Areas of Study

MSS 74 – Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf, 1965-1977

Collection of Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf, 1967-1974

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 74


Title: Collection of Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf

Quantity: 2.0 Linear Feet (4 document boxes)

Abstract: The Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf (C.O.S.D.) served as a clearing house, a contact point for information, and combined actions by national organizations serving the Deaf.

Note: This document last updated 2005 November 30.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: The papers of the Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf were given to Gallaudet College Archives in 1977. The gift was made by Jack Gannon.

Processed by: Carielyn Kelly: 1984 June 29. Revised by Ulf Hedberg and Michael Olson, 1997 November 3.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives: See ALADIN

Historical Sketch

1965 The U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare requested the National Health Council to survey the need for a coordinating agency for the organizations serving the deaf.
1966 The National Health Council Began its one-year needs assessment survey.
1967 On January 27 The Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf was organized and incorporated under New York laws.
1968 The 1st Annual Forum: “New Horizons on Deafness” took place in Washington, D.C., April 24-27.
1969 The following year the annual forum “The Deaf Man and the World” occurred in New Orleans, LA., February 19-21.
1970 In Chicago, IL., the annual Forum “Legal Rights of the Deaf” lasted from February 25-27.
1971 March 3-5: Annual Forum “Medical Aspects of Deafness” in Atlantic City, N.J.
1972 The next year the annual forum on “Perspectives in Education of the Deaf” in Memphis, TN., February 3-5.
1973 Federal Grant Support was given for the last time.
1973 The same year grant support ceased the annual forum “The Child Deaf and His Family” was in Williamsburg, VA., from March 28-30.
1974 The next annual forum, “Continuous Growth – The Process of Change in Social Milieu” took place in Denver, CO., April 7-10.
1975 The following year the annual forum “The Impact of Change” met in Atlanta, GA., March 28-30.
1976 The last annual forum, “Organizations and Agencies Serving the Deaf” met in Indianapolis, IN, in March.
1977 On May 9 The Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf legally disbanded.

Scope and Content

The Council of Organizations Serving the Deaf, ( C.O.S.D.) served as a clearing house, a contact point for information, and a combined action by National Organizations serving the deaf.

Following a year long study by the National Health Council, under a grant from the Social and Rehabilitation Service of the U.S. officially incorporated on January 27, 1967.

The C.O.S.D. papers which consist of approximately 3,400 pages, date from 1967-1977. The bulk of the collection is made up of financial documents, specifically: accounts, ledger, and vouchers relating to the Council’s activities from the years 1967-1974.

The Council was composed of four classes of members:

  • Active members – consisted of organizations which existed to serve deaf people, were national in scope, and were supported primarily by voluntary dues or contributions. Depending on size, each organization was entitled to one or two votes on the Council of Directors.
  • Associate Members – organizations with an interest in deafness, yet did not meet active membership qualifications. Members could participate in programs, but did not receive representation on the Board, yet could participate in the program.
  • Individual Members – people interested in supporting the Council’s work. These members could participate in the program, yet could not vote unless elected to the Board of Directors at Large.

Committee members met at least three times a year, and also maintained communication through newsletters, memoranda and board letters. These correspondence report national as well as international developments relating to deafness. Such correspondence can be found among the papers.

Also included in the collection are minutes, agendas and documentation of expenses from C.O.S.D. meetings, workshops and conventions.

An Annual Forum was sponsored by the Council each spring in conjunction with the election meeting of the Board of Delegates, to discusstopics of interest for deaf people.

Each Annual Forum provides an opportunity for professionals to exchange information and experience, to report new developments to a wide audience, and to identify action potentials for the Council and participants.

Correspondence and documentation relating to the planning, organizing, and financing of each forum are include in the papers.

Throughout its history, the C.O.S.D. was in receipt of Federal Grants.

Grantee reports, grant applications and proposals for the years 1968-76 have been kept among the papers.

In 1973, The C.O.S.D. received its last Federal Grant. Without the support of the Federal Government, the Council could not afford to operate, and disbanded on May 9, 1977.

Organization Members of C.O.S.D.

  • Alexander Graham Bell Association
  • American Athletic Association of the Deaf
  • American Instructors of the Deaf
  • Board of Missions for the Deaf, The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod
  • Canadian Association of the Deaf
  • Conference on Services for Elderly Deaf People
  • Conference of Church Workers Among the Deaf
  • Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf
  • Congressional Committee, 1975
  • Continuing Education Program
  • Council on Exceptional Children
  • Educational Commission of the United States
  • Episcopal Conference for the Deaf
  • Gallaudet College
  • International Catholic Deaf Association
  • Lions International Convention
  • National Advisory Committee on Education of the Deaf
  • National Association of the Deaf
  • National Association of Hearing and Speech Agencies
  • National Congress of Jewish Deaf
  • National Fraternal Society of the Deaf
  • National Grange Convention
  • Operation Tripod
  • Professional of Rehabilitation Workers with the Adult Deaf
  • Project Dawn
  • The Presidents Committee on Employment of the Handicapped
  • U.S. Offices of Education Conference on Program Objective
  • World Federation of the Deaf

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Annual Report 1967-1968
1 2 Application-Grants 1967-1968
1 3 Application-Grants 1968-1969
1 4 Audits n.d.
1 5 Bookkeeping Procedures and Accounts n.d.
1 6 Cash Account Book 1967-1968
1 7 Cash Account Book Careers Forum 1974
1 8 Cash Account Ledgers 1972
1 9 Cash Account Ledgers 1972-1973
1 10 Cash Account Ledgers 1972-1973
2 1 Cash Receipts Ledgers 1968-1971
2 2 C.O.S.D. 1966
2 3 C.O.S.D. 1967
2 4 C.O.S.D. 1968
2 5 C.O.S.D. 1st Annual Forum – Washington, D.C. 1968
3 1 C.O.S.D. 1969
3 2 C.O.S.D. 1970
3 3 C.O.S.D. 1971
3 4 C.O.S.D. 1972
3 5 C.O.S.D. 1973
4 1 C.O.S.D. 1974
4 2 C.O.S.D. 1975
4 3 C.O.S.D. 1976-1968
4 4 C.O.S.D. n.d.
4 5 Dissolution of C.O.S.D. 1977
4 6 Finance Committee 1971
4 7 Fiscal Year/Budget-Financial Reports 1967-1968
4 8 Fiscal Year/Budget-Financial Reports 1968-1969
4 9 Fiscal Year/Budget-Financial Reports 1969-1970
4 10 General taxes- Organization taxes n.d.
4 11 Grant 1967-1968
4 12 Grant 1969-1970
4 13 Grant 1971-1972
4 14 Grant Application n.d.
4 15 Grant Proposal 1973-1976
4 16 Internal Revenue n.d.
4 17 Lease for office n.d.
4 18 Letter of Grant Cancellation 1973
4 19 Membership dues list 1971
4 20 Notice of Grant Awarded- $7,500 (Deafness Information Agency) n.d.
4 21 Progress Report Prepared 1967
4 22 Revised Budget Applicant for Project Grant 1972-1973

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