Areas of Study

Papers of Peter M. Garbutt, 1936-1961

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 12
Title: Collection of Peter M. Garbutt, 1936-1961
Quantity: 1.0 Linear Feet (2 document boxes)
Note: This document last updated 2008 February 12.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: This collection was donated in 1961 by Dorothy Garbutt, mother of Peter Murray Garbutt.
Processed by: Donna M. Wells, no date.
Processing Note:
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:

  • Peter Murray Garbutt [picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits

Biographical Sketch

Peter Garbutt was born February 10, 1933, while his parents were visiting England. His mother originally from Canada and his father from Coventry, England, spent much of their time in England. Due to this, Garbutt spent a great deal of his former years with his Grandmother in Selkirk, Manitoba.

The family was oblivious to Garbutt’s hearing loss until the age of 2 when it was obvious that his hearing was obsolete and speech had stunted. Garbutt was enrolled in the Manitoba School for the Deaf in 1938. The school was shut down 2 years later due to World War II (1940 – 1965) and deaf students were reassigned to the Saskatchewan School for the Deaf. From 1946 to 1949 Garbutt attended the Mackay School for the Deaf in Montreal, showing interest in athletics and art.

Later, he moved to the United States to attend the Kendall School for the Deaf in Washington, DC where he stayed from 1949 until 1952. Upon graduation, Garbutt moved to Akron, Ohio to work at the Firestone factory, a popular company for Deaf workers.

In July 1953 he married Charlotte Bates, together they had two children. Scope and Content it consists mostly of Correspondence between Peter Murray and his family during his stay at various schools.

This collection of two boxes of materials is dated from June 1936 through May 1961 and is arranged chronologically by the schools attended by Peter Murray Garbutt.

Series Descriptions

Series I Family History

This series contains two folders of material on the Garbutt family, especially Peter Murray Garbutt. It includes correspondence about the acquisition of the collection. The series is arranged chronologically and is dated from Feb. 1, 1961 through May 26, 1961.

Series II Manitoba School for the Deaf

This series contains one folder of family correspondence, application form, and information about Manitoba School. The series spans the dates from June 1936 through January 1940 and is arranged chronologically.

Series III Saskatchewan School for the Deaf

This series contains one folder of family correspondence, general correspondence and grade reports dated from May 1941 through July 1946. It is arranged chronologically then alphabetically.

Series IV Mackay School for the Deaf

This series contains six folders of family correspondence, general correspondence, grade reports, accounts, and receipts dated from September 1946 through September 1949. The series is arranged chronologically then alphabetically.

Series V Kendall School for the Deaf

This series contains four folders of family correspondence, general correspondence, grade reports, accounts, and receipts dated from May 1949 through November 1952. The series is arranged chronologically then alphabetically.

Series VI Artwork by Peter Murray Garbutt

This series contains a collection of fifteen drawings in pencil, crayon, and ink. The drawings are dated from 1940 through 1949.

Folder Lists

Box Folder Title Date
1 1 Correspondence: Lucille Pendell and Dorothy Garbutt 1961
1 2 Family History n.d.
1 3 Manitoba School for the Deaf 1936-1940
1 4 Saskatchewan School for the Deaf 1941-1946
1 5 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1941
1 6 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1942
1 7 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1943
1 8 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1944
1 9 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1945
2 1 Mackay School for the deaf 1941-1946 1946
2 2 Kendall School for the Deaf 1949-1952 1949
2 3 Kendall School for the Deaf 1949-1952 1950
2 4 Kendall School for the Deaf 1949-1952 1951
2 5 Kendall School for the Deaf 1949-1952 1952

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