Areas of Study

Papers of Edward Allen Fay, 1869-1952

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 9
Title: Papers of Edward Allen Fay, 1869-1952
Quantity: 1.0 Linear Feet (2 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2005 December 2.

Administrative Information
Acquisition Information:
Processed by: Carielyn Kelly. 1984 June 1.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions.
Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives: See Library catalog

Biographical Sketch

1843 Edward Allen Fay was born November 22 in Morristown, New Jersey.
1862 Fay graduated from the University of Michigan then appointed instructor at the New York Institution for the Deaf.
1865 Three years later he became a professor of History and Ancient Languages at Gallaudet College.
1870 Fay was also Editor for the American Annals of the Deaf.
1871 Edward Allen Fay married Mary Bradshaw of Brooklyn.
1881 Fay earned his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University.
1885 Four years later he was Vice President of Gallaudet College.
1893 Fay later published Histories of American Schools for the Deaf.
1898 Three years later Marriages of the Deaf in America was published.
1916 Fay earned his Honorary Degree: Doctors of Letters from Gallaudet College.
1920 Fay retired from Vice President of Gallaudet College as well as Editor of the American Annals of the Deaf.
1923 Edward Allen Fay died on July 14.

Scope and Content
The Edward Allen Fay Papers consist of correspondence and personal papers of Edward Allen Fay, who taught Latin, French and German at Gallaudet College from 1866 to 1920. The collection, which includes approximately 1,700 pages of manuscript, dates from 1869 to 1952. The bulk of the collection falls into the period when Fay was editor of the American Annals of the Deaf, specifically 1870 to 1920. Included in this series are articles submitted to the Annals, checkbooks, receipts and expenditures, subscription appeals and general correspondence.

While editor of the Annals, Edward Allen Fay contributed nearly 150 articles. His best known publications are Histories of American Schools for the Deaf (1893) and Marriages of the Deaf in America (1898). Checklists of married deaf and statistical data forms related to this publication are also found in this series. Also included in the Edward Allen Fay collection is correspondence to and from Alexander Graham Bell during the years 1883 to 1916. The correspondence is concerned with the statistics and procedures involved in Fay’s publication, Marriages of the Deaf in America and various other articles presented in the Annals. Edward Allen Fay was at Gallaudet in the capacity of professor for 50 years. During that period, he corresponded with Mary Bradshaw (who was his fiancée at the time). These letters have been edited by his daughter, Helen Fay.

During 1869, Fay traveled to Europe. While he was travelling, he kept a journal. The original journal can be found in this collection. Also included in this series are two lawsuits, lectures, notes and speeches given during his tenure as professor and Vice President of Gallaudet College. Among Edward Allen Fay’s correspondents were: Alexander Graham Bell, Mary Bradshaw, C. O. Dantzer, Leonard Elstad, Angie Fuller Fischer, Sarah Fuller, Edward Miner Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas Gallaudet, D. W. George, Frieda Meagher, Frederick Meagher, Elmer Peters, Stanley Robinson, M. C. Rugg, Harris Taylor, William Vernon, and Clayton Wyand.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists
No. Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Addresses (edited by Helen Fay) n.d.
1 2 Biography n.d.
1 3 Clipping on the Royal Commission 1889
1 4 Correspondence (edited by Helen Fay) 1870-1871
1 5 Correspondence from D. W. George 1918
1 6 Correspondence from E. M. Gallaudet 1905
1 7 Correspondence from Harris Taylor 1892
1 8 Correspondence To Mary Bradshaw 1870-1871
1 9 Correspondence from M. C. Rugg 1905
1 10 Correspondence from Rev. Thomas Gallaudet 1889
1 11 Correspondence from Sarah Fuller 1889
1 12 Correspondence from Wm. Warren Vernon n.d.
1 13 Dom Pedro’s visit to Gallaudet n.d.
1 14 Journal- trip to Europe 1869
1 15 Law suit: District of Columbia vs E. A. Fay 1909
1 16 Law suit: Washington Law Book Company vs Professor E. A. Fay 1899
1 17 Lecture- “The College of Today” n.d.
1 18 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1883-1915
1 19 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1883
1 20 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1888
1 21 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1889
1 22 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1890
1 23 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1891
1 24 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1893
1 25 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1894
1 26 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1901
1 27 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1904
1 28 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1906
1 29 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1908
1 30 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1909
1 31 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1910
1 32 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham 1916
1 33 Letters- Bell, Alexander Graham n.d.
1 34 Helen Fay to Leonard Elstad 1952
1 35 Notes on Dr. Hotchkiss n.d.
1 36 References from the American Annals for the Deaf n.d.
1 37 Sketch of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet n.d.
1 38 Speech to Graduating Class n.d.
1 39 Fay, Edward Allen – Statistics relating to age when deafness occurred 1980s
2 1 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by Elmer B. Peters, Jackson, Miss. 1917
2 2 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by L. C (?) (n.p) n.d.
2 3 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by Stanley Robison n.d.
2 4 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by C. O. Dantzer Buffalo N.Y 1887
2 5 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by Angie Fuller Fischer Omaha, Neb. 1889
2 6 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by E. Clayton Wyand (n.p) 1897
2 7 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by Frieda Meagher Vancouver, Wash. 1913
2 8 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by Stanley Robison Wappinger’s Falls N.Y 1914
2 9 Editor, American Annals Article Submitted by J. Frederick Meagher Vancouver, Wash. 1917
2 10 Editor, American Annals Check Books 1916
2 11 Editor, American Annals Check Books 1916-1918
2 12 Editor, American Annals Check Books 1916-1920
2 13 Editor, American Annals Checklist of Deaf Married to Deaf n.d.
2 14 Editor, American Annals General Correspondence 1888-1889
2 15 Editor, American Annals Mailing list tabs n.d.
2 16 Editor, American Annals Necrology Committee Questionnaire card n.d.
2 17 Editor, American Annals Receipts and Expenditures 1917
2 18 Editor, American Annals Receipts and Expenditures 1919
2 19 Editor, American Annals Receipts and Expenditures 1920
2 20 Editor, American Annals Resignation Letter (draft) n.d.
2 21 Editor, American Annals Statistic Data Form RE: Schools for the Deaf n.d.
2 22 Editor, American Annals Subscription Appeal 1915

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