Areas of Study
Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1  “A” 1848‑1884
1 2 Alexander, Judith B. 1853‑1860
1 3 Alicia 1834‑1843
1 4 Allis, Oscar H. 1884
1 5 Alt, W. G. 1859‑1869
1 6 “B” 1842‑1883
1 7 Bache, Mrs. 1839‑1843
1 8 Baldwin, Katie 1861‑1866
1 9 Mrs. Barbor from Eliza Murray Barbor 1834
1 10 Bartlett, David Ely 1854‑1862
1 11 Bartlett, Fanny P. 1854‑1865
1 12 Bedell, Bishop 1864‑1869
1 13 Berridge, R. 1836‑1865
1 14 Biddle, Elizabeth N. 1857‑1875
1 15 Biddle, Jason 1881‑1884
2 1 Blake, A. 1844‑1853
2 2 Bolton, Rev. J. 1865‑1867
2 3 Bolton, Nanette 1866‑1867
2 4 Bond, L. Montgomery 1854‑1855
2 5 Bonney, Samuel W. 1840‑1848
2 6 Boone, Bishop 1845‑1880
2 7 Boone, Thomas 1860‑1880
2 8 Bradley, Joseph N. 1862‑1864
2 9 Bridgman, Eliza 1863‑1871
2 10 Brown, S . R. 1854‑1889
2 11 Browne, Mary A. 1855‑1859
2 12 Bull, Isaac M. 1845‑1847
2 13 Burbridge, Jane 1843
2 14 Burdon, Bishop 1869‑1875
2 15 Butt, Henry 1848‑1851
2 16 “C” 1837‑1884
2 17 Carpenter, S . 1847‑1850
2 18 Carrington, C. 1845‑1857
2 19 Chai, Wong Kong 1853‑1877
2 20 Chuds, Virginia 1853‑1860
2 21 Cobbold, Rose H. 1849‑1857
2 22 Conover, Mary A. 1866‑1881
2 23 Cooper, C . J . 1879‑1882
3 1 Cope, Herbert 1874‑1875
3 2 Crocker, N.B. 1845‑1860
3 3 Culberston, M.S. 1848‑1850
3 4 Culter, B. C. 1854‑1861
3 5 Cunningham, Edward 1847‑1875
3 6 “D” 1835‑1883
3 7 Davis, Henry Winter 1862
3 8 Davis, Nancy M. 1856‑1867
3 9 Day, Martha W. 1862‑1863
3 10 Dealtry, Dr. 1842‑1843
3 11 Dean, Nillian 1846‑1853
3 12 Denison, Samuel D. 1853‑1865
3 13 Dickinson, T.H. 1857‑1859
3 14 Doremus, Mrs. 1860‑1869
3 15 Downe, E.N. 1845‑1851
3 16 Dupont, S.M. 1861‑1882
3 17 “E” 1849‑1883
3 18 Elliott, C. 1848‑1853
3 19 Ewing, Annie Washington 1874
3 20 Ewing, J.A. 1879‑1884
3 21 Euturishe, James 1845‑1854
3 22 “F” 1853‑1884
3 23 Fair, William Allan 1882
3 24 Feltwell, William V. 1865‑1866
4 1 Fitzgerald, Elizabeth 1868‑1869
4 2 “G” 1852‑1882
4 3 Gallaudet, Thomas 1881
4 4 Gassaway, S . G . 1837‑1854
4 5 Goddard, J. 1852‑1857
4 6 Graff, Elizabeth N. 1843‑1844
4 7 Graffen, Robert 1848‑1860
4 8 Gray, Elizabeth M. 1842-1854
4 9 Gray, Richard 1843‑1877
4 10 Grisby 1875‑1878
4 11 “H” 1841‑1884
4 12 “H” 1841‑1884
4 13 Hamao, A. 1870‑1880
4 14 Hard, Laura 1857‑1862
4 15 Hare, Dr. 1854
4 16 Harris, Helen 1836‑1844
4 17 Harris, John A. 1860‑1883
4 18 Harris, N. Surge 1843‑1883
5 1 Harris, Stephen John 1835‑1836
5 2 Hayes, A.A. Jr. 1867‑1873
5 3 Hening, M. D. 1861‑1862
5 4 Hepburn, Clara 1854‑1873
5 5 Hinds, Dr. 1843‑1849
5 6 Hobson, Harriett 1864
5 7 Hoking, A. C. 1867‑1884
5 8 Holland, Henry 1836‑1862
5 9 Howell, W. G. 1860‑1880
5 10 Hubbard, John P. 1854‑1884
5 11 Hudson, Thomas H. 1845‑1850
5 12 Huline, Miss 1854‑1862
5 13 “I” 1877‑1880
5 14 Irving, Pierce P. 1844‑1854
5 15 Irving, William 1847‑1848
5 16 Ives, R.H. 1853‑1862
5 17 “J” 1845‑1884
6 1 James, Frank S. 1872‑1875
6 2 Jamieson, A. 1861‑1863
6 3 Jones, Alice May 1852‑1876
6 4 Jones, E.G. 1864‑1876
6 5 “K” 1842‑1884
6 6 Keith, Caroline P. 1853‑1862
6 7 Killian, Rosa 1838‑1861
6 8 “L” 1841‑1890
6 9 Liggins, John 1854‑1867
6 10 Lockhart, W. 1846‑1890
6 11 Lord, E . C . 1856‑1860
6 12 Lothrop, Henry A. 1852-1857
6 13 Lowder, John 1848
6 14 “M” 1834‑1890
6 15 Marriott, Edward 1868-1877
7 1 Martin, William 1852‑1859
7 2 Mason, Henry M. 1851‑1858
7 3 May, James 1845‑1862
7 4 McCartee, D.B. 1852‑1874
7 5 McClatchie, Thomas 1852‑1863
7 6 McNish, Jane 1835‑1841
7 7 McThaine, Charles 1837-1861
7 8 Meerdervoort, Dr. 1858‑1859
7 9 Miles, George D. 1847‑1851
7 10 Milne, W. C. 1842-1881
7 11 Mori, Arinori 1880‑1881
7 12 Morris, P. 1842-1860
7 13 Mortimer, Mrs. 1842‑1862
7 14 Mortimer, Thomas 1835‑1843
7 15 Murray, David 1874‑1884
7 16 Murray, E. Digby 1873‑1874
7 17 Myers, W.W. 1877‑1879
7 18 “N” 1835‑1890
7 19 Nelson, Robert 1858‑1882
7 20 Neok, U. Hooney 1861-1877
7 21 Nixon, John M. 1869‑1871
7 22 Nott, Louisa 1842‑1853
7 23 “O” 1850‑1890
8 1 “P” 1843‑1883
8 2 Parker, Henry N. 1875
8 3 Parsons, W.E. n.d.
8 4 Perry, Emily C. 1857‑1859
8 5 Pole, George Henry 1874‑1878
8 6 Prout, Nannie 1862‑1873
8 7 “Q” 1852‑1874
8 8 “R” 1848‑1884
8 9 Rankin, H.V. 1832‑1860
8 10 Roberts, Charles 1843
8 11 Robertson, Russell 1872‑1875
8 12 Rousseau, Henry 1849‑1855
8 13 Ruddick, Mr. 1843‑1845
8 14 “S” 1845‑1884
8 15 “S” 1845‑1884
9 1 Saito, Shiuiehino 1875‑1879
9 2 Satow, Ernest 1870‑1883
9 3 Shiras, Alex 1844‑1872
9 4 Schuck, Lewis 1847‑1855
9 5 Smith, Dudley D. 1860‑1890
9 6 Smith, E . F . 1862-1865
9 7 Smith, Elma D. 1861‑1862
9 8 Smith, Elvin K. 1853‑1861
9 9 Smith, George A. 1843­
9 10 Smith, William 1873‑1874
9 11 Smith, William Alexander 1868‑1879
9 12 Snow, Emily 1881‑1882
9 13 Sparrow, William 1841‑1876
9 14 Spaull, Mr. 1842‑1843
9 15 Speer, William 1847‑1875
9 16 Stanton, Jacey 1842‑1852
9 17 Stanton, Vincent 1843‑1849
9 18 Stevens, William Bacon 1864‑1884
9 19 Stockton, Julia 1842‑1853
9 20 Stunerkrop, E . W . 1861‑1864
9 21 Stunerkrop, Isabella 1855‑1866
9 22 Summers, James 1832‑1884
9 23 Syle, Freddie 1860‑1862
10 1 Syle, Henry Winter 1852‑1855
10 2 Syle, Henry Winter 1856‑1859
10 3 Syle, Henry Winter 1860‑1862
10 4 Syle, Henry Winter 1863‑1865
10 5 Syle, Henry Winter 1866‑1869
10 6 Syle, Henry Winter 1870‑1874
10 7 Syle, Henry Winter 1875‑1879
10 8 Syle, Henry Winter 1880‑1890
10 9 Syle, Henry Winter n.d.
11 1 Syle, Jane Davis 1844‑1855
11 2 Syle, Lizzie 1834‑1877
11 3 Syle, Lizzie 1843‑1847
11 4 Syle, Lizzie 1847‑1885
11 5 Syle, Lizzie 1868‑1874
11 6 Syle, Louis D. 1866‑1879
11 7 Syle, Mother and Father 1835‑1839
12 1 Syle, Rebecca Washington 1866‑1884
12 2 Syle, Susan 1835‑1860
12 3 “T” 1842‑1884
12 4 Thomson, Edith H. 1861‑1869
12 5 Toomer, Joseph 1852‑1867
12 6 Toosey 1838‑1858
12 7 “U” 1848‑1873
12 8 “V” 1854‑1872
12 9 Victoria, Bishop 1852‑1864
12 10 Voong, Ah 1858‑1867
13 1 “W” 1843‑1885
13 2 “W” 1843‑1885
13 3 Ware, Mary Addie 1881‑1882
13 4 Washington, Annie (Ewing) 1866
13 5 Washington, Bushrod C. 1862‑1883
13 6 Washington, Nannie 1881
13 7 Washington, Thomas B. 1876‑1880
13 8 Way, R. L. 1848‑1857
13 9 Whitehead, W.A. 1855‑1862
13 10 Whitney, Mollie 1867
13 11 Williams, C.M. 1859‑1879
13 12 Williams, S. Wells 1853‑1883
13 13 Winter, Elizabeth B. 1842‑1861
13 14 Woodbury, C.R. 1853‑1866
13 15 Wright, J.K. 1852‑1880
13 16 “Y” 1852‑1884
13 17 Young, J. T. 1848‑1863
13 18 Zequay, L. Trung 1853‑1859
13 19 Unidentified 1857‑1881
14 1 Outgoing letters 1838‑1869
14 2 Outgoing letters 1870‑1889
14 3 Unidentified 1849‑1882
14 4 Unidentified 1861‑1883
15 1 Administration of Elizabeth B. Winter’s Estate 1863
15 2 Deeds 1871
15 3 Estate of Bushrod C. Washington‑Bond 1874
15 4 Letterbook‑to Jane and Rebecca Syle 1851‑1885
15 5 Letter to Louis Dupont Syle re: his share of the estate of Miss Elizabeth B. Winter 1876
15 6 Locks of hair 1852
15 7 Marriage Certificate 1862
15 8 Mary Davis Winter’s Will 1921
15 9 Memorandum of accounts of Rebecca J. Syle, guardian 1867
15 10 Power of attorney to Bushrod C. Washington from Edward W. Syle and Rebecca J. Syle n.d.
15 11 School expenses for Louis D. Syle 1868‑1869
15 12 Statement of vouchers and expenses of Annie M. Washington 1867
16 1 “A” 1845‑1858
16 2 “B” 1839‑1857
16 3 Bartlett, Fanny P. 1855‑1856
16 4 “C” 1854‑1858
16 5 Chitos, C.R. 1844
16 6 Davis, Henry Winter 1856‑1859
16 7 Davis, Mary 1844‑1846
16 8 Earle, Mary U. 1839‑1855
16 9 Fay, L.M. n.d.
16 10 “G” 1844‑1857
16 11 Gordon, Eliza A. 1854‑1859
16 12 “H” 1835‑1848
16 13 “J” 1858
16 14 Jones, Sister 1844‑1859
16 15 Kate 1843‑1844
16 16 Keith, C.R. 1856
16 17 “L” 1852‑1858
16 18 Lanford, Elizabeth 1840‑1847
16 19 “M” n.d.
16 20 Minnhead, K.M. n.d.
16 21 “N” 1858‑1859
16 22 Nelson, Rose E. 1858‑1859
16 23 Rankins, H.V. 1852
16 24 “S” n.d.
16 25 Smith, Sarah K. 1842‑1859
16 26 Sparrow, William 1843
16 27 Syle, Edward William 1844‑1855
16 28 Syle, Lizzie 1846‑1859
16 29 “T” 1848‑1857
16 30 Virginia, Mary 1846‑1847
16 31 “W” 1844
16 32 Way, S.C. 1857
16 33 Winter, Elizabeth B. 1846‑1859
16 34 Unidentified 1836‑1859
16 35 Jane’s personal papers 1836‑1844
16 36 Pieces of materials n.d.
17 1 Alexander, H.L. 1848
17 2 Alexander, Judith B. 1848‑1861
17 3 Blackburn, C. n.d.
17 4 Brown, Lea n.d.
17 5 Bindigr, Mary U. 1839
17 6 Brundige, Rosette 1859‑1860
17 7 Connie n.d.
17 8 Davis, E.L. 1848
17 9 Davis, Henry Winter 1848
17 10 Davis, Mary Virginia 1840‑1846
17 11 Davis, Nancy M. n.d.
17 12 Davis, Shay 1847
17 13 Davis, Susie 1848
17 14 Edelen, E.H. 1846‑1860
17 15 Irving, Pierre P. 1848‑1849
17 16 Lamar, Richard J. 1857
17 17 Mandeville, Mary and Julia 1847‑1860
17 18 Mary 1859
17 19 Payne, Besty 1850‑1851
17 20 Payne, Mary N. 1860
17 21 Pierrepont, Anna M. 1848‑1849
17 22 Smith, E.F. 1859
17 23 Smith, Sarah K. 1859‑1860
17 24 Sparrow, W. 1858
17 25 Sue n.d.
17 26 Syle, Edward W. 1857‑1861
17 27 Syle, Henry W. 1860
17 28 Syle, Jane n.d.
17 29 Thinnaid, Isabella 1858‑1860
17 30 Tyler, Louisa 1849‑1850
17 31 Usher, R. n.d.
17 32 Washington, Rebecca J. 1847‑1849
17 33 Woodbury, C.R.  n.d.
17 34 Judith B. Alexander (locks of HWS’ hair) 1850
17 35 Henry Winter Davis n.d.
17 36 Mrs. Dupont 1858
17 37 Unidentified 1859‑1860
17 38 Unidentified from Elizabeth B. Winter n.d.
17 39 Bills and Receipts from Henry Wayman 1835
17 40 Diaries of Elizabeth B. Winter 1854&1857
17 41 Mortgage‑Warner W. Warfield and Elizabeth B. Winter 1828
17 42 Personal papers n.d.
18 1 Mrs. Dupont 1882
18 2 “A” 1881
18 3 Alexander, Judith B. 1836‑1865
18 4 Alexander, Hannah L. 1865
18 5 “B” 1844‑1879
18 6 Blanchet, Annie Van Kess 1880‑1884
18 7 Bostore, C.S. 1882
18 8 Boyland, Cecilia 1869
18 9 “C” 1860
18 10 Cooke, Edward 1865‑1866
18 11 Cunningham, Charles E. 1862‑1874
18 12 Cunningham, William 1883
18 13 “D” 1841‑1882
18 14 Davis, Henry Winter 1860‑1865
18 15 Davis, Nancy M. n.d.
18 16 E., Kate 1883
18 17 Ewing, Annie Washington 1867-1881
18 18 Ewing, J.A. 1879‑1881
18 19 “F” 1874‑1884
18 20 Hopper, Margaret L. 1883
18 21 Hueling, M. Harriett 1882
18 22  “J” 1862
18 23 Jennie 1880
18 24 “K” 1882
18 25 Kate 1884
18 26 “L” 1880‑1881
18 27 “M” 1865‑1883
18 28 “N” 1880
18 29 Oninby, Mary N. n.d.
18 30 “P” 1865‑1881
18 31 “R” 1867
18 32 Ruddick, Sarah L. 1882
18 33 “S” 1869‑1883
18 34 Syle, Edward W. 1860
18 35 Syle, Henry Winter 1860
18 36 Syle, Jane M. 1838‑1859
18 37 Syle, Lizzie n.d.
18 38 Thomson, J.R. 1874‑1878
18 39 Toomer, Hannah n.d.
18 40 “W” 1863‑1884
18 41 Washington, Bushrod C. 1863‑1884
18 42 Washington, Nannie 1880‑1883
19 1 Washington, Thomas B. 1864‑1884
19 2 Winter, Elizabeth B. 1855
19 3 Yazanra, Kura 1880‑1882
19 4 Unidentified 1858‑1881
19 5 Personal papers 1860‑1882
19 6 Bills and receipts 1859‑1866
20 1 Additional articles to the treaty for the suppression of the African Slave Trade between the United States of America and her Britannic Majesty 1863
20 2 Address‑Address for Auxiliaries 1881
20 3 Address‑Bishop Lee’s Confirmation Address 1886
20 4 Addresses and lectures n.d.
20 5 Advertisements 1853‑1861
20 6 Annales de a association de ca Pupayation dila foir ‑ no. XIV 1828
20 7 Announcements 1885
20 8 Annual report of Pennsylvania Colonization society 1881
20 9 Applications for teachership 1874‑1877
20 10 Appointment to be Sunday School Teacher at St. Mark’s 1834
20 11 Asiatic Society of China 1847
20 12 Artifacts (letterholders) n.d.
20 13 Bishop Boone’s letter of Consecration 1854
20 14 Book‑Songs without music n.d.
20 15 Broadsides 1880
20 16 Business cards n.d.
20 17 Butler’s class n.d.
20 18 Calling cards n.d.
20 19 Certificate of Registration as a British Subject 1873
20 20 Chaplain reports to trustees 1869
20 21 Checks 1846‑‑1864
20 22 Chinese language papers n.d.
20 23 Christmas card 1883
21 1 Church of the Holy Trinity‑Opening Services 1882
21 2 Church notes n.d.
21 3 Church‑related letters 1843‑1882
21 4 Church sermons n.d.
21 5 Circular‑The Japan Punch 1876
21 6 Circular‑Theological and Family reading books 1855
21 7 Civil War letters 1864
21 8 Class lectures n.d.
21 9 Congo Conference 1885
21 10 Constitution and by‑laws of the Chinese Church League 1887
21 11 Constitution of the Beneficent Society of Christ Church, Pelhem n.d.
21 12 Constitution of the Beneficient Society of Trinity Church n.d.
21 13 Constitution of Chinese Committee 1883
21 14 Constitution of the Ningpo Missionary Association n.d.
21 15 Constitution of Shanghai Sailor’s Home 1866
21 16 Contracts 1873
21 17 Contributions n.d.
21 18 Copy of letter from Bishop Williams to Rev. H. Mayer 1881
21 19 Correspondence re: Chinese Schools 1882‑1883
21 20 Correspondence with Bishop Whittingham re: letter dimissory 1862‑1864
21 21 Correspondence with H. Kato 1877
21 22 Draft of an article on the need of a competent general secretary for the Board of Missions n.d.
22 1 Draft of Annals of the Church 1850‑1852
22 2 Draft of Tract afterwards translated and sent to San Francisco and Melbourne as “Chinese Emigrants Guide” n.d.
22 3 to the Editor of the “Church Journal” by John A. Harris 1867
22 4 to the Editor from Keangsoo by Edward W. Syle n.d.
22 5 Eminent characters of Japanese History n.d.
22 6 Envelopes n.d.
22 7 Essay on “The relation between religious teaching in the family and in the Sunday School” n.d.
22 8 Estate of Mrs. E.I. Bridgman‑accounts 1872
22 9 Estate of Mrs. E.I. Bridgman‑inventory 1867
22 10 Estimates of Edward W. Syle’s refuge housing ca 1870s
22 11 Estimates of suitable accommodation n.d.
22 12 Examination to be held at the departments of Law, Science, and Literature in Tokio‑Daigaku n.d.
22 13 Examination papers n.d.
22 14 Financial report of Church of the Redeemer n.d.
22 15 Financial report of the Seamen’s Bank for Savings 1854
22 16 Fire and Life Insurance Company n.d.
22 17 First yearly report of the Shanghai Enrasian School 1871
22 18 Flyer‑Donation Day of the Sheltering Arms of the Protestant Episcopal Church n.d.
22 19 Flyer‑Knapp’s German and English Institute n.d.
22 20 Flyer‑2nd anniversary of the Young Men’s Christian Association 1855
22 21 Galley proofs n.d.
22 22 Government of Liberia 1883‑1885
22 23 “Hearts‑ease” Chinese class at the Epiphany-dried flowers n.d.
22 24 Hymn on entering a new parsonage 1867
22 25 Index to notices of China in the “Spirit of Missions” 1836‑1850
22 26 Introduction to School Annals n.d.
22 27 Invitations 1861‑1879
22 28 Kermon’s Greek Prayer 1862
22 29 Ladies’ Association for the Promotion of Female Education among the Heathen in connection with the Mission of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 1869
23 1 Land deed 1865
23 2 Land papers in Chinese language n.d.
23 3 Lecture‑Biblelands by Rev. George W. Samson n.d.
23 4 Lecture on common sense 1859
23 5 Lecture notes n.d.
23 6 Ledger‑farming 1848‑1850
23 7 Legal document‑Martha Blauch 1870
23 8 Letters from Bishops 1867‑1871
23 9 Letterbook 1855
23 10 List of addresses n.d.
23 11 List of missionaries to China n.d.
23 12 List of Protestant Missionaries in China, Japan, and Siam n.d.
23 13 Map of Italian Bible and Sunday School Mission ca 1870
23 14 Map of the world n.d.
23 15 Measurements for clothes n.d.
23 16 Memorandum containing particulars for building Christ Church n.d.
23 17 Memorial to the Diplomatic Representatives of Foreign Nations at the Court of Peking n.d.
23 18 Memorial to Diplomats at Peking n.d.
23 19 Memorial‑in memoriam of Rev. Edward W. Syle and Rebecca J. Syle 1890
23 20 Memorial service to Mrs. Bridgman n.d.
23 21 Minutes and Constitution on Shanghai Female School 1868‑1871
23 22 Miss Spaulding’s Young Ladies’ Seminary 1882
23 23 Monday evening prayers n.d.
23 24 Museum donations n.d.
23 25 Music sheet composed by Edward W. Syle n.d.
23 26 New York Diocesan Committee of the American Missionary Society 1867
23 27 Notes n.d.
23 28 Notes n.d.
23 29 Notes n.d.
23 30 Notes of an address on mission schools at monthly meeting 1856
23 31 Notes of agreement concerning prayer books 1849
23 32 Notes on the city of Yedo by Dr. R. Lindan n.d.
24 1 Notes on the rules of the Foreign Committee of the Board of Missions 1854
24 2 Notices‑Church Committee 1848
24 3 Outline history of Chinese missionaries n.d.
24 4 Papers re: Chinese in New York 1854
24 5 Paper read before conference on Conformity to Chinese Customs 1857
24 6 Parting hymn 1863
24 7 Petition to the Board of Missions concerning the reappointment of the Rev. Edward W. Syle as a missionary to China 1865
24 8 Photographs n.d.
24 9 Plan of saloons and cabins of S.S. Circassia ca 1878
24 10 Poem‑The Old Blue Coat 1861
24 11 Poems n.d.
24 12 Prayer card n.d.
24 13 Prescriptions 1854‑1877
24 14 Printed materials n.d.
24 15 Professorship 1874‑1875
24 16 Program‑Christ Church‑Performance of Scared music n.d.
24 17 Program‑Japan and the Japanese 1882
24 18 Program‑Programme for the week of prayer, as proposed by the Committee of the Evangelical Alliance of Japan 1875
24 19 Program book‑Great concert‑Academy of Music, Philadelphia 1885
24 20 Program book‑Inter‑Seminary Missionary Convention 1880
24 21 Program book‑St. George’s Society 1867
24 22 Prospectus of a Chinese Periodical 1856
24 23 Religious documents of Tamul n.d.
24 24 Report on Chinese in California 1855
24 25 Report‑Draft of 3rd quarterly report 1855
24 26 Report‑Report to Bishop 1885
24 27 Report‑Third annual report of the Shanghai Female School Society n.d.
24 28 Report‑Trinity Church 1872
24 29 Report‑31st annual report of the foreign committee of the Board of Missions 1866
24 30 Rev. Edward W. Syle’s resignation from Vestry of Christ Church, Pelhem 1867
24 31 Rules of the Foreign committee of the Managers of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church 1880
24 32 Salabelle School n.d.
24 33 San Francisco City Tract Society 1855
24 34 School for Chinese girls 1868‑1871
24 35 Scraps of letters n.d.
24 36 Sermon‑Frequency on communing n.d.
24 37 Sermon‑Limits of probation n.d.
24 38 Sketches n.d.
24 39 Society for promoting the knowledge 1873
24 40 St. George’s Society of New York 1862‑1863
24 41 Story‑The Little Xmas n.d.
24 42 Story‑Little Godfrey n.d.
24 43 Subscriptions to benefit a church and school 1860‑1865
24 44 Subscribers, list of British 1871
24 45 Teachers of St. Ann’s Sunday School n.d.
24 46 Telegram n.d.
24 47 Testimonial of Bishop McThane 1843
24 48 Testimonial of Bishop Meade 1843
24 49 Tickets n.d.
24 50 Timetable‑White Star Line 1885
24 51 Trinity Grammar School n.d.
25 1 Article‑Advent n.d.
25 2 Article‑Bishop Hare and Mr. Hindman Case-Results of a timid policy n.d.
25 3 Article‑China, notes of a journey to Soo Chow by Rev. E.H. Thomson n.d.
25 4 Article‑Classifications of a mental actions n.d.
25 5 Article‑The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. 1881
25 6 Article‑Essay, entire congregation essential to missionary success 1877
25 7 Article‑An essay on intellectual philosophy 1876
25 8 Article‑Essay on mental science n.d.
25 9 Article‑The Evangelical Educational Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church 1862
25 10 Article‑First regiment‑Christian men at arms n.d.
25 11 Article‑Foreign missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church 1865
25 12 Article‑Foreign missions, Protestant Episcopal Church‑appropriations and estimates 1881
25 13 Article‑The god of wealth n.d.
25 14 Article‑The Harlem Union Mission 1880
25 15 Article‑Middle class on engineering essay on mental philosophy 1876
25 16 Article‑Missions of the Protestant Episcopal Church, domestic committee 1859
25 17 Article‑The missionary educational fund, its origin and intent 1879
25 18 Article‑My future article 1884
25 19 Article‑No two minds are alike 1876
25 20 Article‑A plain statement of the manner in which a respectful petition to the Board of Missions was disposed of at their meeting, held in Philadelphia 1865
25 21 Article‑Plea for Babylon, Saijo 1877
25 22 Article‑Plea for China, Yoshia 1877
25 23 Article‑Plea for Egypt, Kasahara 1877
25 24 Article‑Plea for Greece, Miasaki 1877
25 25 Article‑Plea for Hindostan 1877
25 26 Article‑Plea for Persia, Kawara 1877
25 27 Article‑Plea for Phemicia, Nakakuma 1877
25 28 Article‑Points of reply to “Alpha” I sent n.d.
25 29 Article‑Prayerbook and Homily Society 1849
25 30 Article‑The ratification of the book of common prayer n.d.
25 31 Article‑The real presence n.d.
25 32 Article‑Service for the day of intercession 1882
25 33 Article‑The Society of the Alumni of the Theological Seminary of Virginia 1874
25 34 Article‑Some facts about Japan n.d.
25 35 Article‑State opening of the Imperial Government Railway 1872
25 36 Article‑Statutes of the missionary institution at Hong Kong to be called and known as St. Paul’s College n.d.
25 37 Article‑Swain’s new planetarium 1849
25 38 Article‑The Women’s Silk Culture Association of the United States n.d.
25 39 Booklet‑Abstract of the history contained in the fine books of Moses n.d.
25 40 The American Church 1887
25 41 Booklet‑Annual statement of the parishioners of St. Matthew’s Church, Francisville 1884
25 42 Booklet‑Booklist n.d.
25 43 Booklet‑Book of notes n.d.
25 44 Booklet‑Book of religion notes n.d.
25 45 Booklet‑Charter and by‑laws , St. Matthew’s Church, Francisville n.d.
25 46 Booklet‑Christianity and Confucianism compared in their teaching of the duty of man n.d.
25 47 Booklet‑The church and the negro 1906
25 48 Booklet‑Creed with comments n.d.
25 49 A divinely authorized proclamation to the churches with details of Christ’s second coming and the approaching crisis in the church and the world 1881
26 1 Booklet‑Dr. Sparrow’s list n.d.
26 2 Booklet‑Epochs of ancient history from Bossnet n.d.
26 3 Booklet‑Form of incorporation of the Chinese mission for the state of California under the charge of the Rev. William Speer 1856
26 4 Booklet‑the gospel of healing n.d.
26 5 Booklet‑The great pyramid and its teaching n.d.
26 6 Booklet‑Hursley Church and parsonage n.d.
26 7 Booklet‑The improved class book for Sunday School teachers’ minutes n.d.
26 8 Booklet‑Meditations on scripture 1841
26 9 Booklet‑Norwood Ladies College 1883
26 10 Booklet‑Notes on the provincial examination of Chekeang of 1870 with a version of one of the essays 1870
26 11 Booklet‑The order for the burial of the dead n.d.
26 12 Booklet‑The parish guest 1887
26 13 Booklet‑Reflections on the past and present, or three years’ residence in Hong Kong by W. Danihausen n.d.
26 14 Booklet‑Remarks of the Chinese merchants of San Francisco upon Governor Bigler’s message and with some explanations of the characters of the Chinese companies 1855
26 15 Booklet‑Rules and regulations of the Yokohama General Cemetery n.d.
26 16 Booklet‑A service for missionary meetings, with hymns n.d.
26 17 Booklet‑Shanghai Society for the Relief of Distressed Foreigners of all Nationalities n.d.
26 18 Booklet‑Skeletons 1839
26 19 Booklet‑Specimens of a church hymnal 1885
26 20 Booklet‑St. Mark gospel n.d.
26 21 Booklet‑Tsau Tau Vun n.d.
26 22 Newspaper clippings 1857‑1884
26 23 Newspaper clippings 1859‑1885
27 1 Newspaper clippings 1849‑1885
27 2 Newspaper clippings 1857‑1871
27 3 Newspaper clippings n.d.
27 4 Newspaper clippings 1862
28 1 Account book 1848‑1852
28 2 Account book 1849‑1852
28 3 Account book 1862‑1863
28 4 Account book‑Beneficent Society of Trinity Church 1866‑1867
28 5 Account book‑Parish and memoranda 1872-1875
28 6 Accounts with Mrs. Bridgman 1863
28 7 Accounts with William Alexander Smith and Co. 1876
28 8 Accounts with Bushrod C. Washington 1867‑1870
28 9 Accounts with Henry Winter Syle 1863‑1867
28 10 Account‑Bushrod C. Washington’s account 1856‑1866
28 11 Account‑Bushrod C. Washington in account with Rebecca J. Syle 1880
28 12 Account‑Copies of accounts sent to Bushrod C. Washington 1867
28 13 Accounts of Edward W. Syle’s children 1864
28 14 Account of outlay at Westgate land, etc. n.d.
28 15 Bills and receipts 1840‑1849
28 16 Bills and receipts 1850‑1859
28 17 Bills and receipts 1860‑1869
28 18 Bills and receipts 1870‑1879
28 19 Bills and receipts 1880‑1889
28 20 Bills and receipts n.d.
28 21 Bills and receipts for Henry Winter Syle’s school (Bartlett’s) 1861‑1863
28 22 Bill of lading 1879
28 23 Promissory notes 1848‑1867
28 24 Rates of freights 1846‑1851
28 25 Taxes 1863‑1866
28 26 Treasurer’s account 1860
29 1 Beall, J.H. 1819
29 2 Bentley, Caleb 1809
29 3 Biddle, Clement 1802
29 4 Brengle, Lawrence 1819
29 5 Campbell, William Jr. 1805
29 6 Chandler, Walter 1809
29 7 Chew, Richard Jr. 1801
29 8 Crabb, John 1821
29 9 Davis, H.L 1817
29 10 Davis, Jane B. 1818‑1821
29 11 Donnellson, Thomas 1811
29 12 Duval, Edward W. 1821
29 13 Gardner, Henry 1819
29 14 Garrard, William C. 1815
29 15 George, M.F. 1819
29 16 Harrison, Benjamin 1811
29 17 Harwood, B. 1819
29 18 Jenifer, Daniel 1792‑1815
29 19 Key, Philip B. 1807
29 20 Latimer, Randolph B. 1798
29 21 Lee, Archibald 1815
29 22 Lynn, David 1808-1815
29 23 MacDaniel, Ezekial 1811‑1815
29 24 MacLean, John 1807
29 25 Martin, Luther 1790
29 26 Middleton, Isaac S. 1819
29 27 Morris, B. 1817
29 28 Pheyon, John M. 1802
29 29 Potomak Company 1799
29 30 Ringgold, James 1800
29 31 Ringgold, Tench 1820
29 32 Smith, W. 1819
29 33 Swann, Thomas 1815
29 34 Tindall, Phil R. 1792
29 35 Turner, Thomas 1809
29 36 Tyler, George G. 1804
29 37 Williams, William E. 1819
29 38 Winter, Elizabeth B. 1817‑1820
29 39 Sam Claggett from William Campbell 1819
29 40 Philip Key from Elizabeth Winter 1810
29 41 Bills and receipts 1758-1814
29 42 Bonds 1815‑1817
29 43 Cannon exercises n.d.
29 44 Circular n.d.
29 45 Deed‑Ignatius Pigman 1796
29 46 Envelope n.d.
29 47 Land survey n.d.
29 48 Mortgage‑Nathaniel Ramsey to Philip R. Fendall 1790
29 49 Newspaper clippings 1815
29 50 Property tax (Judith B. Alexander) 1801‑1820
29 51 to Miss Christian Blackburn from Judith B. Alexander n.d.
29 52 Niece from Judith B. Alexander 1856
29 53 Notes (Bushrod C. Washington) n.d.
29 54 Parks, Andrew 1813-1815
29 55 Miss C. Blackburne from Catherine Cunningham 1831
29 56 Daniel Herter 1790s
29 57 Thomas Turner from William Tazwell 1813
29 58 Autograph of Winter Davis n.d.
29 59 Deed‑George H.H. Gantt to David Davis Padgett 1810
29 60 Inventory of estate‑William Syle 1826
29 61 Land deed‑Naylor Davis 1793
29 62 Monococy Manour, Samuel Matthew’s lease 1764
29 63 Monococy Manour, Robert Whithal’s lease 1761
29 64 Monococy Manour, William Wilson’s lease 176­
29 65 Orphans Court‑Naylor Davis 1795
29 66 Washington Boyd‑List of properties in Washington, DC 1804

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