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MSS 144 Gallaudet University Alumni Association, est. 1889 Collection of Gallaudet University Alumni Association, 1922-1967 Gallaudet University Archives Descriptive Summary Repository: Gallaudet University Archives Call No.: MSS 144 Creator: Title: Collection of Gallaudet University Alumni Association, 1922-1967 Quantity: 0.5 Linear Feet (1 document box) Abstract: Note: This document last updated 2005 December 7. Administrative Information Acquisition Information: The Gallaudet College Alumni Association Collection was given to the Gallaudet University Archives. The gift was made in the 1990s. Processed by: Octavian Robinson. 2004 November 24. Processing Note: Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research. Related Material in the Archives: See Library catalog Historical Sketch The Gallaudet College Alumni Association was established in 1889. The association got its start with the unveiling of Daniel Chester French’s sculpture of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Alice Cogswell. This statue was a gift from the alumni and friends of the College. The day after the unveiling, the alumni who had gathered for the unveiling met to establish an alumni association. In 1893, when the Columbia Institution changed its name to Gallaudet College in honor of T.H. Gallaudet, the alumni played a large role. The alumni continued to make waves on Kendall Green. One example is the generous donation of $50,000 for a memorial building in honor of Edward M. Gallaudet. In 1967, to keep up with the alumni, the College opened an alumni office on campus and hired a full-time director to oversee its daily operations. Thousands of alumni return to Kendall Green to visit their alma mater every year. Homecoming serves as a great occasion for their reunions. In 1989, more than 1,000 alumni visited for the association’s centennial reunion. The Gallaudet University Alumni Association currently boasts a membership of 15,000+ alumni. Scope and Content The collection consists only of a bound volume of the original Gallaudet University Alumni Association Board Minutes from May 18, 1922 to January 27, 1967. Names include Agatha Tiegel Hanson, Tom Lewis Anderson, John B. Hotchkiss, Jay Cooke Howard, and other prominent Gallaudet Alumni involved in the association. Series Descriptions and Folder Lists No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Board Minutes 1922-1967

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