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American Sign Language Prof...
ASLPI Preparation
ASLPI Proficiency Levels
Fowler Hall 410
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Except for LEVEL 5, the ASLPI proficiency level received may include the assignment of a plus value (+). This does not represent a midway point between two levels, but may be inferred to indicate that the examinee exceeds the requirements for a particular level but does not satisfy in all respects the requirements of the next higher level.
Signers at this proficiency level are able to communicate with accuracy and fluency in order to participate fully and effectively in conversations on a wide variety of topics, both formal and informal and from concrete and abstract perspectives. They discuss their interests and special fields of competence, explain complex matters, and provide lengthy and coherent narrations, all with ease and impromptu detail. They present their opinions on issues and provide structured arguments to support those opinions. They are able to construct and develop hypotheses to explore alternative possibilities. They demonstrate no pattern of error in the use of basic structures, although they may make sporadic errors, particularly in low-frequency structures and in complex high-frequency structures. Such errors, if they do occur, do not distract or interfere with communication. They are able to use the language consistently with accuracy, complexity, flexibility and intuition and incorporate depth and breadth of vocabulary, and pertinent culture references. Comprehension is excellent across a broad spectrum of topics, which includes fully understanding both what is stated, as well as what is inferred.
Signers at this proficiency level are able to demonstrate spontaneous elaboration on all familiar and most unfamiliar topics, however, there is incorporation of language patterns other than those of the target language. They are able to use an array of rhetoric (narration, description, argument, and hypothesis) with complex topics in paragraph-length discourse related to employment, current events, and matters of public and community interest. Although they command a good number of grammatical features, they are deficient in some areas such as cohesion, non-manual signals (NMS), and depiction. They are able to present information with sufficient accuracy, clarity, and vocabulary selection to convey intended meaning without misrepresentation or confusion. Comprehension is very good with demonstration of confidence in the discussion of most complex topics.
Signers at this proficiency level are able to express language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate in most familiar and unfamiliar topics about practical, social, and professional situations. They can discuss particular interests with reasonable ease. They demonstrate confidence discussing topics at the paragraph discourse level, but exhibit errors and breakdown when in-depth elaboration and detail is requested. Occasional groping for vocabulary can be present. There is good control of grammar but there are some noticeable imperfections and errors which may interfere with understanding. They tend to function reactively by responding to direct questions or requests for information. They are capable of asking a variety of questions when needed to gather information pertaining to certain situations. They may combine and recombine known language elements to create short paragraph length responses. Their language contains pauses and self-corrections as they search for adequate vocabulary and language forms. Comprehension is often accurate with highly familiar and predictable topics although misunderstandings may occur.
Signers at this proficiency level are able to express uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward practical and social situations. They demonstrate the ability to elaborate on concrete and familiar topics (e.g., current events, work, family, autobiographical) with some confidence. They can also discuss with hesitancy some unfamiliar topics, relying on learned phrases, recombinations, and circumlocution. Sentences are discrete and are influenced by language patterns other than those of the target language with noticeable errors, ranging from occasional to considerable, affecting clarity. They may display self-repair ability. They are able to respond to simple, direct questions or requests for basic information. Their responses are short and may leave sentences incomplete. If asked to handle a variety of topics, accuracy cannot be maintained. Comprehension is good with familiar topics but frequent repetition and/or rephrasing are needed with unfamiliar topics.
Signers at this proficiency level are able to manage a number of uncomplicated communicative tasks in straightforward practical situations. Conversation is restricted to some concrete exchanges and predictable topics necessary for survival. Due to influence by non-target language, short sentences are primarily used which are sometimes inaccurate and/or incomplete in the present. Language may be hesitant, inaccurate or recombined. Limited vocabulary is apparent and memorized phrases at the elementary level are demonstrated (e.g., routine travel needs, minimum courtesy requirements, work, school, pets, hobbies). They resort to repetitive vocabulary or short utterances. They demonstrate sporadic confidence with frequent groping for vocabulary. They can understand simple questions and statements, but slowed communication and extralinguistic support are needed from the interviewer. Comprehension requires frequent repetition but misunderstanding may still occur.
Signers at this proficiency level demonstrate no functional language ability and may be unintelligible. Given adequate time and familiar cues, they may be able to exchange greetings, provide limited background information, and identify a number of familiar objects from their immediate environment. They use memorized vocabulary. In the absence of needed vocabulary, they resort to fingerspelling or silence. Comprehension is limited or almost non-existent even with the most simplified and slow communication.
American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)