Areas of Study

MSS 149

Lankenau, Robert O., 1919-2000.

Papers of Robert O. Lankenau, 1933-1998

Gallaudet University Archives

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 1977 Convention Minutes/Resolutions 1975-1978
1 2 OAD 1973-1992
1 3 OAD 1984
1 4 OAD-Ad Hoc Committee 1972-1976
1 5 OAD-Ad Hoc Committee 1972-1976
1 6 OAD-Ad Hoc Committee-Defense Fund 1975-1976
1 7 OAD-Ad Hoc Committee-Minutes 1975-1977
1 8 OAD-Auditor Financial Reports 1985-1991
1 9 OAD-Awards 1980
1 10 OAD- Committee Reports 1988
1 11 OAD- Committee Reports 1990
1 12 OAD-Communication Access Now 1986-1991
2 1 OAD- Communication Access Now 1986-1991
2 2 OAD-Community Leadership Training 1978
2 3 OAD-Conference 1992
2 4 OAD-Constitution and By Laws 1963-1989
2 5 OAD-Constitution and By Laws Revised 1989-1992
2 6 OAD-Constitution and By Laws Revised 1991
2 7 OAD-Constitution and By Laws 1993-1994
2 8 OAD-Contract with United Deaf Services 1985
2 9 OAD-Convention 1979 1978-1980
2 10 OAD-Convention 1981 1981
2 11 OAD-Convention/Conference Guidelines 1989
3 1 OAD-Convention Reports 1987
3 2 OAD-Convention Reports 1993
3 3 OAD-Convention Suggestions 1992
3 4 OAD-Correspondence 1960-1964
3 5 OAD-Correspondence 1960-1965
3 6 OAD-Correspondence and Reports 1965-1975
3 7 OAD-NAD Correspondence 1965-1975
3 8 OAD-Correspondence 1975-1976
3 9 OAD-Correspondence 1976-1983
3 10 OAD-Correspondence 1977
4 1 OAD-Correspondence 1977-1978
4 2 OAD-Correspondence 1977-1978
4 3 OAD-Correspondence and Reports 1977-1982
4 4 OAD-Correspondence and Reports 1977-1982
4 5 OAD-Correspondence and Reports 1977-1982
4 6 OAD-Correspondence 1977-1979
5 1 OAD-Correspondence 1978-1979
5 2 OAD-Correspondence 1979-1981
5 3 OAD-Correspondence 1979-1981
5 4 OAD-Correspondence 1979-1984
5 5 OAD-Correspondence 1980-1983
5 6 OAD-District #4 Christmas Banquet 1992
5 7 OAD- District Reports 1979-1984
5 8 OAD- District Reports 1984-1988
5 9 OAD- District Reports 1989
5 10 OAD- District Reports 1990
5 11 OAD- Education of the Deaf 1964-1967
5 12 OAD- Financial Reports 1963-1974
6 1 OAD- Financial Reports 1975-1983
6 2 OAD- Financial Reports 1983-1984
6 3 OAD-Grand Ball 1974-1984
6 4 OAD-Grand Ball 1978 1978-1979
6 5 OAD-Grand Ball 1986
6 6 OAD-Grand Ball 1988
6 7 OAD-History 1985
6 8 OAD-Jr.NAD 1983-1985
6 9 OAD-Jr.NAD Letters and Reports 1984-1985
6 10 OAD-Lankenau’s Notes n.d.
6 11 OAD-Leadership Workshop 1984
6 12 OAD-Letters 1982-1990
7 1 OAD-Letters and Reports 1983-1984
7 2 OAD-Letters 1985-1998
7 3 OAD-Letters and Memos 1989-1991
7 4 OAD-Membership Standings 1976-1983
7 5 OAD-Memos and Correspondence 1961-1967
7 6 OAD-Memos and Financial Reports 1960-1967
7 7 OAD-Memos 1985-1990
7 8 OAD-Minutes 1959-1968
7 9 OAD-Minutes 1959-1970
7 10 OAD-Minutes/Reports 1867-1981
7 11 OAD-Minutes 1968-1975
8 1 OAD-Minutes 1980-1984
8 2 OAD-Minutes 1981-1983
8 3 OAD-Minutes 1981-1984
8 4 OAD-Minutes 1982-1989
8 5 OAD-Minutes 1984-1985
8 6 OAD-Minutes and Reports 1989-1993
8 7 OAD-Minutes 1990-1995
8 8 OAD-Minutes and Reports 1991
9 1 OAD- Miss Ohio Pageant 1987-1990
9 2 OAD- Monthly Reports 1961-1966
9 3 OAD- Ohio White House Conference 1976-1977
9 4 OAD- Pageant committee 1987-1988
9 5 OAD-President’s Committee on the Employment o/t HC 1976-1978
9 6 OAD- Proceedings 1967-1975
9 7 OAD- Rally 1985-1987
9 8 OAD- Recording Secretary’s Report 1986-1987
9 9 OAD- Recording Secretary 1987
9 10 OAD-Reports 1974-1975
9 11 OAD-Reports 1974-1977
9 12 OAD-Reports 1981-1983
9 13 OAD-Reports 1986-1987
10 1 OAD-Reports 1986-1987
10 2 OAD-Reports 1987-1989
10 3 OAD-Reports 1993-1995
10 4 OAD-Resolutions 1983
10 5 OAD- Scholarship Committee 1990-1993
10 6 OAD- State Finanical Reports 1991
10 7 TTY Conversations n.d.
10 8 Title XX Social Services 1978
10 9 OAD- William B. Blevings 1970
10 10 Workshop on Improved Vocational Opp. f/t Deaf- TN 1964
10 11 Ohio Fed of Org. o/t Deaf-PostWar Comm. Corr. 1948
10 12 Ohio Council of Org. o/t Deaf Corresp. 1948
10 13 OCOD- Correspondence 1949
11 1 OCOD-Newspaper Clippings 1949
11 2 OCOD- Correspondence 1949
11 3 OCOD- Correspondence 1949
11 4 OCOD- Correspondence 1950
11 5 OCOD- Correspondence 1951
11 6 OCOD- Correspondence 1952
12 1 OCOD- Correspondence 1952
12 2 OCOD- Correspondence 1953-1954
12 3 OCOD- Correspondence 1954
12 4 Ohio Deaf Motorists Assn. Annual Report 1957
12 5 ODMA- Bulletin 1956-1959
12 6 ODMA-Letters 1951-1959
12 7 ODMA-Minutes 1953-1958
12 8 Ohio Governor’s Council on Disabled Persons 1970-1989
12 9 Ohio Governor’s Council on Disabled Persons 1986-1989
12 10 Ohio Governor’s Council on Disabled Persons 1987
12 11 Ohio Gov. Coun. On Disabled Persons- Annual Report 1983
12 12 Ohio Gov. Coun. On Disabled Persons-Comn. Letters 1985-1986
12 13 Ohio Gov. Coun. On Disabled Persons-Cte Employ… 1983-1986
13 1 OGCDP-Cte. On Employ… 1983-1986
13 2 OGCDP-Correspondence-Chairman 1982-1984
13 3 OGCDP-Correspondence- Executive Secretary 1982-1984
13 4 OGCDP-Correspondence and Notes 1984-1986
13 5 OGCDP-Correspondence and Notes 1986
13 6 OGCDP-Executive Sec’s Letters 1984-1986
13 7 OGCDP-Executive Sec’s Letters 1986
13 8 OGCDP- Office of Advocacy and Governor 1982-1984
13 9 OGCDP-Governor and Advocacy Corresp. 1984-1986
13 10 OGCDP-Letters 1984-1988
13 11 OGCDP-Letters from James A. Rhodes, Gov. 1982
13 12 OGCDP-Literature 1983-1985
14 1 OGCDP-Literature 1985-1988
14 2 OGCDP-Memos 1986-1988
14 3 OGCDP-Memos 1986-1988
14 4 OGCDP-Minutes 1982-1983
14 5 OGCDP-Minutes 1984
14 6 OGCDP-Minutes and Agendas 1984-1988
14 7 OGCDP-Minutes 1985
14 8 OGCDP-Minutes 1986
14 9 OGCDP-The Rights of Ohio’s Disabled Citizens 1983
14 10 OGCDP-Staff Reports 1987-1988
15 1 OGCDP-Staff Reports 1987-1988
15 2 OGCDP-Steering Committee 1984-1985
15 3 OGCDP-Survey on Answering Service for the Deaf 1983-1984
15 4 OGCDP- Council on VR 1966-1971
15 5 Ohio Gov Office of Adv. For Disabled Persons Conf. 1984
15 6 OGOAPD 1984-1990
15 7 OGOAPD 1985-1988
15 8 Ohio Bell- 911 Systems 1991-1993
15 9 Ohio Bureau of VR Letters 1968-1978
15 10 Ohio Chapter, Prof. Rehab Workers w/the Adult Deaf 1974-1976
15 11 PRWAD-Committee on TTYs 1975-1978
15 12 PRWAD-Ohio Chapter- Constitution and ByLaws 1969-1978
15 13 PRWAD- Memos and Correspondence 1969-1978
16 1 PRWAD- Memberships and Committees 1972-1977
16 2 PRWAD- Ohio Chapter Minutes 1972-1979
16 3 PRWAD/ADARA/ODARA Newsletters 1972-1978
16 4 Ohio Chapter of the RID 1968-1979
16 5 Ohio Chapter of Interpreters for the Deaf 1968-1979
16 6 Ohio Chapter of RID- newsletters and Corresp.. 1963-1971
16 7 Ohio Chapter of RID- newsletters and Corresp.. 1968-1979
17 1 Ohio Chapter of RID- 1984-1989
17 2 RID Legal Evaluations 1972-1976
17 3 Ohio Coalition f/t Education of HC Children 1975-1979
17 4 Ohio Commission f/t Deaf 1979-1983
17 5 Ohio Commission f/t Deaf pt.1 1983-1984
17 6 Ohio Commission f/t Deaf pt. 2 1983-1984
17 7 Ohio Commission f/t Deaf pt. 3 1983-1984
17 8 Ohio Commission f/t Hearing Impaired 1993
17 9 Ohio- Communication Station- Traveling Exhibit… 1992
17 10 Ohio Community Center f/t Deaf 1983-1984
17 11 Ohio Community Center f/t Deaf-Annual Report 1983-1986
17 12 Ohio Community Center f/t Deaf Services Minutes 1979
17 13 Ohio Community Center f/t Deaf- Newsletter 1984-1985
18 1 Ohio Comprehensive Serv. f/t Adult Deaf- Adv Cte. 1972-1976
18 2 Ohio Comprehensive Serv. f/t Adult Deaf-Adv. Bd. 1970-1976
18 3 Ohio Comprehensive Serv. f/t Adult Deaf-Uni/Akron 1972-1973
18 4 Ohio Comprehensive Serv. f/t Adult Deaf-Citizens 1973-1976
18 5 Ohio Comprehensive Serv. f/t Adult Deaf-Citizens 1973-1976
18 6 Ohio Council of Org. Serv. The Deaf 1977-1978
18 7 Ohio Deaf and Hearing Together Workshop 1985
18 8 Ohio Deafness and Rehabilitation Assn. 1985-1986
18 9 ODARA- Correspondence 1979-1985
18 10 ODARA- Minutes 1979-1986
18 11 ODARA- Newsletters 1979-1986
19 1 Ohio Family Serv. Comm. Services f/t Deaf Banquet 1991
19 2 Ohio Governor’s Committee on Employment of the HC 1970
19 3 Kent State Univ. Life after HS Workshop 1984-1985
19 4 Kent State Univ. Life after HS Workshop 1985-1991
19 5 Kent State Univ.-TDD Curriculum 1985-1986
19 6 Ohio- Northeast Ohio Deaf Development Org. Inc 1973-1975
19 7 Ohio- Political Process Workshop DC 1979
19 8 Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission 1974-1986
19 9 Ohio Rehab. Services Commission 1985-1987
19 10 RSC Advisory Committee on Deafness- Board Minutes 1975-1977
19 11 RSC- Correspondence 1979-1984
20 1 RSC-Advisory Cte. on Deafness- Mins, Rpts, Letters 1975-1980
20 2 RSC-Advisory Cte. on Deafness- Mins, Rpts, Letters 1975-1980
20 3 RSC- Consumer Advisory Council 1986-1988
20 4 Ohio RSC Consumer Advisory Council Minutes/Letters 1981-1984
20 5 RSC-Letter- John Glenn, Senator 1985-1986
20 6 RSC- Letters- Madeleine Will, Asst. Sec. Dept of Ed 1985
20 7 Ohio Society for the Deaf 1971-1976
20 8 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1977
20 9 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1977
20 10 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1977
21 1 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1977
21 2 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1977
21 3 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1978
21 4 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1978
21 5 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education 1978-1979
21 6 Ohio State Supt. Adv. Council on Special Education n.d.
22 1 Ohio Statewide Resource Ctr. Deafness/Mental Ill 1989
22 2 Tele-Deaf, Inc 1972-1975
22 3 Tele-Deaf, Inc n.d.
22 4 Tele-Deaf, Inc-newsletters, Figs and Letters 1974-1975
22 5 Tele-Deaf, Inc-Phonics Corp 1973-1974
22 6 Tele-Deaf, Inc- Publicity 1969-1979
22 7 NAD- Ad Hoc Committee 1970-1971
22 8 NAD- Annual Report 1982-1983
22 9 NAD- Applications for Asst. to Ex. Sec. 1970-1973
22 10 NAD- Blank Letterheads n.d.
22 11 NAD- Board and Committee Memos/Reports 1971-1973
22 12 NAD- Board – Correspondence 1964-1966
22 13 NAD- Board – Correspondence 1966
22 14 NAD- Board – Letters 1964-1966
22 15 NAD- Board Meeting 1967
22 16 NAD- Board Meeting 1968
23 1 NAD- Board Meeting 1969-1970
23 2 NAD- Board Meeting 1970-1971
23 3 NAD- Board Meeting 1972
23 4 NAD- Board Meeting 1972-1974
23 5 NAD- Board Meeting 1972
23 6 NAD- Board Meeting-Iowa 1971
23 7 NAD- Board Meeting-Minutes 1970
23 8 NAD- Centennial Convention 1980
23 9 NAD- Columbus Technical Inst. Adv. Board 1972-1973
23 10 NAD- Committee Chairmen’s Letters and Reports 1966-1967
23 11 NAD- Conf. on Serv. For Aged Deaf Persons 1971
23 12 NAD- Contributions and Letters 1969-1971
23 13 NAD- Convention- Miami, FL 1962
23 14 NAD- Convention-Wash, DC 1964
23 15 NAD- Convention Proceedings/Minutes 1964-1968
23 16 NAD- Convention-San Francisco 1966
24 1 NAD- Convention-San Francisco-Minutes 1966
24 2 NAD- Convention-Minutes 1968
24 3 NAD- Convention-Minutes and Reports 1968
24 4 NAD- Convention-Minutes 1968
24 5 NAD- Convention-Minutes-Minn. 1970
24 6 NAD- Convention-Minutes 1972
24 7 NAD- Convention-Seattle 1974
24 8 NAD- Convention-Minutes 1982
24 9 NAD- Convention-Charleston, SC 1988
24 10 NAD- Convention-Indianapolis 1990
25 1 NAD- Correspondence 1968-1972
25 2 NAD- Correspondence 1969-1982
25 3 NAD- Correspondence-Guidelines/ Manual for States 1969-1971
25 4 NAD- Correspondence- Personal 1971-1974
25 5 NAD- COSD Correspondence and Newsletters and Mins 1967-1973
25 6 NAD- Deaf Conference, Zanesville, OH 1971
25 7 NAD- Deaf Leadership Training for Comm. Interaction 1969
25 8 NAD- Delegate Packet 1994
25 9 NAD- Eastern Deaf Youth Conf. 1971
25 10 NAD- EM Gallaudet Statue Unveiling 1969
25 11 NAD- Empire State Assoc. o/t Deaf Convention 1969
26 1 NAD- Ex. Sec. General Letters 1969-1973
26 2 NAD- Ex. Sec. Memos to the Board 1972-1974
26 3 NAD- Ex. Sec. Schreiber’s Board Letters 1966-1967
26 4 NAD- Financial Reports from Home Office 1968-1974
26 5 NAD- Florida Assn o/t Deaf Convention 1969
26 6 NAD- Fulton Revisited 1989
26 7 NAD- General 1970-1992
26 8 NAD- General 1973-1980
26 9 NAD- General 1973-1990
26 10 NAD- General 1978
26 11 NAD- General 1978-1984
26 12 NAD- Grant Applications 1967-1969
27 1 NAD- Grant Applications 1967-1969
27 2 NAD- Grant Applications 1972-1973
27 3 NAD- Grant Applications 1974
27 4 NAD- Halex House Corresp. 1971-1973
27 5 NAD- History n.d.
27 6 NAD- Home Office- Board Letters 1964-1966
27 7 NAD- Home Office- Information 1967-1976
27 8 NAD- Home Office Notes 1968-1974
27 9 NAD- Honorary Board 1970
28 1 NAD- Illinois Assn o/t Deaf Convention 1970
28 2 NAD-Indiana Assn o/t Deaf Convention 1969
28 3 NAD- Indiana School f/t Deaf Graduation Speech 1970
28 4 NAD- Insurance Programs 1968-1971
28 5 NAD- Jr. NAD 1972-1974
28 6 NAD- Jr. NAD 1972-1974
28 7 NAD- Jr. NAD- Correspondence 1971-1974
28 8 NAD- Jr. NAD Newsletters and Releases 1968-1973
28 9 NAD- Knights of Flying Fingers Awards 1970
28 10 NAD- Leadership Workshop, Utah 1968-1970
28 11 NAD- Members of Gov’s Cte on Employ of HC 1970
28 12 NAD- Michigan Assn o/t Deaf Convention 1967-1968
28 13 NAD- Midwestern Regional Deaf Youth Leadership, IN 1968
29 1 Miss Deaf America Pageant- Handbook 1986
29 2 NAD- National Census of the Deaf Corr.& Minutes 1969-1971
29 3 NAD- National Rehabilitation Association 1965-1969
29 4 NAD-NTID Policy 1970
29 5 NAD- NYU Board of Advisors 1968-1972
29 6 NAD- News Releases 1972-1976
29 7 NAD- Newsletters 1969-1976
29 8 NAD- Northern Ill. Univ. Institute on Deafness 1976
29 9 NAD- Notes for Speeches 1968
29 10 NAD-Oberlin College 1972
29 11 NAD- Office Policies and Equipment 1970
29 12 NAD- Ohio Problem-re: Oralism in Day Schools Corr. 1971-1975
29 13 NAD- Ohio Problem-re: Oralism in Day Schools Info 1970-1973
29 14 NAD- Ohio Workshop on Rehab and Ed of the Deaf 1970
29 15 NAD- Ohio Workshop- Serv to Adult Deaf 1971
29 16 NAD- Operation Tripod Workshop 1973
29 17 NAD- Oral Deaf Adults Section of AGBAD, Inc 1969-1970
30 1 NAD- PSAD Convention 1969
30 2 NAD- Policy and Guidelines 1966-1973
30 3 NAD- President’s Letters- Copies 1972-1973
30 4 NAD- President’s Memos to the Board 1972-1974
30 5 NAD- President’s Messages for Deaf American 1968-1971
30 6 NAD- President Sanderson’s Board Letters 1967
30 7 NAD- President Sanderson’s Board Letters 1968
30 8 NAD- President Sanderson’s Corresp. General 1967-1968
30 9 NAD- Project Support Gallaudet College 1970-1971
30 10 NAD- Region II Conference 1983
30 11 NAD- Region Conference and Fulton Revisited Packet 1984
30 12 NAD- Rehab and Ed of Deaf Persons Regional Conf. 1969-1970
31 1 NAD- Research Corp of the Deaf Land Investment 1970
31 2 NAD- Salary Schedules 1970
31 3 NAD- Sec-Treasurer Condensation letters 1968-1971
31 4 NAD- Sign Language Director Position 1967-1968
31 5 NAD- Social Ministry Material- Packet on Deaf 1961
31 6 NAD- South Carolina Assn o/t Deaf Conv 1967
31 7 NAD- State Assn Corresp. 1968-1971
31 8 NAD- State Assn Corresp 1968-1973
31 9 NAD- Stocks- Corresp 1966-1971
31 10 NAD- TTY Conversations 1970
31 11 NAD- TTY Conversations 1970
32 1 NAD- Texas Assn o/t Deaf Conv. 1971
32 2 NAD- Tours 1970-1971
32 3 NAD- United Serv for HC 1967-1970
32 4 NAD- Ways and Means 1964-1967
32 5 NAD- Ways and Means Cte. Reports 1965-1967
32 6 NAD- Ways and Means Corresp 1963-1966
32 7 NAD- Ways and Means Corresp 1963-1967
32 8 NAD- Ways and Means Letters 1967
32 9 West VA Assn o/t Deaf Conv. Corresp 1972
32 10 NAD- Western Deaf Youth Leadership Wkshp. 1971
32 11 NAD- Workshop on Cont. Ed. For Deaf Adults 1969
32 12 NAD- Workshop on Est. Needs & Prof Serv. f/t Deaf 1971
32 13 NAD- Workshop to Activate Int. Serv f/t Deaf 1966
33 1 TDI- First Intl Conv. Chicago 1974
33 2 TDI- Second Intl Conv. 1977 1976-1977
33 3 TDI- Third Conv. Atlanta- Awards 1977-1979
33 4 Fourth Intl. Conv. Kansas 1981
33 5 TDI- Fifth Intl Conv- Philadelphia 1983
33 6 TDI- Sixth Conv Las Vegas 1985 1984-1985
33 7 TDI- Seventh Intl Conv. NJ 1987
33 8 TDI- TTY Communications Corresp. 1969-1972
34 1 TDI- Corresp and Reports 1977-1987
34 2 TDI- Reports 1978-1983
34 3 TDI- Board Meeting- Minutes 1981-1985
34 4 TDI- Board Meeting- Minutes 1983-1985
34 5 TDI- Board Meeting- Memos 1979-1987
34 6 TDI- Board of Directors- Public Relations Wkshp. 1986
34 7 TDI- By Laws 1977-1989
34 8 TDI- By Laws Revisions 1975-1976
34 9 TDI- Chapters 1979- 1985
35 1 TDI- Constitution and By Laws of the Chapters 1975-1976
35 2 TDI- Contracts 1978-1987
35 3 TDI- Correspondence re: TTY 1968-1969
35 4 TDI- Correspondence 1976-1979
35 5 TDI- Correspondence 1976-1982
35 6 TDI- Correspondence 1976-1982
35 7 TDI- Correspondence 1981-1983
35 8 TDI- Correspondence 1983
35 9 TDI- Correspondence 1984
35 10 TDI- Correspondence 1984-1985
35 11 TDI- Correspondence 1985
35 12 TDI- Correspondence 1986
36 1 TDI- Correspondence 1986-1987
36 2 TDI- Correspondence and Reports 1987-1988
36 3 TDI-Council of Organizational Rep. 1986
36 4 TDI-Date Information on Chapters 1984
36 5 TDI-EIA Standards Project PN 1663 TDD 1985
36 6 TDI-Employee Complaint 1984
36 7 TDI-Expenses 1977-1987
36 8 TDI-Ex. Director 1985-1986
36 9 TDI-Financial Reports 1978-1983
36 10 TDI-Financial Reports 1979-1981
36 11 TDI-Financial Reports 1979-1988
36 12 TDI-Financial Reports 1984-1988
36 13 TDI- First National Agents Conf. 1971
37 1 TDI- General 1979-1986
37 2 TDI- Greater Wash. Area TTY Listing 1977
37 3 TDI- How to Operate the No. 28 Teletypewriter 1957
37 4 TDI- Inventory List n.d.
37 5 TDI-Lawsuit-NFSS Inc 1987
37 6 TDI-Letter from David W. Myers 1984
37 7 TDI-Letters and Reports re: Travers 1986-1987
37 8 TDI-Membership Survey 1986
37 9 TDI-Memos 1978-1982
37 10 TDI-Memos and Letters re By Law Revision Cte. 1974-1976
37 11 TDI-Memos- Board 1983-1986
37 12 TDI- Minutes 1976-1979
37 13 TDI- Minutes and Reports 1976-1981
38 1 TDI- Minutes and Reports 1976-1981
38 2 TDI- Minutes and Reports 1979-1987
38 3 TDI- Minutes 1980-1981
38 4 TDI- Minutes and Reports 1983-1986
38 5 TDI- Mutual Alliance Plan 1977-1978
38 6 TDI- NCI 1982-1984
38 7 TDI- Nomination and Search Committees 1980-1987
38 8 TDI- Norman L. Davis re: R.H. Weitbrecht 1983-1984
38 9 TDI- Policies and Guidelines 1980-1985
38 10 TDI- Technology for Sensory Devices for Deaf & HH 1986
38 11 TDI- TTY Conversations 1983-1984
38 12 TDI- TTY Conversations 1983-1987
39 1 TDI- TTY Conversations 1984-1987
39 2 TDI- TTY Conversations 1985
39 3 TDI- TTY Conversations 1986-1987
39 4 TDI- TTY Conversations n.d.
39 5 TDI- Transition Committee 1981-1982
39 6 TDI- Voting Guidelines 1981-1983
39 7 TDI- Workshop on Telephone Communic f/ Deaf People 1975
39 8 504 Regulations 1976-1981
39 9 Adult Education- Deaf 1966-1977
39 10 AGB Assn f/t Deaf, Inc 1964-1970
39 11 AAAD 1969-1994
39 12 American Deafness and Rehab Assn. 10th Conf 1985
39 13 ADRA, Inc Membership Certificates 1978
39 14 Burke, Douglas J.N. re: VR 1968
39 15 Constitution and By Laws of Organizations 1963-1990
40 1 COSD 1970-1972
40 2 COSD- Forum 1969-1972
40 3 Deaf Drivers 1968
40 4 DIP-IN Newsletters 1975-1980
40 5 Deaf Peddler’s Booklet n.d.
40 6 Deafness Research and Training Center 1973
40 7 Gallaudet College- Installation of E.C. Merrill 1969
40 8 Gallaudet College Alumni Assn. Corresp 1956
40 9 House Bill 254- Relay Services 1990-1991
40 10 Letter- Abernathy to Conkling re: Ohio Deaf 1965
40 11 Letter- Marshall, Marvin re: RID 1993
40 12 NCI 1982-1988
40 13 National Conf. on Ed. Of the Deaf 1967
40 14 NFSD 1965-1982
40 15 NFSD- In Search of Dynamic First Principles 1964
40 16 NFSD- Akron Division 1986-1991
40 17 NFSD- Akron Division #33- 50th Ann. Banquet 1965
40 18 NFSD- Corresp- Arthur Roberts 1955
40 19 NFSD-Ohio- Akron Aux Div Corresp 1961-1963
41 1 National Theatre of the Deaf 1970-1973
41 2 National Training Session on the Rehab of the Deaf 1975-1976
41 3 Newsletter “Chatterbox” Cleveland Hebrew Assn. Deaf 1968
41 4 Newsletter- Ohio Deaf Episcopalian 1975
41 5 Ohio Univ. Communication Week 1972-1973
41 6 Oregon Assn f/t Deaf, Inc 1972
41 7 President’s Committee on Employ of the HC 1968-1988
41 8 President’s Committee on Employ of the HC 1984-1986
41 9 Program Books-General 1964-1976
41 10 Sign Language Classes 1973-1979
42 1 State VR Meetings and Letters 1960-1964
42 2 US Civil Service Commission 1968
42 3 US Dept of HEW Advisory Cte on Ed o/t Deaf 1964-1965
42 4 US Dept of HEW Advisory Cte on Ed o/t Deaf 1964-1965
42 5 US Dept of HEW Advisory Cte on Soc. Sec. Conf. 1972-1973
42 6 Workshop on Improved Voc. Op. for the Deaf 1964
42 7 Workshop on Interp f/t Deaf- Ball State 1964
42 8 Workshop on Young Deaf Adults-WIS 1964
43 1 1136 7th St. NE Property 1995
43 2 Appointment Book 1983
43 3 Articles on Robert O. Lankenau 1942-1981
43 4 Articles on Robert O. Lankenau 1943-1983
43 5 Certificates 1933-1937
43 6 Corresp- Personal 1961-1972
43 7 Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. 1965-1982
43 8 Graduation Speech 1937
43 9 Jokes n.d.
43 10 Kappa Gamma Fraternity 1975-1997
43 11 Lankenau, Keller, Rudolph Cottages Dedication 1979
43 12 Letter- Kreigh B. Ayers 1943
43 13 Letter- James I. Farley 1937
43 14 Letter and Poems- Felix Kowalewski 1984
43 15 Letters 1990-1998
43 16 Midwest Deaf Ladies Gold Assn 1965-1972
43 17 Newspaper clippings 1968-1971
43 18 Personal 1972-1978
44 1 Personal 1935-1989
44 2 Personal Stone River- Civil War n.d.
44 3 Speeches in Michigan 1978
44 4 Telegram- KB Ayers to Arnold Dauton 1941
44 5 TTY Conversations 1984-1985
44 6 TTY Messages and Mailgram 1976-1980
44 7 US Senate Restaurant Menu with corticate of FDR 1942

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