Areas of Study

Papers of Mary D. Cason, 1909-1952

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives Call No.: MSS 4 Creator: Mary D. Cason Title: Papers of Mary D. Cason, 1909-1952. Quantity: 2.5 Linear Feet (5 document boxes) Abstract: Mary D. Cason was a long-time teacher at the Maryland School for the Deaf and her collection focuses on Deaf education. Note: This document last updated 2005 November 28.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Processed by: Carielyn Kelly. 1984 June 11. Processing Note: Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:

Deaf Rare
  • [Language drills, fifth grade]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Rare
  • Sense training. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Rare


  • Collection of Maryland State School for the Deaf, 1936-1942. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: MSS 104

Biographical Sketch

Mary D. Cason was born on August 8, 1880. By 1925, Cason had begun teaching at the Maryland School for the Deaf at Frederick, MD. In January of 1926, she took a position as head teacher at the Maine School for the Deaf. This position lasted six months and she then returned to the Maryland School for the Deaf where she taught until 1946. She was in charge of primary and intermediate departments. She retired in 1946 due to health reasons. She was a member of Presbyterian Church, Frederick Historical Society, president of the Frederick Zonta Club, member of the Fitzbugh Lee Chapter of United Daughters of the Confederacy, and Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee for the League of Women Voters. She died on September 20, 1961.

Scope and Content

The Mary D. Cason Papers consist of the academic and personal papers of Mary Cason, who taught at the Maryland School for the Deaf, from 1926-1946. The collection, which includes approximately 3,400 pages, dates from 1909-1952. The bulk of the collection falls into the period when Cason was in charge of the primary and intermediate departments of the Maryland School for the Deaf. Included are teacher meeting notes, plan books, programs from demonstrations, programs of commencement activities, and a manuscript on deaf education. Cason had a special interest in speech development. Notes specifically relating to stammering, speech, articulation, and stuttering can be found in the collection. Information on the Radio Ear is also included in this series. The remainder of the collection consists of Cason’s personal papers. Cason kept a personal diary from 1904-1905. She also recorded “dinner stories” for a year, 1921-1922. The last component of her personal papers is three scrapbooks: Maryland School for the Deaf, 1939-1945; Nazi Germany, 1939-1945; and miscellaneous items, 1938.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No. Series
Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Articulation Exam Book 1911-1926
1 2 “Building Tomorrow…Some Quaker Explorations” 1943
1 3 Class Notes 1929
1 4 Class Notes – Miscellaneous 1930-1940s
1 5 Corrective Speech Observations 1931
1 6 Course of Study on “Ask, Say, Tell,” n.d.
1 7 Daily Programs 1940
1 8 Daily Programs 1943
1 9 Demonstrations 1936-1938
1 10 Diary 1904-1909
1 11 Dinner Stories 1921-1922
1 12 Drill Charts 2 – 3 n.d.
1 13 English Notebooks and Examinations 1913
1 14 Exams 1928-1929
1 15 Exams on Speech and Lipreading 1931
2 1 Exams 1944
2 2 Exercises for Correction of Speech n.d.
2 3 Exercises for the Senses n.d.
2 4 Language Stories 1 – 3 n.d.
2 5 Language work for Third and Fourth Grades 1909-1910
2 6 Lists of Books and Stories 1915-1918
2 7 Manuscripts on Deaf Education (Unfinished typed) 1952
2 8 Mental Hygiene 1927
2 9 Normal Students – Exams 1931
2 10 Normal Students – “Outline of Work for Esther L. Wagner” 1940-1941
2 11 Normal Students – “Paper offered for Normal Course” n.d.
2 12 Notebook – Individualized Speech and Lipreading n.d.
2 13 Notebook – “The Key, Class A – First Grade” n.d.
2 14 Notebook – Speech Reading Nouns 1933-1934
2 15 Notebooks n.d.
3 1 Notebooks for “Slow” and “Bright” Classes 1927
3 2 Notes – Stammering and Speech n.d.
3 3 Notes on Language n.d.
3 4 Notes on Speech 1928
3 5 Notes on Speech and Lipreading n.d.
3 6 Notes on Stammering n.d.
3 7 Physiology of Corrective Speech n.d.
3 8 Pierce – Exercise n.d.
3 9 Plan Book – First B 1938-1939
3 10 Plan Book – Grade 1 n.d.
3 11 Programs of Demonstrations, Commencements, etc. 1926-1937
3 12 Programs of Demonstrations, Commencements, etc. 1937-1945
3 13 “Programs Outlines Personal Questions” n.d.
4 1 Questions and Notes on Consonants and Vowels n.d.
4 2 Radio Ear – Correspondence 1930s
4 3 Report Cards for Kindergarten and Elementary Grades n.d.
4 4 Scrapbook – Miscellaneous items 1938
4 5 Scrapbook – Nazi Germany 1939-1945
4 6 Scrapbook – School 1939-1945
4 7 Sentences and Vocabulary 1915
4 8 Straight Language n.d.
4 9 Teacher Meeting – Outlines 1928-1929
4 10 Vocabulary n.d.
4 11 Weekly Programs for Special B Class 1937-1938

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