Areas of Study

MSS 188 – Table 2

National Congress of Jewish Deaf, 1956-

National Congress of Jewish Deaf Collection, 1909-1998

Gallaudet University Archives

16 35 Ken Glickman clippings 1985-1986
16 36 Rabbi Donald and Richard Gluckman clipping 1978
16 37 Douglas Goldhamer ordination service program 1972
16 38 Rabbi Elyse Goldstein clippings and article 1983-1986
16 39 Sandra Goldstein clipping 1992
16 40 Samuel Gompers clipping 1988
16 41 Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb clippings 1977-1987
16 42 John Grant correspondence 1988-1989
16 43 Helen and Sam Greenberg letter and obituary 1973, 1988
16 44 Rabbi Daniel Grossman clippings 1981-1988
16 45 Rabbi Harry Gutmann clipping Undated
16 46 Howard Haines clipping 1984
16 47 Rabbi Martin S. Halpern clipping 1981
16 48 Philip Hanover awards 1960-1982
16 49 Harriet and Michael Hartman clippings and lyrics 1988-1989
16 50 David Heine clipping 1993
16 51 Rabbi Alan Henkin clippings 1983-1987
16 52 Heather and Melissa Herzig clipping 1988
16 53 Holocaust-related clippings and photographs 1986-1988
16 54 Holocaust-related clippings and letters 1988-1990
16 55 Rebecca Hozinsky paper Undated
17 1 Jewish Deaf Meet Here clipping 1981
17 2 Jewish Laws on Deafness articles Undated
17 3 Jews and Disabilities article 1981
17 4 Jews for Judaism clipping 1986
17 5 Kol Demama programs and articles 1975-1984
17 6 Lee Kramer clipping 1990
17 7 James Levy clipping 1988
17 8 Jimmy Libman article 1985
17 9 John Lovett article 1987
17 10 Management Institute article 1991
17 11 Virginia Mansfield clippings: “Silent Plains of Worship” 1981
17 12 Toby K. Marx paper 1978
17 13 Marlee Matlin clippings and photographs 1986-1992
17 14 Jane Claire Miller article 1974
17 15 Mitzvah Corps Chevrah flier and brochures 1985-1988
17 16 Montgomery County (MD) public library fliers 1986-1987
17 17 Nelly Rattner Myers clippings 1990
17 18 NAD Broadcaster 1989
17 19 Rabbi Felix and Tanya Nash clippings and letter 1931, 1987
17 20 Alexander Pach brochure and booklet 1987
17 21 David Peikoff letters and program 1986-1989
17 22 Pauline Peikoff article 1985
17 23 Rafael Pinchas article 1988
17 24 Annie Plapinger obituaries 1984
17 25 Joseph Polakoff articles 1986
17 26 Prayers of the Hearing Impaired clipping 1989
17 27 Rabbi David E. Rabinowitz clipping 1978
17 28 David Rosenbaum article and newsletters 1986-1988
17 29 Anne Ross clippings 1971
17 30 Kenneth Rothschild clippings and speech 1983-1990
17 30 Yola Royznek article 1989
17 31 Israel Sela clipping 1990
17 32 I. M. Schlesinger article on Israeli sign language Undated
17 33 Frederick Schreiber envelope and newsletters 1969-1989
17 34 Herb Schreiber clippings 1985
17 35 George Schroeder interview and photo 1985
17 36 Bryanna Schudrich paper on the NCJD 1988
17 37 Stephen Schultz clippings 1988
17 38 Herbert Schwartz article: “To Open the Ears of the Deaf” Undated
17 39 Louis Schwarz brochure and newsletter 1985
17 40 Nathan Shapiro clippings 1989
17 41 Phyllis Shapiro clipping 1989
17 42 Adele Shuart photo and contact sheet Undated
17 43 Adele Shuart collection of papers on Jewish signs Undated
17 44 Adele Shuart clippings 1987
17 45 Adele Shuart manuscript and letter to Sharon Dror 1986
17 46 Signs in Judaism clippings 1985-1988
17 47 Silent News clipping on Passover 1988
17 48 Alton Silver photographs and biography 1989
17 49 Ann Silver and Nancy Becker articles 1987
17 50 Selma Solov clipping 1990
17 51 Selma and Beth Sonnenstrahl clippings and resume 1969-1988
17 52 J. S. Strauss prayer 1982
18 1 Stanley Teger clippings 1986-1990
18 2 Tours for the Deaf brochures 1985-1987
18 3 Celia Burg Warshawsky article and obituary 1986
18 4 World Games for the Deaf 1985 ticket information and clippings 1985
18 5 Gary L. Wosk clippings 1989
18 6 Rose Zucker obituary 1986
18 7 Award applications 1990
18 8 Affiliate member reports Undated
18 9 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf minutes and by-laws 1972-1989
18 10 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf minutes and by-laws 1974-1980
18 11 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf financial reports 1975-1980
18 12 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf correspondence 1975-1980
18 13 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf fliers and announcements 1975-1978
18 14 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Passover Haggadah 1990-1991
18 15 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1987-1991
19 1 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1991-1992
19 2 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1993-1995
19 3 East Coast Shabbaton meeting minutes 1989-1990
19 4 East Coast Shabbaton correspondence 1990
19 5 East Coast Shabbaton registration forms 1990
19 6 East Coast Shabbaton press releases 1990
19 7 East Coast Shabbaton photos and participant list 1990
19 8 East Coast Shabbaton photos and negatives 1990
19 9 Anniversary banquet programs 1956-1986
19 10 Association of the Deaf and Mute in Israel booklets and correspondence 1956-1973
19 11 Beth Torah of the Deaf program and correspondence 1985-1986
19 12 Board of Jewish Education announcements and evaluation forms 1989-1990
19 13 Boston Hebrew Association of the Deaf correspondence and banquet programs 1966-1986
19 14 Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf programs and correspondence 1978-1990
19 15 Chabad House clippings and brochures 1985-1989
19 16 Cleveland Hebrew Association of the Deaf letter 1986
20 1 Congregation Bene Shalom of the Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Chicago programs 1972-1987
20 2 Friends of the Deaf brochures Undated
20 3 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) programs and fliers 1972-1982
20 4 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) program and fliers 1977-1990
20 5 Hebrew Congregation of the Deaf list of officers and committees 1909
20 6 Hebrew Institute for the Deaf brochures and clippings 1973-1982
20 7 Jewish Community Center clipping 1987
20 8 Jewish Deaf and Hearing Impaired Council clippings and publications 1985-1988
20 9 Jewish Deaf Association rules 1986
20 10 Jewish Family and Children’s Service letter 1985
20 11 Jewish Social Service Agency clippings and fliers 1986-1989
20 12 Jewish Social Service Agency minutes 1988-1990
20 13 Jewish Student Association of Gallaudet University correspondence and clippings 1981-1989
20 14 Judaica Captioned Film Center brochures and correspondence 1984-1987
20 15 NTID Hillel Club clippings and invitation 1978-1979
20 16 New York Society for the Deaf clipping 1981
20 17 Our Way clippings and newsletter 1984-1989
20 18 Our Way clippings and publications 1982-1987
20 19 Our Way clippings and publications 1983-1988
20 20 Our Way correspondence 1981-1990
20 21 Our Way fliers and cards for Chanukah 1981-1987
20 22 Our Way leaflets and books on Christian missionaries 1973-1980
20 23 Our Way newsletters for national conventions 1986-1988
20 24 Temple Beth Or of the Deaf flier and Haggadah 1988-1989
20 25 Temple Beth Or annual luncheon and fashion show programs 1977-1989
21 1 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and brochures 1983-1989
21 2 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and cards 1982-1987
21 3 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and publications 1981-1989
21 4 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf correspondence and 25th anniversary booklet 1982-1987
21 5 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf Erev holiday publications 1987-1989
21 6 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf holiday prayer books Undated
21 7 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf prayer book 1990
21 8 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf prayer books and guides 1982-1989
21 9 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf publications for Passover 1984-1988
21 10 Temple Beth Solomon Yom Kippur services publications 1988-1989
21 11 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf event fliers and booklet 1985-1990
21 12 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf grant proposal 1986
21 13 Temple Emanuel Community of the Deaf event calendars and surveys 1988-1989
21 14 United Jewish Appeal clippings and fliers 1982-1990
21 15 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf correspondence and clippings 1986-1989
22 1 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Haggadah 1979-1990
22 2 World Congress of Jewish Deaf program and brochures 1977-1988
22 3 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1984-1985
22 4 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1984-1985
22 5 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1985
22 6 Camp Mikarev Chereshim books and brochures 1985
23 1 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 2 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 3 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 4 Helena Schmitt correspondence 1985-1990
23 5 Helena Schmitt register of NCJD collection 1990
23 6 Helena Schmitt register of NCJD collection 1990
23 7 Joseph S. Slotnick thesis on NCJD history 1989
23 8 Photographer notes and negatives for Signs in Judaism slides Undated
24 Signs in Judaism slides and negatives Undated
25 Signs in Judaism slides and negatives Undated
25 David Bloch art slides Undated
25 Kol Demama slides Undated
25 Service for deaf-blind slides 1986
25 Adele Shuart slide Undated
25 1986 NCJD Convention slides 1986
Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) photograph of Passover dinner 1949
Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) photograph of 45th anniversary dinner 1952
26 Hooked rug with NCJD logo Undated
27 Cape worn by Miss NCJD Undated
28 Hooked rug: SHALOM pattern Undated
28 Tote bag from 13th Biennial Convention 1980
28 Glass ashtray from 9th Biennial Convention 1972
28 Yarmulke from NCJD 25th anniversary (x3) 1982
28 Ballpoint pen from 5th Biennial Convention 1964
28 Wooden SHALOM plaque from 16th Biennial Convention 1986
28 Folder and ballpoint pen from 17th Biennial Convention 1988
28 Zippered pouch from Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf Undated
28 Framed seven-branch menorah from 3rd World Organization of Jewish Deaf convention 1988
28 Copper dish from Association of the Deaf in Israel 1955
28 Sharon Dror sash from CSUN beauty pageant 1981
28 Megillah from Lexington School for the Deaf, New York Circa 1940
29 Chicago Hebrew Association of the Deaf special award for Philip Hanover Undated
29 Copperplate printing block with image of Philip Hanover Undated
29 Philadelphia Hebrew Association of the Deaf gavel given to Philip Hanover 1956
NCJD three-panel board Undated
Temple Beth Or oaktag sheets (9) 1992
Temple Beth Or two-panel boards Undated

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MSS 188 – Table 2
National Congress of Jewish Deaf, 1956-
National Congress of Jewish Deaf Collection, 1909-1998

Gallaudet University Archives

16 35 Ken Glickman clippings 1985-1986
16 36 Rabbi Donald and Richard Gluckman clipping 1978
16 37 Douglas Goldhamer ordination service program 1972
16 38 Rabbi Elyse Goldstein clippings and article 1983-1986
16 39 Sandra Goldstein clipping 1992
16 40 Samuel Gompers clipping 1988
16 41 Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb clippings 1977-1987
16 42 John Grant correspondence 1988-1989
16 43 Helen and Sam Greenberg letter and obituary 1973, 1988
16 44 Rabbi Daniel Grossman clippings 1981-1988
16 45 Rabbi Harry Gutmann clipping Undated
16 46 Howard Haines clipping 1984
16 47 Rabbi Martin S. Halpern clipping 1981
16 48 Philip Hanover awards 1960-1982
16 49 Harriet and Michael Hartman clippings and lyrics 1988-1989
16 50 David Heine clipping 1993
16 51 Rabbi Alan Henkin clippings 1983-1987
16 52 Heather and Melissa Herzig clipping 1988
16 53 Holocaust-related clippings and photographs 1986-1988
16 54 Holocaust-related clippings and letters 1988-1990
16 55 Rebecca Hozinsky paper Undated
17 1 Jewish Deaf Meet Here clipping 1981
17 2 Jewish Laws on Deafness articles Undated
17 3 Jews and Disabilities article 1981
17 4 Jews for Judaism clipping 1986
17 5 Kol Demama programs and articles 1975-1984
17 6 Lee Kramer clipping 1990
17 7 James Levy clipping 1988
17 8 Jimmy Libman article 1985
17 9 John Lovett article 1987
17 10 Management Institute article 1991
17 11 Virginia Mansfield clippings: “Silent Plains of Worship” 1981
17 12 Toby K. Marx paper 1978
17 13 Marlee Matlin clippings and photographs 1986-1992
17 14 Jane Claire Miller article 1974
17 15 Mitzvah Corps Chevrah flier and brochures 1985-1988
17 16 Montgomery County (MD) public library fliers 1986-1987
17 17 Nelly Rattner Myers clippings 1990
17 18 NAD Broadcaster 1989
17 19 Rabbi Felix and Tanya Nash clippings and letter 1931, 1987
17 20 Alexander Pach brochure and booklet 1987
17 21 David Peikoff letters and program 1986-1989
17 22 Pauline Peikoff article 1985
17 23 Rafael Pinchas article 1988
17 24 Annie Plapinger obituaries 1984
17 25 Joseph Polakoff articles 1986
17 26 Prayers of the Hearing Impaired clipping 1989
17 27 Rabbi David E. Rabinowitz clipping 1978
17 28 David Rosenbaum article and newsletters 1986-1988
17 29 Anne Ross clippings 1971
17 30 Kenneth Rothschild clippings and speech 1983-1990
17 30 Yola Royznek article 1989
17 31 Israel Sela clipping 1990
17 32 I. M. Schlesinger article on Israeli sign language Undated
17 33 Frederick Schreiber envelope and newsletters 1969-1989
17 34 Herb Schreiber clippings 1985
17 35 George Schroeder interview and photo 1985
17 36 Bryanna Schudrich paper on the NCJD 1988
17 37 Stephen Schultz clippings 1988
17 38 Herbert Schwartz article: “To Open the Ears of the Deaf” Undated
17 39 Louis Schwarz brochure and newsletter 1985
17 40 Nathan Shapiro clippings 1989
17 41 Phyllis Shapiro clipping 1989
17 42 Adele Shuart photo and contact sheet Undated
17 43 Adele Shuart collection of papers on Jewish signs Undated
17 44 Adele Shuart clippings 1987
17 45 Adele Shuart manuscript and letter to Sharon Dror 1986
17 46 Signs in Judaism clippings 1985-1988
17 47 Silent News clipping on Passover 1988
17 48 Alton Silver photographs and biography 1989
17 49 Ann Silver and Nancy Becker articles 1987
17 50 Selma Solov clipping 1990
17 51 Selma and Beth Sonnenstrahl clippings and resume 1969-1988
17 52 J. S. Strauss prayer 1982
18 1 Stanley Teger clippings 1986-1990
18 2 Tours for the Deaf brochures 1985-1987
18 3 Celia Burg Warshawsky article and obituary 1986
18 4 World Games for the Deaf 1985 ticket information and clippings 1985
18 5 Gary L. Wosk clippings 1989
18 6 Rose Zucker obituary 1986
18 7 Award applications 1990
18 8 Affiliate member reports Undated
18 9 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf minutes and by-laws 1972-1989
18 10 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf minutes and by-laws 1974-1980
18 11 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf financial reports 1975-1980
18 12 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf correspondence 1975-1980
18 13 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf fliers and announcements 1975-1978
18 14 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Passover Haggadah 1990-1991
18 15 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1987-1991
19 1 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1991-1992
19 2 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf newsletter 1993-1995
19 3 East Coast Shabbaton meeting minutes 1989-1990
19 4 East Coast Shabbaton correspondence 1990
19 5 East Coast Shabbaton registration forms 1990
19 6 East Coast Shabbaton press releases 1990
19 7 East Coast Shabbaton photos and participant list 1990
19 8 East Coast Shabbaton photos and negatives 1990
19 9 Anniversary banquet programs 1956-1986
19 10 Association of the Deaf and Mute in Israel booklets and correspondence 1956-1973
19 11 Beth Torah of the Deaf program and correspondence 1985-1986
19 12 Board of Jewish Education announcements and evaluation forms 1989-1990
19 13 Boston Hebrew Association of the Deaf correspondence and banquet programs 1966-1986
19 14 Brooklyn Hebrew Society of the Deaf programs and correspondence 1978-1990
19 15 Chabad House clippings and brochures 1985-1989
19 16 Cleveland Hebrew Association of the Deaf letter 1986
20 1 Congregation Bene Shalom of the Hebrew Association of the Deaf of Chicago programs 1972-1987
20 2 Friends of the Deaf brochures Undated
20 3 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) programs and fliers 1972-1982
20 4 Hebrew Association of the Deaf (Philadelphia) program and fliers 1977-1990
20 5 Hebrew Congregation of the Deaf list of officers and committees 1909
20 6 Hebrew Institute for the Deaf brochures and clippings 1973-1982
20 7 Jewish Community Center clipping 1987
20 8 Jewish Deaf and Hearing Impaired Council clippings and publications 1985-1988
20 9 Jewish Deaf Association rules 1986
20 10 Jewish Family and Children’s Service letter 1985
20 11 Jewish Social Service Agency clippings and fliers 1986-1989
20 12 Jewish Social Service Agency minutes 1988-1990
20 13 Jewish Student Association of Gallaudet University correspondence and clippings 1981-1989
20 14 Judaica Captioned Film Center brochures and correspondence 1984-1987
20 15 NTID Hillel Club clippings and invitation 1978-1979
20 16 New York Society for the Deaf clipping 1981
20 17 Our Way clippings and newsletter 1984-1989
20 18 Our Way clippings and publications 1982-1987
20 19 Our Way clippings and publications 1983-1988
20 20 Our Way correspondence 1981-1990
20 21 Our Way fliers and cards for Chanukah 1981-1987
20 22 Our Way leaflets and books on Christian missionaries 1973-1980
20 23 Our Way newsletters for national conventions 1986-1988
20 24 Temple Beth Or of the Deaf flier and Haggadah 1988-1989
20 25 Temple Beth Or annual luncheon and fashion show programs 1977-1989
21 1 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and brochures 1983-1989
21 2 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and cards 1982-1987
21 3 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf clippings and publications 1981-1989
21 4 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf correspondence and 25th anniversary booklet 1982-1987
21 5 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf Erev holiday publications 1987-1989
21 6 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf holiday prayer books Undated
21 7 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf prayer book 1990
21 8 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf prayer books and guides 1982-1989
21 9 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf publications for Passover 1984-1988
21 10 Temple Beth Solomon Yom Kippur services publications 1988-1989
21 11 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf event fliers and booklet 1985-1990
21 12 Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf grant proposal 1986
21 13 Temple Emanuel Community of the Deaf event calendars and surveys 1988-1989
21 14 United Jewish Appeal clippings and fliers 1982-1990
21 15 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf correspondence and clippings 1986-1989
22 1 Washington Society of Jewish Deaf Haggadah 1979-1990
22 2 World Congress of Jewish Deaf program and brochures 1977-1988
22 3 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1984-1985
22 4 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1984-1985
22 5 Camp Mikarev Chereshim records 1985
22 6 Camp Mikarev Chereshim books and brochures 1985
23 1 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 2 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 3 Adele Shuart manuscript for Signs in Judaism 1986
23 4 Helena Schmitt correspondence 1985-1990
23 5 Helena Schmitt register of NCJD collection 1990
23 6 Helena Schmitt register of NCJD collection 1990
23 7 Joseph S. Slotnick thesis on NCJD history 1989
23 8 Photographer notes and negatives for Signs in Judaism slides Undated
24 Signs in Judaism slides and negatives Undated
25 Signs in Judaism slides and negatives Undated
25 David Bloch art slides Undated
25 Kol Demama slides Undated
25 Service for deaf-blind slides 1986
25 Adele Shuart slide Undated
25 1986 NCJD Convention slides 1986
Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) photograph of Passover dinner 1949
Hebrew Association of the Deaf (New York) photograph of 45th anniversary dinner 1952
26 Hooked rug with NCJD logo Undated
27 Cape worn by Miss NCJD Undated
28 Hooked rug: SHALOM pattern Undated
28 Tote bag from 13th Biennial Convention 1980
28 Glass ashtray from 9th Biennial Convention 1972
28 Yarmulke from NCJD 25th anniversary (x3) 1982
28 Ballpoint pen from 5th Biennial Convention 1964
28 Wooden SHALOM plaque from 16th Biennial Convention 1986
28 Folder and ballpoint pen from 17th Biennial Convention 1988
28 Zippered pouch from Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf Undated
28 Framed seven-branch menorah from 3rd World Organization of Jewish Deaf convention 1988
28 Copper dish from Association of the Deaf in Israel 1955
28 Sharon Dror sash from CSUN beauty pageant 1981
28 Megillah from Lexington School for the Deaf, New York Circa 1940
29 Chicago Hebrew Association of the Deaf special award for Philip Hanover Undated
29 Copperplate printing block with image of Philip Hanover Undated
29 Philadelphia Hebrew Association of the Deaf gavel given to Philip Hanover 1956
NCJD three-panel board Undated
Temple Beth Or oaktag sheets (9) 1992
Temple Beth Or two-panel boards Undated

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