Areas of Study

MSS 73 – Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, est. 1868

Collection of Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, 1930-1976

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 73


Title: Collection of Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf, 1930-1976

Quantity: 8.5 Linear Feet (17 document boxes)


Note: This document last updated 2005 November 30.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf Collection was donated to the Gallaudet University Archives by Hugo Schunoff. The gift was made in 1968.

Processed by: Carielyn Kelly. 1984 July 20. Revised by Gary Brooks. 1998 July 8

Processing Note: Historical Sketch derived from MSS 157 by Michael Olson.

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives: See ALADIN

Historical Sketch

The Conference of Superintendents and Principals of the American Schools for the Deaf was founded in 1868 at Gallaudet University, and changed its name to the Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf in 1931. It is the second oldest professional organization for educators of the deaf in the United States after the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, formed in 1850.

The Conference is there to:

  • Promote the management and operation of schools for the deaf
  • Promote the welfare of the deaf
  • Promote the professional growth of teachers of the deaf by establishing and maintaining standards for teachers through certification procedures and approval of teacher training centers.

The Conference holds its general meetings every two years to share information and ideas about deaf education.

Scope and Content

In 1868, the Conference of Superintendents and Principals was founded in order to improve the the management of schools for the deaf. In 1931 the name was changed to its present title, the Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf.

The Conference of Executives collection, which consists of approximately 16,000 pages, dates from 1930-1976. The bulk of the collection is made up of correspondence between Executives.

Issues discussed in the correspondence relate directly to the Conference’s objectives:

  • To promote the management and operation of schools for the deaf.
  • To further and promote the welfare of the deaf.
  • To promote the professional growth of teachers of the deaf by establishing and maintaining standards through certification procedures and approval of teacher training centers.

The Conference of Executives meets annually in various parts of the United States and Canada.

In odd numbered years, the Conference meets alongside the biennial meeting of the American Instructors of the Deaf.

In even numbered years, the Conference meets independently for a five day meeting.

During these five days, comprehensive organizational work is carried out, professional papers are presented and mutual issues in administration are discussed.

Included in the collection are

  • Executive Correspondence.
  • Preparation and scheduling of meetings and topics to be addressed.
  • Minutes of these regular meetings.

In 1931, the Conference of Executives began a program of teacher certification to improve the qualifications of teachers of the deaf throughout the U.S. and Canada.

This program establishes minimum standards of preparation and experience which teachers must attain before granted certification by the Conference.

Along with the certification of teachers, the Conference has organized and promoted a program for improving and training teachers for the deaf. Training centers with college or university affiliations have teacher preparation curricula which meet standards approved by the Conference of Executives of American Schools for the Deaf.

Among the Conference’s papers are correspondence between executives addressing the issue of establishing training centers as well as the establishment of higher standards in accreditation programs.

The American Annals of the Deaf is the official journal of the Conference of Executives and of the American Instructors of the Deaf. Articles accepted for publication cover topics on research in all areas of deafness; medical, educational, psychological, social, as well as vocational rehabilitation, teaching methods, communication and subjects of interest to professionals.

Correspondence related to articles to be published, topics of interest and scheduling and dissemination of the Annals are also included. In order to accomplish its goals, the Conference of Executives has established various committees. Some of these committees, whose correspondence as well as minutes and reports, can be found in this collection are:

  • Parent Education
  • Public Relations
  • Teacher Training
  • Vocational Education
  • Statistics
  • Legislation
  • Captioned Films
  • Centennial.

In 1968, the Conference of Executives celebrated their 100 year anniversary, held at Gallaudet College April 28 May.

Banquet programs, photographs of highlights and momentous can also be found in this collection.

Correspondence from the following can be found in this collection:

  • Dr. Edmund Boatner
  • Dr. Richard Brill
  • Dr. Daniel Cloud
  • Dr. Powrie Doctor
  • Lloyd Harrison
  • Marshall Hester
  • Ben Hoffmeyer
  • George Pratt
  • Howard Quigley
  • Hugo Schunhoff
  • Roy Stelle
  • Edward Tillinghast

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 13th Meeting 1958
1 2 15th Meeting 1930
1 3 28th Meeting 1956
1 4 29th Meeting 1957
1 5 34th Meeting 1962
1 6 39th Meeting 1967
1 7 40th Meeting 1968
2 1 Accreditation Committee Hugo F. Schunhoff President. 1961-1966
2 2 American Annals of the Deaf Official Organization of Conference of Executive of American School for the Deaf. 1954-1955
2 3 Annals Committee 1963-1966
2 4 Associate Members 1963-1964
3 1 Associate Members 1965-1966
3 2 Boatner’s Committee on English Paper 1960-1962
3 3 Captioned Film Program 1958-1962
3 4 Certificates of Merit 1960-1963
3 5 Change of name of Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf 1955-1961
3 6 Committee on teacher training & Certification 1954-1958
3 7 Committee on teacher training & Certification 1959-1960
3 8 Conference Income tax 1959-1960
4 1 Conference Meeting Austin 1958-1962
4 2 Conference Membership 1960-1962
4 3 Conference Newsletter (Incomplete) 1958-1966
4 4 Conference of American Executives Accreditation Committee 1957-1963
4 5 Conference of American Executives Annals Correspondence 1957-1958
4 6 Conference of American Executives Annals Correspondence 1959
5 1 Conference of American Executives Annals Correspondence 1960-1963
5 2 Conference of Executives ’78-88 1960-1964
5 3 Conference of Executives Executive-Committee 1957-1958
5 4 Conference of Executives Executive-Committee 1959
6 1 Conference of Executives Executive-Committee 1960-1961
6 2 Conference of Executives Executive-Committee 1962-1963
7 1 Conference of Executives Incorporation 1957-1959
7 2 Conference of Executives Interagency Committee 1957-1960
7 3 Conference of Executives on Membership 1957-1962
7 4 Conference of Executives Minutes 1947
7 5 Conference of Executives Northampton meeting 1957-1958
7 6 Conference of Executives Program Committee 1956-1959
7 7 Conference Transfer File 1953-1954
7 8 Constitution By-Laws, Act of Inc. 1948
8 1 Copies of Letters written to Lloyd and Ewing 1957-1958
8 2 Correspondence 1944
8 3 Correspondence 1946-1948
8 4 Correspondence Jarrison & Schunhoff 1955-1957
8 5 Council, C.E.D. 1964-1966
8 6 Council for the Education of the Deaf 1959-1960
8 7 Council of National Organizations on Children and Youth 1961-1963
9 1 Deaf/Blind Committee 1963-1966
9 2 Dorm Counselors 1963-1966
9 3 Evanston Agenda 1960
9 4 Executives Committee 1963-1965
9 5 Executives Committee 1966
9 6 Executives Committee Minutes 1957-1966
10 1 Flint Meeting 1965
10 2 Form letter n.d.
10 3 General Committee 1963-1966
10 4 General Correspondence 1957-1958
10 5 General Correspondence 1959-1960
11 1 Hearing Report 1976
11 2 History of C.E.A.S.D. n.d.
11 3 Honorary Members 1964-1968
11 4 Hot Springs 1965-1966
11 5 Interagency Committee 1964-1966
12 1 Information for Parents of Deaf Children 1957-1959
12 2 International Congress on the Educational Treatment of Deafness 1957-1958
12 3 Joint Committee on Audiology 1962-1965
12 4 Joint Committee on Audiology 1966
12 5 Legislation 1962-1963
12 6 Maps, Calendar of Events 1967-1968
12 7 Membership Correspondence 1964-1966
12 8 Minutes of Meetings by Secretary Treasurer’s report 1960-1961
13 1 Miscellaneous 1 n.d.
13 2 Miscellaneous 2 n.d.
13 3 Miscellaneous 3 n.d.
13 4 Miscellaneous 4 n.d.
14 1 Miscellaneous n.d.
14 2 National Institutes of Health 1964
14 3 National Organization on Children and Youth 1958-1960
14 4 Newsclipping 1944-1945
14 5 Northwestern meeting 1960
14 6 Parent Education 1963-1964
14 7 Photographs-Centennial Meeting 1868-1968
14 8 Programs-Centennial Meeting 1968
14 9 Program Statistics 1963-1964
14 10 Public Relations 1963-1965
14 11 Regional Trade Schools 1963
15 1 Research 1963-1966
15 2 Resolutions 1960-1965
15 3 Riverside Meeting 1963-1964
15 4 Senate Joint Resolution 127 1959-1960
15 5 Senate Joint Resolution 127 1961-1963
15 6 Social Security 1961-1963
16 1 Teacher Training and Certification Committee 1963-1964
16 2 Teacher Training and Certification Committee 1965-1966
16 3 Treasure reports & Correspondence 1963-1966
16 4 U.S. Dept. of Health, Education & Welfare Correspondence 1965-1966
16 5 U.S. Senate Committee 1963-1966
16 6 Visual Aid Committee 1961-1962
16 7 Vocational Education 1963-1966

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