Areas of Study

MSS 132

Norman, Jane

Papers of Jane Norman, 1964-1980

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 132
Title: Papers of Jane Norman, 1945-1980.
Quantity: 1.0 linear feet (2 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2006 January 6.

Administrative Information
Acquisition Information: The Jane Norman papers were given to the Gallaudet University Archives by Jane Norman. The gift was made in 1999.
Processed by: Octavian Robinson. 2004 October 24
Processing Note: Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives:

  • Films
    • Nanette Fabray [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 208-4
    • Rita, Can you hear me ? Rita No. 2A [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 250-4
    • Rita, Can you hear me ? Rita No. 2B [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 301-4
  • Photographs
    • Elizabeth Taylor [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
    • Jane Norman [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Vertical Files
    • Jane Norman. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch
Jane Norman was born in Covington, Virginia, and raised in Alexandria, Virginia. Her parents and younger sister are all deaf, and her younger sister, Fredericka, was also involved in Deaf Theater. Jane was educated in a mainstream environment until the age of 11. She was then transferred to the Virginia School for the Deaf and Blind, where she attended for approximately five to six years, graduating in 1957. After completing her education at VSDB, she attended Gallaudet College for two years. She left and went to the Milo Bennett Linotype School in English, Indiana. She followed in her father’s footsteps and became a printer and a member of the International Typographical Union. This enabled her to support herself through school, both at Gallaudet and at New York University. She graduated from Gallaudet in 1968 with a major in English Literature. She then completed her Master’s degree in Educational Theatre at New York University. During her time at Gallaudet, she was Homecoming Queen and Kappa Gamma Queen. She also married Edward Wilk during her undergraduate years at Gallaudet and divorced after 17 months of marriage.

Norman’s career in the theatre started when she joined the National Theatre of the Deaf while at NYU. After two years of work with the NTD, she went on to San Francisco to start Newsign with co-newscaster Peter Wechsberg. She has won the Television Academy’s Governors Award, McQuade Award, 2 Emmys, recognition from President’s Committee, was a finalist for the National Academy of Arts and Sciences and has received the National Honor Award. She has accomplished many milestones in her career, including newscasting the Deaf Mosaic, Rainbow’s End, Newsign, and producing/directing/writing various stage productions.

She is currently a professor at Gallaudet University in the Communication Studies department.

Scope and Content
The Jane Norman papers consist of two boxes. Most of the papers are related to her acting career with the National Theatre of the Deaf, Newsign, and Rainbow’s End. Also included are materials related to her father and sister, Fred and Fredericka Norman. The papers include clippings, publications, scripts, business cards, letters, reports, and brochures. This collection has 13 scripts from Rainbow’s End as well as the Final Report of Rainbow’s End to the United States Department of Education. Those papers contain a wealth of information about Deaf theater in the United States. The collection dates from 1964 to 1980, with the bulk dating from 1970s.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No Series

Box Folder Title Date
1 1 Advertisements and flyers 1969
1 2 Brochures 1972-1977
1 3 Bylaws and articles of incorporation: Virginia Association of the Deaf n.d.
1 4 Cards n.d.
1 5 Certificates 1979
1 6 Correspondence 1969-1970
1 7 Final reports: Rainbow’s End 1979-1980
1 8 Miscellaneous 1969
1 9 News clippings 1968-1979
1 10 Newsletters 1964-1973
1 11 Press releases 1967
1 12 Programs 1968-1973
1 13 Receipts 1966-1971
1 14 Resource Guide Rainbow’s End 1978
1 15 Schedules 1970
2 1 Rainbow’s End Script # 1-2 1978
2 2 Rainbow’s End Script # 3-4 1978
2 3 Rainbow’s End Script # 5-6 1978
2 4 Rainbow’s End Script # 7-8 1978
2 5 Rainbow’s End Script # 9-10 1978
2 6 Rainbow’s End Script # 11-12 1978
2 7 Rainbow’s End Script # 13 1978

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