Areas of Study

MSS 214 – Table 2

The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD), 1924-

The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) Records, 1924-2011

Gallaudet University Archives

Box Folder Title Year(s)
81 1 CISS Bulletin 1999-2000
81 2 CISS Bulletin/E-News 2001-2002
81 3 CISS E-News 2002-2003
81 4 CISS E-News 2003-2004
81 5 CISS E-News 2004
82 1 Audiogram lists for 19th Deaflympics: Africa 2000
82 2 Audiogram lists for 19th Deaflympics: Asia/Pacific 2000
82 3 Audiogram lists for 19th Deaflympics: Europe 2000
82 4 Audiogram lists for 19th Deaflympics: PANAMDES 2000
82 5 Audiograms with no country listed 2001-2013
82 6 Correspondence on audiological testing teams 1998-2003
82 7 Other audiograms 2007-2011
82 8 Tables of audiogram results 1997
82 9 Tables of audiogram results 1997
83 1 Tables of audiogram results 1997
83 2 Tables of audiogram results 1999
83 3 Tables of audiogram results 2000
83 4 Tables of audiogram results 2000
83 5 Algeria 2002
83 6 Argentina 2003-2011
83 7 Armenia 2003-2011
83 8 Australia (A-D) 1999-2010
83 9 Australia (E-L) 1991-2007
84 1 Australia (M-R) 1998-2010
84 2 Australia (S-Z) 2001-2011
84 3 Austria 1998-2011
84 4 Azerbaijan 2001-2009
84 5 Belarus 2004-2011
84 6 Belgium 2002-2011
84 7 Bolivia 2007-2010
84 8 Brazil (A-D) 2003-2009
84 9 Brazil (F-Q) 1996-2011
84 10 Brazil (R-Z) 2001-2011
85 1 Bulgaria 2002-2010
85 2 Canada (A-G) 1995-2009
85 3 Canada (H-O) 2002-2009
85 4 Canada (P-Z) 1998-2010
85 5 Canada (others) 2005-2011
85 6 Chile 2003-2010
85 7 China 2004-2009
85 8 Chinese Taipei (A-K) 2004-2009
85 9 Chinese Taipei (L-Z) 2002-2010
86 1 Colombia (A-M) 1996-2009
86 2 Colombia (N-Z) 1996-2008
86 3 Croatia 2002-2011
86 4 Cuba 2003-2007
86 5 Cyprus 1990-2010
86 6 Czech Republic 2002-2010
86 7 Denmark (A-E) 2002-2010
86 8 Denmark (F-J) 1994-2009
87 1 Denmark (K-Z) 1998-2009
87 2 Egypt 2011
87 3 Estonia 2000-2011
87 4 Fiji 2004-2009
87 5 Finland 2002-2010
87 6 France 1994-2009
87 7 Germany (A-J) 2002-2010
87 8 Germany (K-M) 2004-2011
87 9 Germany (N-S) 2000-2011
88 1 Germany (T-Z) 2002-2011
88 2 Ghana 2005-2008
88 3 Great Britain (A-D) 1999-2010
88 4 Great Britain (E-L) 1993-2011
88 5 Great Britain (M-R) 2001-2011
88 6 Great Britain (S-Z) 2000-2011
88 7 Greece 1992-2011
88 8 Guatemala 2011
88 9 Hong Kong 2007-2011
88 10 Hungary 1988-2009
89 1 Iceland 2010
89 2 India 2000-2010
89 3 Indonesia 2009
89 4 Iran 2004-2010
89 5 Iraq Undated
89 6 Ireland 1999-2010
89 7 Israel 2002-2010
89 8 Italy (A-C) 1998-2011
89 9 Italy (D-H) 1997-2009
89 10 Italy (I-R) 1984-2011
89 11 Italy (S-Z) 1994-2009
90 1 Italy (other) 2004-2011
90 2 Japan (A-H) 2001-2010
90 3 Japan (I-K) 2004-2012
90 4 Japan (L-M) 2004-2011
90 5 Japan (N-O) 2003-2011
90 6 Japan (S-T) 2003-2011
90 7 Japan (U-Z) 2002-2009
90 8 Japan (others) 2010-2011
90 9 Kazakhstan 2007-2009
90 10 Kenya 2007-2009
90 11 Kuwait 2007
90 12 Kyrgyzstan 2009
90 13 Latvia 2004-2011
91 1 Lithuania 2006-2011
91 2 Macau 2004-2009
91 3 Macedonia 2002-2010
91 4 Malaysia 1999-2007
91 5 Malta 2008
91 6 Mexico (A-L) 1996-2012
91 7 Mexico (M-Z) 1996-2012
91 8 Moldova 2002-2007
91 9 Mongolia 2009
91 10 Netherlands (A-M) 1992-2011
91 11 Netherlands (N-Z) 1991-2011
91 12 New Zealand 2003-2010
91 13 Nigeria 2008-2009
91 14 Norway 2000-2010
91 15 Pakistan 2005-2011
91 16 Paraguay 2002-2003
91 17 Peru 2007-2009
91 18 Philippines 2009-2010
92 1 Poland 2003-2010
92 2 Portugal 1998-2011
92 3 Puerto Rico 2009
92 4 Romania 2001-2008
92 5 Russia (A-C) 2002-2011
92 6 Russia (D-I) 2001-2010
92 7 Russia (J-L) 2001-2010
92 8 Russia (M-P) 2002-2010
93 1 Russia (Q-S) 2002-2009
93 2 Russia (T-Z) 2002-2009
93 3 Russia (other) 2011
93 4 Saudi Arabia 2004-2009
93 5 Serbia 2002-2011
93 6 Seychelles 2009
93 7 Singapore 2005-2011
93 8 Slovakia 2003-2009
93 9 Slovenia 1995-2010
93 10 South Africa 2000-2011
93 11 South Korea (A-K) 2004-2009
94 1 South Korea (L-Z) 2004-2009
94 2 Spain 2006-2011
94 3 Sri Lanka 2006-2008
94 4 Sweden (A-N) 2001-2010
94 5 Sweden (O-Z) 2004-2009
94 6 Switzerland 2002-2011
94 7 Thailand 2007-2011
94 8 Turkey (A-F) 2002-2011
94 9 Turkey (G-M) 2002-2010
95 1 Turkey (N-Z) 2005-2011
95 2 Turkey (other) 2011
95 3 Turkmenistan 2004
95 4 Ukraine (A-I) 2003-2010
95 5 Ukraine (J-N) 2003-2011
95 6 Ukraine (O-Z) 2003-2011
95 7 Ukraine (other) 2011
95 8 United Arab Emirates 2007-2009
95 9 United States (A-C) 1996-2010
95 10 United States (D-G) 1999-2010
96 1 United States (H-K) 1995-2010
96 2 United States (L-N) 1997-2010
96 3 United States (O-R) 1998-2009
96 4 United States (S-Z) 1998-2010
96 5 United States (other) 2011
96 6 Uruguay 2003
96 7 Uzbekistan 2005-2009
96 8 Venezuela (A-L) 2002-2010
96 9 Venezuela (M-Z) 2002-2010
96 10 Venezuela (other) 2011
96 11 Yemen 2009
97 1 Agreement with US Anti-Doping Agency 2006
97 2 Applications for medical exemptions for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006-2007
97 3 Doping control forms 2011
97 4 Doping test results for 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
97 5 Doping test results for 20th Deaflympics 2004-2005
97 6 Doping control forms for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
97 7 Doping test results for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
97 8 Doping test results for Dresse and Maere Cupss 2007
97 9 Doping test results for water polo championships 2002
97 10 Therapeutic Use Exemption forms for 20th Deaflympics 2005
97 11 Therapeutic Use Exemption forms for 20th Deaflympics 2005
97 12 Correspondence and articles on lawsuits 2001-2006
97 13 Correspondence and press releases from Kelby Brick Esq. 2001-2003
97 14 Correspondence and legal memoranda on lawsuits 2001-2004
97 15 Correspondence and legal memoranda on lawsuits 2001-2004
98 1 Correspondence on lawsuits 2001-2004
98 2 Correspondence on lawsuits 2002-2007
98 3 Correspondence on subject of lawsuits 2001-2004
98 4 Correspondence with IOC on lawsuits 2001-2006
98 5 Correspondence with IOC on lawsuits 2002-2004
98 6 Court documents from lawsuits 2001-2003
98 7 John Lovett correspondence on lawsuits 1997-2001
98 8 Press releases on lawsuits 2002-2005
98 9 Summaries of lawsuits 2002-2007
99 1 Ballots for members at large, round 1 [2005]
99 2 Ballots for members at large, round 2 [2005]
99 3 Ballots for members at large, round 3 [2005]
99 4 Ballots for president [2005]
99 5 Ballots for vice president [2005]
99 6 Closed correspondence 2001-2003
100 Athens candidate file for 22nd Deaflympics Undated
100 Athens brochure and DVD for 22nd Deaflympics Undated
100 Barcelona bid packet for 23rd Deaflympics 2010
101 Scrapbook for 20th Deaflympics 2005
102 Attendee kit from regional confederations seminar 2002
102 Day planner from 20th Deaflympics 2005
102 Day planner from 21st Deaflympics 2009
103 1 Badge checklists from 21st Deaflympics (A-G) [2009]
103 2 Badge checklists from 21st Deaflympics (G-P) [2009]
103 3 Badge checklists from 21st Deaflympics (R-V) [2009]
103 4 Badge checklists from 21st Deaflympics (others) [2009]
103 5 Brochure from 21st Deaflympics 2009
103 6 Certificates and diplomas for 21st Deaflympics [2009]
103 7 Chinese Taipei Sports Association of the Deaf handbook for 21st Deaflympics 2009
103 8 Daily newsletter for 21st Deaflympics 2009
103 9 Final report on 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 1 Floor plans for 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 2 Guidebooks for 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 3 Invitation to opening ceremony of 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 4 Media handbook for 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 5 News clippings for 21st Deaflympics 2009
104 Official results for 21st Deaflympics 2009
105 Official results for 21st Deaflympics 2009
105 1 Passes and identification cards for 21st Deaflympics [2009]
105 2 Plans and photos for venues of 21st Deaflympics 2009
105 3 Poster map for 21st Deaflympics [2009]
105 4 Site inspection checklist for 21st Deaflympics 2002
105 5 Team information handbook for 21st Deaflympics 2009
105 6 Technical handbooks for 21st Deaflympics (A-B) 2009
106 1 Technical handbooks for 21st Deaflympics (B-H) 2009
106 2 Technical handbooks for 21st Deaflympics (J-S) 2009
106 3 Technical handbooks for 21st Deaflympics (S-T) 2009
106 4 Technical handbooks for 21st Deaflympics (V-W) 2009
106 Videotape of 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Book from opening ceremony of 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Car flag from 21st Deaflympics [2009]
107 Lanyards and pass holders from 21st Deaflympics [2009]
107 Official film DVDs from 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Opening and closing ceremony DVDs from 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Pins and buttons from 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Ruentex Construction Group preparation report for 21st Deaflympics Undated
107 Sporting highlights DVDs from 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Sticker roll from 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Tote bag from opening ceremony of 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 USB flash disks from opening ceremony of 21st Deaflympics 2009
107 Wristwatch from 21st Deaflympics [2009]
108 Boxed medals from 21st Deaflympics 2009
108 Framed medals from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
108 Framed medals from 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
108 Framed medals from 1st World Deaf Bowling Championships (women’s) 2003
108 7th European Winter Sports Championships of the Deaf bronze medal 2004
108 World Deaf Athletics Championships gold medal 2008
108 6th European Basketball Championships of the Deaf silver medal 1996
108 2nd World Deaf Futsal Championships gold medals (2) 2007
108 World Deaf Orienteering Championships gold medal 2011
108 World Deaf Swimming Championships gold, silver, and bronze medals 2007
108 Dresse and Maere Cup bronze medal 2007
108 CISS meritorious service medal Undated
108 Bulgarian Deaf Sports Organization gold medal Undated
108 Suomen Kuurojen Urheiluliitto (Finnish Deaf Sports Federation) medal Undated
109 Friendship Games 1990 medal 1990
109 4th Juegos Deportivos Panamericanos de Sordos medals 2007
109 World Deaf Athletics Championships medals 2008
109 World Deaf Bowling Championships medals 2011
109 12th World Deaf Cycling Championships medal Undated
109 1st World Deaf Ice Hockey and Curling Championships medals 2009
109 World Deaf Orienteering Championships medals 2011
109 Dresse and Maere Tennis Cup medals 2011
109 1st World Deaf Volleyball Championships medals 2008
109 2nd World Deaf Wrestling Championships medals 2008
110 16th Winter Deaflympics medals 2007
111 CISS desk embosser Undated
111 CISS glass globe paperweights Undated
111 CISS rubber stamp Undated
111 Vest from 10th International Games for the Deaf 1965
111 Cap from 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
111 Framed pins from 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
111 Wristwatches from 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
111 Cap from 16th World Games for the Deaf 1989
111 Cap from 20th Deaflympics 2005
111 Mascot pins from 20th Deaflympics 2005
111 Cap from 21st Deaflympics 2009
111 Silver cup from 14th Winter Deaflympics 1999
111 Hockey puck from 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
111 Passes and lanyards for 40th Congress 2007
112 Australian paperweight for 20th Deaflympics [2005]
112 Bulgarian Deaf Sports Federation plaque and miniature banner Undated
112 Bulgarian Deaf Sports Federation plaque for 20th Deaflympics [2005]
112 Bulgarian Football Association plaque 2007
112 Chinese Taipei SAD award 2000
112 Deaf Sports Singapore plaque for 21st Deaflympics 2009
112 FSSI commemorative plate for 21st Deaflympics 2009
112 Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf award for 21st Deaflympics 2009
112 Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf award for 2nd Deaf Women in Sports Leadership Seminar 2008
112 Hong Kong Sports Association of the Deaf award to Tiffany Granfors 2006
112 All India Sports Council of the Deaf commemorative plate from 2nd Asia Pacific Deaf Badminton Championship 2006
112 Jordanian plaque Undated
112 FIFA banner Undated
112 CCCP cap Undated
113 Discus thrower plate Undated
113 Hockey puck from 7th European Wintersports Championships of the Deaf 2004
113 Glass golf ball trophy from 2008 World Deaf Golf Championships 2008
113 Medal from 4th Pan American Games for Deaf Youth 2006
113 Assorted pins and keychains Undated
113 Glass curling stone from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
113 USA Deaf Sports Federation paperweight from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
113 Thailand Sports Association of the Deaf dragon boat model Undated
113 Pakistan Deaf Cricket Association award to Donalda Ammons for 20th Deaflympics 2005
113 Singapore Sports and Recreation Committee of the Deaf jade merlion for Asia Pacific Deaf Women Sports Leadership Seminar 2008
113 Yemen Deaf Sport Club plaque Undated
113 German sign language cards Undated
114 United States of America Deaf Track and Field Hall of Fame plaque for Donalda Ammons (broken) 2004
114 Kuwait Sports Club for the Deaf award (broken) Undated
114 Armenian Sport Committee for the Deaf award to Donalda Ammons for 2nd World Deaf Wrestling Championship (broken) 2008
114 Commemorative plate from 1st World Deaf Football Championships 2008
115 Flag from 20th Deaflympics (orange) [2005]
115 Flag from 20th Deaflympics (blue) [2005]
115 Flags from 21st Deaflympics [2009]
115 CISS flags Undated
115 T-shirt from Cambodian National Volleyball League (Disabled) Organization Undated
115 FIFA scarf Undated
116 Banners, assorted Undated
117 Stuffed hand mascots from 20th Deaflympics 2005
117 Stuffed frog mascot from 21st Deaflympics 2009
117 Stuffed dragon mascot from World Deaf Bowling Championships 2003
117 Stuffed dolphin mascot from World Deaf Swimming Championships 2007
117 Stuffed dragon mascot from European Youth Olympic Festival 1997
118 1 Photograph from 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
118 2 Photographs of US uniforms for 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
118 3 Photographs from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
118 4 Photographs from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
118 5 Photographs and program from 7th Winter World Games for the Deaf 1975
118 6 Negatives from 11th Winter World Games for the Deaf [1987]
118 7 Photographs from 11th Winter World Games for the Deaf 1987
118 8 Photographs from 14th Winter World Games for the Deaf 1999
118 9 Photographs from 14th Winter World Games for the Deaf 1999
118 10 Photographs and DVD from 6th Asia Pacific Games for the Deaf 2000
118 11 World Deaf Swimming Championships certificates 2007
118 12 Photographs from swimming championship, Bruges 1995
118 13 Photographs from developmental camp 1985
118 14 Photographs from SEAAD basketball tournament 1985
118 15 Photographs of AAAD track and field tryouts Undated
119 1 Photographs from AAAD committee ca. 1985
119 2 Photograph of AAAD sports summit 1989
119 3 Photograph from German sports festival (European championship) 1991
119 4 Photographs from Pan Am Games 1995
119 5 Photographs from Dresse Memorial 1998
119 6 Photographs from executive committee meeting 2002
119 7 Photographs from executive committee meeting, Germany 1999
119 8 Photographs from executive committee meeting, Oslo 1987
119 9 Photograph from executive committee meeting, Passugg, Switzerland 1998
119 10 Photographs from executive committee meeting, Warsaw 1996
119 11 Photographs from executive committee meeting with Juan Antonio Samaranch 2000
119 12 Photographs from executive committee meetings 1987-1990
119 13 Photographs from IOC meeting 2000
119 14 Photographs from IOC meeting Undated
119 15 Photographs from meeting in Orlando, FL Undated
119 16 Photographs from meeting with US Olympic Committee 1995
119 17 Photographs of executive committee 2000
119 18 Photographs of executive committee and technical director Undated
119 19 Photographs of executive committee in Copenhagen 1997
119 20 Photographs of new executive committee and TDs at 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
119 21 Photographs of new executive committee members at 13th World Winter Games for the deaf 1995
119 22 Photographs from FIBA convention in Copenhagen Undated
119 23 Photographs from IPC event, Sweden 1986
119 24 Photographs from Melbourne site visit Undated
119 25 Photograph from 90th anniversary of Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband 2000
119 26 Photographs from PANAMDES 1995
119 27 Photographs from Slovakia site visit Undated
119 28 Photographs from Slovakia site visit Undated
120 1 Photographs from sports seminar, Buenos Aires 1999
120 2 Photographs of award ceremony for John M. Lovett Undated
120 3 Photograph of I. King Jordan and Jerald M. Jordan with Olympic torch 1996
120 4 Photograph of Osvald Dahlgren on 90th birthday 2001
120 5 Photographs from Banff ca. 1991
120 6 Photographs from Banff 1990
120 7 Photographs from Bucharest Undated
120 8 Photographs from Budapest Undated
120 9 Photographs from Budapest Undated
120 10 Photographs from Copenhagen Undated
120 11 Photographs from Latvia Undated
120 12 Photographs from Méribel, France 1979
120 13 Photographs from Rome 2001
120 14 Photographs from Rome 2001
120 15 Photographs of CISS staff Undated
120 16 Photographs of Jerald M. Jordan Undated
120 17 Photographs of Juan Antonio Samaranch 1994
120 18 Miscellaneous photographs ca. 1995
120 19 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
120 20 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
120 21 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
120 22 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
120 23 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
121 1 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
121 2 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
121 3 Miscellaneous photographs Undated
121 4 Miscellaneous photographs (Slovakia) Undated
121 5 Sample artwork for Deaflympics Undated
121 6 Contact sheets Undated
121 7 Slides from 16th Deaflympics 1989
122 Photo album of CISS history ca. 1995-ca. 2000
122 Photo album of CISS history ca. 1995- ca. 2001
122 Photo albums from 19th Deaflympics (6) 2001
122 Contact sheets from 21st Deaflympics 2009
122 Jerald M. Jordan photo album Undated
122 Photo album from site visits Undated
123 Photo album from 2nd World Deaf Futsal Championship 2007
123 Photo album from CISS events Undated
123 Photo album from CADES meeting Undated
123 Photo album from Pan Am Games for the Deaf 1995
123 Panoramic photo of US team for 17th World Games for the Deaf 1993
123 Panoramic photos of Deaflympics opening ceremonies (2) Undated
124 Oversized photos of Swedish team at 19th Deaflympics 2001
125 Slides from 9th World Games for the Deaf (2 boxes) 1961
125 Slides from 13th World Games for the Deaf (2 boxes) 1977
125 Slides from 14th World Games for the Deaf (2 boxes) 1981
125 Slides from 6th Winter World Games for the Deaf (4 boxes) 1967
125 Slides from Pan Am Games (2 boxes) 1975
125 Slides from Malmö, Sweden 1974
125 Slides of CISS staff Undated
125 Miscellaneous slides Undated
125 Mini DV cassettes of 38th Congress (7) 2003
125 DVDs of 38th Congress (4) 2003
126 Jerald M. Jordan photo CDs from Deaflympics and other CISS events, 1961-1975 (2) Undated
126 OneDayTV DVD of Web site files from 19th Deaflympics 2001
126 Photo CDs from 19th Deaflympics (3) 2001
126 DeafNation photo CDs from 20th Deaflympics (3) 2005
126 Photo CDs from 20th Deaflympics (5) 2005
126 Swedish Sports Federation photo CDs from 20th Deaflympics (2) 2005
126 UK Deaf Sport photo CD from 20th Deaflympics 2005
126 USA Deaf Sports Federation photo CD from 20th Deaflympics 2005
126 CSD-TV video DVD from 20th Deaflympics 2006
126 DVD from 11th Winter World Games for the Deaf 1987
126 DeafNation DVD from 15th Winter Deaflympics (2) 2003
126 USA Deaf Sports Federation DVD from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
126 Poster CD from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
126 DVDs and CDs from 15th Winter Deaflympics (5) 2003
126 Photo CD from 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
127 Video DVDs of opening and closing ceremonies from 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Official video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 “Welcome to Taipei” DVD from 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 DVD of accreditation photos for 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Video DVDs from ICSD / TDOC meeting at 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 Anton Scheid photo DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 Focus Five Productions video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 H3 Network Media video DVD of cycling and opening and closing ceremonies of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Timecode Film Studio video DVD of 21st Deaflympics (Ukrainian subtitles) 2009
127 X-1 Company Ltd. Photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Australia photo DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 Austria photo DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 Canada photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Colombia photo DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
127 Czech Republic photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Denmark photo and video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 Finland video DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
127 France photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Germany DVD of Web files for 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Germany photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Great Britain photo CD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Ireland photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Japan photo and video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (3) 2009
128 Portugal video DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Russia photo and video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (2) 2009
128 Slovenia video DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Sweden video DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 United States photo DVD of 21st Deaflympics 2009
128 Venezuela photo and video DVDs of 21st Deaflympics (12) 2009
129 Photo DVD from Taipei site visit for 21st Deaflympics 2007
129 Photo DVDs from Buenos Aires site visit for 23rd Deaflympics Undated
129 Video DVD of media launch for 17th Winter Deaflympics Undated
129 CD of CISS marketing booklet Undated
129 DVD of interview with Edward Ingham Undated
129 Photo DVD from Mediterranean Sea Seminar 2006
129 Photo DVD from PANAMDES seminar 2005
129 Anton Schneid photo DVDs from World Deaf Athletics Championship, Izmir, Turkey (6) 2008
129 Photo DVD from World Deaf Athletics Championship, Venezuela 2007
129 Photo DVD from athletics championship, Kazakhstan 2006
129 DVDs from World Beach Volleyball Championships (2) 2010
129 DVDs from 2nd Deaf Bowling World Championships (2) 2011
129 Video DVD from World Deaf Cycling Championship 2006
129 Video DVD from 13th World Deaf Cycling Championship 2011
129 Video DVDs of draw for 1st World Deaf Football Championships (2) 2008
129 CSD-TV DVD of video documentary on US Deaf Women’s Football team and unedited footage (4) 2006
129 CDs of documents and photos for World Deaf Squash Championship 2005
129 Photo CD from Dresse and Maere tennis cups 1999
129 CD with video clip and PowerPoint presentation on “Sport Makes Life Worth Living” Paralympic advertisement from Poland 2004
129 Unidentified photo and video discs (3) Undated
129 Mini DV cassettes (15) 2003-2007
130 Floppy disks (67) 1980s-1990s
Chuck Baird oil painting, “Double Axels,” framed with medals ca. 2007
CISS flag Undated
Folded and cased flag Undated
Plaque with torch from 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
Framed medals from 20th Deaflympics 2005
Framed medals from 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
Framed poster from 16th Deaflympics 1989
Framed poster from 19th Deaflympics 2001
Framed poster from 20th Deaflympics 2005
Framed poster from 21st Deaflympics opening ceremony 2009
Framed posters from 11th Winter World Games for the Deaf (2) 1987
Framed “Deaflympics Yes!” poster Undated
“Deaflympics” car door magnet Undated
Framed poster from 2nd Juegos Deportivos Panamericanos del Sordos 1999
Framed poster from 4th European Football Championship of the Deaf 1999
Posters from 15th Deaflympics (2) 1985
Poster from 17th Deaflympics 1993
Posters from 21st Deaflympics (4) 2009
Posters from 15th Winter Deaflympics (6) 2003
Posters from 16th Winter Deaflympics (6) 2007
131 Gift boxes Undated

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