Areas of Study
Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1  “A” 1863‑1889
1 2 Appleton, S.E. 1886‑1889
1 3 Arms, H.P. 1885
1 4 “B” 1862‑1889
1 5 Baker, L. T. 1882‑1883
1 6 Barnard, F.A.P. 1865‑1876
1 7 Bartlett, David Ely 1874‑1882
1 8 Bartlett, Edward n.d.
1 9 Bartlett, Fanny 1854‑1886
1 10 Bayne, Sarah J. 1880‑1889
1 11 Bedell, G.T. 1883
1 12 Beers, John S. 1884
1 13 .Bell, Alexander Graham 1868
1 14 Berry, Thomas B. 1876‑1882
1 15 Biddle, C. C. 1878‑1883
1 16 Biddle, Elizabeth N. 1862‑1889
1 17 Biddle, James S. 1876‑1883
1 18 Bloxam, C.I. 1868‑1869
1 19 Bolton, A. 1872‑18T1
1 20 Bonnell, M.A. 1880‑1887
1 21 Bonsall, Edward H. 1886‑1889
1 22 Boone, W.J. 1855‑1864
1 23 Booth, F.W. 1883‑1885
1 24 Breen, Thomas 1882‑1887
1 25 Briggs, Nathan L. 1881‑1887
1 26 Bulter, E. E. 1882‑1883
1 27 Burnett, John R. 1873
1 28 Burton, Gideon 1876‑1882
1 29 “C” 1866‑1889
1 30 Campbell, George W. 1880‑1883
1 31 Carlin, John 1866‑1886
1 32 Clark, Bonadventure 1864
1 33 Clayton, Joseph 1875‑1889
2 1 Clerc, Rev. Francis 1875‑1889
2 2 Cloud, James H. 1886‑1889
2 3 Collins, William R. 1874‑1876
2 4 Colt, Rev. Anson 1885‑1889
2 5 Conant, Miss F.A. 1881‑1882
2 6 Conover, Jeannette R. 1859‑1860
2 7 Conover, Mary A. 1862‑1886
2 8 Cooke, A. D. 1874‑1875
2 9 Cramer, J.C. 1877
2 10 Crossett, J. 1884‑1889
2 11 Crouter, A. L. E. 1876‑1889
2 12 Cullingworth, W.R. 1877‑1889
2 13 “D” 1869‑1889
2 14 Davidson, S. E. 1886‑1887
2 15 Davidson, T. Williams 1886‑1889
2 16 Davis, T. F. 1884‑1887
2 17 Denison, James 1869‑1879
2 18 Dix, Doretha L. 1874
2 19 Douglas, Ranald 1874‑1889
2 20 Draper, Amos 1864‑1889
2 21 Dunlap, S . B . 1876‑1877
2 22 Dupont, S.M. 1885
2 23 “E” 1853‑1889
2 24 Eaton, John 1875‑1882
2 25 Elliott, John N. 1883‑1887
2 26 Elwell, Jerome T. 1879‑1889
2 27 Ely, Charles W. 1877‑1889
2 28 Emery, P.A. 1877‑1886
2 29 Evans, Rowland 1882‑1886
2 30 “F” 1868‑1888
2 31 Fairman, H.M. 1876
2 32 Ferral, Joseph 1877‑1889
2 33 Fisher, Rev. C.R. 1861‑1876
2 34 Fletcher, Stilman 1858‑1859
2 35 Fortescue, M. C. 1877‑1883
2 36 Foster, Joshua 1871‑1881
3 1 Franklin, Thomas L. 1886‑1889
3 2 Frost, Percival 1867‑1888
3 3 “G” 1860‑1889
3 4 Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas 1869‑1889
3 5 Gallaudet, Rev. Thomas 1869‑1889
3 6 Gallaudet, Virginia 1883‑1884
3 7 Garrett, Emma and Mary 1878‑1884
3 8 Gillingham, Emma and Francinie 1875‑1889
3 9 Glenn, Ada J. 1886‑1889
3 10 Gordon, Eliza 1860‑1861
3 11 Graham, Richardson 1875‑1886
3 12 Green, Rachel 1881‑1889
3 13 Gulick, Mary and Peter 1875‑1887
3 14 “H” 1861‑1889
3 15 Harris, Rev. J.A. 1880‑1889
3 16 Hodgson, E.A. 1880‑1884
3 17 Hopper, Arthur 1868‑1879
3 18 Hotchkiss, John Burton 1865‑1887
3 19 Houston, Washington 1881‑1887
3 20 Howell, W.S. 1868
4 1 Hubbard, J.P. Jr. 1881‑1888
4 2 “I” 1880‑1888
4 3 “J” 1866‑1889
4 4 Jenkins, Weston 1883‑1889
4 5 Jewell, Thomas H. 1873‑1878
4 6 Johnston, W. F. 1874‑1876
4 7 Jones, Rev. Henry 1882
4 8 Jones, William 1885
4 9 “K” 1854‑1889
4 10 Keen, Kate 1876‑1889
4 11 Kerfoot, I.B. 1864‑1874
4 12 Knight, C. F. 1869‑1887
4 13 Koehler, Rev. J. 1881‑1889
4 14 Krumbhaer, Rev. L.R. 1876‑1881
4 15 “L” 1860‑1889
4 16 Lannis, Ben 1882‑1886
4 17 Lawrence, R.B. 1882‑1886
4 18 Lee, C.H. 1882‑1886
4 19 Lewis, J.K. 1876‑1881
4 20 “M” 1867‑1.889
4 21 Maginn, Francis 1885‑1887
4 22 Mann, Rev. Arthur A. 1875‑1889
4 23 Marple, A.A. 1887‑1889
4 24 Martin, W. E. 1864‑1865
4 25 McConnell, S.A. 1879‑1888
4 26 McCormick, L. Martin 1856‑1857
4 27 McCurdy, Simon 1877‑1883
5 1 McMechen, James H. 1876‑1877
5 2 McVicker, W.M. 1884-1889
5 3 Messiter, George 1869‑1870
5 4 Miller, D. S. 1882‑1886
5 5 Moore, Gideon E. 1856‑1879
5 6 Moore, Henry H. 1859‑1869
5 7 Morrison, F.D. 1876‑1879
5 8 Murray, Charles E. 1885‑1889
5 9 “N” 1860‑1889
5 10 Neilson, Thomas 1877‑1889
5 11 Nelson, William J. 1863‑1886
5 12 Newell, Charles S. 1859‑1878
5 13 Newlieu, Joseph D. 1876‑1886
5 14 Nicholson, J.L. 1886
5 15 “O” 1859‑1888
5 16 “P” 1854‑1889
5 17 Pach, Alex L. 1886
5 18 Parkinson, Josphus G. 1865
5 19 Parkinson, S. 1866‑1869
5 20 Peet, Harvey 1882
5 21 Peet, Isaac Lewis 1866‑1889
5 22 Powell, Arthur 1883‑1884
5 23 Poole, Charles 1888‑1889
5 24 Porter, Samuel 1876
5 25 Prout, Nannie S. 1863‑1865
5 26 “Q” 1884‑1889
5 27 “R” 1854‑1889
5 28 Ransom, Bella N. 1870‑1877
5 29 Read, Frank 1873‑1877
5 30 Reaves, Henry 1870‑1883
5 31 Reider, James S. 1883‑1888
5 32 Rickett, Alfred A. 1874‑1887
5 33 Rider, Henry C. 1874‑1879
5 34 Roberts, Anna 1883‑1886
6 1 Robinson, George 1867‑1881
6 2 Rocap, Mary 1874‑1888
6 3 Roop, Joseph A. 1881‑1882
6 4 Rudder, Rev. William 1876‑1877
6 5 Rumney, Theodore 1882‑1886
6 6 Runk, Daniel 1881‑1884
6 7 Runrill, Henry 1861‑1862
6 8 “S” 1864‑1888
6 9 Saeger, Edwin 1881‑1888
6 10 Schenck, William E. 1869‑1876
6 11 Searing, Richard C. 1882‑1883
6 12 Searing, S. Stanley 1881‑1883
6 13 Seliney, Fort L. 1870‑1874
6 14 Seliney, Fort L. 1875
6 15 Seliney, Fort L. 1876‑1881
6 16 Sells, Alfred 1866‑1867
6 17 Shepherd, R. Bowden 1886‑1889
7 1 Siegman, J.J. 1872‑1878
7 2 Smith, D.D. 1875‑1888
7 3 Smith, Rev. E.K. 1866‑1884
7 4 Smith, George 1868‑1869
7 5 Smith, Mary J. 1885‑1888
7 6 Spear, Rev. W.W. 1881‑1882
7 7 Stanton, V.J. 1867-1880
7 8 Steiger, E. 1870‑1875
7 9 Stevens, Rev. William Bacon 1875‑1886
7 10 Stille, Anna Dulles 1886‑1887
7 11 Stone, Dr. James F. 1880‑1889
7 12 Stowe, Edward C. 1871‑1882
7 13 Stoyle, Mrs. William H. 1882‑1886
7 14 Strong, Charles K.W. 1875‑1889
7 15 “T” 1860‑1889
7 16 Talbot, C.H. 1862
7 17 Tillinghast, David R. 1872‑1877
7 18  Tousley, De Witt 1862‑1865
7 19 Tremaine, C.H.B. 1868‑1876
7 20 Tremaine, W.H. 1876‑1878
7 21 Trist, Thomas Jefferson 1882
7 22 Trumbull, Alice Cogswell 1886‑1889
7 23 Turner, Job 1877‑1889
7 24 “V” 1862‑1888
7 25 Van Nostrand, D. 1876
7 26 “W” 1859‑1888
8 1 Walker, C. 1870‑1877
8 2 Ward, John 1875‑1880
8 3 Weeks, William H. 1873‑1876
8 4 Wells, James S. 1875‑1889
8 5 Whitaker, O.W. 1888
8 6 Widd, Thomas 1874‑1875
8 7 Wing, George 1861‑1874
8 8 “Y” 1880‑1889
8 9 “Z” 1880
8 10 Zeigler, John D. 1880‑1889
8 11 Zeigler, Robert M. 1876‑1884
8 12 Unidentified 1863‑1884
9 1 Account‑Louis Dupont Syle in account with Henry Winter Syle 1869
9 2 Account‑Margaret Syle’s accounts n.d.
9 3 Accounts 1865‑1891
9 4 Account Book 1872‑1881
9 5 Account Book 1886‑1887
9 6 Account Book 1887‑1889
9 7 Address‑An Address on behalf of C.J. Davis and the Deaf and Dumb 1873
9 8 Address Lists n.d.
9 9 Admission Tickets 1878‑1899
9 10 Advertisements n.d.
9 11 Advertisements n.d.
9 12  Agreement between William R. Cullingworth and Henry Winter Syle on “A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet” and “Retrospect of the Education of the Deaf” 1887‑1893
9 13 Announcements 1872‑1897
9 14 Announcement of marriage to Margaret Flannery 1872
9 15 Application for admission to the Church Home n.d.
9 16 Article‑Having Ears, Hear Not 1881
9 17 Article‑Religious Leaders of the Deaf by Rev. Guilbert C. Braddock n.d.
9 18 “The Audiophone” 1880
9 19 Baptisms and Confirmations 1884
9 20 Bills and Receipts 1865‑1900
9 21 Biography 1888‑1975
9 22 Birthday Book n.d.
9 23 Board of Education 1874
9 24 Bonds 1867
9 25 Booklet‑Ayrshire Deaf and Dumb Asylum 1906
9 26 Booklet‑A brief view of the Manual Alphabet of the Deaf 1891
9 27 Booklet‑Home and school for Boys n.d.
9 28 Booklet‑A frank talk about gambling and betting 1899
10 1 Booklet‑Guide to Chirology 1896
10 2 Booklet‑The Hebrew Speller 1879
10 3 Booklet‑Miss Clark’s School 1895
10 4 Booklet‑Living Church Annual and Clergy List Quarterly n.d.
10 5 Booklet‑A sermon Ordination of Henry Winter Syle as deacon 1876
10 6 Booklet‑Stories about Deaf and Dumb and Juvenile Instructor 1901
10 7 Booklet‑Timetable of last cars and night lines 1880
10 8 Booklet‑Visible Speech as taught to the Deaf 1891
10 9 Booklet‑You and your children by John Hall 1877
10 10 Business cards n.d.
10 11 Calendars 1876‑1892
10 12 Calling cards n.d.
10 13 Cancelled checks 1866‑1890
10 14 Catalogue‑Juvenile, Miscellaneous and Standard Publications, Sunday and Day School cards, toy books, etc. 1883‑1884
10 15 Certificates 1896
10 16 Certification of Confirmation 1875
10 17 Christmas cards n.d.
10 18 Christmas with the Deaf and Dumb 1860s?
10 19 Civil War passes 1864‑1865
10 20 Class Notes 1868
10 21 Conference‑The National Association of Teachers of the Deaf 1901
10 22 Conference‑Oxford Conference 1901
10 23 Constitution of the Guild of Silent Workers of New York City 1883
10 24 Constitution of the National Clerc Memorial Union and address of the organizing committee 1872
10 25 Constitution of the Order of the Iron Hall 1886
10 26 Constitution‑Senior Association of the Athenaeum of the American Asylum 1864
10 27 Constitution of the Young People’s Association of Princeton Presbyterian Church 1883
10 28 Constitution and by‑laws of Beneficial Society of the Workingmen’s Club of Germantown of Philadelphia 1878
10 29 Constitution and by‑laws of the Chirological Literacy Society of the P.I.D.D. 1885
10 30 Constitution and by‑laws of the Cincinnati Anderson Deaf Mute Society 1881‑1884
10 31 Constitution and by‑laws of the de 1’Epee Catholic Deaf Mutes Association 1886
11 1 Constitution and by‑laws of the Literacy Society of the NDMC 1886
11 2 Constitution and by‑laws of the Manhattan Literacy Association 1884
11 3 Constitution and by‑laws of the Morning Star Lodge, No. 4, of the I.O.O.F. of Pennsylvania 1874
11 4 Constitution and by‑laws of Paradise Lodge, No. 127, of the I.O.O.F. of Pennsylvania 1872
11 5 Deaf Populations 1870 1880‑1882
11 6 Directory‑Alphabetical List of Deaf Mutes in Philadelphia n.d.
11 7 Directory of Deaf Mutes in New York n.d.
11 8 Directory of Deaf Mutes in Philadelphia area 1876
11 9 Directory of town list of the Deaf in the Dioceses of PA, Central PA, NJ, DE, MD, and North NJ ca 1880
11 10 Diary 1863,1865‑1867
11 11 Diary 1881
11 12 Diary 1883
11 13 Doctor’s orders n.d.
11 14 Envelopes 1868‑1968
11 15 Envelopes 1868-1897
11 16 Estate of Rev. Henry Winter Syle‑Inventory 1890
11 17 Financial Statement 1867
11 18 Flowers (dried) from Clara to Elma 1885
12 1 Folders for letters n.d.
12 2 Funeral calling cards for baby Syle n.d.
12 3 Galley proofs‑The Deaf and Dumb n.d.
12 4 Genealogy n.d.
12 5 Granite League n.d.
12 6 Heinicke Memorial n.d.
12 7 History of “Dean’s Louaves”‑American Asylum by Henry Winter Syle 1861
12 8 History of St. Augustine’s Memorial School 1883
12 9 Invitation cards 1883‑1901
12 10 Itinerant Calendar 1880‑1882
12 11 Journals 1861‑1862
12 12 Journal to Europe 1879
12 13 Lease of rental at 2142 Mt. Vernon St., Philadelphia 1885
12 14 Lecture‑Are the Educated Deaf going forward or falling backward? 1899
12 15 Lecture notes n.d.
12 16 List of the Beta Beta Fraternity members, 1843‑1877 1877
12 17 List of books 1860‑1866
12 18 List of guests 1886
12 19 List of letters to be returned n.d.
12 20 List of people who died n.d.
12 21 List of PSD Students 1882
12 22 Literacy Societies for Mutes n.d.
12 23 Magazine‑”The Silent Missionary” 1886‑1888
12 24 Manual alphabet cards 1862‑1888
12 25 Map of modern Rome 1884
12 26 Map of Philadelphia 1886
12 27 Map of Trossachs Tour, Scotland n.d.
13 1 Memorandums n.d.
13 2 Memorial cards 1885‑1888
13 3 Memorial Service for Harvey P. Peet 1873
13 4 Memoriam 1890
13 5 Monograms n.d.
13 6 Mt. Vernon Ladies Association 1881
13 7 Music Sheet n.d.
13 8 Names of Subscribers to the Syle Furniture Fund n.d.
13 9 National and International Associations and Conferences of the Deaf 1888
13 10 Naturalization Papers 18741879
13 11 Newsletter‑Dew Drops 1880
13 12 Newspaper clippings 1862-1864
13 13 Newspaper clippings 1870‑1879
13 14 Newspaper clippings 1880‑1589
13 15 Newspaper clippings 1890‑1894
13 16 Newspaper clippings n.d.
13 17 Notes n.d.
13 18 Notes for Marriage Register 1883
13 19 Notes on Sign Language n.d.
13 20 Notes of tour in Scotland and England 1880
13 21 Obituary of Rev. J.W. Jacobs n.d.
13 22 Opinion in the case of the Rev. Henry Winter Syle, re: Naturalization 1883
13 23 Organization‑The Order of Iron Hall 1886
13 24 Personal papers 1868
13 25 Photographs n.d.
13 26 Poems 1861‑1887
13 27 Population n.d.
14 1 Postage stamps n.d.
14 2 Postage stamps n.d.
14 3 Postage stamps n.d.
14 4 Program‑An evening in Wonderland 1887
14 5 Program‑Concert and Strawberry Festival 1884
14 6 Program‑The 11th Annual Play of St. Luke’s School 1898
14 7 Program book‑Seventh Biennial Congress of the Deaf 1901
14 8 Proposed German Club n.d.
14 9 Provident Savings Life Assurance Society 1883
14 10 Psi Upsilon Fraternity 1880
14 11 Quotes n.d.
14 12 Received of Louis Dupont Syle the articles belonging to Edward W. Syle 1885
14 13 Recitation by a very small boy‑Edward B. Syle 1884
14 14 Report‑Annual report of the Rev. Henry L. Phillips to the vestry of the mission 1889
14 15 Report‑Ayrshire Mission to the Deaf and Dumb 1901
14 16 Report‑Pastorial Aid Society 1883
14 17  Report‑Reports of the doings of the Schools for Deaf Mutes in Finland the terms 1872‑1873, 1873‑1874 1875
14 18 Report‑Report of the 41st annual meeting of the Society for the Relief of Widows and children of Deceased Clergymen 1886
14 19 Report‑S.S.C. report of committee 1878
14 20 Report‑35th annual report of the Liverpool Adult Deaf and Dumb Benevolent Society 1899
14 21 Sample of student’s work n.d.
14 22 Schedule of steamers leaving New York n.d.
14 23 The Sign Language and the Sacrament 1887
14 24 Sketches and drawings 1861‑1876
14 25 Specimens of Kentucky Soldiers n.d.
14 26 A sprig of evergreen from my mother’s grave in Shanghai given me by my father on his arrival at New York 1861
14 27 Stickers used for election 1887
14 28 Summaries of the reports of visits to European institutions n.d.
14 29 Testimonials accompanying applications of Henry Winter Syle for admission as a candidate for Holy Orders 1875
14 30 Testimonials of Henry Winter Syle 1875‑1879
14 31 Travelling expenses and Central PA report notes 1882‑1883
14 32 U.S. Customs regulation Folder 32 
14 33 Vouchers for offerings in church n.d.
14 34 Wedding invitations 1883‑1905
15 1 Appleton & Co. Encyclopedia 1873‑1874
15 2 Deaf Mutes’ Journal 1875‑1892
15 3 Insurance Company of North America 1884‑1888
15 4 J. & R. Lamb, Ecclesiastical Art Workers 1889
15 5 MacMillian & Co. 1861‑1879
15 6 Office of Manning and Squier 1876
15 7 McCalla and Stavely, Printers and Publishers 1885‑1888
15 8 Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 1876‑1896
15 9 Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. 1881‑1882
15 10 William Alexander Smith and Co. Bankers 1875‑1887
15 11 U. S. Mint 1870‑1889
15 12 Wannamaker 1886‑1889
15 13 Western Telegraph Co. 1882
16 1 List of letters received 1861‑1863
16 2 List of letters written 1861‑1863
16 3 Outgoing letters 1856
16 4 Outgoing letters 1866‑1869
16 5 Outgoing letters 1870‑1879
16 6 Outgoing letters 1880‑1889
16 7 Outgoing letters n.d.
16 8 To William Boone Syle 1855‑1857
16 9 To Louis Dupont Syle 1872
16 10 To Elizabeth B. Winter 1857‑1859
16 11 To Aunt Mary Mandeville 1859
16 12 To Mr. Crouter from J.M. Koehler 1895
16 13 To William Lipsett from William Barr 1883
16 14 To Edward M. Gallaudet from David Ely Bartlett 1859
16 15 To Miss Elizabeth Biddle from John A. Harris 1894
16 16 To Mr. Cullingworth from Maggie Norton 1886
16 17 To Mr. Cullingworth from William C. Church 1887
17 1 Letter Press Book 1865‑1877
17 2 Letter Press Book 1877‑1880
17 3 Letter Press Book 1880‑1881
18 1 Letter Press Book 1880‑1889
18 2 Letter Press Book 1881‑1883
18 3 Letter Press Book 1883‑1884
19 1 Letter Press Book 1884‑1886
19 2 Letter Press Book 1886‑1889
19 3 Letter Press Book 1887‑1888
20 1 Letter Press Book 1888‑1889
21 1 Letters to Margaret 1871
21 2 Letters to Margaret 1872
21 3 Letters to Margaret 1872
21 4 Letters from Margaret 1872
21 5 Letters to Margaret 1873
21 6 Letters to Margaret 1874
21 7 Letters from Margaret 1874
21 8 Letters to Margaret 1875
21 9 Letters from Margaret 1875
21 10 Letters to Margaret 1876
21 11 Letters to Margaret 1877
21 12 Letters to Margaret 1878
21 13 Letters to Margaret 1879
21 14 Letters to Margaret 1880
22 1 Letters to Margaret 1881
22 2 Letters to Margaret 1882
22 3 Letters from Margaret 1882
22 4 Letters to Margaret 1883
22 5 Letters from Margaret 1883
22 6 Letters to Margaret 1884
22 7 Letters from Margaret 1884
22 8 Letters to Margaret 1885
22 9 Letters from Margaret 1885
22 10 Letters to Margaret 1886
22 11 Letters from Margaret 1886
22 12 Letters to Margaret 1887
22 13 Letters from Margaret 1887
22 14 Letters to Margaret 1888
22 15 Letters from Margaret 1888
22 16 Letters to Margaret 1889
22 17 Letters from Margaret 1889
22 18 Letters to/from Margaret n.d.
23 1 Hairlocks of Harry (photos) and Louis Dupont Syle ? 1877‑1880
23 2 Harry D. Syle n.d.
23 3 Edward and Herbert Syle 1893‑1899
23 4 Walter and Irene Syle 1897‑1898
23 5 Edward B. Syle 1887-1919
23 6 Herbert Syle 1883‑1899
23 7 Edward B. Syle’s grades (Selwyn Hall and St. Luke’s School) 1890‑1894
23 8 Herbert D. Syle’s grades (Selwyn Hall and St. Luke’s School) 1890‑1894
23 9 Irene Syle’s grades (music report) n.d.
23 10 From Edward B. Syle 1887‑1891
23 11 From Edward B. Syle 1892‑1896
23 12 From Edward B. Syle 1897
23 13 From Edward B. Syle 1898
23 14 From Edward B. Syle 1899‑1900
23 15 From Herbert D. Syle 1887‑1895
23 16 From Herbert D. Syle 1896‑1897
23 17 From Herbert D. Syle 1898‑1900
23 18 From Walter S. Syle 1898
23 19 From Irene M. Syle 1898
23 20 From Herbert D. Syle and Edward B. Syle n.d.
23 21 Irene Syle’s personal papers 1922‑1927
24 1 Alexander, J.C 1888
24 2 Cruikshank, Gary M. 1888
24 3 Davis, Abby 0. 1878
24 4 Davis, David 1874‑1888
24 5 Davis, Henry Winter 1856‑1865
24 6 Davis, Nancy M. 1857-1876
24 7 Doremus, Lottie 1862-1875
24 8 Doremus, Seddy 1862‑1879
24 9 Doremus, Thomas 1860
24 10 Dupont, Evelina 1875
24 11 Dupont, Sophia M. 1856‑1887
24 12 Ewing, Annie M. 1871‑1886
24 13 Ewing, James 1880
24 14 Flannery, Timothy 1875
24 15 Hamilton, Minnie 1866‑1882
24 16 Hamilton, Robert 1877-1878
24 17 Jones, Alice May 1860‑1869
24 18 Jones, E. J. 1853‑1876
24 19 Jones, Edward M. 1860
24 20 Jones, Florence H. 1876
24 21 Jours, A.E. 1870
24 22 Mandeville, Mary and Julia 1848
24 23 Smith, Elma P. 1860‑1865
24 24 Nephew Steve 1884
24 25 Syle, Edward W. 1853‑1889
24 26 Syle, Edward W. 1853‑1889
24 27 Syle, Edward W. 1853‑1889
25 1 Syle, Edward W. 1866‑1889
25 2 Syle, Lizzie 1862‑1880
25 3 Syle, Louis Dupont 1866‑1875
25 4 Syle, Louis Dupont 1875‑1885
25 5 Syle, Rebecca Washington 1866‑1888
25 6 Taunton, John Thorold 1868
25 7 Aunt Tooley 1866‑1868
25 8 Cousin Ted 1876‑1885
25 9 Washington, Bushrod C. 1869‑1887
25 10 Washington, Ellen 1877
25 11 Washington, Thomas B. 1870‑1887
25 12 Unidentified 1866‑1876
26 1 Alexander, H. L. 1848‑1850
26 2 Alexander, Judith 1848‑1850
26 3 Byrd, Jane F. 1858
26 4 Washington, Jane C . 1844‑1849
26 5 Washington, John A. n.d.
26 6 Washington, Rebecca J. 1848
26 7 Winter, Elizabeth B. 1849
26 8 to Cousin Minnie 1869
26 9 to Mother n.d.
26 10 to Lizzie Syle 1868‑1872
26 11 from Sister n.d.
26 12 Washington, Thomas B. 1876
26 13 Letters written by Louis Dupont Syle 1875‑1882
26 14 School grades 1870
26 15 to Miss Washington from Susy Picikney 1898
26 16 to Annie Washington from Herbert Syle 1897‑1898
26 17 Henry Davis from Henry W. Syle 1860
26 18 to Annie from Sallie Flarner Wallalieu 1895
26 19 to Miss Biddle from Edith Syle 1895
26 20 to Mrs. Dupont from Nancy M. Davis 1877
26 21 from Irene Syle 1968
26 22 Irene Syle to Henry W. Syle 1967‑1968
26 23 Irene Syle to Herbert Syle 1967
26 24 to Irene 1898‑1968
26 25 Syle, Willie 1858‑1868
26 26 Syle, Freddie n.d.
26 27 to Louis Dupont Syle 1875‑1881
26 28 to Nathaniel Cornwall from A.F. Lyde 1834
26 29 to J.A. Harris from J.H. Hopkins 1867
26 30 Letters and notes from J. Tomlin to J. Toomer 1851‑1852
26 31 to Lizzie Syle from Alicia 1842
26 32 to Willie from “Cousin Loo” 1861
26 33 to Mrs. John (Jane) Washington from Catherine Washington 1816‑1825
26 34 to James Cunningham from Catherine C. Cunningham 1815
26 35 to Mrs. Louisa C. Tuthill from L.M. Sigourney 1853
26 36 to Mrs. Margaret Perit from L.M. Sigourney 1840
26 37 to Nannie from Annie and Marsh 1845
26 38 to Annie Washington Ewing from M. Ewing 1880
26 39 to Thomas B. Washington from James C. Washington 1863
26 40 to James C. Washington from George Washington n.d.
26 41 to Henry Winter Davis from Mary 1845
26 42 Relatives and Friends 1839‑1880
26 43 Unidentified 1863‑1891
27 1 “A” 1877‑1899
27 2 Adams, Nettie 1897‑1898
27 3 Allison, Louella B. 1896‑1899
27 4 Arms, H.P. 1886
27 5 “B” 1874‑1899
27 6 Bachi, Kate 1869‑1870
27 7 Bayne, Sarah J. 1898‑1900
27 8 Belfield, T. Broom 1898‑1912
27 9 Biddle, Elizabeth N. 1882‑1899
27 10 Blackman, Adele 1885‑1886
27 11 Blakistin, Mary J. 1886‑1895
27 12 Bonnell, Mary Anne 1894
27 13 Bonsell, Edward H. 1890‑1899
27 14 Breen, Thomas 1895‑1898
27 15 Brenton, Sarah N. 1900‑1901
27 16 Briggs, F. C. 1896‑1897
27 17 “C” 1873‑1900
27 18 Campbell, Kate H. 1881‑1897
27 19 Chandler, Theophilus 1899
27 20 Clapp, Ellie 1873‑1876
27 21 Cloud, Rev. James H. 1890‑1895
27 22 Crease, Carrie M. 1878‑1886
27 23 Crouter, A.L.E. 1900
27 24 “D” 1876‑1896
27 25 Dearing, Marion E. 1878‑1879
27 26 Diller, Helen 1880‑1896
27 27 Diller, Mary 1885‑1896
27 28 Dixon, M.J.P. 1878‑1887
27 29 Durian, William F. 1893‑1895
27 30 “E” 1876‑1899
27 31 “F” 1873‑1899
27 32 Flord, Cora 1893‑1900
27 33 Franklin, Nellie 1878‑1898
27 34 “G” 1884‑1925
27 35 Gallaudet, Thomas 1878‑1899
27 36 Gallaudet, Virginia 1876‑1894
27 37 Glenn, Ada J. 1886‑1893
27 38 Green, Rachel 1893‑1898
28 1 “H” 1879‑1899
28 2 Hamilton, Emily 1896‑1900
28 3 Harris, Rev. J.A. 1894-1899
28 4 Harvard, Satie 1873‑1899
28 5 Hodgson, E.A. 1897
28 6 Homer, Ellen 1885‑1889
28 7 Houston, S. F. 1897-1899
28 8 Hummel, Emma 1897-1898
28 9 “I” 1875‑1898
28 10 “J” 1883‑1898
28 11 Jenkins, Isabel V. 1887‑1899
28 12 “K” 1893‑1898
28 13 Keen, Kate 1875‑1897
28 14 Koehler, Rev. J.M. 1891‑1899
28 15 “L” 1870‑1899
28 16 Leedom, Anna E. 1882
28 17 Lipsett, William Henry 1890‑1897
28 18 “M” 1876‑1907
28 19 Maginn, Francis 1901
28 20 McKrough, Maggie 1874‑1875
28 21 McVickers, E. C. 1886‑1896
28 22 Meyer, Clara 1882‑1883
28 23 Meyer, Clara 1884-1886
28 24 Meyer, Clara 1887‑1889
28 25 Meyer, Clara 1894‑1901
29 1 Miller, Lizzie 1889‑1898
29 2 Montgomery, W.W. 1894‑1899
29 3 Morony, James E. 1897-1898
29 4 Morris, Wolfe 1881‑1896
29 5 “N” 1875
29 6 “O” 1887‑1890
29 7 “P” 1872‑1913
29 8 Partington, Charles 1896‑1899
29 9 Patterson, Christopher Stuart 1890
29 10 Peet, Isaac Lewis 1890
29 11 Poole, Charles J. 1888‑1901
29 12 Pownall, William G. 1893‑1897
29 13 “R” 1869‑1899
29 14 Ransom, Becca H. 1870‑1876
29 15 Roberts, Anna 1886‑1890
29 16 Rocap, Mrs. 1894‑1900
29 17 “S” 1873‑1900
29 18 Sands, Mrs. John H. 1894‑1898
29 19 Smielau, Franklin C. 1898‑1899
29 20 Smith, Mary J. 1885‑1897
29 21 Sophia 1882‑1897
29 22 Stevens, Anna M. 1886‑1896
29 23 Stevens, Elizabeth W. 1897‑1898
29 24 Stevens, Harry E. 1894‑7598
29 25 Strout, Charles 1896‑1898
29 26 “T” 1890‑1900
29 27 Thomas, George C. 1894-1899
29 28 Trumbull, Alice C. 1882‑1894
29 29 “V” 18771M
29 30 “W” 1880‑1901
29 31 Waterinan, Edgar F. 1912-1915
29 32  Whildin, O.J. 1898‑1901
29 33 Whitaker, O.J. 1890‑1900
29 34 Wilkie, William J. 1890‑1895
29 35 “Y” 1885‑1901
29 36 “Z” 1895‑1899
29 37 Ziegler, Robert M. 1890‑1901
29 38 Letters written by Margaret Syle 1880‑1900
29 39 Conversation notes with Edward W. Syle n.d.
30 1 Doremus, Lottie 1873‑1874
30 2 Doremus, S.D. 1882‑1895
30 3 Dupont, Mary 1899
30 4 Dupont, Sophia M. 1875‑1887
30 5 Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. 1872‑1897
30 6 Flannery, Timothy 1875‑1876
30 7 Ewing, Alfred W. 1899
30 8 Ewing, Annie M. (Washington) 1873‑1896
30 9 Hamilton, Bridget 1876
30 10 Hamilton, Minnie 1887-1897
30 11 Harry 1878
30 12 Mally, Mary 1881‑1882
30 13 McIntire, Catherine 1892‑1894
30 14 Cousin Minnie 1879‑1896
30 15 Myers, Alice M. 1875
30 16 Nephew Robbie 1881‑1896
30 17 Aunt Seddy 1876
30 18 “Sister‑in‑law” 1873
30 19 Nephew Stephen 1876‑1894
30 20 Sue n.d.
30 21 Syle, Edith 1884‑1893
30 22 Syle, Edward W. 1872‑1888
30 23 Syle, Lizzie 1875‑1892
30 24 Syle, Louis Dupont 1874‑1897
30 25 Syle, Rebecca Washington 1872‑1890
30 26 Nephew Thomas 1887
30 27 Tunney, John 1880
30 28 Washington, Annie 1896‑1901
30 29 Washington, Bushrod C. 1890‑1897
30 30 Washington, Ellen n.d.
30 31 Washington, Emma 1885
30 32 Washington, Nallie 1899
30 33 Washington, J. Fairleigh 1898‑1900
30 34 Washington, Kate 1896
30 35 Washington, Thomas B. 1886
30 36 Unidentified 1875‑1896
31 1 Booklets 1877‑1942
31 2 Church advertisements 1885‑1888
31 3 Church calendars 1881‑1896
31 4 Church conferences 1888
31 5 Church donations n.d.
31 6 Church notes n.d.
31 7 Circulars 1882‑1888
31 8 Lists of members 1887‑1889
31 9 Miscellaneous n.d.
31 10 Newsletters 1888‑1889
31 11 Prayers n.d.
31 12 Reports 1884‑1888
32 1 Church‑All Soul’s Church‑Building Fund 1878‑1888
32 2 Church‑All Soul’s Church‑Correspondence 1880‑1898
32 3 Church‑All Soul’s Church‑Designs and Plans 1883‑1889
32 4 Church‑Calvary Church, Philadelphia 1881‑1889
32 5 Church‑Church mission convention, 1886 1884‑1886
32 6 Church‑Church News 1883‑1888
32 7 Church‑Conferences 1881‑1886
32 8 Church‑Church Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews 1889
32 9 Church‑Church Work among the Deaf 1880‑1886
32 10 Church‑Diocese of Central Pennsylvania 1880‑1886
32 11 Church‑Diocese of Delaware 1880‑1889
32 12 Church‑Diocese of Maryland 1888
32 13 Church‑Diocese of New Jersey 1880‑1888
32 14 Church‑Diocese of Pennsylvania 1872-1898
32 15 Church‑Emmanuel Church, Kensington 1882
32 16 Church‑Financial 1881‑1883
32 17 Church‑History of All Soul’s Church n.d.
32 18 Church‑Mission to the Deaf Services and other statistics 1883
32 19 Church‑Missions in the United States n.d.
32 20 Church‑Mission to the Deaf in PA, NJ, and Delaware 1881‑1889
32 21 Church‑Pennsylvania Missionary Commission 1882‑1885
32 22 Church‑Protestant and Episcopal Church n.d.
32 23 Church‑Reports of the Board of Managers of All Soul’s Church 1884‑1885
32 24 Church‑Silent Catholic 1885‑1886
32 25 Church‑Southern Churchman 1887
32 26 Church‑St. Ann’s Church for the Deaf, New York city 1879‑1899
32 27 Church‑St. Clermente Church, Philadelphia 1886
32 28 Church‑St. James Church 1880
32 29 Church‑St. Stephen’s Church, Philadelphia 1876‑1896
32 30 Church‑Miscellaneous 1883‑1886
33 1 An address at burial of Dear Lizzie Barshaw 1885
33 2 Biblical notes n.d.
33 3 to Maggie Brown read by Lizzie Graham 1884
33 4 English hymns n.d.
33 5 Holy week n.d.
33 6 Latin and Greek hymns n.d.
33 7 Lucretius n.d.
33 8 New Testament n.d.
33 1 Old Testament and theology n.d.
33 2 Sermon‑The Confessional‑A yoke of bondage 1873‑1884
33 3 Sermon‑It’s first miracle at the marriage feast 1867‑1873
33 4 Sermon‑Ignorance concerning the Holy Ghost 1867‑1873
33 5 Sermon‑Inench not the spirit 1873‑1885
33 6 Sermon‑The Kingdom of God within the heart of man n.d.
33 7 Sermon‑Looking on the things of others 1866‑1885
33 8 Sermon‑The manifestation of Christ’s glory at the marriage in Cana 1873‑1885
33 9 Sermon‑Righteousness exhalteth a nation 1872-1885
33 10 Sermon‑The vicissitudes of life and the value of Lent 1873‑1885
33 11 Sermons part 1  
33 12 Sermons part 2  
33 13 Sermons by Rev. H. L. Davis 1832‑1834
34 1 Bartlett’s School 1852
34 2 Bartlett’s School‑schoolwork n.d.
34 3 Franklin Institute, Philadelphia 1880
34 4 New York Institution for the Deaf 1872
34 5 Peking Institution for the Deaf 1888
34 6 Pennsylvania Institution for the Deaf and Dumb 1881‑1884
34 7 Primary School 1871‑1880
34 8 St. John’s College, Cambridge 1867-1869
34 9 St. John’s School in Manilus, NY n.d.
34 10 St. John’s College, Cambridge 1867‑1869
34 11 St. John’s School in Manlius, New York n.d.
34 12 Trinity College 1863‑1886
34 13 Trinity College‑Psi Epsilon Fraternity 1871‑1888
34 14 Yale University 1869‑1889
35 1 American Annals of Deaf 1871‑1874
35 2 American Annals of Deaf 1875‑1879
35 3 American Annals of Deaf 1880‑1887
35 4 American Annals of Deaf n.d.
35 5 American Church Sunday School Magazine Co. 1886
35 6 American Clerc Monument Association 1871‑1872
35 7 Clerc Centennial Commemoration, Philadelphia 1885‑1886
35 8 Clerc Literary Association 1882‑1896
35 9 Clerc Memorial Association‑California 1872‑1874
35 10 Clerc Memorial Association‑District of Columbia 1871‑1873
35 11 Clerc Memorial Association‑Illinois 1871‑1874
35 12 Clerc Memorial Association‑Indiana 1872‑1889
35 13 Clerc Memorial Association‑Louisiana 1872‑1873
35 14 Clerc Memorial Association‑Michigan 1872‑1878
35 15 Clerc Memorial Association‑Minnesota 1872‑1877
35 16 Clerc Memorial Association‑New England 1871‑1877
35 17 Clerc Memorial Association‑New York 1872‑1874
35 18 Clerc Memorial Association‑North Carolina 1872-1874
35 19 Clerc Memorial Association‑Ohio 1872-1874
35 20 Clerc Memorial Association‑Oregon 1872-1874
35 21 Clerc Memorial Association‑Pennsylvania 1872-1874
35 22 Clerc Memorial Association‑Virginia 1873‑1874
35 23 Epsilon Sigma Society 1872‑1876
35 24 Fanwood Literary Association 1871‑1873
35 25 Gallaudet Centennial Commemoration 1887
35 26 Garfield Bust 1881‑1886
35 27 Home for Aged Deaf, Philadelphia 1877‑1878
35 28 Manhattan Literary Association 1872‑1882
36 1 Miscellaneous 1887-1889
36 2 National Clerc Memorial Union 1871
36 3 National Clerc Memorial Union 1872
36 4 National Clerc Memorial Union 1873
36 5 National Clerc Memorial Union 1874
36 6 National Clerc Memorial Union 1875‑
36 7 National Clerc Memorial Union‑Ceremony n.d.
36 8 The National Deaf and Dumb Society‑Glasgow 1877‑1880
36 9 New England Gallaudet Association 1862
36 10 Order of Elect Surds 1873‑1879
36 11 Pennsylvania Deaf Mute Association (PSAD) 1888
36 12 Pennsylvania Deaf Mute Association‑Badge 1888
36 13 Society for the Relief of Widows and Children­ Philadelphia 1887
36 14 Young Men’s Christian Association 1865‑1889
37 1 Conversation notes and notes‑part 1 n.d.
37 2 Conversation notes and notes‑part 2 n.d.
37 3 Conversation notes and notes‑part 3 n.d.
37 4 Conversation notes and notes with envelopes n.d.
37 5 Conversation notes and notes with envelopes n.d.
37 6 Conversation notes and notes with V.H. Stranton 1880
37 7 Conversation notes with Edward W. Syle n.d.
37 8 Conversation notes with Aunt Lottie 1871‑1872
37 9 Conversation notes on baby’s death n.d.
38 1 Conversation notes and notes 1860‑1869
38 2 Conversation notes 1862‑1865
38 3 Conversation notes with Edward W. Syle 1868
38 4 Conversation notes with Edward W. Syle 1870‑1889
38 5 Conversation notes‑Minnie and leaving Cambridge 1868‑1869
38 6 Conversation notes and notes 1870‑1879
38 7 Conversation notes and notes‑part 1 1880‑1889
38 8 Conversation notes and notes‑part 2 1880‑1889
38 9 Notes n.d.
B16.14   Oversized ‑ Teacher Certificate ‑ “City and County of New York; Department of Public Instruction” 1874.  

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