Areas of Study

MSS 116

Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf Collection of Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf, 1885-1985

Gallaudet University Archives

Descriptive Summary
Repository: Gallaudet University Archives
Call No.: MSS 116
Title: Collection of Calvary Baptist Church of the Deaf, 1885-1985
Quantity: 0.5 Linear Feet (1 document box)
Note: This document last updated 2005 November 30.
Administrative Information
Acquisition Information:
Processed by: Michael Olson.
Processing Note: Octavian Robinson wrote the Historical Sketch and Scope and Content in October 2004.
Conditions on Use and Access: This collection is open to the public with no restrictions. Photocopies may be made for scholarly research.
Related Material in the Archives: See Library catalog

Historical Sketch

The mission was established in 1885 and was the first mission for the Deaf in the District of Columbia. For the first three years, Rev. Samuel Greene was the pastor, and the various school teachers, including Dr. Edward M. Gallaudet, served as interpreters. After 1888, It became too difficult to find interpreters, and the mission was discontinued. In 1908, the mission was re-established and continued with increased successes. Professor Arthur D. Bryant was the missions’ first ordained minister in 1911.

In 1949, Francis Higgins began preaching to deaf congregations and played a prominent role in the Church. Fellowship hour, Sunday School for adults and children, and other church activities were added throughout the years. In 1962, the mission created a scholarship fund for deaf students who wanted to prepare for the Baptist ministry. The mission published a history in 1985.

Scope and Content

This collection consists of banquet program books, crossword puzzles, newspaper clippings, history articles, and biographical information about Harley Drake, Francis Higgins, and Arthur D. Bryant who all played prominent roles in the mission. Most items are related to the 1985 centennial anniversary of the mission, including souvenirs from the centennial banquet. The items in this collection date from 1911-1985. The centennial history booklet provides interesting photos, membership lists, and biographies of individuals involved with the mission. This booklet is perhaps the most interesting item in the collection.

Series Descriptions and Folder Lists

No Series

Box Folder Title of Folder Date
1 1 Banquet Program Book with Souvenir 1985
1 2 Arthur D. Bryant 1911-1937
1 3 Crossword Puzzle n.d.
1 4 Dr. Harley Drake 1929-1963
1 5 Francis Higgins 1969-1978
1 6 History 1885-1985
1 7 Newspapers/Newspaper Clippings 1923-1956

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