Areas of Study

MSS 131

Wood, Sharon Kay, 1945-2003

Papers of Sharon K. Wood, 1915-1989

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 131
Title: Papers of Sharon K. Wood, 1915-1989.
Quantity: 1.5 Linear Feet (3 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2006 January 11.

Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: The Sharon K. Wood Papers were given to the Gallaudet University Archives by Sharon Wood on June 9, 1990.
Processed by: Octavian Robinson. 2004 October 24.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives:

  • Photographs
    • Sharon K. Wood [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • SMSS
    • Sharon Wood, 1986-1988. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS
  • Vertical Files
    • Sharon Wood. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch
Sharon Kay Wood was born in Idaho on February 25, 1945.

She became deaf at 18 months of age from spinal meningitis. She attended three residential schools for the deaf and graduated from the Arizona School for the Deaf in 1963. In 1968, she graduated from Gallaudet College with a B.S. in Library Science, minoring in Drama. During her years at Gallaudet, she was awarded the Best Supporting Actress and Most Promising Actress awards.

In 1983, she graduated from New York University with a M.A. in Deafness Education. Wood taught at various schools for the deaf, including the Texas School for the Deaf, South Carolina School for the Deaf, New York School for the Deaf at Rome, and Kendall Demonstration Elementary School. In addition to teaching at various deaf schools, she also taught sign language in New York City and was an adjunct professor at NYU. Wood has also worked as a professional actress with the National Theatre of the Deaf. She performed in one-woman shows as a lecturer/entertainer on issues about deaf women. She published a book with Marjoriebelle S. Holcomb entitled “Deaf Women: A Parade Through the Decades” in 1989. She passed away on May 12, 2003, from complications of heart and lung failure.

Scope and Content
The Sharon Kay Wood papers consist of news clippings, Deaf periodicals, correspondence, notes, artwork, bibliographies, biographies, poetry, speeches, and booklets. The dates range from 1915 to 1989, with the bulk dating from 1987-1988. The majority of papers deal with Wood’s publication, “Deaf Women: A Parade Through the Decades.” There are biographies of dozens of different Deaf women throughout the United States. This collection gives the researcher a good idea of women’s role in the Deaf community during the late 20th century.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No Series

Wood Table

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 01 Artworks n.d.
1 02 Bibliographies 1973, 1988
1 03 Biographies 1966, 1987-1988
1 04 Correspondence 1987-1988
1 05 Index of Names n.d.
1 06 Miscellaneous 1987-1989
1 07 Notes n.d.
1 08 Papers re: Deaf Women: A Parade… 1987-1988
1 09 Papers re: Sequel to Deaf Women n.d.
1 10 Photocopied Pictures n.d.
1 11 Poetry 1976
1 12 Publications: Monographs 1983
1 13 Schools for the Deaf 1928
2 01 Articles in Mainstream Publication  
2 02 Deaf Publications 1937-1985
2 03 Deaf Publications 1986-1989
2 04 Gallaudet Today 1981-1984
2 05 Silent Worker Article, Dated 1915-1949
2 06 Silent Worker Article, Undated n.d.
2 07 World Around You 1984-1988
3 01 Daniel H. Cloud Award 1975
3 02 Deaf Organizations 1987
3 03 In Der Nacht 1985-1988
3 04 Kendall School Homework 1988
3 05 Resume: Sharon K. Wood 1986
3 06 Speeches n.d.
3 07 Travel Articles 1988
3 08 Various Booklets 1973-1988

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