Areas of Study

MSS 84 – Merrill, Edward C. Jr., 1920-1995

Papers of Edward C. Merrill Jr., 1928-1995

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 84


Title: Papers of Edward C. Merrill Jr., 1928-1995

Quantity: 3.5 Linear Feet (7 document boxes)


Note: This document last updated 2006 January 5.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Unknown.

Processed by: Unknown.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives: See ALADIN

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Edward C. Merrill, Jr., known as “Pete”, was born on January 29, 1920 in Asheville, North Carolina. He grew up and attended the public schools there. He graduated from Lee Edwards High School in 1938. He received his A. B. Degree in English from the University of North Carolina in 1942, his M. S. in Educational Administration and Supervision from the University of Tennessee in 1948, and his Ph.D. Degree in Educational Administration from George Peabody College for Teachers in 1953. He was awarded an honorary LL.D Degree from Gallaudet College in 1969.

Dr. Merrill taught at various colleges from 1946 until 1961. He was a Dean of College of Education at the University of Tennessee from 1961 until 1969. He accepted as a President of Gallaudet College in 1969, and prior to his newly appointment, he was a Special Assistant to the President Leonard M. Elstad of Gallaudet College from January 15 until July 1, 1969 when Dr. Merrill became the fourth President of Gallaudet College.

Dr. Merrill was married to Frances Bonkemeyer of Chadbourn, North Carolina and had four children, Susan, Nancy, Ann, and Edward. Mrs. Merrill passed away in 1993.

During Dr. Merrill’s presidency, he was an advocate of deaf people. The enrollment at the college increased nearly doubled and the campus witnessed a capital building and improvement program that included the construction of three dormitories, the Merrill Learning Center, the Model Secondary School for the Deaf, the Kendall Demonstration Elementary School and a field house. Under his leadership, the college expanded its research projects related to the teaching of the deaf children.

Dr. Merrill was recognized as the national and international leader in the field of education for deaf and hard of hearing people. He was one of only four individuals worldwide holding honorary membership in the World Federation of the Deaf. He established educational extension centers, the National Academy, the National Information Center on Deafness, the National Center for Law and the Deaf, and the International Center on Deafness.

Dr. Merrill wrote many articles on the education and also on the education of the deaf. He wrote many speeches related to the deaf education.

Dr. Merrill retired as president of Gallaudet College in 1983 where he had served for 14 years. He died on January 27, 1995 in Asheville, North Carolina.

Scope and Content

The Dr. Edward C. Merrill, Jr. Collection consist of articles, correspondence, newsletters, publications, newspaper clippings, program books, citations, certificates, greeting cards, poems and letters. Dr. Edward C. Merrill, Jr. was the fourth President of Gallaudet College from 1969 to 1983.

The collection, which consists of approximately 5, 525 pages, dates from 1928 1995. The bulk of the collection consists of articles and publications. The bulk dates are mostly between 1968 and 1983, of which was Dr. Merrill’s presidency. The strength of the collection is centered mostly on education of the deaf. Also there is a biography and resume of Dr. Merrill.

The largest subject in the collection is focused on articles related to the education of the deaf and Gallaudet College. There are some books in the collection that Dr. Merrill wrote. He collected different kind of program books on events related to Gallaudet College and deaf organizations. There is minimal size of letters in the collection. The most interesting items in the collection are greeting cards illustrated with old buildings on the campus they sent to people every year.

There are numerous articles written on Dr. Merrill from various deaf schools and deaf organizations.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 All of My Heart by Marjorie F. Webster 1964
1 2 Alumni Newsletter 1968‑1983
1 3 American Annals of the Deaf 1971
1 4 American School for the Deaf 1969
1 5 Articles about Dr. Merrill 1968‑1983
1 6 Articles about Dr. Merrill as the New President of Gallaudet College 1968‑1970
1 7 Articles written by Dr. Merrill 1954‑1968
1 8 Articles written by Dr. Merrill 1971‑1983
1 9 Atwood, Albert W. 1975
1 10 Benson, Elizabeth 1972‑1973
1 11 Better Teaching in School Administration 1955
1 12 The British Deaf News 1974
2 1 The California News 1969‑1970
2 2 Certificates of Awards & Appreciations 1928‑1982
2 3 Christmas Cards 1969‑1977
2 4 Christmas Cards 1978‑1982
2 5 Citations 1971
2 6 Collins, Honorable Linton M. ‑ In Memoriam 1973
2 7 Congratulation Letters 1982
2 8 Congressional Record 1969‑1972
2 9 Cosmos Club 1983
2 10 Dancing Without Music by Beryl Lieff Benderly 1980
2 11 Daniel Chester French 1976
2 12 The Deaf American 1969‑1978
3 1 The Deaf Child in the Public Schools 1974
3 2 The Deaf Child in the Public Schools 1978
3 3 Dee Cee Eyes 1969‑1970
3 4 Development and Application of Instruments for Identifying and Characterizing the Job Concepts of Selected Secondary School Principals by Johannes Ingebret Olsen 1957
3 5 Doctor, Powrie Vaux 1968‑1976
3 6 The Eistophos Science Club 1976
3 7 The Edward C. Merrill, Jr. Endowment 1983
3 8 Envelopes 1971‑1978
3 9 Events Attended 1971‑1979
3 10 Fabray, Nanette 1971‑1979
3 11 Gallaudet College 1969‑1982
3 12 Gallaudet Record 1968‑1969
3 13 Gallaudet Today 1979‑1983
3 14 Greeting Cards 1971‑1976
4 1 Hughes, Regina Olson 1975‑1978
4 2 The Installation of Edward C. Merrill Jr. as the Fourth President of Gallaudet College 1969
4 3 Invitation Cards 1965‑1976
4 4 Laurent Clerc Day 1972‑1974
4 5 Letter‑ Burnett, Carol 1970
4 6 Letter‑ Nixon, Richard 1971
4 7 Letter‑ Schulz, Charles M. 1969
4 8 Letters 1968‑1983
4 9 Letters‑ University of Tennessee 1962‑1968
4 10 “A Lifetime of Labor and Love” 1979
4 11 Magazine‑ Performance 1972‑1975
4 12 Magazine‑ Rehabilitation Record 1970
4 13 Memorandums 1971
4 14 Memorial Service Program Book for Dr. Edward C. Merrill, Jr. 1995
4 15 The Merrill’s Tenth Anniversary at Gallaudet College 1979
4 16 Mott’s Family 1971‑1975
4 17 Name Badges 1970
5 1 The Negro and the Schools 1954
5 2 News Release from Gallaudet 1970‑1971
5 3 Newspaper article about Merrill’s father n.d.
5 4 Newspaper articles‑ Gallaudet College 1968‑1983
5 5 Newspaper articles‑ University of Tenn. 1961‑1971
5 6 On the Green 1982‑1983
5 7 Patch of Gov. Baxter School for the Deaf 1970
5 8 Personal 1948‑1979
5 9 Post Cards 1970
5 10 Priorities for School in Tennessee 1965
5 11 Professional Student Teaching Programs 1967
5 12 Professional Student Teaching Programs 1973
6 1 Program Books 1968‑1985
6 2 Resumes 1982
6 3 Retirement home 1987
6 4 Retirement Letters 1983
6 5 The School Administrator 1964
6 6 Southern Council on Teacher Education 1968
6 7 Stevens, Kelly 1973
6 8 Student Body Government 25th Anniversary 1973
6 9 Switzer, Mary E. 1954‑1971
6 10 Table Cards 1977
6 11 Telegrams 1969‑1983
6 12 Tennessee Alumus 1962‑1986
6 13 The Tennessee Teacher 1962‑1966
6 14 Thomas H. Gallaudet and Alice Cogswell Statue n.d.
6 15 Torchbearer (Univ. of Tenn.) 1963‑1967
6 16 Trip Aboard‑ Congress of the World Federation 1971
6 17 Unification Educational Planning Commission 1963
6 18 Universal Rights and Progress in Education of the Deaf by Edward C. Merrill, Jr. 1975
6 19 University of Tennessee 1961‑1967
6 20 The Uptown Citizen 1968
6 21 The Volta Review 1969
7 1 The Washingtonian 1978
7 2 The Washingtonian 1981
7 3 Who’s Who’s in America 1983

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