Areas of Study

MSS 61 – Peikoff, David, 1900-1995

Papers of David Peikoff, ca. 1940s-1960s

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 61


Title: Papers of David Peikoff, ca. 1940s-1960s.

Quantity: 4.5 Linear Feet (9 document boxes)


Note: This document last updated 2006 January 6.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: David Peikoff donated his papers to the Gallaudet University Archives periodically from 1982 to 1988.

Processed by: Ulf Hedberg and Michael Olson. 1988 November 2.

Processing Note:

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives: Please see ALADIN for a complete listing.


  • Dedication of Hughes Memorial Gymnasium (I) [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 402-4
  • Gallaudet College Statue Dedication [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 173-4
  • [David Peikoff, Elizabeth Peet and Earl Maczkowke [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 161-4


  • Pauline P. Peikoff [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Deborah Lynn Meisegeier [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits
  • Photograph album of John V. Wurdemann [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Photograph Album AL 52
  • David Peikoff [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits


  • Scrapbook of Clippings Collected by David Peikoff. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Scrapbook Album 17


  • Florence Lucinda Bridges Crammatte, 1971. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS
  • Henry C. Trundle, 1971-1978. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS
  • David Peikoff, 1965. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS
  • Leo Ralph Holway, 1956-1963. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS

Vertical Files

  • David Peikoff. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Biographical

Biographical Sketch

David Peikoff was born in Poltava, Russia in 1900; he was a fifth child of fifteen kids. He lost his hearing in his pursuit for education. He snuck away from his home when he was five to follow two older sisters to school. He got lost in a blizzard, and then he became frozen and unconscious. Found hours later, he developed a fever afterwards and lost his hearing. A short while later, his family emigrated to Canada, Winnipeg to be exact. He attended Manitoba School for the Deaf in Winnipeg until he was 17, then he quit school to go to a linotype school in Chicago. After a series of jobs, he decided to attend Gallaudet College at the ripe age of 24, the oldest Preparatory student enrolled.

He was president of Gallaudet College Alumni Association when a Centennial Fund was proposed in 1960 before Gallaudet College’s 100th anniversary in 1964. Upon approval of the motion, a tireless worker was needed to campaign for the drive. They did not have to look hard to find one, as he was there, the President of GCAA, David Peikoff. He resigned as a president of GCAA to focus on the drive. He and his wife traveled thousands of miles for 6 years campaigning for pledges and cash donations. He succeeded beyond everyone’s expectations as he raised $500,000. On June 1967, the fund was officially given to Gallaudet College to build an Alumni House, financial assistance for deaf students of doctoral degrees, and promoting cultural activities for deaf people. Peikoff received two honorary degrees from Gallaudet College. In 1950, he got the Honorary Master’s degree. Then he got another honorary degree, Doctorate in 1957.

In 1961 he moved to the United States and lived in Maryland. During his residence, he worked at Gallaudet College until his retirement on June 30, 1970. He suffered a stroke in 1971, but he still worked hard. He co-wrote the Gallaudet Almanac with Jack Gannon and Hans Dieter-Baumert, published in 1974. He died in his sleep on January 28, 1995.

Scope and Content

The David Peikoff Papers, consist of approximately 6000 items. The majority of the papers are dated from mid 1940s to the mid 1960s and reflect Mr. Peikoff’s interests and activities in fund-raising and various associations. The collection includes articles and clippings he wrote, and correspondence with the Canadian Association of the Deaf, Ontario Association of the Deaf, Irving S. Fusfeld, Percival Hall, Joseph N. Rosnick, Cadwallader Washburn and others.

There are also diaries and notes from the 1920s. Mr. Peikoff was very active in the deaf community and was involved in the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf. The Western Canada Association of the Deaf, and the Ontario Association of the Deaf. There are reports on these conventions in his collection.

In 1970, David Peikoff retired as Director of Development at Gallaudet College. Included among his papers are the personal letters of appreciation from friends, faculty and staff. The collection is arranged alphabetically by subject.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Articles about David Peikoff 1948-1975
1 2 Articles written by David Peikoff 1928-1964
1 3 Awards 1969-1970
1 4 Biographies 1980
1 5 Brochures n.d.
1 6 Canadian Association of the Deaf – Annual Reports 1960-1965
1 7 Canadian Association of the Deaf – Minutes 1963-1966
1 8 Canadian Deaf Scholarship Fund 1962
1 9 The Canadian Hearing Society – Annual Reports 1966
1 10 Caricature of David Peikoff by Ruth Peterson 1980
1 11 Correspondence – Canadian Affairs 1962-1967
1 12 Correspondence – Fusfeld, Irving S. 1970
1 13 Correspondence – Gallaudet College 1929-1969
1 14 Correspondence – Gallaudet College Alumni Association 1944-1967
1 15 Correspondence – Miscellaneous 1946-1975
1 16 Correspondence – National Fraternity Society of the Deaf 1959-1965
1 17 Correspondence – re: Naturalization 1924-1930
1 18 Correspondence – Ontario Association of the Deaf – Part 1 1945-1958
1 19 Correspondence – Ontario Association of the Deaf – Part 2 1960-1978
1 20 Correspondence – Rosnick, Joseph N. 1961-1963
1 21 Correspondence – Washburn, Cadwallader 1945-1949
1 22 Correspondence – Washburn, Margaret 1969-1970
1 23 Correspondence – Wine, E.C. 1946
2 1 Clippings – photocopies 1936-1978
2 2 Diaries 1927
2 3 Diaries & Notes 1970s
2 4 Diaries – Observations of Gallaudet College 1924-1926
2 5 Directory of Canada Gallaudetians 1960-1967
2 6 Gallaudet College Centennial Fund – Agreement 1961
2 7 Gallaudet College Centennial Fund – Proposal 1962?
2 8 Magazines – “The Deaf” n.d.
2 9 Magazines – “The Ontario Association of the Deaf News” 1942-1977
2 10 Magazines 1950-1974
2 11 Miscellaneous 1951-1969
3 1 Notebooks n.d.
3 2 Notebooks n.d.
3 3 Notes n.d.
3 4 Ontario Association of the Deaf, Inc. – Meetings & Reports 1965-1966
3 5 Panel Discussion: Educational Problems – School 1960
3 6 Programs – Dramatics 1928-1953
3 7 Progress Reports of David Peikoff’s School Activities 1915-1916
3 8 A Report on Residential Schools for the Deaf in America 1957
3 9 Resolutions to David Peikoff 1967-1970
3 10 Speeches about David Peikoff 1975-1977
3 11 Speeches by David Peikoff 1937-1958
3 12 Speeches by David Peikoff 1960-1969
3 13 Speeches by David Peikoff 1970
3 14 Term Paper: “Canada’s Contribution To America: The Dynamic David Peikoff” by Charles P. Snyder 1973
3 15 Washburn, Cadwallader – Articles about him 1941-1969
4 1 Western Canada Association of the Deaf- Proceedings of the Convention 1923-1935
4 2 Western Canada Association of the Deaf- Proceedings of the Convention 1938-1954
4 3 Western Canada Association of the Deaf- Proceedings of the Convention 1957-1966
5 1 Address “The Other Side of the Coin” by Watson, Phyllis 1959
5 2 Articles & Speeches 1939-1970
5 3 Clippings (photocopies) from his scrapbook n.d.
5 4 Clippings (photocopies) from his scrapbook n.d.
5 5 Correspondence & Reports by Robert J. Boese 1964-1969
5 6 Correspondence – Canadian Association of the Deaf 1951
5 7 Correspondence & Speeches by Dr. Eric S. Greenaway 1957-1960
5 8 Correspondence – Controversy on President Percival Hall 1944
5 9 Magazines 1928-1978
5 10 Memorabilia n.d.
5 11 Ontario Association of the Deaf – Anniversaries 1960-1966
5 12 Ontario Association of the Deaf – Conventions programs 1960-1970
6 1 Awards 1986
6 2 Biographies 1967
6 3 Brochures 1970
6 4 Clippings 1929-1985
6 5 Correspondence – General 1915-1987
6 6 Letters of Recognition 1970
6 7 Miscellaneous 1964-1986
6 8 Newsletters 1954-1987
6 9 Reports 1945-1982
6 10 Retirements 1970
6 11 Speeches 1957-1970
7 1 Articles 1977-1986
7 2 Boosters for E.M.G. Statue Fund 1970
7 3 Brochures n.d.
7 4 Historical Books 1981
7 5 Letters 1974-1984
7 6 Magazines 1978-1982
7 7 Newsletters n.d.
7 8 Programs 1982
7 9 Reports 1980-1987
7 10 Speeches 1982

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