Areas of Study

MSS 200

Schein, Jerome D., 1923-2010

The Jerome D. Schein Papers, 1918-2008

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 200

Creator: Schein, Jerome D., 1923-2010

Title: The Jerome D. Schein Papers, 1918-2008

Quantity: 14 linear feet (28 document cases)

Abstract: Professional and personal papers of Dr. Jerome D. Schein, psychologist and demographer known for his work studying deafness, rehabilitation, and deaf culture.

Note: This document last updated February 2015.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Assembled from collections donated by Dr. Schein between 1998 and 2008.

Processed By: Christopher Shea, February 2015.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:


  • Jerome Schein [pictures]. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Portraits

Vertical Files

  • Jerome D. Schein. Gallaudet University Archives, call number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

Born in 1923 in Minneapolis, Jerome D. Schein received a BA in psychology from the University of Minnesota in 1946 and then went on to take a MA in industrial psychology in 1947 and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Requirements in 1958.

He began his academic career teaching clinical psychology at the University of Wisconsin, and then relocated to Florida, where he was an assistant professor of psychology. In 1960, disturbed by the unrest in the South during the civil rights movement, Dr. Schein began to apply for jobs at several colleges farther north, and ended up becoming a psychology professor at Gallaudet.

Dr. Schein’s experiences at Gallaudet gave him a lifelong fascination with deafness and deaf culture, and he made many close friends in the deaf community. He was the first to conduct a national study of the deaf population, and a similar study of the deaf-blind population. As director of Gallaudet’s Office of Psychological Research, he headed research projects to determine the extent of deafness in America, whether deaf drivers were really more dangerous, and other topics.

He left Gallaudet in 1968 to accept a deanship at the University of Cincinnati, and in 1970 relocated again, this time to head the Deafness Research and Training Center (DRTC) at New York University and teach sensory rehabilitation in NYU’s School of Education. In this capacity, Schein was active in setting up ASL classes for both deaf and hearing, and founded the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) to help ensure interpreter quality. He was made a Fellow of the American Psychological Association in 1976.

In 1986, he was awarded Gallaudet’s Powrie Vaux Doctor Chair, and three years later he was selected for the University of Alberta’s David Peikoff Chair of Deafness Studies. As of this writing, Dr. Schein is the only person to have held both the Doctor and Peikoff Chairs.

Dr. Schein left the Peikoff Chair in 1993. In retirement, he continued to be an active researcher, writer, and speaker on deafness and related subjects. Over the course of his life, he wrote 25 books and published over 200 refereed papers. He passed away in 2010.

Scope and Content

The bulk of this collection falls between Dr. Schein’s joining the DRTC in 1970 and his retirement in 1993. There is relatively little material from his time as a Gallaudet professor in the late 1960s. The material present is mostly dedicated to his work as a researcher, speaker, and writer, with little personal material outside of correspondence.

The research material present does not include Dr. Schein’s raw data and only fragmentary notes, but it does provide an extensive selection of papers, speeches, and projects he created while pursuing his interests: deafness and deaf culture, the demographics of deafness, rehabilitation, education, assistive technology, and hearing loss in the elderly.

Besides Dr. Schein’s research, the collection also includes a variety of site reports and evaluations that Dr. Schein provided for deaf education programs around the country, in particular extensive records from a multi-year examination of deaf education in Texas.

There is very little material related to his books, mostly correspondence with publishers and reviews. The collection also includes some course material from Dr. Schein’s teaching years in Florida and at NYU.

Series Descriptions

Series 1. CVs and honors, 1941-1999

Box 1

A collection of Dr. Schein’s CVs, lists of publications, and certificates of membership and awards that he received over the years. Also includes his high school diploma and some local newspaper clippings about awards he won in high school, as well as report cards from his undergraduate and graduate terms at the University of Minnesota.

Series 2. Projects, studies, and reports, 1961-1993

Boxes 2-5

Project and grant proposals, reports and statistics, and evaluations and correspondence related to academic projects undertaken by Dr. Schein and his colleagues. Includes site visit reports from various deaf schools and institutions that he evaluated. Readers from Gallaudet University may be particularly interested in his 1960s research projects (with Howard L. Roy) on predictors of success at Gallaudet and the physical characteristics of Gallaudet students.

See series 6-8, 12, and 14-17 for similar records on projects related to specific topics.

Series 3. Manuscripts, 1958-1996

Boxes 5-6

Manuscripts, notes, and correspondence for articles and research papers written by Dr. Schein on various topics related to deaf education, rehabilitation, and culture.

See series 4 for published versions of articles. See series 18 and 20 for drafts of reviews and abstracts by Dr. Schein, and series 22 for reviews of his work.

Series 4. Published articles, 1966-2006

Box 6

A collection of articles by Dr. Schein clipped from academic and popular journals, as well as some reprints. Includes the final published versions of some articles from series 3. Of interest is a clipping of Dr. Schein’s article on Deafness from the popular World Book Encyclopedia and a full copy of his book For Parents of Deaf Children.

Series 5. Speeches, 1964-1998

Boxes 6-8

Dr. Schein was a popular speaker, and this series collects the texts of speeches he made and papers he presented at various conferences. The bulk of the speeches are related to his particular interests in deafness, rehabilitation, and education. There is also a small collection of speeches he made at student orientation events while at the University of Cincinnati and NYU. It also includes a collection of overhead transparencies he used while speaking.

See series 11 for speeches given at specific conferences.

Series 6. DRTC records, 1970-1985

Boxes 8-11

Established at the beginning of the 1970s, the Deafness Research and Training Center in New York University’s School of Education was active in training interpreters and deaf educators, researching assistive technology and advocating for deaf-accessible TV, and raising public awareness of deafness.

As its director from 1970 to 1986, Dr. Schein was deeply involved in its work. This series includes some sample curricula for interpreter training and teaching severely impaired students, research and grant proposals, reports on studies made by the DRTC, correspondence, newsletters, and activity reports.

See series 8, 12, and 14-17 for more material from Dr. Schein’s work at DRTC. Series 24 has some photographs from DRTC events and projects.

Series 7. Peikoff Chair and Canada records, 1975-2001

Boxes 11-13

When Dr. Schein took the Peikoff Chair in 1989, he brought along his interest in demographics and interpreting service. This series includes records of research Dr. Schein did on the demographics of deafness in Canada, particularly western Canada, as well as work he did on the education and quality of Canadian interpreters. It also includes reports and correspondence from work he did for the Alberta Premier’s Council.

Series 8. Demographics research, 1918-2002

Boxes 13-14

A general collection of Dr. Schein’s work on demographics, particularly related to deafness. Includes research material, correspondence, notes, and papers on the topic. Of particular interest is some material from the National Census of the Deaf conducted by the NAD in the 1970s.

See series 2-6 for more papers and speeches related to demographic topics.

Series 9. Correspondence, 1961-2008

Boxes 14-17

A collection of Dr. Schein’s correspondence, mostly professional letters but with some personal material included. Of particular interest are a set of letters of congratulation on Dr. Schein’s biography of Frederick Schreiber, A Rose for Tomorrow; some postcards he sent his brother Harold while traveling; and correspondence for articles he wrote for the Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness and the World Book Encyclopedia.

Series 10. Teaching materials, 1957-1986

Boxes 17-20

While Dr. Schein’s academic focus was more on research than education, he did teach classes on deafness and rehabilitation at New York University. Most of this series consists of reading lists, test materials, student papers, and lecture outlines and notes from his NYU classes, as well as NYU faculty activity reports. It also includes a collection of similar material from psychology classes he taught in the late 1950s in Florida.

Series 11. Conference records, 1961-2001

Boxes 20-22

A collection of materials from conferences, seminars, and workshops that Dr. Schein attended around the world. Includes agendas, programs, copies of speeches he made at these events, and correspondence about the events.
See series 5 for more speeches and papers given by Dr. Schein.

Series 12. Assistive technology research, 1976-1989

Boxes 22-23

While at DRTC, Dr. Schein produced a variety of research reports on assistive technology, including hearing aids, TDDs, and television caption decoders. Some of the reports in this series were done for general information, and others were produced as market research for corporations that were planning to develop their own products in this area.

See series 6 for more on DRTC.

Series 13. Legal opinions and correspondence, 1967-2000

Box 24

Dr. Schein was often called on as an expert witness in cases involving the deaf, in particular cases related to the economic damage caused by deafness. This series includes his correspondence with lawyers, depositions and opinions from cases he was involved in, and some papers he wrote on law and the deaf.

Series 14. Deafness and health care project records, 1976-1997

Boxes 24-25

A collection of materials related to equal access to health care for the deaf. The bulk is records of a DRTC project to produce sign language manuals for health care professionals.

See series 6 for more on DRTC.

Series 15. Texas education evaluation records, 1975-1985

Boxes 25-26

Records of site visits and evaluations of curricula used in deaf education, conducted by Dr. Schein and DRTC. Includes records from the Houston Independent School District and a statewide evaluation of Texas’ deaf education program.

Series 16. Deaf driver research records, 1963-2002

Box 26

Dr. Schein was one of the researchers who looked into the performance of deaf drivers in the 1950s and 1960s, and helped disprove the belief that deaf drivers were inherently unsafe. This series includes his correspondence and some research material on various aspects of driving while deaf.

Series 17. Columbus Colony records, 1977-1981

Box 26

Records of evaluations conducted by Dr. Schein and his colleagues for Columbus Colony, an apartment complex intended for the elderly deaf, deaf-blind, and otherwise disabled. Includes Dr. Schein’s reports on the site and some correspondence.

Series 18. Veterans Administration correspondence and reviews, 1985-2006

Box 27

Dr. Schein served on several rehabilitation committees at the Veterans Administration, and also contributed book reviews and abstracts to their publication, the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development (JRRD). This series includes some committee minutes, drafts of Dr. Schein’s reviews and abstracts, and correspondence, mostly with the editors of JRRD.

See series 20 for more reviews written by Dr. Schein.

Series 19. Florida correspondence and minutes, 1993-2000

Box 27

A small series of records from Broward County, Florida, where Dr. Schein settled after his retirement. Includes material on interpreter service in the county and lists of books and other materials he contributed to the Broward County library.

Series 20. Reviews, 1975-1998

Box 27

Drafts of book reviews and abstracts written by Dr. Schein for various professional and popular journals.

See series 18 for more reviews written by Dr. Schein.

Series 21. Clippings, 1970-1989

Boxes 27-28

A collection of newspaper and magazine clippings documenting Dr. Schein’s career, including articles on the various posts he held during this time and articles that quote or interview him.

Series 22. Review clippings, 1975-1999

Box 28

Clipped reviews of some of Dr. Schein’s books, including For Parents of Deaf Children, Speaking the Language of Sign, At Home Among Strangers, and others. Also includes some brochures and advertisements for Dr. Schein’s books, mostly from Gallaudet University Press.

Series 23. Notes, undated

Box 28

A collection of handwritten notes by Dr. Schein, including research notes and outlines for speeches and papers. Of interest is a set of sketches of the vertebrae with annotations.

Series 24. Photographs, 1962-1974

Mostly black-and-white photographs of Dr. Schein at various conferences and events, or posing with colleagues. Most photographs are not labeled. Includes some photos from DRTC film and television projects.

Box Folder Title Year(s)
1 1 Certificates 1975-1992
1 2 Certificates and honors 1980-1997
1 3 CVs and publication lists 1980-1998
1 4 CVs and publication lists 1980-1999
1 5 High school diploma and clippings 1941
1 6 University report cards 1944-1956
1 7 Application for fellowship 1985
1 8 California Disability Survey questionnaires and results 1978-1981
1 9 Children’s Hearing Institute records 1983-1984
1 10 Correspondence and proposals for the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf 1980-1981
1 11 Correspondence and proposals for the University of Jos 1992-1995
2 1 Correspondence and reports for the Central New York Association of the Hearing Impaired 1976-1992
2 2 Correspondence with Milwaukee public schools 1976-1977
2 3 Disability demographic study for Connecticut 1980-1981
2 4 Disability demographic study for Connecticut 1980-1981
2 5 Evaluation and correspondence on Milwaukee public schools 1976-1977
2 6 Evaluation of services at Tennessee School for the Deaf Undated
2 7 Grant application for spinal cord research 1991
2 8 Proposal and notes for CEASD meeting Undated
2 9 Proposal for Boston Guild 1993
2 10 Proposal for creation of tests to evaluate deaf Undated
2 11 Proposal for delivery of services to inner city deaf 1972
2 12 Proposal for interpreter training program 1980
2 13 Proposal for language acquisition project 1961
2 14 Proposal for research in serving deaf minority groups 1972
3 1 Proposals and reports for SHHH 1986-1991
3 2 Proposals for program for multi-handicapped children 1977
3 3 Proposals for SHHH 1991-1993
3 4 Questionnaires and correspondence on humor and the deaf 1973
3 5 Questionnaires and surveys on deafness Undated
3 6 Report on communication in deaf-blind children 1981
3 7 Report on Connecticut Commission to Study and Investigate the Problems of the Deaf… 1973
3 8 Report on enrollment at Gallaudet 1972
3 9 Report on services for the deaf in Massachusetts 1984
3 10 Report on site visit to Joseph P. Keefe Technical School 1978
3 11 Report on site visit to Northeastern University 1978-1980
4 1 Report on site visit to RESCUE 1979
4 2 Report on Total Language Program 1979
4 3 Research proposals 1962-1990
4 4 Studies of deaf-blind children 1978-1981
4 5 Studies on Gallaudet students 1961-1972
4 6 Studies on multiply handicapped students for MSSD 1975-1977
4 7 Study of services to deaf-blind 1981
4 8 Study on deaf community 1963-1964
4 9 Study on integration of deaf pupils in New York 1973-1974
4 10 Survey of Cincinnati public schools 1969
4 11 Transcripts of interviews at European deaf schools 1967
5 1 Wallace Brandon translation of “Deaf-Mutes in Switzerland in 1953” 1966
5 2 Article on COSD for encyclopedia 1985
5 3 Chapter on group approaches, annotated 1981
5 4 Essay on monocular blindness Undated
5 5 Galleys of chapter on hearing loss in adults 1987
5 6 Outline and notes on self-concept in deaf children Undated
5 7 Paper on sociology of childhood deafness Undated
5 8 Papers and articles on deaf culture 1981-1990
5 9 Papers and articles on deaf education 1972-1992
5 10 Papers and articles on demographics Undated
5 11 Papers and articles on hearing impairment in elderly Undated
6 1 Papers and articles on rehabilitation 1977-1996
6 2 Papers and articles on services for the deaf 1986-1994
6 3 Papers and notes on deafness and self-image 1979
6 4 Publisher’s agreement for A Complete Guide to Communication with Deaf Blind Persons 1980
6 5 Report on medical grand rounds 1958
6 6 Reports and papers on emotionally disturbed deaf children 1965-1973
6 7 Clippings and reprints of articles 1966-1989
6 8 Clippings and reprints of articles 1990-2006
6 9 For Parents of Deaf Children 1978
6 10 World Book Encyclopedia article on deafness Undated
6 11 Introductions and eulogies 1981-1992
6 12 Lecture outlines and notes Undated
7 1 Lecture outlines and notes on cognition in the deaf Undated
7 2 Notecards Undated
7 3 Speeches and papers on deaf culture and community 1978-1998
7 4 Speeches and papers on deaf education 1968-1994
7 5 Speeches and papers on deafness and mental health 1966-1984
7 6 Speeches and papers on demographics 1964-1991
7 7 Speeches and papers on hearing loss in the elderly 1984-1988
8 1 Speeches and papers on providing services for the deaf 1970-1989
8 2 Speeches and papers on rehabilitation and assistive technology 1975-1998
8 3 Speeches for student orientation 1968-1981
8 4 Transparencies Undated
8 5 Activity reports and records 1970-1972
8 6 Brochures Undated
8 7 Brochures and memorandum on Berger Scholars 1974-1985
8 8 Clippings on DRTC 1975-1980
8 9 Correspondence 1972-1988
8 10 Correspondence and agreement on Virgin Islands project 1977-1978
8 11 Correspondence and studies on “The Joy of Signing” and other TV productions 1981
9 1 Course outline for interpreting in specialized settings 1971
9 2 Curriculum for severely impaired students Undated
9 3 Curriculum for severely impaired students 1979
9 4 Curriculum on manual communication Undated
9 5 Deaf Community Analysts, Inc., proposal and reports 1978-1979
9 6 Evaluations of services to deaf in Massachusetts 1977
9 7 Grant progress report 1974
9 8 Interpreter training program records 1978-1985
10 1 List of graduates 1983
10 2 Lists of publications and tapes 1980
10 3 Newsletters 1970-1980
10 4 NITC interpreter curriculum Undated
10 5 NITC interpreter curriculum Undated
10 6 Photographs Undated
10 7 Press releases on Speaking with Your Hands 1975
10 8 Project and grant status reports 1967-1971
10 9 Proposal for Institute for Education of Severely Handicapped Children 1982
11 1 Proposal for public awareness programs 1976
11 2 Report on federal discrimination against deaf 1972
11 3 Report on psychological tests for hearing impaired 1977
11 4 Reports on collaboration with NYC Bureau of Speech Improvement 1977
11 5 Research proposals 1974-1979
11 6 Research reports Undated
11 7 Activity reports and presentations for the Peikoff chair 1987-1991
11 8 Activity reports for the University of Alberta 2001
11 9 Correspondence 1989-1992
11 10 Correspondence and speech from University of Lethbridge 1991
11 11 Correspondence and speeches for ACEHI 1991-1996
11 12 Marty Taylor research proposal 1990
12 1 Notecards and transparencies for speech on Canadian deaf demographics 1975-1993
12 2 Proposal for Alberta communication aides workshop 1991
12 3 Report on communication in mainstream classes 1991
12 4 Reports and correspondence for Alberta Premier’s Council on the Status of Persons… 1989-1992
12 5 Reports and correspondence on deaf in Alberta 1989-1993
12 6 Reports and correspondence on deaf in Alberta 1989-1993
12 7 Reports and proposals on interpreting in Canada 1989-1993
12 8 Reports and proposals on interpreting in Canada 1989-1993
12 9 Reports and proposals on interpreting in Canada 1989-1993
13 1 Reports on demographics of Canadian deaf 1985-1990
13 2 Reports on needs of deaf in western Canada Undated
13 3 Chapter on demography of deafness Undated
13 4 Clippings and research material on demographics 1918-1994
13 5 Clippings and research material on demographics 1918-1994
13 6 Essay on demographics of deafness Undated
13 7 National Census of the Deaf forms and reports 1968-1981
13 8 Notes and correspondence on demographics 1984-2002
13 9 Paper and tables on demographics of deafness Undated
13 10 Paper on demography of deaf in Belgium 2001
13 11 Paper on economic status of deaf 1978
14 1 Papers and speeches on demographics of deaf 1981-1987
14 2 Papers on disability statistics Undated
14 3 Partial draft of book on demographics of deafness Undated
14 4 Report on demographics and needs of deaf in California 1983
14 5 Correspondence 1961-1969
14 6 Correspondence 1971-1979
14 7 Correspondence 1980-1983
14 8 Correspondence 1984-1985
15 1 Correspondence 1986-1987
15 2 Correspondence 1988-1989
15 3 Correspondence 1990-1993
15 4 Correspondence 1994-1995
15 5 Correspondence 1996-1998
15 6 Correspondence 1999
15 7 Correspondence 2000-2008
15 8 Correspondence Undated
16 1 Correspondence and outlines for Encyclopedia of Deaf People and Deafness 1980-1985
16 2 Correspondence and proposals from Denis Cooney 1991-1993
16 3 Correspondence and report from US Department of Education 1994
16 4 Correspondence on A Rose for Tomorrow 1977-1984
16 5 Correspondence on A Rose for Tomorrow 1977-1984
16 6 Correspondence on sign language books 1980-1986
16 7 Correspondence with Crossroads Rehabilitation Center 1976
16 8 Correspondence with David Stewart 1991-1998
16 9 Correspondence with Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation 1994
17 1 Correspondence with Kathleen Schreiber 1982-1990
17 2 Correspondence with NAD Research and Development Committee 1969-1980
17 3 Correspondence with New York Society for the Deaf 1984-1993
17 4 Correspondence with REDEX Inc. 1981-1983
17 5 Correspondence with Rod Beattie 1999-2000
17 6 Correspondence with Who’s Who, et al. 1980-1990
17 7 Correspondence with World Book Encyclopedia 1977-1992
17 8 Letter and draft from James Hogge 1977
17 9 Letter and paper from Barbara Kannapell 1973
17 10 Postcards to Harold Schein 1993-1995
17 11 Application for Mary Switzer Fellowship 1985
17 12 CUNY Tech annual report 1982
17 13 Faculty activity reports for NYU 1972-1981
17 14 Faculty activity reports for NYU 1974-1981
17 15 Faculty activity reports for NYU 1983-1985
18 1 Lectures and reading lists for E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1981-1982
18 2 Lists of doctoral candidates 1983-1985
18 3 Notes and outlines for E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1984
18 4 Notes and student exams for E28.2162: Community Service Programs for Deaf People 1982
18 5 Other student papers 1973-1976
18 6 Other student papers 1982-1986
18 7 Other test materials 1972-1983
18 8 Other test materials Undated
18 9 Outline and clippings for E28.2502: Deafness and Human Behavior II 1983
18 10 Outline for E28.3002: Issues in Deafness 1984
18 11 Outlines and exams for E28.2158: Disturbances of Communication 1982-1984
18 12 Sabbatical report 1984
18 13 Student papers from E28.2300: Community Service Programs for Deaf People 1982
18 14 Student papers from E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1982
18 15 Student work from seminar on Model State Plan 1986
19 1 Test and class materials for E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1974-1981
19 2 Test and class materials for E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1981-1984
19 3 Test and class materials for E28.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1984-1986
19 4 Test and class materials for E35.2501: Psychology of Deafness I 1971-1975
19 5 Test materials and outlines for E28.2159: Research in Deafness 1982-1985
19 6 Test materials and outlines for E38.2501: Deafness and Human Behavior I 1980-1982
19 7 Test materials for Psychology 105 1957-1959
20 1 Test materials for Psychology 205 Undated
20 2 Test materials for Psychology 207 1958
20 3 Test materials for Psychology 458: Psychology of the Physically Handicapped Undated
20 4 Test materials for Psychology 703 1967
20 5 Test materials for Psychology 707 1962-1965
20 6 Test submission forms Undated
20 7 Tests and outlines from E28.2167: Principles, Techniques, and Problems of Counseling Deaf People 1984
20 8 Tests and student papers from E28.2502: Deafness and Human Behavior II 1981-1986
20 9 Agenda and summaries for Puerto Rico conference 1991
20 10 Agendas and correspondence for St. Lucia seminar 1995
20 11 Agendas and letter for Cordoba, Argentina, seminar 1994
20 12 Attendee kit from workshop on normal communications specialists Undated
20 13 Christian Children’s Fund resource kit 1994
21 1 Contents of International Conference on Oral Education of the Deaf 1967
21 2 Correspondence and agenda for Zimbabwe workshop 1991-1995
21 3 Correspondence and agendas for professional events 1979-1999
21 4 Correspondence and programs for New Zealand lectures 1989-1995
21 5 Correspondence and programs for professional events in Israel 1986-1995
21 6 Correspondence and speeches from Belgian conferences 1998-2001
21 7 Correspondence on National Conference on Mental Health and Deafness 1980-1982
21 8 Introductions and invitation for Jones Lecture 1990-1992
21 9 Paper from XI World College on Otorhinolaryngology 1976
22 1 Papers from Belgian conference 1998
22 2 Proceedings of conference on deaf rehabilitation and education 1970
22 3 Programs and texts for conferences in Argentina 1993-2003
22 4 Report from Tarrytown conference on priorities in rehabilitation of the deaf 1971
22 5 Report on conference on continuing education for the deaf 1976
22 6 Report on HEW conference on deaf 1961
22 7 Reports and agendas from Puerto Rico workshops 1980-1981
22 8 Applied Concepts Corporation project reports 1987-1988
22 9 Correspondence and product studies for AT&T 1978
22 10 DCA surveys on captioned television 1978
22 11 Demographic surveys for Symbion, Inc. 1985
23 1 Federal Trade Commission transcript on hearing aids 1976
23 2 Lecture outline and correspondence on Merkin Hall and other infrared listening systems 1985-1986
23 3 Marketing studies on caption decoders 1978
23 4 Merchandising plan for TTYs 1976-1977
23 5 Report on implantable hearing aids for Storz 1989
23 6 Report on telecommunications and deafness 1980
23 7 Report on TDD market for Plantronics 1978
23 8 Report on US deaf population for Storz 1989
23 9 Review of research on TDDs Undated
23 10 Studies on TDDs for Plantronics 1978
23 11 Studies on TDDs for Plantronics 1979-1980
24 1 California state appeal court opinion on Christensen adoption case 1967
24 2 Correspondence and articles on Michael Chatoff 1975-1984
24 3 Correspondence and legal filings on Joseph McNulty 1989-1996
24 4 Correspondence on Lamonica vs. North Shore University Hospital 1997
24 5 Deposition in Cho vs. Kim 1996
24 6 Halbert White deposition 1984
24 7 Legal opinion in case of Alec Naiman 1984
24 8 Letter to Dr. Joseph McGurrin 1986
24 9 Lists of cases taken 1996-1997
24 10 Opinion on Alburnie Wright 1997
24 11 Opinion on Michael Chatoff 1996
24 12 Paper on economic damages from prelingual deafness 2000
24 13 Report on Donald Snow 1980
24 14 Report on Miguel Lozada Undated
24 15 Brochures and clippings on deaf and health care 1977-1997
24 16 Business proposal for medical sign manuals 1977
24 17 Guide to signs in medical settings Undated
24 18 Records of project on medical signs 1976-1978
24 19 Records of project on medical signs 1976-1978
25 1 Reports and proposals on deaf in hospitals 1977-1980
25 2 Correspondence on Texas evaluation 1982
25 3 Evaluation of Houston Independent School District deaf program 1975
25 4 Evaluation of Houston Independent School District deaf program 1976
25 5 Evaluations of Texas curriculum for the deaf 1978-1979
25 6 Evaluations of Texas curriculum for the deaf 1978-1979
25 7 Notes and questionnaires for Texas curriculum evaluation project 1982
25 8 Proposals and correspondence for Texas Commission for the Deaf 1976-1985
25 9 Records of Texas curriculum evaluation project 1974-1977
26 1 Records of Texas curriculum evaluation project 1977-1979
26 2 Records of Texas curriculum evaluation project 1980-1981
26 3 Correspondence and research on deaf drivers 1963-2002
26 4 Correspondence on legal cases involving deaf drivers 1981-1986
26 5 Paper on deaf drivers 1981
26 6 Reports and proposals on deaf drivers 1985-1988
26 7 Evaluation and correspondence on Columbus Colony 1977-1981
26 8 Reports on Columbus Colony 1981
27 1 Agenda and background for site visit to Veterans Administration Medical Center 1985
27 2 Correspondence and minutes from committees 1990-2001
27 3 Correspondence and speech from Rehabilitation R&D Meeting 1998
27 4 Correspondence with VA 1982-2006
27 5 Reviews and abstracts for JRRD 1996-2000
27 6 Correspondence with United Hearing and Deaf Services 1989
27 7 Broward County interpreter task force minutes and correspondence 1999-2000
27 8 List of donations to Broward County library 1993
27 9 Research plan for Florida Association of the Deaf Undated
27 10 Reviews of books 1989-1998
27 11 Reviews of books, papers, and proposals 1975-1997
27 12 Clippings 1970-1989
28 1 Clippings 1970-1989
28 2 Brochures and catalogs for Schein’s publications 1995-1999
28 3 Reviews of Schein’s publications 1979-1996
28 4 Notes Undated
28 5 Sketches and notes on vertebrae Undated
28 6 Photographs Undated
28 7 Photographs 1962-1974
28 8 Photographs from DRTC TV project Undated
28 9 Photographs from TV program on cochlear implants Undated
28 Slides Undated

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