Deaf records, 1955-2010

Boxes 21-25

Bulk is from mid-1990s to mid-2000s. Includes materials from WFD Congresses, reports, member lists, and correspondence and reports on 2008 revision of the WFD statutes. Also includes some correspondence, minutes, and agendas from WFD board meetings.

Series 10. National Association of the Deaf records, 1950-2012

Boxes 25-30

Most of this collection is material from the NAD leadership, including minutes and reports from the Board of Directors, convention programs and memorabilia, and material from Region I conferences and the Fulton III Committee, which developed a plan for restructuring and reorienting the NAD for the 21st century in 2006.

Series 11. Maryland state deaf group records, 2000-2009

Boxes 30-32

Material from the Maryland Association of the Deaf (MDAD), the state’s Office of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ODHH), and other social and advocacy groups based in Maryland. Includes material covering the 2006 gubernatorial elections, the classification and licensing of educational interpreters in the state, and laws mandating the use of deaf-friendly fire alarms. Also includes some minutes and correspondence from the MDAD board and MDAD conventions.

Series 12. CISS and other deaf sports records, 1975-2009

Box 33

While Dr. Andersson was not deeply involved in CISS or other deaf sports governing bodies, he did acquire some materials from international contacts over the course of his career. Includes a diploma and certificates for participation in the 8th World Winter Games for the Deaf (Lake Placid, NY, 1975) and some publications and correspondence from CISS and other sports groups.

Series 13. World Deaf Leadership Program records, 1997-2007

Box 33

The World Deaf Leadership Program (see MSS 208 for more) was a Gallaudet initiative in partnership with Japan’s Nippon Foundation to improve deaf education in developing countries. Dr. Andersson was not directly involved with the WDL, but still acquired some materials from it, including correspondence, memoranda, and vision documents. Note that one file in this series is closed until 2050 at Dr. Andersson’s request.

Series 14. Disability materials, 1989-2010

Boxes 33-39

Material from Dr. Andersson’s work on disability issues, including correspondence and reports from his time on the National Council on Disability, and related federal government publications. Also includes material from other disability-related organizations, publications and newsletters on disability, and material on the classification of disability, including the development of the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health) and ICIDH-2 (International Classification of Impairment, Disability, and Health) standards.

Series 15. United Nations records, 1974-2010

Boxes 39-43

There is some overlap between this and series 14, since Dr. Andersson’s involvement with the United Nations was primarily in the field of disability rights, including the United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons (1982-1992) and the drafting of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006-2007. Besides these areas, this series also includes material from health-related UN organizations such as the WHO, UNICEF, and UNESCO on the classification of disability and rights of the disabled.

Series 16. Stamp collection, 1941-2014

Boxes 43-50

Stamp collecting was one of Dr. Andersson’s hobbies, particularly stamps related to deafness and Swedish and other international stamps. This series includes stamps, cancellations, and First Day Covers from many deaf-related events, including World Games/Deaflympics, World Congresses of the WFD, and events at Gallaudet. There are particularly large collections of stamps and First Day Covers for the 1980 Helen Keller/Anne Sullivan stamp, 1982 Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet stamp, and the 1993 American Sign Language stamps. Also included is a large collection of envelopes and postcards from Dr. Andersson’s correspondence (a few still have letters in them) that he appears to have saved because they had interesting stamps.

Of particular interest are some Japanese envelopes and stamps from the mid-1940s, which passed through military censorship during World War II, as well as an assortment of stamped, canceled envelopes from Sweden in the 1940s and 1950s.

Series 17. Business cards, undated

Box 50

Collection of business cards from people that Dr. Andersson met and worked with at international events.

Series 18. Clippings, 1960-2012

Box 50

A collection of clippings from deaf and hearing newspapers and magazines, some about Dr. Andersson personally and others on topics of interest to him, such as deaf culture, sociology, and linguistics. Includes clippings on Dr. Andersson being selected as a Maryland election judge in 2002 and being named to the President’s Council on Disability in 1994.

Series 19. Digital media, ca. 2001-2011

Boxes 51-54

A large collection consisting of a few CDs and Zip disks, as well as several hundred 3.5″ floppy disks. Includes minutes and other material from the MDAD, WFD, and other groups Dr. Andersson worked with, as well as photographs, manuscripts for brochures, and PowerPoint presentations.

Series 20. Loose photos, 1956-1958

Box 55

A collection of black and white snapshot photos taken while Dr. Andersson was a student at Gallaudet. Many have descriptions written in Swedish on their backs. The bulk are photos from the 1958 Gallaudet production of Hamlet. Also included are some campus photos and photos of a parade near the Capitol.

Series 21. Artifacts, 1926-2011

Boxes 55-63

A collection of items acquired by Dr. Andersson over the years, including plaques, awards, buttons and pins, shirts, assistive devices, and more. Of particular interest are a pin and ribbon from the 10th convention of the National Association of the Deaf (1926), a clay scroll made by a friend to celebrate Andersson earning his Ph.D., and a plaque that Andersson earned in 1960 as a student for his work on the Tower Clock, Gallaudet’s yearbook.

Box Folder Title Year(s)
1 1 Card and caricature for 25th birthday [1954]
1 2 Cards and programs from 80th birthday [2009]
1 3 Coast Guard certificates 1973
1 4 Drawings and caricatures 1949-1992
1 5 Letter for doctorate 1976
1 6 Letter of naturalization 1962
1 7 Resumes and biographies Undated
1 8 Correspondence 1987-2000
1 9 Correspondence 2002-2004
1 10 Correspondence 2005-2014
1 11 Correspondence Undated
1 12 Postcards and greeting cards 1956-2016
1 13 Postcards and greeting cards 2005-2011
1 14 Postcards and greeting cards 2001-2011
2 1 E-mail printouts (May) 2006
2 2 E-mail printouts (May) 2006
2 3 E-mail printouts (May-Jun) 2006
2 4 E-mail printouts (Jun) 2006
2 5 E-mail printouts (Jun) 2006
2 6 E-mail printouts (Jun-Jul) 2006
3 1 E-mail printouts (Jul) 2006
3 2 E-mail printouts (Jul) 2006
3 3 E-mail printouts (Jul) 2006
3 4 E-mail printouts (Jul-Aug) 2006
3 5 E-mail printouts (Aug) 2006
3 6 E-mail printouts (Aug) 2006
4 1 E-mail printouts (Aug-Sep) 2006
4 2 E-mail printouts (Aug-Sep) 2006
4 3 E-mail printouts (Sep) 2006
4 4 E-mail printouts (Sep-Oct) 2006
4 5 E-mail printouts (Oct) 2006
4 6 E-mail printouts (Oct) 2006
5 1 E-mail printouts (Oct) 2006
5 2 E-mail printouts (Oct) 2006
5 3 E-mail printouts (Nov) 2006
5 4 E-mail printouts (Nov) 2006
5 5 E-mail printouts (Nov) 2006
5 6 E-mail printouts (Nov) 2006
6 1 E-mail printouts (Nov-Dec) 2006
6 2 Academic correspondence 1970-2010
6 3 Announcements of academic honors 1956-1960
6 4 Class of 1958 golden anniversary planning documents 2008
6 5 Class of 1960 50th reunion materials 2010
6 6 Class of 1960 40th reunion DVDs 2000
6 7 Class of 1960 newsletter 2011
6 8 Correspondence on Powrie V. Doctor Medallion 1989
6 9 Correspondence on re-accreditation 2006-2007
6 10 Correspondence on sabbatical 1987
6 11 Dalgarno Essays 2000
6 12 Documents from DPN protest 1988
6 13 Documents from 2006 protests 2006
6 14 E-mail circulars 1995-1996
6 15 Evaluation forms 1986-1995
7 1 Faculty expertise survey 1987-1988
7 2 Forms for presidential nomination 1995-1996
7 3 Gallaudet and Columbia diplomas 1962-1986
7 4 Gallaudet certificates 1955-1993
7 5 Institutional Review Board correspondence and procedures 2002-2007
7 6 Notes for DPN panel 2006
7 7 Programs and fliers from campus events 1986-2010
7 8 Telephone directory 1992
7 9 Text of Kendall School tour guide Undated
7 10 World Deaf Information Resource project guide 2009
7 11 Adan Penilla proposal on country name signs Undated
7 12 Anna-Miria Mulhke paper on deafness and human rights 2000
7 13 Article: Is It Necessary to Create Abbreviations of Sign Languages? 1999-2000
7 14 Article on education of the deaf in Cyprus Undated
7 15 Correspondence and notes on Gallaudet Deaf Studies department 1986-2003
7 16 Correspondence on book chapter on social science and disability 2005
7 17 The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia guidelines Undated
7 18 Deaf Studies student papers 1993-1995
7 19 Deaf Studies syllabi and course descriptions 2005-2006
7 20 Documentation of deaf education and studies programs at other institutions 1996-2003
8 1 Documentation of deaf education and studies programs at other institutions 1997-2006
8 2 Documentation of deaf education and studies programs at other institutions 2002-2003
8 3 Draft of review: Deaf Mobilization Around the World Undated
8 4 Garrick Malley book on Native American signs Undated
8 5 Haller master’s thesis: “Paternalism and Protest” 1991
8 6 Minutes and notes from Task Force for Deaf Studies 1984-1985
8 7 Paper on deaf organizations Undated
8 8 Paper: The International Activities of Deaf People 1994
8 9 Papers by others 1979-2009
9 1 Papers on deaf history and culture 1985-2009
9 2 Papers on linguistics and sign language 2001-2010
9 3 Papers on the rights of the deaf Undated
9 4 Partial draft of book on sign structure Undated
9 5 Paulette Caswell dissertation ( 1/2) 2002
9 6 Paulette Caswell dissertation (2/2) 2002
9 7 Rachel Rosenstock dissertation 2004
10 1 Review of Learning to Be Deaf 1987
10 2 Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta book: Literacies and Deaf Education 2004
10 3 Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta draft chapters on deafness and language 2002
10 4 Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta draft of book on literacy and deaf education 2002
10 5 Soler and de Chaves paper on Juan Pablo Bonet Undated
10 6 Stanley Bigman paper on deaf in colleges 1956
10 7 Surveys of deaf community 1994-2006
10 8 Goedele de Clerck doctoral dissertation 2008
10 9 Goedele de Clerck paper on deaf epistemology, with critiques Undated
10 10 Goedele de Clerck papers and articles 2007-2009
11 1 Paper on deaf studies (closed until 2050) Undated
11 2 Correspondence and fliers for RIT Deaf Culture Lecture Series 1988
11 3 Correspondence and outline for lecture at Deaf Way Illinois II 2003-2004
11 4 Correspondence and outline for Rockville Library book talk 2007
11 5 Correspondence and press releases for “The Politics of Deafness in the Four Corners of the Globe” 1988
11 6 Flier and notes for brown bag lecture 1995
11 7 Invitation to guest lecture at University of Michigan 2007
11 8 Notes and texts of papers 1984
11 9 Notes and transparencies for speeches 1989-2006
11 10 Outline and attendee kit for “Interpreting Identity” conference 2007
11 11 Speech and transparencies on human rights for the deaf 1995
11 12 Text and slides for “Without Sign Language, No Human Rights” 2007
11 13 Africa: meeting report 2006
11 14 Albania: Albanian National Association of the Deaf brochure 2001
11 15 Arab Federation for the Organs of the Deaf introduction 1992
11 16 Arab League conference reports 2006
11 17 Argentina 1980
11 18 Asia (south and southwest) papers 2000-2006
11 19 Australia: Australian Association of the Deaf 1993-1994
12 1 Australia: Deaf studies Undated
12 2 Australia: other 1994-2008
12 3 Australia: Victoria 2006-2008
12 4 Austria 1981-2010
12 5 Bangladesh 1990-1991
12 6 Belarus 1991
12 7 Belgium 1985-1989
12 8 Belize: Papers on the deaf in Belize Undated
12 9 Brazil 1992-2009
12 10 Britain 1968-2007
12 11 Britain: British Deaf Association annual reports 1984-1990
12 12 Britain: British Deaf Association publications 1979-1990
13 1 Britain: British Deaf Association publications 1986
13 2 Britain: Papers from Centre for Deaf Studies, Bristol 1990
13 3 Bulgaria: Brochure and statement 2001
13 4 Cameroon ca. 2007
13 5 Canada 1991-2006
13 6 Canada: Program from Quebec Summit on Hearing Impairment 1986
13 7 Central America: papers on local deaf organizations Undated
13 8 China 1988-2012
13 9 Colombia Undated
13 10 Congo: Diploma of honor 2004
13 11 Costa Rica: Description of Asociacion Nacional de Sordos de Costa Rica Undated
13 12 Cuba: Laws for the disabled 2000
13 13 Cyprus: News from Deaf Research Office and papers on deaf community 2004
13 14 Czech Republic: Conference announcement 1995
13 15 Czechoslovakia 1979-1989
13 16 Denmark: clippings 1982-1983
13 17 Denmark: Danish Deaf Association 1987-2010
13 18 Denmark: Jonna Widell papers on Danish deaf culture ca. 2002
13 19 Denmark: miscellaneous 1988-2011
13 20 Denmark: other groups 1987-2007
14 1 Ecuador: laws for the disabled Undated
14 2 Estonia: deaf biographies 2005
14 3 Europe 1988-2005
14 4 Europe 1988-2005
14 5 European Union publications 1996-1997
14 6 Finland 1983-2008
14 7 Finland: African projects 1987-1999
14 8 Finland: Laws and regulations 1989-2006
14 9 Finland: Finnish Association of the Deaf 1991-2000
15 1 France 1982-1994
15 2 Germany 1980-2001
15 3 Greece: Announcement on Greek Sign Language 2000
15 4 Guatemala: Laws for the deaf Undated
15 5 Guinea: booklet Undated
15 6 Honduras 1976-1995
15 7 Hungary Undated
15 8 Iceland Undated
15 9 India: Booklet on job training Undated
15 10 Indonesia and Tibet: Interviews Undated
15 11 Iran: Envelope Undated
15 12 Ireland 1992-2007
15 13 Islamic cultures 2004
15 14 Israel 1975-2000
15 15 Italy ca. 1961-1998
15 16 Ivory Coast: Project proposal Undated
15 17 Japan 1984-2011
16 1 Japan: Correspondence and schedules for visit to Tsukuba 1994-1996
16 2 Japan: Japanese Federation of the Deaf ca. 1991
16 3 Jordan: Jordanian Club for the Deaf brochure ca. 2010
16 4 Kenya 1981-2008
16 5 Kenya: Seminar of the Deaf report and papers 1990
16 6 Kosovo 2004-2005
16 7 Kuwait: Law on the disabled 1996
16 8 Latvia: Manual alphabet Undated
16 9 Lebanon: Article on deaf school 2008
16 10 Libya: Al-Amal Society bylaws Undated
16 11 Macau: Macau Deaf Association folder Undated
16 12 Macedonia: Association of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons brochure Undated
16 13 Malaysia 2007
16 14 Mexico 1996-2008
16 15 Mongolia: Brochure Undated
16 16 Morocco 1995-2006
16 17 Nepal: Nepali sign language calendar 2011
16 18 Netherlands 1982-1992
17 1 Netherlands: design for All conference report 1997
17 2 Netherlands: Symposium papers on oral skills and Total Communication 1987
17 3 New Zealand 2004-2010
17 4 Nicaragua: Article on Nicaraguan Sign Language 1999
17 5 North Korea: Brochure and letters ca. 2004-2006
17 6 Norway 1968-2005
17 7 Pakistan 1990-2009
17 8 Paraguay 1979
17 9 Philippines 1978-1995
17 10 Poland 1980-1989
17 11 Portugal 1997-2005
17 12 Russia 1980-1996
17 13 Saudi Arabia 2006-2007
17 14 Saudi Arabia: Hend al-Showaier correspondence 2006-2009
18 1 Saudi Arabia: Prince Salman Center reports and grants 2002-2006
18 2 Serbia: Brochures 2003
18 3 Singapore: Brochures 1989
18 4 Slovakia: Brochures 1995
18 5 Slovenia Undated
18 6 South Africa 1991-2006
18 7 South and Central America 1993-2009
18 8 South Korea: Brochure Undated
18 9 Spain 1983-2006
18 10 Spain (Catalonia): Laws and event program 1994-2006
18 11 Spain (Galicia): Pocket calendar 1998
19 1 Sudan: National Society of the Deaf brochure Undated
19 2 Swaziland: Proposal for deaf rights 1996
19 3 Switzerland 1984-2008
19 4 Switzerland: Berghaus Tristel Elm booklets 1993-2008
19 5 Taiwan: Booklet from Chinese National Association for the Deaf Undated
19 6 Tanzania Undated
19 7 Thailand 2001-2006
19 8 Tibet: Sign language calendar and children’s book Undated
19 9 Tibet: Sign language vocabulary books Undated
19 10 Tunisia and the Maghreb 1991
19 11 Turkey: Brochure 1981
19 12 Uganda: Constitution and papers 1994-2005
19 13 Uruguay 1989
19 14 Venezuela: Laws 2006
19 15 Venezuela: Signed seminar poster 1995
19 16 Zambia: Paper on ethics in interpreting Undated
19 17 Annual report of Swedish Deaf Project in Kenya 1987
19 18 Articles and reports on Swedish deaf schools 1974-2009
19 19 Central Committee of National Associations of the Disabled publications 1987-1989
19 20 Clippings and newsletters 1952-2008
19 21 Correspondence from Swedish Deaf Project in Kenya 1989
19 22 Coupon cards 1940-1945
19 23 Curriculum for special needs schools 1994
20 1 Etching Undated
20 2 Lars-Åke Domfors dissertation on deaf education 2000
20 3 Novels (gifts from Jan Afzelius) 1951-1957
20 4 Papers on deafness in Sweden 1972-2009
20 5 Papers on deafness in Sweden 1972-2009
20 6 Publications from other Swedish deaf organizations 1988-2005
20 7 Regulations for dental technicians 1946-1955
20 8 Report on elderly 1989
20 9 Stockholm University papers on deaf society 1991-1992
20 10 Stockholms Dövas Förening diploma Undated
20 11 Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund publications 1981-1988
21 1 Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund publications and reports 1988-1991
21 2 Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund publications 1990-1999
21 3 Swedish correspondence 1939-2007
21 4 Swedish deaf clubs records 1958- ca. 2000
21 5 Text of book on sign language: Teckenspråk och teckenspråkiga 2006
21 6 Tyst Teater programs Undated
21 7 Unidentified dissertation on deaf theater Undated
21 8 Auditors’ reports and financial statements 2002-2007
21 9 Blank forms Undated
21 10 Board correspondence 2005-2007
21 11 Board minutes and agendas 1996-2005
22 1 Board minutes and agendas 2005-2011
22 2 Board nomination forms 2006
22 3 Board organizational report 2005-2007
22 4 Board reports and forms 1999-2011
22 5 Brochures and clippings from early congresses 1955-1979
22 6 Brochures and fliers 1980-2001
22 7 Circulars and reports for ordinary members 1996-2006
22 8 Clippings on IX Congress (Palermo, 1983) 1983
22 9 Correspondence 1996-2011
22 10 Correspondence 1997-2011
23 1 Correspondence 1999-2001
23 2 Correspondence and emails 2005-2006
23 3 Correspondence and joint statement with World Association of Sign Language Interpreters 2006-2007
23 4 Correspondence and lists for WFD Expert Network 2003-2007
23 5 Correspondence and notes on Jack Gannon’s history of the WFD 2007-2011
23 6 Correspondence on NAD-WFD chronology 2008
23 7 Correspondence on statutes 2008
23 8 Correspondence on statutes 2008
23 9 Correspondence on statutes 2009
23 10 Correspondence on statutes 2010
23 11 Correspondence on statutes and constitution 2010-2011
24 1 Correspondence with Petra Orlegand on WFD 2011
24 2 Draft of statement on unification of sign language 2006
24 3 European regional secretariat magazines 1989-1990
24 4 50th anniversary DVD 2001
24 5 Fundraising correspondence 1995-1998
24 6 Liisa Kauppinen correspondence 1996
24 7 Management committee minutes 2001-2004
24 8 Member group minutes and reports 1985
24 9 Member lists 1989-2002
24 10 Membership applications 2002-2006
24 11 Minutes and agendas from general assembly 1999-2007
24 12 Photographs Undated
24 13 Report on WFD visit to China 1997
24 14 Reports and publications 1995-2007
24 15 Reports and publications 2001-2007
24 16 Reports and publications 2003-2007
25 1 Reports and publications 2005-2009
25 2 Reports from regional secretariats 1998-2001
25 3 Reports on member countries’ implementation of standard rules 1997
25 4 Statutes 1985-2003
25 5 Statutes 1995
25 6 Survey on NAD status 2007
25 7 Work programs 1979-1991
25 8 II Congress records 1955
25 9 XII Congress budget 1995
25 10 XIII Congress resolution and report 1999
25 11 XIV Congress book and resolution 2003
25 12 XV Congress programs and memorabilia 2007
25 13 XVI Congress programs and publications 2011
25 14 Awards history 2008
25 15 Awards nomination forms 2006
26 1 Board correspondence 2005-2008
26 2 Board correspondence 2006-2008
26 3 Board meeting correspondence and drafts 2004-2006
26 4 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2004
26 5 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2004-2006
26 6 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2005
26 7 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2005
27 1 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2005
27 2 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2006
27 3 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2006
27 4 Board of Directors reports and agendas 2006
27 5 Board of Directors agenda and minutes 2007
27 6 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2007
27 7 Board of Directors minutes and reports 2007
27 8 Board of Directors agendas and reports 2007-2008
28 1 Board of Directors reports 2008
28 2 Board policy manual 2003-2006
28 3 Board policy manual 2006
28 4 Board retreat notes 2004
28 5 Bylaws 1990-2004
28 6 Certificate of appreciation for 1980 convention 1980
28 7 Conference reports and correspondence 2006
28 8 Correspondence and reports on regional conferences 2006-2008
28 9 Correspondence from Web site 2006-2008
28 10 Correspondence on awards for 2006 convention 2006
28 11 Correspondence on Miss Deaf America 2012
28 12 Correspondence on 2004 board meeting 2004
28 13 Council on the Education of the Deaf correspondence 2006
29 1 Delegate manual 2006-2008
29 2 Demographic survey 2007
29 3 Ephemera from 51st NAD biennial convention 2012
29 4 Event invitations and programs 2004-2010
29 5 Fulton III Committee correspondence and vision statements 2005-2006
29 6 Fulton III Committee report for board 2006
29 7 Fulton III Committee reports and agendas 2005
29 8 International correspondence 1994-2008
29 9 Junior NAD chapter kit 2007
29 10 Letters from president/CEO 2007
29 11 NAD Milestones 1990
29 12 Older letters and brochures 1950-1955
29 13 125th Anniversary Gala correspondence 2005
29 14 Position papers 2000-2008
29 15 Program and newsletters from 48th biennial convention 2006
29 16 Program for chess championship 1984
29 17 Program from Miss Deaf America pageant 2006
30 1 Region I conference agenda and drafts 2005
30 2 Region I conference agenda and minutes 2007
30 3 Region I conference attendee kit 2005
30 4 Region I conference correspondence 2005
30 5 Resolutions for National Deaf History Month 2005
30 6 Staff roster 2008
30 7 State association handbook 2002
30 8 Stephen Hlibok investment proposal 2005
30 9 WFD election brochures 1987
30 10 Workshop list from 2006 conference 2006
30 11 Astrid A. Goodstein paper on Maryland deaf services 2000
30 12 Correspondence and reports on educational interpreters in Maryland 2003-2006
30 13 Correspondence and testimony on Maryland HB 1187 2001
30 14 Maryland Disabilities Forum program and correspondence for 2006 gubernatorial election 2006
30 15 Maryland legislation on the deaf 2005-2006
30 16 Maryland state disabilities plan 2007
31 1 MDAD board minutes and correspondence 2003-2007
31 2 MDAD board minutes and correspondence 2003-2007
31 3 MDAD brochures ca. 2002
31 4 MDAD conference materials 2003-2009
31 5 MDAD correspondence and texts on fire safety legislation 2005-2007
31 6 MDAD correspondence and texts of legislation 2005-2006
31 7 MDAD financial reports 2003-2006
31 8 MDAD News 2004-2006
31 9 MDAD photographs with Governor Ehrlich Undated
31 10 MDAD symposium correspondence 2006
31 11 ODHH correspondence 2002-2004
32 1 ODHH correspondence 2003-2007
32 2 ODHH reports and correspondence 2000-2001
32 3 ODHH reports and testimony 2003-2006
32 4 AAPD manifestos 1999
32 5 Access Silent Asia Conference program 1994
32 6 Correspondence and reports on closed captioning 2000-2002
32 7 Deaf History International conference materials 2009
32 8 Deaf Seniors Association conference materials 2007
32 9 Friends of Libraries for Deaf Action (FOLDA) fliers 2005-2006
32 10 Materials from other deaf groups 1995-2009
32 11 Papers on deafness 1999-2006
32 12 Photographs Undated
32 13 Programs and fliers from deaf social events 2006-2013
32 14 Union League of the Deaf constitution 1956
33 1 CISS diploma and certificates for 8th World Winter Games 1975
33 2 CISS / ICSD publications and correspondence 1979-2009
33 3 Other deaf/disabled sports publications 1989-1994
33 4 WDL Asia site visit report 2001
33 5 WDL closed file (closed until 2050) Undated
33 6 WDL correspondence 1997-2007
33 7 WDL memorandum and draft plans 1996
33 8 WDL vision paper and call for proposals Undated
33 9 Attendee kit for European Disability Forum 1997
33 10 Booklet on International Day of Disabled Persons 1993
33 11 Clippings and newsletters on disability 1995-2010
33 12 Correspondence and minutes for National Council on Disability International Watch 2001
33 13 Correspondence and papers on ICIDH-2 1999-2004
33 14 Correspondence and reports on disability classification 1997-2002
34 1 Correspondence and reports on disability classification 1999-2003
34 2 Correspondence and transcript on US Council on International Rehabilitation 2001
34 3 Correspondence and word lists for Encyclopedia of Disability 2002-2003
34 4 Correspondence on disability 1991-2008
34 5 Correspondence on disability 1997-2004
34 6 Correspondence on disability 2000-2009
34 7 Correspondence on disability-related events 2002-2005
34 8 Correspondence on International Classification of Functioning (ICF) 2005-2006
34 9 Correspondence with Robert L. Burgdorf 1998
35 1 Disability World articles 2001-2007
35 2 Disabled People’s International publications 1986-2001
35 3 Draft of publication on disability and rehabilitation Undated
35 4 GLADNET fact sheet and bulletin 1997-1998
35 5 International disability laws 2003-2008
35 6 International disability organizations reports and publications 1989-2002
35 7 International disability organizations reports and publications 1996-2010
35 8 International disability organizations reports and publications 1998-2005
36 1 National Council on Disability comparison of disability laws 2008
36 2 National Council on Disability correspondence 1994-2001
36 3 National Council on Disability correspondence 1997-2002
36 4 National Council on Disability correspondence on OAS 1998
36 5 National Council on Disability event programs 2002
36 6 National Council on Disability report on livable communities 2006
36 7 Osamu Nagase correspondence and publications on disability 1995-1996
36 8 Other disability organizations publications 1989-1999
37 1 Other disability organizations publications 1989-2009
37 2 Other disability organizations publications 1991-2007
37 3 Other disability organizations publications 1994-2005
37 4 Other disability organizations publications 1998-2000
37 5 Papers from disability conferences 1996-2002
37 6 Papers on disability 1997-2005
37 7 Report on Hong Kong seminar on disability standards 1999
38 1 Surveys on government implementation of standard rules 1997
38 2 Surveys on government implementation of standard rules 1997-2005
38 3 U. S. government correspondence and publications on disability ca. 1990-2006
38 4 U. S. government correspondence on disability 1997-2003
38 5 U. S. government papers and conference reports on disability 1995-2002
38 6 U. S. government reports on disability 1993-1996
38 7 U. S. government reports on disability 1998-2004
39 1 U. S. International Council on Disabilities board meeting correspondence and reports 2001-2002
39 2 University of New Hampshire books on disability Undated
39 3 Correspondence and brochures 1998-2009
39 4 Correspondence with UNICEF 2003
39 5 Discussion and recommendations for UN Decade of Disabled Persons ca. 1980s
39 6 Drafts and clippings from Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2005-2007
39 7 Economic and Social Council resolutions on disabilities 1994
39 8 Legal analysis of draft of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2004
39 9 Material on human rights and disabilities 2004-2009
39 10 Memos and publications from negotiations over Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2001-2006
40 1 Memos and publications from negotiations over Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2002-2008
40 2 Memos and publications on equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities 1986-2010
40 3 Memos and publications on equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities 1992-1996
40 4 Notes and papers on deafness and language rights 1984-1990
40 5 Other reports and publications on disability 1993-2008
40 6 Pan American Health Organization report and correspondence 2006
40 7 Papers and reports on classification of disability 1990-2008
40 8 Papers from panel meeting on disability issues 2001
40 9 Papers from United Nations International Seminar on the Measurement of Disability 2001
41 1 Papers from United Nations International Seminar on the Measurement of Disability 2001
41 2 Publications and correspondence 1992-1999
41 3 Publications on discrimination ca. 1988
41 4 Publications on human rights 1989-2012
41 5 Questionnaire on disability 2001
41 6 Reports and brochures on equalization of opportunities for persons with disabilities 1999-2000
41 7 Reports and correspondence from meetings on the end of the UN Decade of Disabled Persons 1987-1990
41 8 Reports and publications from UN Decade of Disabled Persons 1982-1992
41 9 Reports on children with disabilities 2005
41 10 Reports on implementation of the World Programme of Action Concerning Disabled Persons 1987-1999
42 1 Special rapporteur correspondence and reports 1994-2000
42 2 Study on access to UN buildings Undated
42 3 UN books on human rights 1989-2004
42 4 UN books on human rights 1990-2010
42 5 UN books on human rights 1991-2010
42 6 UN books on human rights ca. 1998
42 7 UN Children’s Fund report on disability 1987
42 8 UN Voluntary Fund on Disability guidelines 1998
42 9 UNESCO minutes on education of the deaf 1974
42 10 UNESCO report on special needs education 1999
42 11 UNESCO reports 1979-1999
43 1 UNICEF booklet: The State of the World’s Children 1985 1985
43 2 WHO attendee list for conference on health and disability 2002
43 3 WHO draft policy on disability 1999
43 4 WHO guidelines for meeting accessibility 2002
43 5 WHO notes on community-based rehabilitation Undated
43 6 WHO notes on meeting with International Disability Alliance 2010
43 7 WHO report on disability rights 2010
43 8 Album of stamps on deafness (1/2) Undated
43 9 Album of stamps on deafness (2/2) Undated
43 10 Assorted canceled envelopes 1941-2006
43 11 Assorted canceled envelopes 1953-2014
43 12 Assorted canceled envelopes 1958-2006
44 1 Assorted canceled envelopes 1964-2000
44 2 Assorted canceled envelopes 1976-2014
44 3 Assorted canceled envelopes 1978-2004
44 4 Assorted canceled envelopes 1981-1992
44 5 Assorted canceled envelopes 1981-1999
44 6 Assorted canceled envelopes 1981-2003
44 7 Assorted canceled envelopes 1982-2003
45 1 Assorted canceled envelopes 1982-2011
45 2 Assorted canceled envelopes 1991-2003
45 3 Brazilian First Day Covers 1982
45 4 Brochures from unveiling of Thomas H. Gallaudet stamp 1982
45 5 Chinese First Day Covers 1985-1988
45 6 Commemorative cancellation for Deaf and Dumb Sports Meet, New Delhi 1965
45 7 Commemorative cancellation for Deaf Awareness Day 2000
45 8 Commemorative cancellation for MSCHI Deaf Awareness Week 1993
45 9 Commemorative cancellation for IV World Congress of the Deaf (Sweden) 1963
45 10 Commemorative cancellation for XII World Congress of the Deaf (Austria) 1973
45 11 Commemorative cancellation for XII World Games of the Deaf (Sweden) 1963
45 12 Commemorative envelope for Hlibok-Amann wedding 1994
45 13 Commemorative envelopes for Gallaudet 150th 2014
45 14 Commemorative envelopes for groundbreaking for Gallaudet conference center 1993
45 15 Commemorative envelopes for GUAA centennial reunion 1989
45 16 Commemorative envelopes for I. King Jordan inauguration 1988
45 17 Commemorative envelopes for Ole Jim reopening 1982
45 18 Commemorative envelopes for VIII World Individual Chess Championship for the Deaf 1984
45 19 Commemorative envelopes for XV World Games for the Deaf 1985
45 20 Commemorative envelopes for 59th Convention of the Empire State Association of the Deaf 1993
45 21 Correspondence on stamps 1983-2010
46 1 Danish First Day Covers for CISS 1985
46 2 Envelopes and postcards from NAD 1980 1980
46 3 Envelopes with correspondence 1970-2003
46 4 Envelopes with correspondence 1979-2010
46 5 Ethiopian First Day Covers 1974-1975
46 6 First Day Covers and stamps for International Year of Disabled Persons 1981
46 7 First Day Covers for Thomas H. Gallaudet stamp 1983
46 8 First Day Covers for Thomas H. Gallaudet stamp 1983
46 9 First Day Cover for US Postal Service 1971
46 10 First Day Covers from 50th anniversary of the Danish Deaf Federation 1985
46 11 First Day Covers from Institute for the Deaf and Blind 1981
46 12 First Day Covers from International Congress for Deaf Education (Germany) 1980
46 13 First Day Covers from Second Latino-American Conference on the Deaf 1985
46 14 First Day Cover from 16th Winter Deaflympics (Salt Lake City) 2007
47 1 First Day Cover from 16th World Games for the Deaf (New Zealand) 1989
47 2 First Day Covers from The Deaf Way 1989
47 3 First Day Covers from The Deaf Way II 2002
47 4 First Day Covers from 30th International Deaf Day 1987
47 5 First Day Covers from 200th Anniversary of the Austrian School for the Deaf 1972
47 6 First Day Covers from United Nations 1953-1995
47 7 First Day Covers from UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2008
47 8 First Day Covers from University Week 1986
47 9 First Day Covers from II World Congress of the Deaf (Yugoslavia) 1955
47 10 First Day Covers from V World Congress of the Deaf (Poland) 1967
47 11 First Day Covers from VIII World Congress of the Deaf (Bulgaria) 1979
47 12 First Day Covers from IX World Congress of the Deaf (Italy) 1983
47 13 First Day Cover from X Winter World Games for the Deaf (Italy) 1983
47 14 First Day Covers from X World Congress of the Deaf (Finland) 1987
47 15 First Day Covers from XI World Congress of the Deaf (Japan) 1991
47 16 First Day Covers from XVII World Games for the Deaf (Bulgaria) 1993
47 17 First Day Covers of Abbe de L’Epee 1959
47 18 First Day Covers of deaf issue 1991
47 19 First Day Covers of Helen Keller / Anne Sullivan stamp 1980
47 20 Japanese envelopes and stamps ca. 1944
47 21 Korean First Day Cover 2000
47 22 Kuwaiti First Day Cover Undated
47 24 Loose stamps and sheets 1969-2002
48 1 Norwegian First Day Covers for International Year of the Child 1979
48 2 Postcards 1955-2007
48 3 Postcards 1955-2010
48 4 Postmarks 1981-1982
48 5 Postmarks 1981-1982
48 6 PTT (Swiss postal system) book of stamps 1991
48 7 Russian First Day Covers 1976
48 8 Scandinavian Collectors Club membership card and correspondence 1983-2011
48 9 Stamps and First Day Covers on deaf communication 1993
48 10 Stamps from 21st Summer Deaflympics 2009
48 11 Stamps from XV World Winter Games for the Deaf (Sweden) 2003
48 12 Stickers and labels 1983-1993
49 1 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/30/43 1943
49 2 Swedish canceled envelopes, 12/3/44 1944
49 3 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/6/45 1945
49 4 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/4/47 1947
49 5 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/2/48 1948
49 6 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/13/51 1951
49 7 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/7/53 1953
49 8 Swedish canceled envelopes, 10/30/54 1954
49 9 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/3/55 1955
49 10 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/6/56 1956
49 11 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/13/57 1957
49 12 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/4/58 1958
49 13 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/4/58 1958
49 14 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/3/59 1959
50 1 Swedish canceled envelopes, 11/8/60 1960
50 2 Swedish commemorative cancellations from deaf events 1971-1978
50 3 Thai First Day Cover for National Communications Day 1999
50 4 Yugoslavian First Day Cover 1985
50 Business cards Undated
50 Business cards Undated
50 Business cards Undated
50 5 Clippings about Andersson 1960-2002
50 6 Other clippings 1973-2012
51 CD: Swedish Deaf Museum at Manillaskolan Stockholm [photos] 2006
51 CD: Gun birthday 2005 [photos] 2005
51 CD: ACAD [NAD history PowerPoint] 2005
51 CD: Cartoon from Spain shown in Montreal [“DeafWorld” movie clip] Undated
51 CD: Sands of Time Larry Newman Undated
51 CD: Yerker A Sands of Time Undated
51 CD: [Histoire d’un Sourd-Muet, 1892] Undated
51 CD: Folders 2006 Jan 3-7, 06 [2006 correspondence and e-mails] 2006
51 Zip disks x5 Undated
51 3.5 floppies x100 ca. 2004
52 3.5 floppies x139 ca. 2003-2006
53 3.5 floppies x 105 ca. 2001-2011
54 3.5 floppies x 134 ca. 2003-2006
55 Loose black and white photos (x138) 1956-1958
55 FNSE commemorative tray 1982
55 Hungarian National Association of the Deaf plaque 1995
55 Democracy! pewter cup 1996
55 Mayor of Asahikawa medal Undated
55 West Virginia Association of the Deaf lanyard Undated
56 WFD 50th anniversary scarf 2001
56 Japanese Federation of the Deaf wooden boxes (x3) Undated
56 Gallaudet 150th anniversary medallion 2014
56 Marion Mill Preminger medal 1999
56 MDAD 50th anniversary keyring (x3) 2006
56 Maryland Governor’s ODHH pill bottle opener Undated
56 Asociacion de Sordos de Chiriqui plaque 2000
56 New Jersey Association of the Deaf ballpoint pen Undated
56 Brimless hat Undated
56 WFD XVI Congress 2011 lanyards and ID cards for Yerker and Ann Marie Andersson 2011
56 World Deaf Leadership Program patch Undated
56 Class of 1960 50th reunion ballpoint pen 2010
56 WFD 50th anniversary ballpoint pen 2001
56 GUAA Swiss army knife Undated
56 Leather keyring Undated
56 GUAA luggage tag Undated
56 Buttons (x5) and pins (x17) Undated
56 South African miniature flags (x2) Undated
57 Class of 1960 50th anniversary coasters 2010
57 Moonbeam alarm clock Undated
57 GUAA magnetic clip Undated
57 Miniature alarm clock Undated
57 Wristwatches (x6) Undated
57 WFD 25th anniversary medal 1976
57 Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund keyring Undated
57 NAD ballpoint pen Undated
57 Gallaudet-Clerc Banquet, Kentucky Chapter, pewter cup 1998
57 Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund tie clip Undated
57 Committee on Disability money clip Undated
57 NTID paperweight 1999
58 Taiwanese minature flag Undated
58 Association of the Deaf in Israel trophy 1991
58 Association of the Deaf in Israel plaque 1995
58 Edward Miner Gallaudet Award plaque 1986
58 Tower Clock award plaque 1960
58 Faculty/staff of the year award plaque 1982
58 NAD and flag metal ornament Undated
58 WFD 50th anniversary tie 2001
58 British Deaf Association tie Undated
59 Västanviks Folkhögskola flag and base Undated
59 Independence 92 International Advisory Committee etched glass Undated
59 Hong Kong Mutual Assistance Society for the Deaf plaque 1993
59 Asociacion de Sordos del Peru brass ornament 1988
59 Kanazawa School for the Deaf dyed fabric Undated
60 Bangladesh plaque Undated
60 NAD recognition plaque Undated
60 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) plaque 1993
60 Asociaciaon de Sordos de Coagula plaque 1996
60 NAD Distinguished Service Award plaque 1994
60 ASP Jonathan Hall of the Year plaque 1991
61 Gallaudet University blankets (x2) Undated
61 Serape Undated
61 Organization Nacional Deportiva Sordos de Bogota statuette 1964
61 Jordanian Club for the Deaf award 2011
61 Phone-TTY clock-timer Undated
61 MAT apron Undated
61 FNSE wooden statuette of Don Quixote Undated
62 T-shirts and hoodies (x8 Undated
62 Wooden clock Undated
62 Clay scroll (for Andersson’s Ph.D.) Undated
62 Manillaskolan banner Undated
62 Commemorative plate from Zurich 1987
62 5th Asian Conference of the Deaf plaque 1984
62 NAD 10th convention pin/ribbon 1926
62 Gallaudet alumni shopping bag Undated
62 World Federation of the Deaf 2011 convention messenger bag 2011
63 Female kimono accessories Undated
63 Male kimono accessories Undated
One-legged stool Undated

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