Areas of Study


The Academic Intervention Team (AIT) is comprised of members specifically from the Academic & Career Success, Student Affairs and the Faculty.

The Gallaudet University Academic Intervention Team centralizes academic-related incident information to identify patterns of concerning academic performance and coordinate early intervention across campus units to support students in poor academic standing. The Team has three major tasks: 1) monitoring students who are at risk of academic probation, 2) reviewing and monitoring current students on academic probation and their “academic probation contract” to ensure that they are getting appropriate support, and 3) determination of academic suspension from the University if they fail to comply with their academic probation contract.


This Committee has the following authority:

  • Prior to the start of an academic semester, identify a list of students classified as “at-risk” and develop a strategy to ensure they are getting the appropriate resources needed
  • Weekly meetings to monitor current students who are in danger of being on academic probation and those who are currently on academic probation to ensure their progress in meeting the benchmarks set forth in their academic probation contract
  • Review the 2-week attendance report, 4-week progress report and midterm reports to identify students who might be in danger of being on academic probation
  • Partner with Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) to cross collaborate student support across both Committees
  • Continue to build a strong network of resources of academic support for our students
  • Determine formal academic suspension of a student from the University for failing to comply with their academic probation contract or attendance and performance expectations as outlined in the Student Academic Catalog


Name Title / Role
Roberto Sanchez Dean of Academic & Career Success
Jerri Lyn Dorminy Director, Student Success
Miako Villanueva Faculty/General Education Representative
Roberta Daniels Faculty/General Education Representative
Andrew Schewe Director of Residence Life and Housing/Student Affairs

Updated August 2019

Contact Us

Office of the President

College Hall 208

(202) 250-2837

(202) 651-5005

9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm
9:00 am-5:00 pm

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