Areas of Study

MSS 167

Francis C. Higgins, 1913-2000

Collection of Francis Cole Higgins, 1783 – 1996

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary

Repository: Gallaudet University Archives

Call No.: MSS 167


Title: Collection of Francis C. Higgins, 1783 – 1996.

Quantity: 4.5 Linear Feet (9 document boxes).


Note: This document last updated 2008 July 2.

Administrative Information

Acquisition Information: Francis C. Higgins donated his papers periodically between 1995 and 1996.

Processed by: Michael J. Olson, 2008.

Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.

Related Material in the Archives:

See ALADIN for a full listing Films

  • Recruitment project – [Chemistry class, displaying of TTY] [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 338-4
  • Recruitment project – [Chemistry class] [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 339-4
  • Dedication of Hughes Memorial Gymnasium (I) [motion picture] Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 402-4
  • Edward Miner Gallaudet Statue Dedication [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 139-4.
  • [Guests at the Unveiling of the Edward Miner Gallaudet statue] [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 139-4.
  • Higgins Triplets [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 156-4
  • Life on campus [motion picture]. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Deaf Film 1-4


  • Francis C. Higgins [picture] Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: Portraits.


  • Papers, Francis Cole Higgins, 1970-1980. Gallaudet University Archives, Call Number: SMSS

Biographical Sketch

Francis Cole Higgins was born on September 23, 1913 in Flemington, New Jersey. He became deaf at 3 years old due to an unknown cause. Francis Higgins attended the Flemington, New Jersey Grammar School. He completed his studies there in 1927 and then attended the New Jersey School for the Deaf until 1931. Higgins then earned his Bachelor of Science degree at Gallaudet College in 1936 and then his Master of Science from Rutgers in 1938. He spent the next nine years teaching at the Kentucky School for the Deaf then taught Chemistry and other science courses at Gallaudet College until his retirement in 1983. He taught for 3 more years at the Northwest Campus on a volunteer basis.
Higgins married in 1939 to Catherine Bronson of Alabama. They had five children, including a set of triplets. He was actively involved in the Baptist Church of the Deaf in Washington, DC where he served as lay leader for more than forty years. He has also been actively involved in the Kentucky Chapter of the Gallaudet College Alumni Association as well as the GCAA itself. He has earned numerous recognitions including Man of the Year Award from Alpha Sigma Pi, Man of Merit from Delta Epsilon, awards from the National Fraternal Society of the Deaf, Tower Clock, and religious organizations. He died on February 14, 2000.

Scope and Content

The Collection of Francis C. Higgins consists of letters; copies of documents related to deaf people; booklets; notebooks; program books; poems; articles; minutes of meetings; and certificates.

The collection, which consists of approximately 7,650 pages, dates from 1783 to 1996. The bulk of the collection consists of copies of documents related to the history of deaf people, especially on deaf artists. Francis C. Higgins spent his free time research on the history of deaf people. The bulk dates are mostly between 1980 and 1986 during at that time Higgins researched and wrote to different historical societies and libraries for inquires information on deaf people. In this collection there are several folders related to religion that Higgins was involved in. He wrote a history of Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf and also included in this collection there are two minutes books related to the church.

Series Descriptions

Series I: General Files

Box 1 (Folder 1) – Box 7 (Folder 5) 1783 -1996

Francis C. Higgins collected many copies of documents related to the history of deaf people and wrote some articles. There are copies of information on deaf artists. Included in this collection are two minutes book of the Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf from 1916 to 1980; and letters and program book of the National Association of the Deaf Convention held in Kentucky in 1946.

Series II: Gallaudet University Files

Box 7 (Folder 6) – Box 8 (Folder 11) 1864 -1990

There are copies of documents related to the history of Gallaudet University. Higgins was a faculty member of Gallaudet University and there are some faculty papers included. He wrote interesting questions about the history of Kendall Green. The minutes and letters related to the Laurent Clerc Cultural Fund are included in this collection.

Series III: Personal Files

Box 9 (Folders 1 – 22) 1931-1987

There are some letters Higgins received from several writers related to the history of deaf people. A biography of Higgins is included. In this collection, Higgins wrote his journals of his journey to some counties with Gallaudet students.

Folder Lists

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Abbe de L’Epee 1803-1986
1 2 Abbe Sicard 1925-1984
1 3 Albert Newsam 1864-1984
1 4 Alden Fletcher Osgood 1912-1980
1 5 American Deaf Artists 1877-1983
1 6 American Deaf Artists 1897-1994
1 7 Bibliography of Religious Materials Suitable for Use with the Deaf 1967
1 8 Biographies 1842-1979
1 9 Book Lists 1975-1985
1 10 Books on the Deaf – complied by Francis C. Higgins n.d.
1 11 Calendar Facts about Deaf People n.d.
1 12 Calvary Baptist Church – Deaf Department – Secretary’s Book 1916-1959
2 1 Calvary Baptist Church – Deaf Department – Secretary’s Book 1960-1980
2 2 Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf 1951-1970
2 3 Charles Willson Peale’s Letters to General George Weedon 1784-1983
2 4 Deaf Artists 1919-1983
2 5 Deaf Artists 1897-1985
2 6 Deaf Community Study – Form n.d.
2 7 Deaf Founders of Schools for the Deaf 1947
2 8 Deaf Action Week 1977-1978
2 9 Deaf Scientists 1975
2 10 Deaf Scientists 1903-1986
2 11 Deaf Writers 1893-1982
2 12 Deafness in Literature – complied by Francis C. Higgins 1947-1957
2 13 A Directory of Religious Films for the Deaf 1974
2 14 Drama – Deaf 1984
2 15 Early History on Deaf and Dumb 1842-1971
3 1 Edmund Booth by Loy E. Golladay n.d.
3 2 Education of the Deaf and Dumb 1846
3 3 Edward C. Bruce 1859-1986
3 4 Eugene Elmer Hannan 1903-1984
3 5 Exemplary Deaf Teachers of the Deaf by Leon Auerbach n.d.
3 6 Foreign Deaf Artists 1835-1986
3 7 Fowler Home in Guilford, Connecticut 1983
3 8 Francis Green 1864-1901
3 9 From Aristotle to Gallaudet 1972-1988
3 10 Gallaudet Memorial Window in Hartford, Connecticut 1913
3 11 Gallaudet Monument 1854
3 12 George Draper Osgood 1909-1983
3 13 Hard of Hearing People – complied by Francis C. Higgins 1948
3 14 “Have You Tried Talking with Patty?” – A Review n.d.
3 15 Heinrich von Treischke 1914-1980
3 16 Henry Winter Syle 1890-1976
3 17 A History of the Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf 1985
3 18 The History of the Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf – Manuscripts with photos 1985
3 19 Home of Dr. Edward Miner Gallaudet in Hartford, Connecticut 1922
3 20 An Index to Biographies of Deaf Persons in Silent Worker and Deaf American 1948-1982
4 1 Indians of North America Sign Language 1941
4 2 Information about the Deaf in England n.d.
4 3 Jacob Rodriques Pereira 1929-1974
4 4 John Carlin 1864-1974
4 5 John Kitto 1845-1985
4 6 John Robertson Burnet 1975
4 7 Juliette Gordon Low 1978-1979
4 8 Laurent Clerc 1976-1985
4 9 Laurent Clerc 1851-1985
4 10 Laurent Clerc 1848-1988
4 11 Laurent Clerc Bicentennial Anniversary 1985
4 12 A List of Articles on the Deaf n.d.
4 13 List of Materials – complied by Francis C. Higgins 1945-1950
4 14 List of Records and Historical Objects in the Museum at the American School 1981
5 1 Lydia Huntley Sigourney 1845-1938
5 2 Manual Alphabet Cards 1940-1996
5 3 Manual Communication Booklet 1977
5 4 Mason Fitch Cogswell n.d.
5 5 Mason Fitch Cogswell and Alice Cogswell 1845-1986
5 6 National Association of the Deaf 20th Triennial Convention – Program and notes 1946
5 7 National Association of the Deaf 20th Triennial Convention – Letters 1945-1946
5 8 National Literary Society of the Deaf 65th Anniversary 1972
5 9 National Literary Society of the Deaf 75th Anniversary 1982
5 10 New Jersey School for the Deaf 1848-1988
5 11 Notes on Buildings n.d.
5 12 Notes on Deaf People n.d.
5 13 On the Accomplishments of Some Deaf Women 1969
5 14 The Origin of the Sign Language 1856-1958
5 15 Papers on Teaching Science to the Deaf 1970-1978
5 16 Papers on the Deaf in Science 1971-1979
6 1 Peter B. Gulick 1896-1975
6 2 The Pioneer Spirit of the Deaf 1952-1963
6 3 Poems 1948
6 4 Poems by or about the Deaf in The Silent Worker 1888-1929
6 5 Program Books 1952-1969
6 6 Program Books 1970-1987
6 7 Religion – Deaf 1963-1972
6 8 Successful Deaf People – complied by Francis C. Higgins n.d.
6 9 Rev. Thomas Gallaudet 1901-1975
6 10 Rutha Curtiss Hesley 1972-1983
6 11 Signs in Deaf Mute Education 1867
6 12 Spanish Deaf 1920-1974
6 13 Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet 1852-1987
6 14 Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet 1848-1985
7 1 Walter Geikie 1834-1985
7 2 Wells Louet Hill 1899-1929
7 3 William W. Beadell 1931-1975
7 4 William Mercer 1783-1983
7 5 William Mercer 1983-1989
7 6 Committees of the Gallaudet Faculty 1968-1981
7 7 Contact Program for Gallaudet Graduate Students 1971-1972
7 8 Deaf Heritage Contest – Deaf Way I 1989
7 9 Deaf President Now 1988
7 10 District of Columbia Chapter, Gallaudet College Alumni Association – ByLaws 1955-1990
7 11 Edward Miner Gallaudet Statue Evaluation Committee 1967-1968
7 12 Ephphatha Bible Class (Baptist) Gallaudet College – Constitution 1965
7 13 Gallaudet College Alumni Association Alumni House Committee 1966-1967
7 14 Gallaudet College and Poems of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and the College 1864-1984
7 15 Gallaudet College Hall of Fame 1973
7 16 Gallaudet Day 1951-1987
8 1 German Exchange Program 1981
8 2 History of Gallaudet College 1872-1986
8 3 Know Your Kendall Green Questions 1970-1976
8 4 Laurent Clerc Cultural Fund – Minutes and Letters – Part 1 1975-1976
8 5 Laurent Clerc Cultural Fund – Minutes and Letters – Part 2 1971-1977
8 6 Learning English through Study Skills by Willard C. Madsen 1970
8 7 Lists of Films at Gallaudet 1966-1987
8 8 Quebec: A Fantastic Educational Experience by Mary Beth Ethridge 1986
8 9 Science Survey – Gallaudet College 1972
8 10 Theodore Dick – Cook at House One 1986
8 11 Walking Down Memory Lane with the Class of 1936 1931-1936
9 1 Articles written by Francis C. Higgins 1939-1976
9 2 Beside the Fire and other Poems by Thomas Tiplady 1938
9 3 Biography of Francis C. Higgins 1950-1987
9 4 Books written by Francis C. Higgins 1947-1950
9 5 Certificates 1933-1952
9 6 Diploma from Gallaudet University 1986
9 7 Family of Francis C. Higgins 1950-1985
9 8 Journals of Francis C. Higgins’ Travels 1976-1987
9 9 Kappa Gamma Fraternity 1973-1980
9 10 Letters 1943-1986
9 11 Letters – Buzzard, Henry L. 1974-1985
9 12 Letter – Cornett, R. Orin 1965
9 13 Letter – Fletcher, Rev. Robert C. 1969
9 14 Letters – Galloway, Victor 1952-1954
9 15 Letter – General Electric Company 1940
9 16 Letters – Groce, Nora re: Thomas Hart Benton 1986-1987
9 17 Letter – Kunkler, Jeanne 1947
9 18 Letter – Miss Gallaudet Pageant Committee 1973
9 19 Letter – Sampson, Robert C. re: Henry Winter Syle 1985
9 20 Letter – Santin, Mario 1980
9 21 Letters – Stevens, Kelly H. 1981-1982
9 22 Letter re: John Robert Gregg 1948

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