Areas of Study
Box Folder Title Year(s)
27 1 Algeria 1997-2009
27 2 Argentina 2004-2009
27 3 Armenia 2001-2006
27 4 Australia 2001-2007
27 5 Austria 1999-2010
26 6 Azerbaijan 1991-2004-
26 7 Bahrain 2002-2011
27 8 Bangladesh 2000-2011
27 9 Belarus 1999-2007
27 10 Belgium 1998-2007
27 11 Bolivia 2000-2007
27 12 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2000-2011
27 13 Brazil 2002-2009
27 14 Bulgaria 2002-2009
27 15 Cameroon 1999-2005
27 16 Canada 1996-2003
28 1 Canada 2001-2011
28 2 Chile 1999-2011
28 3 China 2003-2007
28 4 Chinese Taipei 1999-2009
28 5 Colombia 2000-2009
28 6 Cote d’Ivoire 2001
28 7 Croatia 2000-2007
28 8 Cuba 2002-2006
28 9 Cyprus 1998-2007
28 10 Czech Republic 1997-2007
28 11 Denmark 1997-2009
28 12 Dominican Republic 2002-2003
28 13 Egypt 2000-2005
28 14 Estonia 2002-2009
28 15 Ethiopia 1998
28 16 Fiji 2004
28 17 Finland 2002-2007
28 18 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 2006-2009
28 19 France 2002-2011
28 20 Gambia 2007
28 21 Georgia 2001-2006
29 1 Germany 1996-2008
29 2 Ghana 1996-2008
29 3 Great Britain 2004-2010
29 4 Greece 1997-2010
29 5 Guatemala 1998-2000
29 6 Guinea 2001-2005
29 7 Hong Kong 2004-2011
29 8 Hungary 2002-2009
29 9 Iceland 2002-2011
29 10 India 2000-2007
29 11 Indonesia 2004-2008
29 12 Iran 2005-2011
29 13 Iraq 2004-2009
29 14 Ireland 2007-2011
29 15 Israel 2002-2011
29 16 Jamaica 2000
29 17 Japan 2001-2009
29 18 Jordan 1998-2000
30 1 Kazakhstan 2002-2007
30 2 Kenya 2002-2007
30 3 Korea 1997-2007
30 4 Kuwait 2003-2010
30 5 Kyrgyz Republic 2007
30 6 Latvia 1991-2009
30 7 Lithuania 1991-2010
30 8 Macau 2004-2007
30 9 Malaysia 2002-2011
30 10 Mali 2001-2009
30 11 Malta 2001-2007
30 12 Mauritius 2002-2006
30 13 Mexico 2003-2008
30 14 Moldova 1997-2003
30 15 Mongolia 2004-2007
30 16 Morocco 2001
30 17 Nepal 2000
30 18 Netherlands 2000-2011
30 19 New Zealand 1999-2007
30 20 Nigeria 2002-2010
30 21 Norway 1999-2007
30 22 Pakistan 2000-2008
30 23 Palestine 2000
30 24 Peru 2000-2004
30 25 Philippines 1997-2001
30 26 Poland 2007-2009
30 27 Portugal 1997-2007
30 28 Romania 2002-2005
31 1 Seychelles 1999
31 2 Sierra Leone 1999
31 3 Sudan 2001
31 4 Brochure from World Championship Sports Network Undated
31 5 Brochures for Generations for Peace 2008
31 6 Brochures for International Sport Convention 2008 2008
31 7 Correspondence and agreements with DeafNation/WebbyNation 2001-2009
31 8 Correspondence and logo samples from Lands’ End 1999-2002
31 9 Correspondence and memorandum of understanding with Widex 1999-2004
31 10 Correspondence and reports from Ole Artmann 2001-2006
32 1 Correspondence on brochures and promotional items 2002-2006
32 2 Correspondence on CISS Bulletin subscriptions 2001-2002
32 3 Correspondence on Southeast Asia project 2000
32 4 Correspondence with Clausen Miller PC 2000-2002
32 5 Correspondence with contractors 2000-2003
32 6 Correspondence with JOM and Xylofon on media and web design 2003-2004
32 7 Correspondence with Krogh and Partners 2001-2005
32 8 Correspondence with vendors 2000-2006
32 9 Correspondence with vendors: phone/Internet 2001-2004
32 10 Correspondence with vendors: Swift Systems 2003-2005
32 11 Correspondence with World Federation of the Deaf 1999-2005
32 12 Holiday card samples and correspondence 2002-2009
32 13 List of potential members 2004
32 14 Mass mailings to member countries 2008
32 15 Secretary-general’s correspondence 1998-2004
33 1 Member fees and lists 2001
33 2 Member fees and lists 2001
33 3 Member fees and lists for APDSC 2003-2004
33 4 Member fees and lists for CADS 2003-2005
33 5 Member fees and lists for EDSO 2003-2004
33 6 Member fees and lists for PANAMDES 2001-2004
34 1 Correspondence with regional federations: Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation 1998-2008
34 2 Correspondence with regional federations: Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation 2000-2008
34 3 Correspondence with regional federations: Confederation of African Deaf Sports 2005
34 4 Correspondence with regional federations: CONSUDES 1995-2002
34 5 Correspondence with regional federations: European Deaf Sport Organization (EDSO) 2006-2008
34 6 Correspondence with regional federations: PANAMDES 1999-2009
34 7 Correspondence with regional federations: PANAMDES 2001-2005
34 8 Correspondence and programs from PANAMDES events 2000-2004
34 9 Correspondence with Deaf International Basketball Federation (DIBF) 2000-2007
34 10 Correspondence with International Martial Arts Federation of the Deaf (IMAFD) 2000-2005
34 11 Correspondence with World Deaf Golf Federation (WDGF) 2002-2007
34 12 Reports to executive committee on annual accounts 1995-2002
34 13 Treasurer’s correspondence 1999
35 1 Treasurer’s correspondence 1999-2000
35 2 Treasurer’s correspondence 2000-2002
35 3 TD correspondence and reports: alpine skiing 1991-2006
35 4 TD correspondence and reports: athletics 2000-2005
35 5 TD correspondence and reports: badminton 2001-2007
35 6 TD correspondence and reports: basketball 2001-2010
35 7 TD correspondence and reports: bowling 1998-2005
35 8 TD correspondence and reports: cycling 1998-2010
35 9 TD correspondence and reports: football 1997-2006
36 1 TD correspondence and reports: handball 1997-2005
36 2 TD correspondence and reports: ice hockey 1996-2003
36 3 TD correspondence and reports: karate 2006-2010
36 4 TD correspondence and reports: Nordic skiing 1995-2003
36 5 TD correspondence and reports: orienteering 1998-2006
36 6 TD correspondence and reports: shooting 1998-2006
36 7 TD correspondence and reports: snowboarding 1999-2007
36 8 TD correspondence and reports: speed skating [1991]
36 9 TD correspondence and reports: swimming 1995-2005
36 10 TD correspondence and reports: table tennis 2000-2007
36 11 TD correspondence and reports: taekwondo 2010
36 12 TD correspondence and reports: tennis 2001-2010
36 13 TD correspondence and reports: tennis 2004-2005
36 14 TD correspondence and reports: volleyball 1996-2009
36 15 TD correspondence and reports: water polo 1995-2005
36 16 TD correspondence and reports: wrestling 1999-2005
37 1 TD correspondence 1997-2003
37 2 TD meeting minutes and correspondence 2002-2005
37 3 Technical regulations 1995-1997
37 4 ANADO (anti-doping) correspondence 2003-2005
37 5 Anti-doping policies and proposals 2000-2005
37 6 DCIF (deaf cricket) correspondence 2004-2005
37 7 DIBF (deaf basketball) correspondence and reports 2002-2011
37 8 FIBA (basketball) correspondence and meeting minutes 1997-2003
37 9 FIFA (football) correspondence 2000-2004
37 10 FILA (wrestling) correspondence 2004
37 11 FINA (swimming) correspondence 2004
37 12 FIQ (bowling) correspondence 2004
37 13 FIVB (volleyball) correspondence 1997-2004
37 14 GAISF (general sports) correspondence and minutes 2002-2004
38 1 GAISF (general sports) minutes 2002-2008
38 2 GAISF minutes 2004
38 3 GAISF statutes 2007
38 4 IAAF (athletics) correspondence 2004
38 5 IBF (badminton) correspondence 2004
38 6 ICCSPE (sports science) correspondence and publications 2006
38 7 IDLBF (deaf lawn bowling) correspondence 2009
38 8 IDRO (deaf rugby) correspondence 2000
38 9 IHF (handball) correspondence and publications 1997-2004
38 10 IMAFD (deaf martial arts) correspondence 2000-2006
38 11 International Disability in Sport Working Group agendas and correspondence 2006
38 12 International Olympic Committee correspondence 2002-2003
38 13 International Olympic Committee correspondence on Deaflympics name 1955-2007
38 14 International Olympic Committee letter of recognition 1955
38 15 International Olympic Committee president’s correspondence 2007-2009
39 1 International Paralympic Committee correspondence and publications 2001-2002
39 2 International Paralympic Committee correspondence on separation 2002-2003
39 3 IOF (orienteering) correspondence 1998-2004
39 4 ITF (tennis) correspondence and publications 1998-2004
39 5 ITTF (table tennis) correspondence 2004
39 6 Speech transcript on international sports federations Undated
39 7 UCI (cycling) correspondence 2002-2004
39 8 UIT (shooting) correspondence and publications 1998
39 9 US Olympic Committee correspondence 2005-2006
39 10 WADA (anti-doping) correspondence and code 2006-2009
39 11 WDGF (deaf golf) correspondence 2000-2008
39 12 WDSA (deaf squash) correspondence and constitution 2005-2006
39 13 9th World Congress for All Sport program 2002
39 14 14th WFD Congress program 2003
39 15 15th WFD Congress bid from Madrid 2007
39 16 Asia Pacific Deaf Sports Confederation reports 2008
39 17 Belgian deaf sports organizations papers and reports 1995-2003
40 1 Canadian Deaf Sports Association correspondence 2005
40 2 Charity commission correspondence 2003
40 3 Confederation of African Deaf Sports reports 2007
40 4 Deaf Sports Singapore correspondence 2009
40 5 Deutschen Gehörlosen-Sportverband statistics 2005
40 6 EDSO administrative reports and minutes 2001-2002
40 7 EDSO biannual report 2008
40 8 EDSO correspondence 2002-2004
40 9 EDSO records 2001-2004
40 10 EDSO reports 2005-2007
40 11 EDSO sports statistics (A-S) 2002-2003
40 12 EDSO sports statistics (S-W) 2002-2004
40 13 Egyptian Paralympic Committee correspondence 2006
40 14 European Disability Forum correspondence 2000
40 15 History of the Deaf in Belgium, France, and Other Countries 1997
40 16 International brochures Undated
40 17 Nordic and Baltic Deaf Sports Federation brochure Undated
40 18 NYC Sports Commission correspondence 2004
40 19 PANAMDES report from 1st Congress 2004
40 20 PANAMDES reports 2007-2010
41 1 Regional confederations seminar report 2002
41 2 Swedish Deaf Sports Federation booklet Undated
41 3 UK Deaf Sport correspondence 2001-2004
41 4 USAMF correspondence 2003
41 5 US Deaf Sports Federation correspondence 2001-2003
41 6 US Olympic Committee correspondence 2003
41 7 Articles on history of World Games for the Deaf Undated
41 8 Committee organization for Deaflympics Undated
41 9 Deaflympics logo stamps and seals 2004
41 10 Event logos Undated
41 11 Guide to structure and operations of the World Games for the Deaf 1998-2001
41 12 Handbook for the World Games for the Deaf 1991
41 13 Handbook for the World Games for the Deaf 1993
41 14 Handbook for the World Games for the Deaf 1993
41 15 Handbook for the World Games for the Deaf 1993
42 1 IOC letter on Deaflympics name change 2001
42 2 Regulations for 2009 Olympic Congress 2007
42 3 Regulations for the World Games for the Deaf 1999-2000
42 4 Regulations for Deaflympics in Spanish Undated
42 5 Results from early Deaflympics 1924-1935
42 6 Results from early Deaflympics 1924-1957
42 7 Results from early Deaflympics 1961-1971
42 8 Program for 10th International Games for the Deaf 1965
42 9 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
42 10 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
42 11 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 1 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 2 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 3 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 4 Bulletins from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 5 Results and maps from 11th World Games for the Deaf 1969
43 6 Result book for 14th World Games for the Deaf 1981
43 7 Commemorative book for 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
43 8 Program for 15th World Games for the Deaf 1985
44 1 News clippings from 16th World Games for the Deaf 1989
44 2 Results from 16th World Games for the Deaf 1989
44 3 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: athletics 1993
44 4 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: badminton 1993
44 5 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: basketball 1993
44 6 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: cycling 1993
44 7 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: football 1993
44 8 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: handball 1993
44 9 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: shooting 1993
44 10 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: swimming 1993
44 11 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: table tennis 1993
44 12 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: tennis 1993
44 13 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: volleyball 1993
44 14 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: water polo 1993
44 15 Results from 17th World Games for the Deaf: wrestling 1993
44 16 Correspondence on 18th World Games for the Deaf 1995-1997
44 17 Daily results (week 1) from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
44 18 Daily results (week 2) from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
44 19 Final entry forms for 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 1 General information on 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 2 List of participants for 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 3 Official guide to 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 4 Official results from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 5 Preliminary entries and technical regulations for 18th World Games for the Deaf 1996-1997
45 6 Preliminary entry forms for 18th World Games for the Deaf 1996
45 7 Regulations for 18th World Games for the Deaf Undated
45 8 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf 1997
45 9 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: athletics 1997
46 1 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: badminton 1997
46 2 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: basketball 1997
46 3 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: bowling 1997
46 4 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: cycling 1997
46 5 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: football 1997
46 6 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: football qualifying 1996
46 7 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: handball 1997
46 8 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: orienteering 1997
46 9 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: shooting 1997
46 10 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: swimming 1997
46 11 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: swimming 1997
47 1 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: table tennis 1997
47 2 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: tennis 1997
47 3 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: volleyball 1997
47 4 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: water polo 1997
47 5 Results from 18th World Games for the Deaf: wrestling 1997
47 6 Biographical data questionnaire for 19th Deaflympics 2001
47 7 Correspondence on athletics entry standards for 19th Deaflympics 2000
47 8 Correspondence on diplomas for 19th Deaflympics 1999-2005
47 9 Correspondence on finances for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
47 10 Correspondence on 19th Deaflympics 1998-2001
47 11 Correspondence on 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
47 12 Correspondence on 19th Deaflympics 2001-2002
48 1 Correspondence with member countries for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
48 2 Correspondence with member countries for 19th Deaflympics 2001
48 3 Correspondence with TDs for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
48 4 Correspondence with TDs for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
48 5 Correspondence with WebbyNation for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
48 6 Diploma from 19th Deaflympics 2001
48 7 Draft of results book from 19th Deaflympics 2001
48 8 Errata for results of 19th Deaflympics 2001
48 9 Executive committee correspondence on FISS and COL for 19th Deaflympics 1999-2001
49 1 Handbook for 19th Deaflympics 2001
49 2 Local Organizing Committee correspondence for 19th Deaflympics 1999-2001
49 3 Local Organizing Committee correspondence for 19th Deaflympics 1999-2001
49 4 Local Organizing Committee documents for 19th Deaflympics 2001
49 5 Media passes for 19th Deaflympics 2001
49 6 Observers’ report on 19th Deaflympics 2001-2002
49 7 Observers’ report on 19th Deaflympics 2001-2002
49 8 Photo book for 19th Deaflympics 2001
49 9 Preliminary and final entry forms for 19th Deaflympics 2000-2001
49 10 Preliminary entry forms for 19th Deaflympics (A-B) 2000
50 1 Preliminary entry forms for 19th Deaflympics (C-J) 2000
50 2 Preliminary entry forms for 19th Deaflympics (K-S) 2000
50 3 Preliminary entry forms for 19th Deaflympics (T-Z) 2000
50 4 Preliminary entry lists for 19th Deaflympics [2000]
50 5 Protests for 19th Deaflympics 2001
50 6 Referee’s reports for football at 19th Deaflympics 2001
50 7 Results book for 19th Deaflympics 2001
50 8 Results book for 19th Deaflympics 2001
50 9 Results book for 19th Deaflympics in German 2001
51 1 Results for 19th Deaflympics 2001
51 2 Results for 19th Deaflympics 2001
51 3 Results for 19th Deaflympics: volleyball 2001
51 4 Technical regulations and invitation letter for 19th Deaflympics 2001
51 5 Anti-doping rules for 20th Deaflympics [2005]
51 6 Athlete accreditation forms and schedule for 20th Deaflympics 2004
51 7 Athletes’ eligibility forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
51 8 Attendance lists for 20th Deaflympics 2005
51 9 Attendance numbers for 20th Deaflympics 2005
51 10 Australian prime minister’s letter on 20th Deaflympics 2005
51 11 Award nomination and proposal forms for 20th Deaflympics [2005]
51 12 Competition schedule for 20th Deaflympics 2003-2005
51 13 Correspondence and agendas for 20th Deaflympics planning 2003
51 14 Correspondence and budget from M2005 2004-2006
52 1 Correspondence and meeting agenda on media accreditation for 20th Deaflympics 2004
52 2 Correspondence on attendees for 20th Deaflympics 2004-2005
52 3 Correspondence on changes to final entry forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
52 4 Correspondence on 20th Deaflympics 1999-2005
52 5 Correspondence on 20th Deaflympics 2004
52 6 Correspondence on 20th Deaflympics 2004-2005
52 7 Correspondence with M2005 on planning for 20th Deaflympics 2003
52 8 Correspondence with sponsors for 20th Deaflympics 2004
52 9 Economic impact assessment for 20th Deaflympics 2005
52 10 Executive committee minutes from meeting with organizing committee for 20th Deaflympics 2003
53 1 Final entry forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
53 2 Guides to accommodations for 20th Deaflympics 2004
53 3 Information packages on 20th Deaflympics 2003-2005
53 4 Interim president’s speeches for 20th Deaflympics 2004-2005
53 5 Invitations to events during 20th Deaflympics 2005
53 6 Letter on dispute process for 20th Deaflympics 2004
53 7 Manual for staff at 20th Deaflympics 2005
53 8 Match schedule for wrestling at 20th Deaflympics 2005
53 9 Media accreditation forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
53 10 Media reports and clippings on 20th Deaflympics 2004-2005
53 11 Melbourne bid for 20th Deaflympics Undated
53 12 Melbourne host agreement for 20th Deaflympics 2003
53 13 Melbourne proposal for 20th Deaflympics Undated
53 14 Minutes of tennis TD meeting at 20th Deaflympics [2005]
53 15 Monthly reports and correspondence for 20th Deaflympics 2003
54 1 Newsletters from 20th Deaflympics: badminton 2005
54 2 Nominations for WIDEX Fair Play Scholarship at 20th Deaflympics Undated
54 3 Planning updates on 20th Deaflympics 1999-2002
54 4 Preliminary entry forms for 20th Deaflympics (A-F) 2003-2006
54 5 Preliminary entry forms for 20th Deaflympics (G-M) 2003
54 6 Preliminary entry forms for 20th Deaflympics (N-Z) 2003
54 7 Preliminary entry lists for 20th Deaflympics 2003
54 8 Program for table tennis at 20th Deaflympics 2005
54 9 Protests and protest forms for 20th Deaflympics 2005
55 1 Questions and answers from executive committee meeting at 20th Deaflympics 2004
55 2 Referee’s reports for European football qualifiers for 20th Deaflympics 2003-2004
55 3 Registration forms for team sports at 20th Deaflympics 2002
55 4 Report on orienteering for 20th Deaflympics 2005
55 5 Results from 20th Deaflympics 2005
55 6 Results from 20th Deaflympics: beach volleyball 2005
55 7 Results from 20th Deaflympics: handball 2005
55 8 Results from 20th Deaflympics: shooting 2005
55 9 Rooming list for 20th Deaflympics 2005
55 10 Scoresheets for volleyball at 20th Deaflympics 2005
56 1 Slides from M2005 presentation to CISS technical directors for 20th Deaflympics 2004
56 2 Stickers for 20th Deaflympics [2005]
56 3 TD report for football at 20th Deaflympics 2005
56 4 Team passport and souvenir program from 20th Deaflympics 2005
56 5 Team sheets for football at 20th Deaflympics 2005
56 6 Team sheets for football at 20th Deaflympics 2005
56 7 Technical regulations and final entry forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
56 8 Technical regulations and final entry forms for 20th Deaflympics 2004
57 1 Final entry forms for 21st Deaflympics (A-I) 2009
57 2 Final entry forms for 21st Deaflympics (J-R) 2009
57 3 Final entry forms for 21st Deaflympics (S-Z) 2009
57 4 Maps and venue information for 21st Deaflympics Undated
57 5 Preliminary entry forms for 21st Deaflympics 2009
57 6 Progress report for 21st Deaflympics 2007
57 7 Results from 21st Deaflympics: athletics 2009
57 8 Results from 21st Deaflympics: badminton 2009
57 9 Results from 21st Deaflympics: basketball 2009
57 10 Results from 21st Deaflympics: beach volleyball 2009
57 11 Results from 21st Deaflympics: bowling 2009
57 12 Results from 21st Deaflympics: cycling 2009
58 1 Results from 21st Deaflympics: football 2009
58 2 Results from 21st Deaflympics: handball 2009
58 3 Results from 21st Deaflympics: judo 2009
58 4 Results from 21st Deaflympics: karate 2009
58 5 Results from 21st Deaflympics: orienteering 2009
58 6 Results from 21st Deaflympics: shooting 2009
58 7 Results from 21st Deaflympics: swimming 2009
58 8 Results from 21st Deaflympics: table tennis 2009
58 9 Results from 21st Deaflympics: taekwondo 2009
58 10 Results from 21st Deaflympics: tennis 2009
58 11 Results from 21st Deaflympics: volleyball 2009
58 12 Results from 21st Deaflympics: water polo 2009
58 13 Results from 21st Deaflympics: wrestling 2009
58 14 Slides from IT meeting for 21st Deaflympics 2008
58 15 Results from 2nd International Winter Games for the Deaf 1953
58 16 Results from 3rd International Winter Games for the Deaf 1955
58 17 Rules and results from 10th World Winter Games for the Deaf 1983
59 1 Reports and site inspection for 12th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1990-1991
59 2 Regulations and entries for 13th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1994-1995
59 3 Results from 13th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1995
59 4 Correspondence for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1995-1998
59 5 Correspondence with Walter Zaugg 1996-1999
59 6 Entry forms for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1998
59 7 Entry forms for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1999
59 8 Planning records for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1999
59 9 Results for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1999
60 1 Technical regulations for 14th World Winter Games of the Deaf 1999
60 2 Correspondence on 15th Winter Deaflympics 1998-2004
60 3 Correspondence on accommodations for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002
60 4 Correspondence on finances for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2004
60 5 Digital records from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
60 6 Executive committee agenda and minutes for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2001-2002
60 7 Final entry forms for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002-2003
60 8 Information for members from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002
60 9 Invitation packet for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002
60 10 Invitations for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002-2003
60 11 Letters of appreciation for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
60 12 Minutes and correspondence for TDs for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002-2003
60 13 News clippings for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002-2003
60 14 Planning updates for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002
60 15 Preliminary registration forms and correspondence for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2001-2002
61 1 Programs for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
61 2 Programs and brochures from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
61 3 Report on 15th Winter Deaflympics 2005
61 4 Results from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
61 5 Results and score sheets from 15th Winter Deaflympics 2003
61 6 Technical regulations for 15th Winter Deaflympics 2002
61 7 Agenda for executive committee at 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
61 8 Budget for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
61 9 Business plan for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2005
61 10 Commemorative stamps and postmark for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
61 11 Correspondence and schedules for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2003-2007
62 1 Correspondence on delegates to 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006-2007
62 2 Diploma for 16th Winter Deaflympics [2007]
62 3 Invitations to 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006
62 4 Japanese protest for 16th Winter Deaflympics Undated
62 5 List of participants for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 6 Maps for 16th Winter Deaflympics Undated
62 7 Medal design for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006
62 8 Media facts for 16th Winter Deaflympics Undated
62 9 Memorandum of agreement for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2003
62 10 News clippings for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 11 Newsletters for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 12 Outline of operations for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 13 Poster for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 14 Press conference agenda for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006
62 15 Program book for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 16 Progress report for 16th Winter Deaflympics [2005]
62 17 Progress report for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2006
62 18 Records for opening ceremony of 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 19 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
62 20 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics: alpine skiing 2007
62 21 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics: cross-country 2007
62 22 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics: curling 2007
62 23 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics: ice hockey 2007
62 24 Results from 16th Winter Deaflympics: snowboarding 2007
63 1 Rocha Malta correspondence 2006
63 2 Slovakian guide to 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
63 3 Technical regulations for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2007
63 4 Video of ice hockey and curling draws for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2005
63 5 AAAD handbooks 1985-1993
63 6 AAAD handbooks and newsletters 1981-1992
63 7 Acceptance letter for 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2005
63 8 Buenos Aires bid for 23rd Deaflympics 2011
63 9 Canadian correspondence on 21st Deaflympics 2002
63 10 Chinese Taipei bid for 21st Deaflympics 2003
63 11 Correspondence on bid for 16th Deaflympics by Méribel 2002-2003
63 12 Greek candidacy letter for 22nd Deaflympics [2007]
63 13 Japanese letter on bid for 16th Winter Deaflympics 2001
64 1 Melbourne bid for 20th Deaflympics 1999
64 2 Melbourne bid for 20th Deaflympics 2005
64 3 Plans for 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2010
64 4 Plans for 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2010
64 5 Plans for 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2010
64 6 Site inspection and bid for 21st Deaflympics: Athens 2002
64 7 Site inspection and proposals for 23rd Deaflympics: 2010-2011
64 8 Site inspection for 16th Winter Deaflympics: Park City 2003
65 1 Site inspection for 21st Deaflympics: Chinese Taipei 2002
65 2 Site inspection for 22nd Deaflympics: Athens 2002
65 3 Slovak Deaflympic Committee information packet on 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2005
65 4 Slovakia bid for 20th Deaflympics 1998-1999
65 5 Slovakia proposal for 2011 Winter Deaflympics 2011
65 6 Venezuela correspondence on bid for 20th Deaflympics 1998-1999
65 7 Vienna proposal for hosting 2011 ICSD Congress 2007
65 8 Art program book for 6th Asia Pacific Games for the Deaf 2000
65 9 Bids for deaf world championships 1997-2002
65 10 Bulgarian Deaf Sports Federation bids for championships 2003-2009
65 11 Regulations for deaf world championships 2001
65 12 Reports from 1st Mediterranean Deaf Games 2008
66 1 Results and DVD from 1st Juegos Deportivos Centroamericanos y del Caribe de Sordos 2010
66 2 Results and DVD from 5th Pan American Sport Games for Deaf Youth 2010
66 3 Results from 8th European Winter Sports Championships of the Deaf 2004
66 4 Results from 4th Pan American Games for the Deaf 2007
66 5 Results from Pre-Deaf World Games 2001
66 6 Schedule for Deaf World Championships 2002-2006
66 7 Guidelines for Family Track and Field Games 2002
66 8 Programs and results from World Deaf Athletics Championships 2008
66 9 Proposals for World Deaf Athletics Championships 2007-2008
66 10 Results from 1st Pan-American Track and Field Championship for Deaf Children 2000-2006
66 11 Results from 6th European Athletics Championships of the Deaf 2003
66 12 USA Deaf Track and Field results of high school international meet 1998
66 13 Results from 1st World Deaf Badminton Championships 2003
67 1 Results from 1st World Deaf Badminton Team Championships 2007
67 2 Results from 2nd Asia Pacific Deaf Badminton Championship 2006
67 3 Correspondence on 2nd International Deaf Baseball Championships 2002
67 4 Results for World Deaf Baseball 2000
67 5 Accreditation guide for 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
67 6 Correspondence on 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
67 7 Program for European Basketball Championship for the Deaf 2004
67 8 Results and report from 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
67 9 Results from 8th Men’s/4th Women’s European Basketball Championships for the Deaf 2004
67 10 Results from 8th Men’s/4th Women’s European Basketball Championships for the Deaf 2004
68 1 Results from 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
68 2 Results from 1st World Basketball Championships of the Deaf 2002
68 3 Score sheets from U21 World Basketball Championships 2010
68 4 Correspondence on 1st World Deaf Beach Volleyball Championships 2008
68 5 Programs and results from World Deaf Bowling Championships 2003
68 6 Results from Grand Tournoi International des Sports: bowling 2005
68 7 Results from World Deaf Bowling Championships 2011
68 8 Correspondence on 2nd World Deaf Cricket Cup 2000-2005
68 9 Correspondence on World Cup of Deaf Cricket 2003-2004
69 1 Correspondence on 1st World Cross-Country Championships 2000-2001
69 2 Bid and entry forms for 1st World Deaf Curling Championships 2006-2009
69 3 Program and certificates for 1st World Deaf Curling Championships 2009
69 4 Reports and correspondence from World Deaf Cycling Championships 2006-2010
69 5 Results of 13th World Deaf Cycling Championships 2011
69 6 Status report for World Deaf Cycling Championships 2004
69 7 Venue inspection report for 2011 World Deaf Cycling Championships: Montreal 2008
69 8 Bids for World Football Championships 2008
69 9 Correspondence on Deaf World Indoor Football Championships 2000
69 10 Records from 1st World Deaf Football Championship 2007-2008
69 11 Records from 1st World Deaf Football Championship 2008-2009
69 12 Report for 2nd Deaf World Futsal Championships 2007
69 13 Results from 1st World Deaf Football Championship 2008
70 1 Programs and correspondence from World Deaf Golf Championships 2000-2008
70 2 Results of World Deaf Golf Championships 2010
70 3 Program for America Cup handball 2003
70 4 Entry forms for World Deaf Ice Hockey and Curling Championships 2009
70 5 Proposal for Ice Hockey World Championships 2011
70 6 Programs and correspondence from World Martial Arts Championship of the Deaf 2003-2004
70 7 Proposal and site inspection report for World Deaf Martial Arts Championships 2010-2011
70 8 Results and diplomas from 2nd World Deaf Orienteering Championships 2011
70 9 Results of 3rd European Orienteering Championships of the Deaf 1996
70 10 Program from 10th European Shooting Championships for the Deaf 2003
70 11 Report from Deaf World Ski Championship 2008
70 12 Handbook and program from World Deaf Swimming Championships 2007
70 13 Results of 3rd World Deaf Swimming Championships 2011
70 14 Proposal and site inspection reports for 2nd World Deaf Table Tennis Championship 2010
70 15 Results from 1st World Deaf Table Tennis Championships 2008
70 16 Bids for 2003 Dresse and Maere Cups 2003
70 17 Bid for 2007 Dresse and Maere Cups 2006
70 18 Checklist for inspection meeting for Dresse and Maere Cups 2002
70 19 Guidelines for Dresse and Maere Cups bids Undated
70 20 Posters for Dresse and Maere Cups 1982, 1999
70 21 Program and results for Dresse and Maere Cups 2007
70 22 Records of Austrian Deaf Tennis Open 2005
70 23 Records of 3rd British Open Deaf Tennis Championships 2006-2007
71 1 Results and correspondence on Dresse and Maere Cups 2001-2003
71 2 Proposal for 2nd World Deaf Volleyball Championships 2008-2010
71 3 Records for 1st Deaf Volleyball World Championships 2008
71 4 Site inspection report for Deaf World Volleyball Championships 2008
71 5 Folder and diplomas from World Deaf Wrestling Championships 2004-2008
71 6 Proposals and site inspection reports for World Deaf Wrestling Championships 2008-2010
71 7 Report for 1st Deaf World Wrestling Championships 2004
71 8 Results of 1st World Deaf Wrestling Championships 2004
71 9 Correspondence and candidate lists for Olympian of the Century and Athlete of the Century 1998-2001
71 10 List of Deaf World Athletes of the Year, 1970-1995 1995
71 11 Nominations and votes for Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 1996
71 12 Nominations and votes for Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 1997
71 13 Nominations and votes for Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 1998
71 14 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 1999-2000
71 15 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2000-2001
72 1 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2001
72 2 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2002
72 3 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2002-2003
72 4 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2004
72 5 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2005-2006
72 6 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2006
72 7 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2007-2009
72 8 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2008-2009
72 9 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2009
73 1 Nominations and votes for WIDEX Sportsman/Sportswoman of the Year 2010
73 2 Nominations for Rubens-Alcais Award 2009
73 3 Top Ten CISS Athletes of the Century Undated
73 4 Certificates for world records Undated
73 5 Correspondence and certificates for world records 2000-2001
73 6 Lists of world records, 1924-2001 Undated
73 7 Lists of world records, 1993-1997 Undated
73 8 World records 2001
73 9 World records 2001
73 10 World records 2002
74 1 World records 2003
74 2 World records 2003
74 3 World records 2004
74 4 World records 2004
74 5 World records 2005
74 6 World junior records 2005
75 1 World junior records 2005
75 2 Rejected world junior records 2005
75 3 World records 2006
75 4 World records 2006
75 5 World records 2006
75 6 Rejected world records 2006
75 7 World junior records 2006
76 1 World junior records 2006
76 2 Rejected world junior records 2006
76 3 World records 2007
76 4 World records 2007
76 5 World records 2007
76 6 Rejected world records 2007
76 7 World junior records 2007
77 1 World junior records 2007
77 2 World records 2008
77 3 World records 2008
77 4 World records 2008
77 5 World records 2008
77 6 Rejected world records 2008
77 7 Rejected world records 2008
77 8 World junior records 2008
77 9 World junior records 2008
78 1 World junior records 2008
78 2 World records 2009
78 3 World records 2009
78 4 World records 2009
78 5 World records 2009
78 6 World records 2009
78 7 World records 2009
79 1 Rejected world records 2009
79 2 World junior records 2009
79 3 World records 2010
79 4 Rejected world records 2010
79 5 World records 2011
79 6 Rejected world records 2011
79 7 Articles on CISS/ICSD history 1998-2002
79 8 Articles on deaf sports history 1997-2005
79 9 Clippings for CISS Bulletin/E-News 2001-2008
79 10 Correspondence and photos on Hendrik Nederlof and early World Games for the Deaf 2003
79 11 Correspondence on CISS Bulletin 1995-1998
79 12 Correspondence on CISS Bulletin 1996-2000
79 13 Obituary of Antoine Dresse Undated
79 14 Obituary of David Alan Stewart 2004
79 15 Russian magazine with articles on deaf athletics 1995
80 1 CISS Bulletin 1973-1980
80 2 CISS Bulletin 1986-1995
80 3 CISS Bulletin 1990-1994
80 4 CISS Bulletin 1995-1996
80 5 CISS Bulletin 1997-1998
80 6 CISS Bulletin 1998-1999

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